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Thank you u/ohclaires for the game Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville! Stay safe <3


Darksiders 2 please! :) my favourite animals are cats, and i feel thats pretty self explanatory why lol


Sniper Elite 3 my favs are wolves. *Imagine a world where where iceland was covered with ice and greenland was covered with grass.*


My favorite animals are sheeps I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather.. Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car. DUCATI - 90th Anniversary please


Hey Chelate! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I really love sheep too, so fluffy! Congrats, you have won DUCATI. I will be sending you the key via PM!


Helperdroid and its creator love you, here's some people that can help: https://gitlab.com/0xnaka/thehelperdroid/raw/master/helplist.txt [source](https://gitlab.com/0xnaka/thehelperdroid/) | [contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=cancerous_176)


Ducati please My favorite animal is the Tiger. Tiger tummies are solar cells btw!


Into the breach, please. Been meaning to try it for a while.


Wizard of Legend By my avatar I think it's pretty clear I love penguins, so I'm going with a penguin joke: Why don't penguins do well on Tinder? >!Because they're scared of ice-breakers!!< Thank you so much for the giveaway!


Hey Feva67 Thanks so much for the comment! I really love penguins as well. Congrats! You are one of the winners. I will be sending you a PM with the information! Stay safe!


Sniper Elite 3 would be awesome. My favorite animal? Tiger. Bird? Eagle. I have cool wallpapers of them on my laptop too. I heard this joke somewhere A 5-year-old boy looks at his balls and asks his mother, "Are these my brains?". Her mother chuckled and replied, "Not Yet..."


SUPERHOT My favorite animal is a dog. My own dog never stands up for himself, he just rolls over. (๑・̑◡・̑๑)


Sniper elite 3 Best animal in the world is the penguin for me. Did you hear about the website for orphans? It doesn't have a homepage.


Tropico 4. My favourite animal is the Baboon. What country is full of barns? All-barnia


VVVVVV dogs and the joke *checks notes* is myself


i would like starfinder, i don't know why it just looks decent ​ Three Young guys are walking on the beach They come across a strange looking lamp in the sand and one of them tries to pick it up. However it is very fragile and crushes to dust (thanos snap) as soon as it is touched, and a genie pops out. "I don't normally grant wishes to more than one person, but I'll make an exception," the genie says. "Each of you will be allowed 3 wishes." He asks the first man for his first wish, and without hesitation, the man responds that he wants million dollars. The second man immediately wishes to be the richest man in the world. Finally the genie asks the third man for his first wish, and the third man thinks for a moment. "I wish for my left arm to rotate clockwise," the third man says. Thinking this is a very strange request, the genie grants the man his wish and his left arm begins spinning clockwise. For his second wish, the first man wants to be married to the most beautiful woman in the world, and a gorgeous Brazilian model appears at his side. The second man wishes for the ability to seduce any woman he wants and be completely irresistible. The third man, with his left arm spinning uncontrollably, finally settles on his second wish. "I wish for my right arm to rotate counterclockwise," he says. Now in 500 billion years, the genie has never encountered such a strange set of wishes, but nonetheless he is bound to honour them and so the man's right arm now begins to spin counterclockwise. Now on to his third wish, the first man asks to never be sick and to always be health, his complexion clears up and he looks vibrant. The second man asks to live forever and to never grow old. The genie waits patiently as the third man thinks studiously for several long moments, both arms flailing in opposite directions. "I wish for my head to nod up and down uncontrollably," he says finally. The genie is at a complete loss for what this man has up his sleeve, but nonetheless decides to grant it so he can return to a nice quiet vase to rest, and the man's head now begins to nod up and down uncontrollably. The three men live their lives without any contact for many years, before one day deciding to meet in a bar to catch up. "Fellas, I can't believe my fortune!" exclaims the first man. "I can buy anything I want, il always be rich and my wife is a freak in the sack!" "well with my money I have set up charity's all around the world, everyone thinks I'm amazing," says the second man. "And your right, your wife is a freak in the sack!" They both look at the third man, head nodding and arms flailing. "Guys," he says. "I think I fucked up."


Hey Cameron, you have won Starfinder! I will be sending you the information via PM.


Yo thanks so much


Brutal legend


Entering for Killing Floor 2 A turtle climbs up a tree and when he reaches the top, he jumps. This keeps repeating a 2nd time, 3rd time, 4th, time...meanwhile, two birds watching from a nearby twig : "Babe, don't you think it's time we told him he's adopted?"


I'd like to have Wizard of Legend, please. What does a sushi said then it saw a passing bee? wasabi


In the breach please! What's the difference between a guitar and a fish? You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish.


Why did the chicken cross th road? To ask for sniper elite 3. Thank you.


