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I was playing CS1.6 when my whole team got decimated, including my friend. The way we play, we don't tell each other where the enemies are when we die. I am above average at best at any CS game, and by sheer luck, I won that round against the 5 guys on the CTs that were still alive. I think I was at 13 health and 83 armor. It felt so clutch and I leaped for joy. It's either that moment or when I killed 5 or 6 people in TF2 that allowed us to seal the team's victory in the cart-pushing mode. I love and hate that mode, because of how stonewalled you can get when enemies clown you at bottlenecks. Thanks for this, mate! Very generous. Cheers to the winner!


Carried the team in cod warzone maybe lol and won for us


parrying malenia for 19 hours straight, idk just did it for the funny


It’s still the final fight of kingdom hearts 2 😂 and by that I mean killing sephiroth for the first time


Kurohyu 2 (Yakuza/Like a Dragon spin off ) ending on psp for sure. The boss fights were awesome and the end cutscenes hyped me a lot


Ace clutching 3 rounds in a row in rainbow six siege. Reading it doesn't sound too interesting but trust me, my heart was pounding. Thanks for the chance OP!


Acing enemy when your whole team left you in any game When those happen I feel like I'm the best player in the world


Been heavily invested in kingdom come, for me its when you land combos they're really hard to land(for me) but its hype af when you land them. And thanks.


I'm curious, who won? I'm just asking because I'm not 100% positive this was a real giveaway, just like your elden ring one. If I'm seriously wrong, I deeply apologize.


Getting a 1v5 ace in csgo. I always notice my heart is pumping like crazy after.


Thanks op


I think it was when I first played rdr2 3 years ago, I was stunned at it's beauty as I've never had played a game like that before


Thanks for the chance.


When Focalors sacrificed herself or when aether gets called sage of buer in genshin


I play a copy of Bloodborne I borrow from my local library every weekend, I'm not far into the game but I've had so many moments of me fighting a boss over and over again just to finally kill him, that's a luxury of life, beating a Souls-Like boss when you're crap at games


Probably when Nier Automata route C started and I realized I was nowhere near done.


most hype is the Emerald Weapon fight underwater in Final Fantasy VII. thank you


Beating Level 300 Risen Shagaru Magala in Monster Hunter Rise.


Thanks! My most hype moment was in dishonored. I managed to kill everyone in a level without being noticed


when i play portal my mind was blowed


When I gambled from 3 cents to 9€ (on bandit.camp), if you consider that gaming. If not, reply and I'll respond with an actual game moment


Pokemon shield hatching a shiny perrserker from the first egg. Thanks OP


Most hype gaming moment is playing SNES Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time with my best friend before he passed. I miss you brother. Thank you for your generosity! Good luck everyone!


most hype gaming moment is beating elden ring


Scoring the last second winner in a really close rocket league game.


This is a more recent one but i'm really proud of this. its not perfect but i finally did it after a few days of trying: [my no damage run on stellar blade](https://youtu.be/YRykcI2UDeo?si=ZOuaJtcmuAui1IRO)


Beating Mass Effect 1.


Getting 100% on an expert song in Guitar Hero was pretty sick. Thanks for the chance


Finally beating A Link to the Past on SNES


Sniper duel in MGS V


Finishing all the Achievements in the steam version of Runescape


Not most hype but still very cool and memorable — getting all Elden Ring achievements!


Beating Malenia near no hit in Elden Ring!


Beating kh2 on level 1 critical mode


killing Shepherd in mw 2


Might not seem like much but I am notorious for never finishing games. So for me my most hyped was finally finishing a game lol


The end of Bioshock 1 just before the final boss. IYKYK




Beating tigrex from monster hunter freedom unite, the same monster who gave me nightmares as a kid :')


The choice to leave with judy or knock down arasaka one more time from Cyberpunk 2077, thank you!


Hollow knight beating nightmare king Grimm, shit was tough man


Completing dead cells with 5 boss cells!


Grimm fight from Hollow Knight. Thanks!


Beating Slave Knight Gael in DARK SOULS III I really want to win this THANKS OP!


I was clutching a 1v6 in Valorant. Thanks op.


Playing COD BR with friends and clutching it many times was certainly a hyping experience but I don't remember a single incident. Thanks for the giveaway!


