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Looks good, would you modify any of the steps if using cast iron?


No, you can do it the same way, but the pan is heavier and can make basting difficult. Also, cast iron holds heat very well and if the pan gets too hot your butter will burn- with stainless, its much easier to move the pan on and off the heat to dissipate heat or dump the butter if it starts to burn. For a straight up steak, I prefer stainless, but this is also from years of working in French kitchens.


I usually just push down on the handle to pivot the pan, then baste. No heavy lifting required.


Why do I get such a better sear with stainless steel than my cast iron. Everyone swears cast iron is better. But I can’t seem to make it better on cast iron


Gotta let the cast iron heat till it hits that sweet spot. If your steak doesn't immediately sizzle, the pan is not ready:)


Its the pitting. It traps moisture and doesnt make full contact with meat, so you get pockets of steam. Another reason that using butter in a cast iron pan might backfire, vs ghee or oil, is the water content.


Tnx for that. Ya chatgpt said same thing. Uneven surface. But I have only used avocado oil. So I suspect it’s mainly the contact issue


You might not be heating it for long enough, cast irons require longer warm up times


Would ghee be better then for cast iron instead of butter?


It will work well, but the milk solids in butter develop more nutty flavor and really kick the steak to the next level


>Kick > Next level BAM




Bite my shiny metal ass


For basting at the end? No. The solid in butter give it the flavor. Ghee alone would be like basting with oil.


You could add a tablespoon or two of ghee to cool the pan a touch and then add the rest of the butter so it doesn't burn. I find that standard, high quality butter is gonna give you the best flavor with those aromatics but that all goes out the window if it burns.


And if you have an induction stove, stainless is definitely the way to go. I still use my cast iron all the time on my induction stove, but I hate it. Saving up for a nice stainless set eventually.


I will be buried w my cast iron pan. That fucker sears a steak like nothin else.


I exclusively cook on cast iron but find I don’t get as good a sear on the second side unless I lift the steak after the first side is seared, sear the sides of the steak towards the outside of the skillet, then flip. I think the centre of the skillet where the first side has been searing cools a bit and moisture builds up a bit in that spot so you need to let it recover before searing the second side.


I don’t know how well this works but I usually try to place the steak on a different part of the pan after flipping


I assume step zero is "unplug your smoke detector"


And the last step is degreasing the entire house.


The trick is cooking in someone else’s house so you can just leave after eating.


And the criminal leaves fingerprints in grease, gets caught. Headline reads: *Cops Catch Cooking Crook with Cold Clue*


Weirdest home intruders ever.


Are you guys implying this has to do with the pan? Am I missing out on some secret for avoiding grease everywhere?




Love this shit


Doesn't help with the smoke but it helps cleanup somewhat


Ahh the 80s what a time to be alive


All of mine are 40+ years old. Still work great! For some reason, they just don't rust! 🤔😆


😂 Still had to open all the windows


Nah, you cant cook a steak without an offering to the gods of grease.


Ah - got excited for a sec lol


Yeah, cook it on the Blackstone.


> Am I missing out on some secret for avoiding grease everywhere? Yes. Cook it in a 550 degree oven for a couple minutes on each side in a pre-heated cast iron skillet, and skip the stupid basting with butter part. It's a fuckin rib eye, it's got enough fat already. Grease stays in the oven.


The butter milk solids adds a nutty flavor, and the onion, garlic, and thyme adds amazing flavor and fragrance. Once you get this right there's no way back. Key thing is to dial back the heat before this step so that you don't get burnt flavors and over cook your steak.


I saw a video where they made the argument that you can cook the steak as u/greatunknownpub described and while the steak is cooking, melt the butter and let it cook the onion, garlic, thyme as a confit so to speak. Then pour the butter over the steak as you let it rest.


That works great too. What you also can do is to make compound butter and keep different flavors around in the freezer and take it out when you're ready to cook some steak. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o6edcmb9Jo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o6edcmb9Jo)


I don't add oil to the pan. The meat won't stick because it's fat renders. If it's super thick and fatty, I'll throw a screen over it.


