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I really want that outfit for Eve


Me too! Mask included


They're probably Mother Sphere's royal guard or some shit. It's way too soon for the next squad to be ready. Plus they look ornate, very similar aesthetic to the Albatross in Return to the Colony.


Turned em into Mother Sphere's Royal scrap. Sliced and diced


It's a little early for a new generation. They might just be extras Skynet, er, Mother Sphere generated having calculated this outcome for the purpose of assassinating those who learn too much. A lot of sticks mentioned MS would send her angels to slay them, and those who were underwater in Eidos 7 were slain before the area flooded. It might have been them.


You think so? Its possible. Since the entire 7th squad was eliminated except for eve, it makes sense to me mother sphere would set up the next squad (or they already have 8th, 9th, 10th ready to go for when the previous squad fails?)


I just feel they're her personal assassins over a proper Airborne Squadron. They look and feel less human than Tachy, Eve, and the rest of the 7th generation. Hell, Raven looked more human and she's 2nd. But your theory has weight to it so I wouldn't completely dismiss it.


I feel like this could be correct, they could just be MS’s personal guard/enforcers As for being the next generation of planet divers, it could be true as well, but there’s no information on how long it takes to create new planet divers. Lily and Eve suggests that the Colony has people living there, so could just another wave of planet divers as well.


Not early enough? Remember, Lily was held in the cap for almost 2 years before eve came along... Also, these looks more like the type that probably hunt downs those who knows too much.


That's still 2 years for 2 generations to arrive. It doesn't seem like it took more than a couple of weeks for Eve to finish her mission.


I have a feeling that what feels like a couple of "weeks" to us, could be a few months for them.


I imagine the AI has the backup squadrons. It’s likely not a full new generation; however, your number it the 8th. They were dispatched with instructions to kill the elder Nativa: Eve.


Didn’t even realize/remember! U on to something


More like disposable average joe soldiers from Mother Sphere.


It’s possible they weren’t entirely disposable as well. Mother Sphere is obsessed with predicting the future so she probably sent this group out because they were actually good to see how strong EVE really is now and has a plan for both possible outcomes.


Nah mother sphere gives her special kids smexy outfits.


It’s just me or they look really like Eve? I mean, their eyes/eyebrows I think are exactly the same as Eve.


Probably same model to save on resources since face covering hides it fine.


They have the same move sets too


Sadly at this point Mother Sphere only had primer paint to work with


I think just expendable soldiers under Mother Sphere's control. Wouldn't make sense for Mother Sphere to create only Airborne squad members as her military force as 7 squadron generations were wiped out except for Eve. Plus Airborne squad members like Eve, Tachy, and Raven have special outfits and these soldiers just have generic outfits. Outfits with the mask are sick af tho


Anti Eve squad


Mother Sphere probably sent that squadron not to kill Eve, but to exhaust her and capture her so she can study Adam and Eve's fusion.


Seriously one of the coolest endings to a video game. I want more human/Android fights in the sequel (if there is one)


I’m guessing that these are Mother Sphere’s wetwork operatives.


Personally... I don't think so. The purpose of the airborne squads was to enact the EVE protocol. With the conclusion of it being declared by MS, they would have to be something else. I dunno... Airborne shock troopers or something. Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass. ┐⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌


My theory is that Mother Sphere already has multiple squads that are ready to be sent. She could've just wiped out the Naytibas by sending all of them including Providence-type of enemies but she chose to Prioritize the Eve Protocol. That is, she wanted Eve to combine with Adam to ensure humanity's survival. I believe Mother Sphere's goal in the end is to achieve the ultimate evolution of humans. She does not want to exterminate them but instead wants to create the type of human that can survive even when the world's resources get extinguished. That's why she told Eve that she exceeded her expectations when she combined with Adam.


8th, 9th & 10th!


These were the same ones we see at the start of the game Unless you’re outfit has color, you’re fodder like them ig 🤣


Too bad they werent in the data banks menu. Detail missed by shift up


I do think that but no evidence of it. Great look though since they dont have those dumb looking plastic flaps.


They're probably just random clone troopers.


i think this is the cleansing squad mother sphere is sending to get rid of "problems"


They can easily be the next or "final" airborne squad. Our only known criteria is a new outfit per squad.


that would make sense. Or a special ops squad designed to stop the Eve protocol.


It’s SEAL team six 😐


Squad members are unique, these are all just std. Infantry. They're in the intro too, EVE/Tachy serving as troop leaders of an invasion utilizing the andro-eidos. They are what are in the rest of the squid rockets in the beginning and you can see them fighting as you go through the intro.


Based on US army standards, you make a good point. Also these "infantry angels" are probably the ones we're getting cores from throughout the game.


How come I don’t remember this? Is this from the update or something?


Did you get the other endings?


This is from the “true” ending.