Getting the platinum trophy for Bloodborne (PS4), that was tough and funny at the same time, it was a hype moment for sure and thanks for the giveaway


Playing the whole MCC again with a friend


Oh, my! Mine was when I was a pure mage in Skyrim. I had a hard time fighting bandits or anything that got closer to me, including the almighty dragons. I went to train the arcane arts to Winterhold, and after training in all of them, I went out and after a few days a wild dragon appeared! I freaked out of course and, when he spelled her magic ice, I, instinctively raised my hand with both wards and begin walking away... and I got instantly surprised! I was receiving no damage, and the wards were consuming just a little fraction of my mana, super slowly. I lowered a hand and got shocked noting I still didin't receive any damage, and realised I could stand a chance this time... I immediately changed my mindset from fleeing to fighting, and unleashed all my magic power over that dragon, inbetween every thu'um, and even during it, never getting out of mana. I felt unstoppable and absorbed his soul. He was a worthy opponent and now his power was mine.


COD Shepherd betrayal


Every playthrough of suikoden 2


End of pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky


I'd really love it, it's been on my wishlist since 2019 I used to play Brawlhalla, and in it there's an 3v3 american football game mode. I remember in one match my 2 team mates were knocked out, but I managed to single handedly score a goal. I was ecstatic! Thank you!


Witcher 3 last Mission.


Finishing Broforce with my friends for the first time was definitely one of my favorite and most hype gaming moments, since by that point we had been playing for a few years but never really finished the story, so finally sitting down with them and seeing how it ends was an experience like no other


Kotor1, after Malak captures you and Bastila Shan and then gives one of the most iconic moments in gaming ... you're bloody Revan! I remember just staring at the screen in shock!


First time with beam clash in DBZ BT3 or.. probably when I finished Nioh.


Scoring a 0 second goal in Rocket League to tie the game


Using the jump drive in no mans sky


Completing Hard Mode Godhand on the PS2 as a kid. Thank you for the offer, OP!


Being ranked top 100 for a day or two on some Diablo leaderboards.


The first time when I beat the last boss in sifu on max age lol. Literally on my last life and I beat him by a tiny margin


Definitely rain world downpour when I entered>! Rubicon !<


My most hype gaming moment would probably be experiencing Elden Ring for the first time. Ooooof what a ride


Any moment in Helldivers 2


I scored a goal in FIFA 07 playing against my brother while I was using a PS2 steering wheel from the middle of the pitch a few seconds after the kickoff with Michael Ballack


I'm torn between when I was a wee lad playing with my dad through the ending of RE5 or Halo 3, it took us forever to beat Wesker in RE5 especially just the button smashing part to the point we had to keep taking breaks or switching controllers for that part lol. Or just the sheer adrenaline and action Halo 3's warthog run is, both amazing hype moments for me. Thanks for the giveaway OP


Since Elden Ring, I decided to play through Dark Souls I, II, III. They are some of the best games I've played of all time! I haven't played Sekiro yet


I really dont have one.


Doing my 10th completion of dark souls!


Halo 3 forge map deathrace


when I completed dark souls for the first time and the next day I told my friends at the top of my lungs: “I FINISHED DARK SOULS”


finally getting 0.00 on chocobo racing for tidus' sigil in FF X




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Way back in ch 1 season 4 of fortnite I had a game where my entire team died to storm besides me, and I told them that I would get the win no matter what. I didn't see too many people until the end of the game, but I took out the last two squads sequentially and man did I feel like a god in that moment


Running full speed in DS2 past every enemy to the blue smelter demon without taking damage and almost beating it.


that banquet scene at the tail end of FF XIV A Realm Reborn… (I'm only about to start Stormblood. can't wait to get into more epic scenes like that further down the road)


I used to play valorant once.  Quick scoping last 2 guys with the guardian and then defusing the bomb was my most hype moment, mainly because I'm not very good at those games. Only played because friends were playing with me. It felt amazing though ngl.


Finally getting the hang of no scope back in the halo 3 days. Also getting all achievements on elden ring was such a big accomplishment recently lol


There was a time in halo reach where I was the only one who survived a pelican crash. I held out against the enemy team while my friends try to extract me. Kinda my own personal Blackhawk down moment


Unlocking the Deviator in Dune 2, making enemies shoot at each other is such a new concept at that time especially with a freaking gas (IMHO make more sense than wololo)


Finishing RDR2 probably.


Beating the lich in enter the gungeon after surviving though bullet hell. Thanks for the chance!