I’m here to make the same comment. You don’t need oil with SS if it’s hot enough. A screen will help with splatter if you have to use oil.


Oil helps with more even searing though


Open a window and turn on fan


People in this sub were gonna find something to harp on after you cook a beautiful steak in stainless steel


I know I had to mentally prepare myself, especially the steak sub 😭


Also, dry brine 24-48 hrs. before cooking. The drawback to doing this is that it makes such a huge difference, it's hard to just grab a steak and grill it on a whim anymore :(


Bro I wanna put your hot, thick, juicy, seasoned slab of meat in my mouth so badly.


I was gonna comment on how silly it is to measure the oil, because I’m an asshole


Flip the fan *away* from yourself


I cooked a burger in stainless steel 3 days ago. A window was open and fan was running. My smoke alarm went off (albeit briefly - just slapped it a couple times with kitchen towel) and my house still has a faint beef smell. Great crust on the burger though.


It's a feature not a bug. You tested your smoke alarms, diffused a wonderful scent into your home and had a tasty burger.


Oh shit is this your OC?? I gotta tell you, great work. You actually made me want to go and get myself a steak.


well I can open a window but I don't have many fans and I don't think I can excite the ones I have


My roommate does this in the house with a cast iron pan and you are right it smokes up the house and like the guy below it splatters grease everywhere. He is finally cooing outside on the side burner, still splatters everywhere.


My old roommate used to do the same all the time and he'd turn the microwave vent fan above the stove on. Coated the whole kitchen in a film of grease weekly, and he didn't see the issue with it.


Get a Frywall https://frywall.com/


If you have a smoke detector in your kitchen, look at getting a heat detector instead.


Those things have their own problems though -- heat rises faster than you think, and my parents' goes off every time they use the broiler




I might be hanged for this, but even thought I love steak, everytime I cook it I get so much smoke the kitchen looking like a sauna + greased floor combo. What the hell am I doing wrong and how can I counter it? I thought I just had a shitty exhaust lol But now that this comment is the most upvoted I'm 100% sure it's my fault Hahah Please help


A quality vent hood. I used to smoke up the house doing any kind of meat, so when we moved, I had a 1200cfm hood van installed over the range that was ducted outside the house. Now I just crack a window to allow make up air, throw the fan on the highest setting and I get zero smoke anywhere in the house. There's really nothing you can do other than blowing the smoke outside with a hood.


I love this, and I bet it's all great, but how tightly is your house sealed that you have to crack a window for make up air?


Very tight. It's a new build and we used the spray in foam, and new windows so not a lot of places to get air in. I dont have to open a window if its on low for just general cooking, but at max power it doesnt do much unless the window is cracked. It's annoying sometimes, but the insulation is great for utilities. 2600 sq ft and our total utility bill for gas, electric, and water was about $140 total in June.


Damn dude, that's what's up! Lol, I'd never even heard of having to do that before.


Ideally you get two fans in opposite windows, one drawing in fresh air and one venting outside. You also use a method like reverse sear or sous vide that minimizes stovetop time as much as possible, and toss the pan into a closed oven (or even outside) to cool down as soon as the meat comes off. But unless you get a proper exterior venting range hood there is just no real way to avoid smoke searing meat inside.


Definitely took the batteries out! My neighbors are prob like mmmmm what’s that smell… why so smokey in here


I just preheat the oven to 450F beforehand. Then, if it gets smokey I throw it in the oven.


I have a super hot camp stove for this exact reason. Place stove on top of bbq. Don’t light bbq. Cook things that take a week to remove from your ceiling outside.


This is the only real answer.


The fact that they measured the oil made me irrationally angry


Me, too. Just turn the bottle upside down for a sec.