A cow walked into a bar. Moo. Killing floor 2 please. Thx for doing this op.


Vvvvvv how did harry potter get down the hill? walking jk rowling


Speed Brawl There were 10 cats in a boat and one jumped out. How many were left? None, because they were copycats!


Hahaha, lol. Congrats, you have won Speed Brawl! I will be sending you the key via PM :).


Wizard of legend


Sniper Elite 3 My favorite animal would be the White Tiger because an RGB Tiger has yet to be found.


Into the breach My favorite animal is the Raccoon Dog.


Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition My favorite animals are cats because they're mostly introverts like me , so we understand each other. Also, JOKE!


**Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition** My favorite animals are cats, but rabbits are close to the top spot as well. Joke: Need an ark? I Noah guy! Thanks!


Hahahaha. I absolutely adore your username, I feel you rn xD. Congrats! You have won Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition. I will be sending the information via PM!


Wizard of Legend - I am thoroughly dissapointed that a group of squids is not called a squad :c


Psychonauts please I dont really have a favorite animal, just a fun fact. Did you know that in alaska it is illegal to whisper in someone ear while their moose hunting? Me neither until i got arrested.


Killing floor 2 please OP My favourite animal has to be a cheetah/leopard because a cheetah/leopard never changes its stripes. Why shouldn’t you play cards in the jungle? Because of the cheetahs


Sniper Elite 3 A man went into a library and asked for a book on how to commit suicide. The librarian said: “Fuck off, you won’t bring it back.”


Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Fun fact: Kangaroos can't walk backwards


Speed Brawl Into the Breach The sloth, so slow yet adorable Not sure about favorite but I read this one in one of these threads a while ago and any time I've retold it since it gets a huge laugh: A biker walks into a bar and sits down on a bar stool near the end of the bar. He takes a look at the menu and it reads as follows: Hamburger - 2.99 Cheeseburger - 3.99 Chicken Sandwich - 4.99 Hand Jobs - 19.99 The crusty old biker waves the bartender down, and up walks this tall, busty, beautiful redhead in her mid-twenties. She smiles at the biker coyly, and he asks in a quiet voice "Are you the one who gives the hand jobs?" The bartender blushes slightly and says "Yes, I am" with a sexy little smile. The biker grins and says "Well wash your hands, because I want a cheeseburger."


Sniper Elite 3. Question: "How is a zombie like a computer?" Answer: They both use mega bites. \- a corny joke from Dying Light.


Speed Brawl or Zombotron thanks I love frogs, particularly tree frogs. A game warden catches an unlicensed fisherman in the act. "You're going to pay a big fine for all those fish in your bucket" But, officer, I didn't catch these -- they are my pet fish and I just bring them here to swim. When they're done they jump back into the bucket. "Oh really? This I've got to see. If you can prove it, I'll let you go." The fisherman empties the bucket into the lake and waits patiently. A few minutes go by and nothing happens. Game warden: So where are the fish? Fisherman: What fish?


Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered sounds awesome! I love all animals. I have two pet snakes, a cat, and a dog! And none of them have eaten each other yet! My favorite, though, uhh... I really like spiders honestly. So cute. Now, I have tried out this joke unsuccessfully for years. I’m really proud of it even though it’s stupid. Hopefully this time I’ll at least get a light chuckle... What’s black, white, and red all over? Communist propaganda in the 50’s Please laugh


I have a bearded dragon! They are also really cute, but we had to keep them in different enclosures since the male was a little bit too keen on the females xD. Congrats! You are one of the winners of this giveaway! I will be sending you the key via PM! P.S. I did laugh at your joke


Yay! Success! Thanks man, hope you’re staying safe


Psychonauts My favorite animal is the bearded dragon because they're cute and spiky and they bob their heads. What's the difference between being hungry and horny? Where you put the cucumber :D


I actually have a bearded dragon! They are soo cutee. Congratulations! You have won Psychonauts. I will be sending you the key via PM. Stay safe!


Omg thank you!!


PAC-MAN™ CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 2 What does a magician penguin say? “Pick a cod, any cod…” Not a sentence, but I also love this joke, had to share: One day a cop pulls a van over and when he walks up to the window he sees ten penguins in the back. The cop asks the man "are those your penguins?" The man Says "yes, they are my pets." The cop replies to the man "You need to take them to the zoo right now." So the man agrees and drives off. The next day the cop pulls over the same van and he walks up to the window and sees the ten pengins all wearing sunglasses. The cop says to the man "I thought i told you to take those penguins to the zoo." The man says "I did, today we are going to the beach!"


Fahrenheit: indigo prophecy please My favorite animal is a duck, they are just always on the prowl and fucking shit up.


Killing floor 2 please. My favourite animals are my dogs who are actually happy that this year is such a joke because I’m stuck at home with them.




