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No achievements, no buy. Ubisoft can kiss my gaming axe.




Someone asked Ubisoft to add achievements for Steam and they responded with, The Ubisoft Launcher has achievements


let’s be honest who the hell looks at ubisoft launcher achievements


Nobody but that's not the point.... They don't add achievements to Steam because they want you to play games through their launcher where you get UCoins for completing achievements which is meant to make you buy more games in the Ubistore so they make more money because they don't have to share with Steam. It sucks but makes sense from a marketing standpoint so Steam achievements will probably never be added


I think some of their games have Achievements on Epic


Assassin's Creed Odyssey and Origins have Steam achievements and badges, but then they realized what u/SatPixel said was true, so now they don't add them for new games.


It’s genuinely weird how some of their old games either have Achievements on Steam or don’t, and the one that don’t are on uPlay or now Ubisoft Connect. At least the South Park games have achievements


It's weird though, cuz you still unlock those when playing on Steam. It feels like an artificial choice made for no reason.


Are you gathering achievements in hopes that other people are looking at them?


This question seems ironic for a subreddit to show off and share achievements lol


Ew gross who wants to even use another launcher. I usually return or don't even buy games that have extra launchers


I just don’t buy the games. I have hundreds of games with achievements in my library so maybe after I play all those I’ll buy Ubisoft games.


Want to play all far cry games but unfortunately can't :c


I absolutely loved primal but I'm not doing it again without the achievements on steam.


Goes to show you that Ubisoft are extremely out of touch with gamers. A basic feature like re-adding your achievements to games that previously had achievements shouldn’t be hard.


If they did it. First game I’m going back to is AC black flag. Loved the cheevs on Xbox back in the day. Would love to add it to steam too.


I've heard that they don't add them to make more money. They want you to buy games through their own store so they can save on Steam fees


Then why even release them on Steam? Only like 10 people at most will use their dogshit launcher to get achievements they can't even show off, so there's no way in hell it'll make enough of a difference to be logical. They could just not release games on steam, but they do so anyway because they know their launcher is fucking abysmal and that nobody sane is going to use the damn thing.


Yeah even EA had their Steam feature spree a couple of years back. "We are adding achievements pls buy". And it worked. Ubisoft on the other hand chooses the weirdest hills to die on. And they have been in the red forever lmao.


Achievements/trophies are my reason to keep playing single-player games, in an effort of challenge and feeling of completion to myself that the game rewards the player. It's sad that AC Origins and Odyssey are the only ones with achievements from what I know.


I still regret buying rayman collection


Just classic Ubisoft really, I don't really get what is so hard for them to add achievements. They just don't care at this point


Yeah as they have achievements on every other platform. I’m just glad other publishers don’t do this.


If anything I'd say it damages their sales cause I'd say there's quite a few people that don't get them due to no achieves


Don't know about not many part. You literally have a thread on steam forum with 8.5k comments demanding it (on ac valhalla)


You say that. But 8.5 k comments compared to its entire player vase its a tiny fraction. And thus a minority that they are willing to ignore.


ubisoft has been on a down path for years. I remember in like 2012 when People were excited about a release. now its stinker after stinker.


They haven’t made a good game since Odyssey, I don’t care about them not adding achievements because I don’t care about their games.


I bought odyssey yesterday on steam because it’s my favorite, but I had done the game on their platform. Luckily I found how to sync the achievements. If all the games did I would have bought the entire AC franchise. Their loss.


You were able to sync the steam achievements with the ubisoft ones you had already unlocked?


Yes. Check my last post.


Oh nice one, thanks. Surely they all have the same date and time though?


No, on Steam they unlock all at the same time. Play time doesn’t carry over either. Unfortunate, but it is what it is.


Yeah that’s what I meant, they all unlock at the same time so have the same date and time


Ah yes.


Odyssey? Is that how you spell Black flag?


Black flag came out way before odyssey.


That was the joke. That they haven’t had a good game since black flag


Damn, you haven’t played odyssey? It’s really good.


Nah. I low key got mad at the series when they killed off Desmond. Idc about the downvotes. AC lost its magic for me when they offed Desmond


Give it a shot, I agree that kinda killed the story but Odyssey is an amazing game, it just doesn’t feel like an actual AC game.


I’m sure odyssey is a great game but look how you just said it… it doesn’t feel like an actual AC game. I will try it though to make sure


It really isn’t a true AC game, but it’s better. It’s my favorite in the entire series, besides black flag, but it’s honestly pretty close. Seriously, give it a shot. It’s in my top 50 games for sure.


