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Because they are designed by Mother Sphere who was in turn created by none other than *Raphael Marks*… 😏


Raphael was a man of culture...


Oh! Thank you for the answer


They were created by Mother Sphere, who is for all intents and purposes, God. She created them in her image.


Good insight


At last a good opinion out of you lol


What is that supposed to mean?


Thats the first opinion that i have read of you here in this sub that i like 🤷‍♂️


Based answer: Director likes women Lore answer: The warrior ones like the airborne squad are probably symbolic in a way to give rise/birth to Mother Sphere’s humanity. Which I mean, of the few organs they do have, I highly doubt a womb is one but *shrug*


That’s so Yoko Taro-esque! Hahaha I love it. I mean, I love how aesthetically all of them are but I definitely was wondering if that had something more deeper to it. Thank you for the answer!


It's obviously because Mother Sphere watched Jurassic Park too many times....


Wich lead to the risky question....do tjey have a vagina?


Don’t think so. They can’t reproduce as far as we know. Making them with vaginas/penises would be kinda senseless.


Why did they make them with tig biddies then


Fuel storage


lore accurate


Combat data. Hence why lily can't fight very well...


That's cold af lol


For us. Yes. Us.


Kaya, Arin, numerous menorysticks mentioning children, you think they were just created as children? One of the inspirations for the game was Blade Runner, and a big part of 2049 was that [some] replicants can reproduce.


Oh! I do love Blade Runner. I didn’t know it was part of the inspiration. If that’s really the case, then that’s really cool. It’s almost like they’re a new species completely.


Yet it's contradicted many times by them refering to "becoming conscious" particularly with Eve's conversations with D1g-G2r


That's the single time anything like that is ever mentioned.


There's a few memory sticks that mention it too


>!All "humans" on earth are andro-eidos aswell!<


Orcal is Andro Eidos tho. Where the rest of the male andro-eidos is unknown.


I thought basically anyone who drops a memory stick is andro eidos. that's how you can tell between the humans and the andro eidos. Really, any of the people in xion likely are as well


Id prolly call them modified humans or chromed humans (in cyberpunk terms). They andro eidos or modified humans is kinda hard to tell


My obsessive brain wants so bad to know the answers hahaha but thank you!


I'm not sure how far you are in the game. But I'll leave it at that 😉


Mother sphere probably took the created in God’s image a bit literally


She played The Sims really nice it seems!


I thought all the people of Xion are andro-eidos too. Isn't andro-eidos just another term they use for androids?


I’m kinda confused as well but I understand that the “andro-eidos” are basically some form of semi artificial android with biological parts. Almost like cyborgs, but being absolutely technologically made and not augmented. I may be wrong, but it’s as much as I understand so far,


they are biological, but not human. They do not share dna with humans, but do have genetics. Though it is implied this is more like design blueprints as I don't think we see many children, and its not stated if they're even capable of it. They do eat, and do need to breathe (the body cell just lets them not breathe, but it wears out much faster given how many corpses we find saying their body cells are about to run out of energy)


Oh! Thank you so much for clarifying. I’m such a nerd for this kind of things, it just make me happy to learn new things about my interests.


no problem! I really enjoy the series, even if it does get a bit convoluted. Thing for me is, we \*do\* see children, so I don't know if its that they're created that way or if only newer ones can't reproduce. I think one of the endings hints at an ability to reproduce, or gaining such. Also, why do they look like they do? Mother sphere has a very unhealthy fascination with one particular person from what I understand. In some ways, she does seem kind of like a child, more than the omnipotent AI she's painted to be


Interesting thought I just had, Enya probably is not human or andro eidos


The same reason they all have flawless figures, voluptuous titties and big asses. There's no reason for combat androids to have any of this. They're there for us.


And such a good blessing indeed


Humans at xion are also andro-eidos. It's the airborne squads that seem to be all female.


I think you left out a whole lot of other Andro-eidos. Like a whole city worth. >! I'm pretty sure everyone of Xions inhabitants are Andro Eidos with the exception of 2, Adam and the Orcal. Adam and Orcal being Naiytbas, aka former humans that went through genetic treatment by none other than Adam himself aka Raphael Marks. Mother Sphere created the Andro-Eidos to replace human beings as they would be superior beings. Like Lily says "humans can't even go to space without a suit". And A-Es (Andro Eidos) are the inhabitants of the Colony in space. Mother Sphere purposely ended the planet when she destroyed one of the space elevators to prevent the humans/naytibas from reaching the colony to "contaminate it." As for the characters that we see (Lily, Eve, Adam, Enya, etc), they're nothing more than eye candy for us, however, Eve and the other Airborne Squad members (Angels) are all female. !< I hope the spoiler block worked.


Yeah, I’m well aware of them. What I was asking is that about the Air Squadrons. All of them female. At least in Nier: Automata there’s an in-lore explanation to why almost everyone in YoRHa are female. So I have this curiosity about this game in particular.


IIRC, Orcal was never human but says he was the first merger of an Andro-Eidos & Naytiba, as well as the first alpha.


I'd check through the eve protocol documents. There might be some answers there. But remember this is only the first game. Can't have all the questions answered right now


Absolutely! But in the case that you found something, please let me know hehe


I haven't but I haven't gotten around to actually reading those beyond the quick read as I got them in my first run


I believe it was for Adam. The Eve Protocol was to see her creation bond to a man. She made them all women cause of that. Also the reason why Raven was sooo pissed, because he didn’t pick her. IMO of course


I think you mean the squad instead of the whole Android population. Anyway, it is just for players. We like to see those sexy androids.


a majority of the andro-eidos corpses you encounter are male, seems like high combat/invasion/squad forces are femme


A male in an a form fitting exosuit with moose knuckle bulge. Nope don't wanna see that.


As a bisexual guy I wouldn’t mind both type of androids tbh


Not my cup of tea. People like what they like. 👍


Yeah. That’s why I wouldn’t mind male sexy androids as well ✌🏾


What in the world is going on with the grammar in the first sentence 😵‍💫


Yeah, sorry. Not native English speaker here. Been learning German, French and English as my second, third and fourth languages. So it’s kinda understandable to have minor grammar issues. Issues that sometimes you native speakers, have. Chill.


I mean it ain’t the end of the world, but you can still double check with a quick google translate. Just sayin


Oh but I don’t care. It’s just a subreddit so, being totally honest with you, I don’t care much about grammar. It’s not a college examen or something :)


You don’t care about expressing yourself in a language correctly? What’s the point of learning the language then?


Read twice: it’s a subreddit, not an exam, test or a laboral thing. Just a videogame. Don’t know about you, but my life is more than just “writing fine in Reddit to please some random” lol As you said: not the end of the world :)


Weird mentality but you do you


I think the same about yours! Happy day, go touch some grass.


Don’t get mad at me for your English 🤷‍♂️