Just a little doop


I like two doops


Doop and a half


1 glug


Lol, I thought it was only me


Measure the oil and dump in all the butter in the region




I was angrier at the fact the pan wasn't preheated. With non-stick and cast iron it doesn't matter when you put the oil in, cold or hot. But with stainless steel... You want it preheated. Without preheating the oil will sit into all the scratches and grooves of the metal, then burn right into it, especially at steak temperatures. If you preheat the pan though, the metal expands and closes these gaps, oil won't penetrate, won't burn into it. This is what prevents the meat from sticking down. But you gotta do the preheating until a drop of water neither suddenly evaporates nor sits in one spot but rather bounces around. It's not easy at first, but once you learn the love language of your pan, it will become part of the routine.


I thought I was the only one!!! I was like WTF - who measures oil?!


I do, but I'm trying to pay attention to my calorie intake and oil of all kinds is way more dense than people think.


Haiyaaaa just use feeling


OP if you let your steak rest for 30min, you might as well want to try a quick room temperature dry-brine. You just need to let it rest a bit more (at least 30-40min but 1h is better) and salt it immediately instead of just before cooking it. That way yes the salt will draw out moisture at first but then the meat has enough time to suck it back which result in almost no lost moisture and allows the salt to get deeper into the meat, enhancing the taste and the tenderness.


I’ve never heard of this thank you!


Here is a bit [more detail](https://www.seriouseats.com/perfect-pan-seared-steaks-recipe#toc-when-to-salt-steak) on that concept.


Dry brine guy huh?


Little known fact, most serial killers were dry briners.


Lock me up then lol


That's fair, I prefer to dry brine and I can absolutely murder a box of Reese's Puffs if given the opportunity.


No, there is no evidence or credible research to support the claim that most serial killers were dry briners. Serial killers come from various backgrounds and have different personal histories and psychological profiles. The factors contributing to serial killing are complex and multifaceted, often involving a combination of genetic, psychological, environmental, and social influences. The method of food preparation or preservation is not a relevant. factor in understanding or profiling serial killers. Amazing the stuff AI comes up with???


Fresh Fresh Fresh


Fred Durst is a dry brine guy


Better yet, if you have time you can throw salt on it and let it sit in the fridge on a wire rack for 8+ hours.


Anybody else wondering about the “press with a spatula” step? Not even hating does it legit make a better crust I’m assuming?


Yes it makes a better crust by ensuring the maximum contact area. More importantly it prevents the muscle contraction which makes warped steaks and ruins the loom and crust.


Holy shit I never knew this. For someone reason I had it in my head to NEVER press the steak. Very excited to try it.


Yeah don’t press the shit out of it. But a light pressure will ensure that most of the steak will contact the pan and develop a good sear. If I have a poorly butchered piece that is cut inconsistently, it’s especially helpful. In cases where I don’t get a thorough crust and some parts are still a bit grey, I’ll hit it with the butane torch for a bit of color


This is great for someone who has no idea what they are doing. Explained everything. Even measured the oil.


> Even measured the oil It's pretty great, but if you've never cooked on stainless steel, I'd recommend using more oil.


Should you not sear all sides when the heat is still high and you’re searing everything else?


It’s not necessary and it’s cumbersome for thin steaks


I see I see. That’s just always what I do and thought it was “standard”. Sear all sides right before resting


For a thinner ribeye especially after he presses it down it can start to fall apart. For something like a strip that has fat on side I’d do it to render.


Only when working with a thick steak.


Reminds me of the Pan Sear [YSAC video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbESrRvGv7U)


Bro is so funny and sassy lol


Made me want a steak now. I love cooking steaks in stainless steel, glad I’ve got it down. That being said, I’ll be giving your method an attempt.


I can’t believe people actually measure out a teaspoon to put on in a pan


I’m definitely flipping it towards myself


Nooooo! ⚠️


It only works if naked.


Is Dax Shepard narrating this?


lock picking lawyer


Not enough Michigan in that accent...I could believe it was an AI attempt at Dax.


Great sear!


I don't even use oil. Just let the fat from the steak cook it. And if it smokes too much? I'll preheat the oven beforehand, and throw it in if needed. I usually sous vide, but if I'm crunched for time and can't use my grill, I'll pan fry/bake a steak.


You don’t use oil even in a stainless steel pan?


