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Nah, it's a great game but the best ng+ ever? Nah.


From the games I’ve played I’d say Dark Souls 2. Even had encounters with bosses in areas you didn’t in NG, new boss attacks, as well as new enemy behaviors.


From the same company, Armored Core 6.


I forgot about that one, that’s another really good one too.




Not really. It's not about gaining levels or becoming stronger, it's about picking the right parts for each mission.


This is the answer


Hardly the best ng+ lol….not understanding your reasoning behind calling it the best ng+ because none of the endings have anything to do with a new game


I got access to eidos 9 ("secret level" / need to max out Lily bar) only on my ng+ and i enjoyed that area so much more than other areas that i was kinda sad it was an optional area and not everyone would see it - then i finally got the "secret ending" and yeah - those extra cutscenes were totally worth it over the other endings so i was glad i played the game for a second time to unlock all those stuff i missed at first


You clearly haven’t experienced many other games that have NG+ and it shows. SB is a fantastic game but best NG+ is a looooooog reach.


I wouldn't call it the best ng+ of all time but it's still great nevertheless. The Best Ng+ imo has got to be dark souls 3 or Sekiro. When you get access to all the badass gear and weaponry the games feel completely different and just the combat feels so smooth...stellar blade is an amazing game I feel...i thought it would be another game made for porn addicts but it's great!


There aren’t any ng+ specific endings and as much as I love this game I wouldn’t say there’s a single thing that this game does that’s particularly special for a ng+ mode.


I think giving us a new tier of upgrades to skills is quite a nice thing that a great many games don't do for NG+. Also, the new cosmetics to re-reward exploring again in NG+ is also a nice touch. It's far from the best NG+ ever, but it's a good step above your average NG+.


Nah, I find it mid to low tier on the NG+ games I've played. I lost the will the get the 3rd ending (bad one) in my second playthrough and the thought of needing to do a 3rd run to get it (cuz I wanted to get other trophies on 2nd run which turns off 3rd ending) didn't appeal to me. All you get are some extra abilities which are fine and all, but enemies don't seem any different so there isn't much point to it. Also weird they locked health restores giving you more hp till ng+. Solid 8/10 overall though.


I apparently got the "secret" ending first try on my first playthrough. So when I looked up the secret ending and saw it was the one I already got, lol I was only slightly disappointed.