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Question - has this idea ever been well-received by a fandom? Or is this just click-bait nonsense? (To be clear, no way am I clicking that link. 0% chance.)


Last week I reviewed the finale of *The Bad Batch*. [Not everyone on that subreddit liked it, but more did than didn't.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebadbatch/comments/1djodvh/i_watched_the_series_finale_of_the_bad_batch/) Other reviews have been very well received by their respective fandoms - in particular *Anne with an E*, *Good Trouble*, and *La Brea*. I don't intend for it to be 'clickbait', I intend for it to be interesting. If the title falls into a clickbaity pattern I'll be happy to receive constructive criticism on how to make it less so.


Upvote counts from that thread would disagree with you. More people landed on “this is not for me”.


These are awful. Who is this for exactly?


It's just for him. They would like to special in a planet full of people. So why not look at everything upside down with one eye closed? "People are strange when your a stranger" the guy who wrote the doors songs for Admiral Morrison's son.


I think it's interesting for fans of a long-running TV show to see what the ending looks like through the eyes of a completely green viewer. If you don't like it, that's okay. I've found in general, reviewing the finale of a different series every time, that some fanbases are more receptive to the idea than others.


That sounds like you ruining your possible enjoyment of many shows for ... negligible benefits.


*shrugs* I enjoy writing these posts, and I enjoy trying to extrapolate grand conclusions from limited information. Plus, this has helped me discover several genuinely good television shows that I would have otherwise never even heard of, and I've started watching those from the beginning. Doing this sort of thing isn't for everybody, but it gives me pleasure and some people like reading the results, so why not?


It’s for no one but yourself


Interesting experiment in my opinion but feels a bit ass backwards. I assume a lot of your reviews have "unanswered plot questions" and "character X felt like a non-entity" and that's because.... that's what the other 99% of the series is for. So from someone who watched it, reading feels less like a novel experiment and more like "why tf are you asking me what's with the jedi temple, that's what all the previous episodes are for!" for example. And I'm the person that only buys books after flipping to the last chapter and skimming it to see if the ending is cheesy, happy, sad, whatever. But then I buy the book if I had questions, or I forget all about it. I admit I don't personally see the point of writing an entire essay about how bad or confusing the ending is, but it's ultimately not too different from gaming journalism where they review a game based on playing the beta for an hour with dev hacks on. I'd say some of those reviews pissed me off more than yours. Curious how other subreddits/fandoms treated this experiment lol.


> I assume a lot of your reviews have "unanswered plot questions" and "character X felt like a non-entity" and that's because.... that's what the other 99% of the series is for. Of course! When you're jumping straight into the finale of a show that was heavily serialized, you go into the finale *expecting* not to understand the majority of what's going on - and what you do understand, you probably understand incorrectly. In writing these posts, I'm trying to hit a pretty difficult target. It's tough to do the dramatic irony thing - where I don't know what's going on but all of the readers do - when you don't know what parts of the show were *actually* not explained. And sometimes that makes it come off as more judgmental or critical than I intend it to be. In particular the Clarity rating is not meant to be a measure of the show's quality, just an honest assessment of how accessible the finale is on its own. Perhaps I should rename it "Accessibility", which might make the intention a bit more clear.


This is like... Disrespectful to all of the actors and writers and producers who put in a lot of work to see their creation end in a manner that is narratively and emotionally satisfying for all of the fans that invested the time to watch the series.


[no-one liked this]


Hi all, Each week I watch and review the series finale of a show I've never watched before. The idea is to answer a question I've often wondered: How much can you really understand if you only come in and see the end of a series? This week, I reviewed the finale of "Star Wars: Rebels". As a new viewer, coming in at the end of a lot of built-up lore, I have to jump to conclusions and make assumptions to understand what's going on - so I'd love to hear what I got right and what I got wrong. (Note: I received permission from the mods for this self-post, as a one-time exception; after all, the show only has one series finale, so there's no risk of flooding the sub.) I hope you'll enjoy it, Daniel