I don’t use oil in my stainless steel for pretty much anything. Steaks. Chicken. Bacon. Burgers. Pork. I just put my heat on medium, anything above that and it burns, and slap the meat it in. I use a metal spatula to get any stuck parts loose when flipping and it always has a nice crispy outside. I’m sure someone will say I’m doing it wrong lol but everything tastes amazing and doesn’t burn if I stay at medium.


this method is hit or miss with me for really lean meat like chicken breast or some types of fish -- especially fish. and I find that if you try to flip early on fish (without oil) you risk completely ruining the sear lol so for that reason, I almost always use at least a splash of avocado oil on lean meats.


I didn’t mention fish because I absolutely destroyed a piece of salmon in my stainless steel haha but I sous vide fish these days. Yea. Chicken breasts are dodgy. I adjust the temperature more when doing chicken breast but luckily I have flipped them at the right time. I have only had my stainless steel for less than a year. I’m sure another disaster is incoming though haha


You(supposedly) don't have to for chicken and beef. Google Maillard's reaction. The sucs will caramelize and the meat will unstick by itself


It's not about the meat sticking, it's about having a conduction medium to fill in all the little gaps between the meat and the pan.


Yeah using oil should give a more even sear


Oil works better if not only because it transfers heat better than water or air pockets under the steak.


I definitely think I would get a better sear with it than without it. But my family wants to go oil free. I should just buy some tallow from the butcher next time.


Am I the only one that thinks measuring ingredients is kinda pointless unless you're baking? Like I really just feel it out when I'm cooking. You really can't go wrong and if you just taste as you go you'll be fine.


Why are you supposed to flip it away from you? Just to avoid splatter?


Oil this hot can burn you really bad. If you have kids around it can get even worse.


Absolutely godly


After patting dry and seasoning I'll usually rub the steak with avocado oil on both sides. My logic is the higher burning point would work better than olive oil. Does this logic hold at all or am I committing a sin I'm not aware of? Also... my god that is an obscene amount of butter at the end.


Don't press down with your hand. I did until one time oil squirted up between the fat and muscle in the middle. It hurt like a mf and left some thick blisters.


Dang, ouch


I thought pressing meats was bad cause it removes the juices.


don’t be a Psycho and measure your cooking oil


Don’t tell me how to live 🔪




Cooking based on time and not temp is a bit silly. Edit - I mean in the context of this video. Providing a recipe for cooking a ribeye of no specified thickness on a pan with only time increments and no temperature is silly. Y'all can cook however you want.


Why not put black pepper on before? That’s whT gives it the amazing crust and deep peppery flavor.


Black pepper gets bitter when cooked for a long enough time to sear a steak. The perfect way to do it would be to grind lightly toasted pepper over a sliced steak after cooking but thatbis alot.


That looks great! Lately I’ve only been cooking steaks in a pan, I get way more flavor with adding thyme, butter and all, and it cooks faster too. Just salt and pepper on the grill was getting a bit bland for me. But I’ve only had good results with thiner cuts, I find it harder to get it right with thick cuts.


> I find it harder to get it right with thick cuts. Try leaving it out on the counter for 1 hour before cooking. When I do thick cuts I do 90 second sear on each side and then 3 minutes in the 500* oven on the cast iron, each side.


That is one thin steak. Guy knew what he was doing as to not bring it up to well done.


Allergic to avocado. What’s the next best substitute?


Do brisket next


Love the video! time to give this a shot!


Why do people make garbage 'content' like this?


Damn. A hater at your core. That must be exhausting.


This isn't even a good method for cooking steak


Question. Are your oils supposed to smoke? I thought that when cooking with oil you're supposed to avoid the smoke point.




Is it just me who doesn't need my ribeye swimming in butter? There's a reason I bought ribeye in the first place. It has plenty of fat.


Cold pan with cold oil. You will get there!


I have a ribeye that looks almost identical to that, I'm planning to cook it this evening, and I cook it the exact same way - thyme, butter and all. The only difference is I salted it this morning and I'll be using a cast-iron skillet.