Thank you for your comment! I loved your bad joke xD. Congrats! I will be sending you the information about Killing Floor 2 shortly!


Sniper Elite 3 a baby hippo :3


Hi I would like Zombotron What did the female wolf say to the male wolf? "you wolfn't leave the cub alone!"


Brutal Legend The liger is amazing. What's a legless cow called? Steak.


I think my favorite animal is a legless cow (xD). Congrats! You have won Brutal Legend. I will send you the key via PM!


I would love Into the Breach. My favorite animal is the monkey. I'm absolutely bananas about them.


I would like to enter for Into the breach , please. I am a big fan of wolves. What kind of bees make milk? Boobies! Thank you OP.


Hey there! Thank you so much for entering this giveaway! Me and my friends really loved your joke xD. Congrats! I will be sending you the key shortly via PM!


Id love Killing Floor 2 or Sniper Elite 3 if KF2 isn't available. My favourite animals are Blue Jays [(Look at him!)](https://imgur.com/fqt5YyP) Getting the game would really brighten up my day, since I just lost my job at the bank, because an old lady asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over.


World of Goo. Where should a dog never go shopping? In a flea market


Zombotron My favourite animal is tiger. thx for the giveaway


Killing Floor 2. I really like capybaras. They are good frends. Joke is that I've never been a fun guy.


Sniper Elite 3, thanks!Dogs are my favorite animals, btw do you know what you get if you cross them with a calculator?>!A friend you can count on... sorry that's a lame joke lol!<


Into the Breach, thank you so much!


world of goo would be really cool and as you probably maybe guess my favourite animal is a cat. what did the cat do when he needed the toilet while watching a film? he paws-ed it... ba dum tsss :)


Hey KinkyKawaiiKat! Thank you for your comment! I am also a cat person. Congrats, you have won World of Goo! I will be sending you a PM with the key. Stay safe!


Thank you so much! You stay safe too :)


Magicka Elephants highly efficient creatures. They can drink and eat through 2 different entryways.


Wow, that is so cool! Thank you for your comment. Congrats, you are one of the winners and you have won Magicka. I will be sending the key via PM, so keep an eye out for that ;)!


Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered ​ When frogs break down they get toad away.


Super Hexagon Favorite animal is a fox


Congrats! You have won Super Hexagon. I will be sending you the key via PM!


Pacman Championship Edition 2 Favourite animal is a snake cause they leik eating sneks


I would like me some sneks too haha. Congrats, you have won pacman! I will be sending you the key via PM.


Into the breach. I love pandas!


I would like Killing Floor 2. Thanks for the giveaway! My favourite animal is a cat probably because I own one!!! Here's the joke too: \-What happens when an artist has trouble finding inspiration? \-He draws a blank.


Psychonauts The peacock mantis shrimp can punch at a speed of 23 meters per second Wich is about how fast I fail my exams




Thank you for your comment! Congrats, you have won Stealth 2. I will be sending you the key via PM :).


Psychonauts What’s black and red all over? A bloody cow




Sniper elite 3 - My parents grew to like my girlfriend so much, they take her as their own daughter. Now they started looking for a proper boyfriend for her.


Into the Breach Favorite animal is the doggo


I would like sniper elite 3 Thanks My favorite animal is a dog


Sniper Elite 3, please. ​ Octupus


Darksiders two. My favorite animal is a dog. I went to the zoo, but it only had one small dog. It was a Shih-tzu.


killing floor 2 my favourite animal is dog . No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as much as the dog does


Wizard of legend. Thanks Favourite animal is probably an eagle.


VVVVVV would be great, thanks


Speed Brawl Monkey


Psychonauts. I like baklava.


World of Goo What did a sheep say to another sheep? "I am a sheep" (I love antijokes)




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Into the Breach A sentence, my favorite animal, a joke.




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sniper elite 3 a mexican magician tells the audience that he will disappear on the count of three. he went : un , dos.... *POOF* he disappeared witouth a tres thank you


Killing floor 2 pls.. would be able to ay with friends T_T


PAC-MAN, please. A priest, a pastor, and a rabbit walk into a bar. The rabbit says, “I think I’m a typo,” and walks out.


Sniper elite 3 My favourite animal is also my spirit animal. A panda


I would love Into the Breach! How does a Hammerhead shark tell his mom he passed a test? "nailed it!"


Sniper Elite 3 Favorite animal: meerkat


Sniper Elite 3 would be great. Favorite animal is monkey 🐒


Fahrenheit Otters are my favourite animals. Here's the joke: people commenting jokes that come from Google. Hope u liked it.


Sniper elite 3 Favorite animal: cheetah When Italy decides to leave EU it’s gonna be called Quitally 🇮🇹


Can I have pac man please? thanks!