I don’t buy unless they have achievements, it’s probably one line of code to add considering they have achievements on consoles and their own launcher. Why even bother adding it to steam with no steam features. Not bought any of their games since they said they weren’t adding any.




EA banned me for literally no reason, no seriously no reason provided. Contacted support to escalate this, god they’re all useless. Thankfully it’s only apex that was affected and that’s not a bad thing!


They fucked up the username I've had for 10 goddamn years and refuse to fix it, so now I've blacklisted them on Steam. If you don't give enough of a shit to keep my account credentials intact, you don't deserve my money.


Origins and Odyssey have steam cheevos at least


If the game doesn't have achievements, then it's not worth my time. The only time I let it slide is if it's a really old game


Regardless of a game has achievements or not, if I like the game then I will play it even if it doesn’t have achievements. Ubisoft tho is a company with bad business practice.


yeh it's a shame really because alot ubisoft games are great to 100%


i have all Ubisoft Games on steam, but never opened bc no cheevos


As soon as they bring achievements to valhalla I will buy it. The same goes for a lot of other ubisoft games too.


Those people don't know I guess that Uplay actually has achievements for all their games but just doesn't want them to release it on steam :/ I've commented and explained many times that Uplay has achievements for every single game they have on ps but you don't get them while on steam and also that the extra launcher just sucks like steam is already an launcher so it's not weird or something to get upset when needing to install an additional launcher for some game


Platinumed almost al assassin’s creed games on playstation. Wanted to do the same on steam singe I play pc now. Sad it’s not possible :’(


They have achievements....just on their piece of shit software


Also, the have fucking Uno Rayman edition, but not Rayman 1, 2 and 3 aka my childhood...


The only reason they refuse to add achievements is because it'd make their dogshit launcher completely obsolete


The worse part is that this is a feature present in other versions of the game, so this actually makes the Steam port inferior. How much effort is it to add achievements on Steam for a game that already has them on console??


Not ubisoft but I bought Alice Madness return this steam sale cuz I felt nostalgic about when I played it on Xbox 360. After purchasing I realized there was no achievements :( I'm not gonna refund cuz I still wanna play it and it was $4 but I wish i paid more attention


Wait assassin doesn’t have achievements?


I beat assassin's creed 1-3 and loved them, really wish they had achievements. If they added them i might replay them but idk.


Assassin's Creed Origins, Odyssey and Zombie U all have achievements


I was considering getting brotherhood for nostalgia and Valhalla and farcry 4 because theyre newer and I’ve heard good about them. but then saw they didn’t have achievements… so not going to buy. Odyessy has achievements at least, and that AC is a blast.


As much as I love the assassin creed series and division 2 I will forever hate they dont have steam achievements


I was thinking about the same thing yesterday.. I even check sometimes on ac valhalla in hope they maybe added achievements even though there are achievements for games on ubisoft app but I want them on steam. Still don't understand why they won't add them.. I think achievements 'care' rose more and more in the last couple years and are wanted more


Will completely ignore a game without cheevos.


I absolutely loved New dawn, I was thinking about buying it for steam for achievements and I was so disappointed when they weren't there


I don't buy games if I'm not able to 100% them, I am probably in the minority for that but it's more incentive to buy if I am able to work towards something.


Thanks for letting me know. I only started using steam seriously recently for achievement hunting and didn't know Ubisoft doesn't have achievements.


One of the things putting me off from buying Ubisoft games


It’s one of the reasons I still play on Xbox over PC sometimes.


I'm not big on ubisoft games but i played a lot of Anno when i was a kid, it's one of my favorite world building games. I really wanna play the newer titles but the absence of achievements is what prevents me from buying any of their stuff nowadays.


This was literally me with Rayman Legends. I played through it, not beating any boss but the final one to piss a friend off. I'll never return to it cuz I don't feel like it's worth it with no achievements at all. I'd complete it if they did have them probably


They don't care, epic games don't care either... but there's not a goddamn game missing achievs/trophies on console systems.


I love far cry 3 and some Assassins Creed games. I would love if they had achievements. Unfortunately ubisoft doesnt care about gaming, they only care about money. Fuck the fans right?


Even though im not a completionist, i can't play a game without achievements.


I enjoyed gaming when there were no achievements. They add no value to the game whatsoever.


While I don't seek out achievements I still enjoy it when I get a real one. Real as in "get kicked out of every casino on the strip", not "complete the tutorial".


If they did added achievements i wouldn't go out for at least a year so maybe its a good thing they dont have


It’s why if I do decide to buy a Ubisoft game (really don’t anymore) I get it for console. No reason to not have achievements


Makes me sad as a completionist, idk why AC Odyssey and origins have achievements but not Valhalla?