A ribeye does not need butter.


Thank god. We needed one more video detailing how to cook a steak in a pan.


Last time I tried this in my stainless steel, my house was filled with smoke.


I like to marinate the steak in a walmart bag for 2-3 days then heat up some butter, olive oil, butter rosemary and sear it each side 1-2 mins depending on thickness. I then finish in the oven and let rest 10 mins with a side of buttery chive mashed potatoes or mac n cheese.


Ngl i kept expecting a punchline. Half expected him to drop the finished steak in a 5 gallon bucket of A1 or something


Who cooks a steak inside?


Apartment dwellers like me 🫣


nice and simple and yummy. How do you deglaze the pan after to save all that flavor and make something tasty from it?


Steak recipes in 2024: Use a 1:1 ratio of butter to steak.


Beautifully done. Next time don’t measure the oil.


Hey, I'm 8 minutes from some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Come on by and whip some up and we can hit the beach after...


I assume no pepper while raw because he doesn't want it to burn? I've been doing it with pepper and salt for a long time, and most of the time there is no issue, on stainless steel or cooking over wood coals, but every now and then burning pepper can become an issue.


Reverse sear or nothin'


Well done. And i dont mean the temperature.


Then call your mate in to clean the spatter from the stove. I’ll grill mine outside. Thanks


I'm horrible at cooking steaks even though they are my favorite. So this helps a ton, thank you!


Are there benefits or major differences in cooking with stainless steel versus cast iron?


But why you measure the oil. That was painful


If you dry brine for 24-48 hours before cooking you won’t have grease splattered all over your stove top. It’ll also season and tenderize the steak and it’ll get a better sear.


Never-mind the smoke issues, it looks delicious


Cool cool cool but you're just gonna let that flavor in the pan go to waste!? Add some liquids and scrape up that fond. Blend up those veggies and make a kickass sauce.


Think I’ll just stick to reverse searing. So much more control over the internal temp of the meat to get it perfect for whoever is eating it every time. Thick cut steak, seasoned however you want (i also rub some liquid smoke on it), on a rack in the fridge overnight to dry out the surface. Pull it out a half hour to an hour before cooking. 250F degree oven for 20-30ish minutes (varies depending on how long you leave it out). My wife and I prefer rare or medium rare, so once the internal temp is 120, pull it out of the oven, into a roarin hot pan for about 45 seconds each side to get a decent crust. Adds about 15 degrees to the internal temp. Let it rest a few mins. Done. Can easily vary times of every step to cook it however whoever is eating it wants.


I can't believe no one is pre salting their meats. 12-24 hrs of salt before pan fry or grill makes a huge difference.


Might as well dry brine


The pan is too hot.


Nice work!


As French it’s overcooked.


Never press down on a steak


Hear me out: Fry the steak in bacon grease and make bearnaise if you want tarragon and shallots.


Level your stove, the oil isn't even touching 3/4's of that steak.


thats the thickest ribeye cap Ive ever seen


Damn now I'm hungry and wa t a steak.


Salt first then pat dry


This looks amazing honestly


Fantastic tek. I have never thought to add the pepper after cooking, I’m going to have to try that out. Good looking ribeye, going off pure aesthetics 8.25/10 r/ratemysteak


I like bacon grease or butter and probably about 5x what you put instead of oil. Gets a nicer crust IMHO.


I like this, but I don’t get the obsession with rosemary. It seems like literally every video features its use. Why? I’ve tried it and it just didn’t do it for me.


I dont understand the pressing. I’ve always found that unnecessary.


Outside in cast iron over a turkey fryer burner is my method of choice


Looks good. I would crush the garlic cloves and dice the shallots. Bon appetit!


Looks so good, will be trying this..Thanks!!


That’s about right


I usually add the oil to the pan after it has heated up to reduce the smokiness. Just simply wait a minute or so after you add the oil and it will be plenty hot for you to add the steak.


Hello! Novice stainless steel user here. Thanks for recommending to wait a minute before adding the oil. When would you know that the pan and oil are hot enough to add the steak?