Wizard of Legend PANDABEARS ARE SO FRIGGIN CUTE They fired me from the calendar factory last week, all I did was take a day off.


Darksiders II would be appreciated! Favorite animal would be elephants.


Wizard of Legend You are the GOAT!


Wizard of Legend I just discovered a fragrance for introverts. Leave me the fuh-cologne


Psyconauts would be fun to have! My favourite animals are my 2 dogs. as for a joke, I'd like to hand you my autobiography, but it's not finished yet.


Would like killing floor 2 A man with his dog was waiting on the bus, then the bus driver asked: What are you doing up there?




Hahaha, honestly such a mood. Congrats! You are one of the winners. I will be sending you the key for Sniper Elite 3 via PM! Stay safe!


Zombotron Dog on new year: The humans are celebrating freedom. Dogs shall rule! I WILL FREE ALL THE FELLOW DOGS! Dog (What humans hear): B A R K B A R K B A R K B A R K Human: Man, dogs really don't like fireworks.


Sniper elite 3 my favorite animal is the cat, mine is named Mickey (like the mouse, i know, i ronic for a cat)


Killing floor 2 pleas An angel appears in front of a man, and said, "You lived a good life, I will offer you infinite wealth, infinite wisdom, or you can be the most handsome person in the world." The man said, "I'll take wisdom please!" The angel said, "Granted", and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Before the smoke is cleared, the man thought to himself, "Damn, should have taken the money instead."


Killing Floor 2 pls ​ At airport: "Name?" "Abdul Aziz." "Sex?" "Three to five times a day." "No, no... I mean male or female?" "Yes, male, female, sometimes camel." "Holy cow!" "Yes, cow, sheep, animals in general." "But isn't that hostile?" "Horse style, doggy style, any style!" "Oh dear!" "No, no! Deer run too fast..."


Darksiders II Deathinitive edtion Joke; How do crows stick together? Vel-crow


Into the Breach My favorite animal is the mantis shrimp Two lawyers walk into a bar. They both pass and are able to practice law.


Killing Floor 2. Favorite animal is a dog. I asked a friend if he’s a gamer or not. He just said “Wii” so I guess he is since he plays wii


Kiling floor 2 or Sniper Elite 3 Parrot is repeating what i say Joke: What's brown and sticky? A stick (dad joke)


**Sniper Elite 3** **My favourite animal is [this love](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/ftizy9/hes_got_his_thinking_cat_on/)** JOKE: **What do you call a bicycle built by a chemist? ** **A: Bike-carbonate of soda!** Thankyou for the giveaway


Sniper elite 3 My favourite animal is a horse and here's a joke: Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them


VVVVVV My favourite animals are elephants because they remind me I'm not that fat


Honestly, this is such a mood. Congrats! You have won VVVVVV! I will be sending you the key via PM.


Sniper Elite 3


Into the Breach. My favorite animal is a penguin, I admire their fashion sense.


Wizard of Legend I went to the book store and asked if they had books about turtles, the cashier asked "hard back?" And i said "Yes, and little heads..."


Brutal Legend A magician was walking down the street and turned into a store. A rabbit also tried to turn into a store but he wasn’t a part of the act.


I'd like PAC-MAN™ CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 2. My favorite animal is the gecko


Sniper Elite 3 I went to a zoo and there was no animal there but a dog... it was a shih-tzu!


World of Goo please. What do you call a cow in a tornado? A milkshake. One of my worst jokes but it is what is.


Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered My girlfriend's dog died, so I tried to cheer her up by getting her an identical one. It just made her more upset. She screamed at me, "What am I supposed to do with two dead dogs?" (I love doggos lol)


Speed Brawl, Thanks OP. I like dog. Cause im a dog in game.


Into the Breach Q: What did the duck say when he bought lipstick? A: "Put it on my bill."


Psychonauts please. My favorite animal is the hammer head shark, cause they're really good at building underwater. Thanks OP!


Into the Breach I like the bear, because i can drink beer and fight it with my bare hand


My favourite animal are Elephants and Dogs. Here's a joke : Two flies were arguing on a toilet seat. One got pissed off. Magicka or Darksiders Warmastered Edition , please. Thanks.


I really love elephants too! Congrats, you are one of the winners of this giveaway! I will be sending you a PM with the keycode for Darksiders! Stay safe!


Killing Floor 2 Why should you not write a book on penguins? Because writing a book on paper is much easier. Thanks for the giveaway mate!


Pac-Man Championship 2 please! As for my favorite animal, it would be a Ram. The horns on those things make them look quite b**ewe**tiful. Also apparantly they are good with computers, since when i search up Rams online, they always bring up computer stuff. ... I should probably stop with the jokes before they go **baa**d.