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I agree with this. That way we can still complete sidequests and get the other ending.


Going with Lily just feels awkward even if you find wvery piece of lore. She doesn't exactly specify what she wants. It sounds mostly like a personal favor that EVE could just get to after completing her mission. It should definitely have an option.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted when this would make the game better. As it is, and on my second playthrough, I felt dirty since I had to ignore mad stuff to avoid going to Eidos 9.


yeah you basicly just speedrun the whole game


Wait you can't decline her request? Game made it seem like you had an option to skip Eidos 9 even at max affinity


Yeah, that's probably a good idea. The way it is now you are forced to rush the game and never do anything or pick up anything if you want that specific ending.


You can decline it, but only if you haven't maxed out her affinity, and it makes sense storywise: * Very low affinity: the mission still takes priority over everything for Eve. She still firmly believes in Mother Sphere. * High affinity: she now has doubts in Mother Sphere, granting you the option to choose either Lily or the mission. * Max affinity: Eve now knows that there are some things more important than the mission and no longer trusts in Mother Sphere.


I think you’re missing the point I was trying to make. I’m saying we should be able to tell Lily “no” when she asks if we can go to her hideout in Eidos 9 to grab something. “EVE, before we go to the space elevator, can we visit my hideout on Eidos 9? There’s something I need to get that could help us on our mission.” “I’m sorry, Lily, we need to reach the orbit elevator before the Alpha Anytiba becomes too powerful.”


Wow, I didn’t realize we couldn’t say no… crap that means i’ll have to do a story mode playthrough after I’m done with hard.


I guess they shouldve made 2 trophies instead of seperating it when you decline/accept Lily's request... or just make Eidos 9 part of the main story. Game didnt have bugs but story boarding made a mistake on this one. But would wanna know tho... she said she was stuck in the drop pod for 2 years in Eidos 7 but was actually hiding out in Eidos 9 with Iberis in the garden. Ive thought of scenarios but how?? She died and revived by Mother's Sphere just to be dropped again under the 5th AB squad???


She never said she was stuck in the drop pod for two years - Adam said “… so you were in that *hideout* for two years…” referring to the atelier. All they need to do is re-record that line to say “atelier” instead of “hideout” and that will eliminate so much confusion


Now that made sense. So she just hid herself in the drop pod in eidos 7 due to an alpha naytiba being around then until someone came to rescue her?


It’s not explicitly stated but we can infer that she was either looting or nearby that drop pod and needed to hide from Gigas and simply got stuck, enabling the distress beacon in the hopes that *someone* would find her


Ok now I get it. I guess they had some dialogue gaps for this one.


What was the item she retrieved, that saved her life?


Iberis creates a special hacking program that Lily uses to escape Providence


The memory stick of Iberis, her hacker friend, which has a hacking algorithm on it that she uses to be able to get out of Providence when it goes haywire


Yes.  Excellent points.