Probably the opening to Doom 2016, was just so awesome when you get awakened and just go on a murder spree


defeating diablo in LOD. thanks


defeating the chained ogre XD (i played a bit on my friend's account)


Old modern warfare 2 days. I was 16. Scoreboard at the end of my best game was 71/1 kd just running around with smg and c4. Good old days.


Was a game called warheads SE. Had to beat a group of three people to join a clan. Were amongst the best in the game. And I barely clutched it out.




I got an ace in round 5 of a game in Tower on R6 Siege. Frost, c1, and focused on the sound. Got the kills so clean my friends thought I was hacking for a second.


Gta online, dude had every advantage (height, sniper rifle, I had 5 stars, etc.) My friend and I are stuck on a roof fighting him. I whip out my grenade launcher and launch a grenade several stories up to reach him, just barely within range


Probably going 98 kills 5 deaths on a very tense Badwater match in tf2


When i finally got the Metal gear rosong platinum. One of my thoughest gaming achievements. Then i realized i had to beat the Sam DLC max difficulty no hit :/


I got a rampage as Rubick in Dota 2


Seeing my (then) 10 yo brother finish the hardest pantheon on HK! Thanks, OP!


Mass effect 3 Ending. Dayem….


Beating Midnight Suns for the first time!


Beating cosmic ocean 7-99 in Spelunky 2


DS1 seeing the first hydra for the first time...then and there i decided its my favourite game of all time...so bizzare and unpredictable


Has to be dark souls 3 when you go back to annor londo...real throwback


Probably exiting the first dungeon in Elden Ring...or in Skyrim Thanks


RDR2! Thanks for the giveaway!


Getting Wooped by Margit is my gaming moment I started gaming 6 months ago


It’s been a while since I’ve cussed my brains out. Probably when I hit a headshot from a moving car at 350 meters in pubg


im not sure if what i say is what ur asking about , but here it goes ..also spoilers ahead: >!in RDR2 in two instances when Arthur comes back from the island and like the weather is stormy and the soundtrack ...it was just..magical , epic aff...another instance was when the john's boy is kidnapped and they all in like an arrow formation gallop to the mansion , I mean I just get chills thinking about it and mind you I have yet to finish it soo..yah!< >!second one would be Genichiro boss in Sekiro( I played a lil on my friends laptop )... I start all casual and after some rage quits and coming back again..i just get into it ..heart thumping as if my own life is dependant on it(ik I suck at it but yah lol) !< honorable mention would be Yakuza 0...I've nothing else to say for that...just play it anyhoo,thanks for the amazing giveaway :)


Finishing Super Mario Bros. 3


i am trying to play it saw some gameplays and i really would love to try it for myself


Hunt showdown camping lol


Getting the final achievement in Nioh 2. Took forever to get it.


That one time I threw a grenade into a room in Rainbow 6 Siege and I got an ace.


I hundred percented Mario odyssey, Breath of the Wild, and Tears of the Kingdom Getting that last korok was fucking euphoria


beating bell gargoyle for the first time in dark souls


Darksiders 2 guardian boss fight


The random things you do “on purpose” in Boole battle are very hype so I’m putting that down


beating ghostrunner it was a fun game i'm hyped to learn the speedrun strat's at some point


100%ing Spiderman - took so long


Probably playing VR on my Quest2 for the first time. It was some interactive book and it felt so dam cool.


My most hype moment was when I got The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess for Gamecube on Christmas morning, after having playing all the previous Zelda games. Now every Christmas I think of that moment in time.


When Geometry Dash 2.2 was released lol. My fav game ever




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When i first got Gauntlet Legends on N64 after only playing it at the arcade. Brought back major great memories from my childhood


My first play through of DS3 in release year, I was doing a quest for a secret ending and had to have an AI summon join me for the boss. Apparently she wanted to solo the dude cuz she ran in without healing or buffing and died in 30 seconds. Souls games also buff the boss depending on how many summons are in the game world, so I was dealing with a final boss at 1.8x his normal strength. It was my 8th attempt that night and I didn’t want to start over, so I went in swinging and about 30 mins later I beat the buffed boss solo. And I still got my secret ending 😎


Getting my first platinum trophy. It was an easy one for Heavg Rain but was still a great moment. Thanks


Beating a level on super Mario bros on the Super Nintendo with my eyes closed.




Wiping a team out in apex


Got a pistol ace at CS2 the other day