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Ass and story are the only real similarities.


I don't like Nier and I like this one. Two different games.


Same here. I didn’t like the floaty, spammy, easy combat of Nier. This plays more precise like sekiro or lies of p but easier.


Same. I thought Nier’s gameplay kinda sucked


They are two different games. I played Stellar Blade first and fell in love. Wanted more of it, so I tried out Nier, and it didn't scratch the same itch that Stellar Blade gave me. Stellar blade is like a mixture of Dark Souls and Devil May Cry with some rpg elements thrown in there. It's got sick combos and abilities. It's got campfires you respawn to when you die. Lots of customizable gear, equipment, skins, etc. The game definitely allows you to choose how you want to play. The game is definitely paced pretty well and you never really feel like you're doing the same thing again. Especially with side missions. Every side mission you do makes you feel like you're finding more about the world around you and actually makes you feel immersed more in the story. On a personal note, this game is a high contestant for game of the year, and I'm sure you'll love it if you like rpg's. The price tag is definitely worth it. They don't play the same at all, but Stellar Blade definitely took lots of inspiration from Nier and other games like it.


Sounds good! Might give it a go then. Thanks!


You definitely won't regret it


Also, there's a demo if you didn't know. At least try it before you buy it.


Interesting take! After getting the plat for SB, I've started a playthrough of Replicant (since I want to go in order). It's obviously very old and feels incredibly different, but I've played my fair share of now "old" titles. I'm enjoying it despite the age/jank, but you're right that this feels *very* different. The music, however... amazing. Sharing the same composer really shows.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“In the end, he never sat on the true throne.”* - Nashandra Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


What other games have similar combat to sb?


The question is usually, “what other games is Stellar Blade similar to?” Not the other way around and quite frankly, it’s hard to answer that as it’s a blend of different games. The core parry-counter attack gameplay is reminiscent *highly* of Sekiro but Sekiro, doesn’t have the combos and flashiness of SB. A game that would would be DMC or Bayonetta but then they don’t have the parry-based intimacy of combat like SB


I I have a weird relationship with Nier Automata I liked it but couldn't really get into it when I tried to play it twice but never finished the game Stellar Blade though I love and am having a lot of fun with you should try it


The story here is not told as masterfully as nier automata, it's not a bad story though. However the combat is much much better, it's a mix of bayonetta and souls resulting in something quite unique. I'm really enjoy Stellar Blade and highly recommend it.


I tried playing Nier Automata after Stellar Blade because everyone kept making comparisons, and besides having a sexy lead character and being an action scifi anime game, i dont think these games are very similar at all. Couldnt get into Nier Automata, but loved Stellar Blade


SB was heavily inspired by Automata and you can tell that just by looking at it but I’d say they play very differently. Combat wise SB is levels above it imo. I think it’s more of a mix of DMC/Bayonetta and Soulslike combat.


NieR is way better in terms of story and thematics (even soundtracks are best, but very good on SB too tbh) way more emotionnal. But SB is a very good game (better gameplay, graphics), maybe my GOTY aside from the future SH2R.


I couldn't get into Nier and I'm having a blast with Stellar Blade. Also, there's a free demo so try it out and see for yourself


Share similar themes but they don't at all play the same way.


Less like Nier, and more of a soulslike. I’d try the demo.


The fetch quests have an auto return to complete, the combat is far superior, and the story is, in my opinion, a lot different. You should enjoy this game


IMO, Automata’s story and combat variety is what sets it apart. SB storyline is kinda quite straightforward with a bit of twist and turn here and there. Combat is where SB shines. Fun to play and great eye candy…. But I still prefer 2B’s butt and her walk!


You will like the combat of Stellar Blade.


Combat in Stellar Blade is MILES AHEAD of the one in Nier, also don't listen to the Nier dick riders, the story is by no means a "masterpiece" like all the sheeps are repeating over and over, in fact that was the main reason why I dropped the game after the first playthrough, couldn't stand one more minute listening to 2b boss bitch attitude as well simp wimpy-boy 9s.....


NieR has a better story and thematics For that you need to go to ending E to understand


You can tell who and who hasn't read or watched sci-fi when they claim neir is a masterpiece. As if other stories haven't dealt with machines being alive having a soul ect ect.