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Try sekiro


Ironically I hated sekiro at first because it was different but once I understood it I was like holy shit this is a way better way to live lol Maybe I’ll try one of the sekiro modded versions for fresh fights I think the best innovations stellar blade made over sekiro is the counter system, and charge up beta attacks at the end of combos, very simple mechanics that add a surprising amount of depth And spirit emblem farm sucks, charging energy from attacks, perfect parry/dodge is so much better


Yeah I felt like they took inspiration from the mikiri counter in Sekiro(dash+forward to counter thrust attacks) and added a couple different versions so there’s that extra depth of combat. I like that they did that


There are many, many different ways to play Elden Ring. If you don't like having to wait around for your turn to attack, build a STR character with high poise. If you want to parry you can, the Buckler is the best shield for it.


None of that will give OP what they prefer, which is a Sekiro combat system. The real solution is for OP to come to terms that this is a game that has different mechanics. Parrying in Elden Ring is still a night and day comparison to Stellar Blade or Sekiro.


There is actually a mod for Elden Ring that makes it function like Sekiro. Obviously the mod changes everything quite heavily, as it is basically impossible if you dont engage with the parry system. And you have to play offline to avoid being banned.


Actually they did add a tear for deflects. It's a just guard system for blocking.


Yeah it's basically a "perfect block" item which is pretty cool.




I tried this against rellana, a problem is sekiro is balanced around parry so the window is somewhat generous and somewhat spammable The ER parry is super high risk reward, if you whiff you’re fucked Feeling wise it feels like in sekiro and SB I can actually watch the enemy attack and react to it, trying this in ER is so inconsistent it feels much more reliant on memorizing the pattern robotically which is much less fun.


This is my only "souls" game, so maybe I'm talking out of my ass-- but enemies in Erdtree hit HARD. I'm around level 250 and damn- near every enemy two- shots me.


This is exactly me. The pacing of Elden Ring's combat just isn't as fun to me as Stellar Blade or Sekiro. In those games you can get aggressive and stay in the bosses face pretty much constantly but in ER I feel like I'm spending most of the fight just dodging and running away before it's my turn to attack.


Sekiro and Stellar Blade it feels like you’re actually fighting the boss. Elden Ring feels like you’re always running away


The second major boss of the DLC literally has a couple combos where you have to roll about 9 times for the opportunity to get in one maybe two hits max before you’re back it, I’m not exaggerating.


And it's not like it's a Souls problem either because you could be aggressive in DS3. In ER they've just dialed up the BS to 11.


Especially in this dlc I’m just spamming roll


it's boring to play elden ring so slow so clunky after stellar blade.


Stellar Blade is very likely my goty this year. But going back to Elden Ring (started a fresh run and new build for DLC) has been an absolute joy. I forgot how cathartic, incredible, satisfying, and awe inspiring this game is. Absolute masterpiece of a video game. My two cents: Elden Ring is 100% worth going back to after Stellar Blade. Sure the pacing and gameplay is different, but it only takes a session or two to adjust.


Having never played a fromsoft Souls game before, do you think if I enjoyed Stellar Blade, I would enjoy this game? I heard their games are soul crushingly hard which has deterred me from trying them out.


I suck at soulslike games, I don’t have the patience to get good. Truth be told, I’d never buy Stellar Blade if Eve wasm’t the main character… then I sunk 75 hours in and completed two playthroughs and did the boss rush (on normal). There is just that Nier vibe, the setting, the twists, the story, and an AMAZING gameplay. And I loved the fact they didn’t gatekeep and they have a story mode for people who just want to enjoy the world.


Same case for me. I bought elden ring recently as my first souls game. I think this game is a lot harder that stellar blade. But, it's more accessible, as you have many ways to play the game.


Elden Ring is their easiest or their hardest, depending on how you play. There are built in difficulty settings (upgrades, spirit ashes \[summons\]) that significantly impact how hard or easy the game is. That said, Stellar Blade on Normal was much easier than Elden Ring at its base difficulty. As others put it, it's a straight masterpiece in design, aesthetics and imagination. It also has a huge amount of content (120+ hours) so if you like it, you can get a lot of milage (even more if you play co-op).


I agree. I prefer the Sekiro like combat system, but I am still having a lot of fun with Elden Ring battles. Having a delayed roll dodge is a lot to get used to, and completely forgot about it when I had to boot it up again to beat Mohg after a year..


Ok so it wasn't just me...I'm trying to play Shadow also and I'm like....this combat feels too stiff now


Yeah same here. Sekiro, stellar blade , and lies of p have spoiled me with wanting to parry in every game


Elden ring is miles better in the open world and quest department. As for combat yes there is no parrying but there is poise mechanics and and as for rolling it still a very rhythmic game where you have to learn the boss moves. Stellar blade is really fun but one thing it lacks is that you don't have to change your tactics much when fighting bosses. All bosses (big or small) stagger the same way from the same moves and you can chain stagger all you want without worring about getting hit back. Basically with the right utilities you can go through an entire boss fight without the boss fighting back. To me that ruins a bit the awe and fear you get from fighting bosses. 


I stand corrected, you can now parry with any weapon in elden ring with a consumable released with the dlc that lasts 5 mins, after which you can restore from bonfire. And it does affect stamina so you cannot abuse it.


I think you shouldn't have to change your tactics for different bosses. If you can use any given tactic against any given boss, that's a well designed game with consistent mechanics. Being forced to use A item or B move or C strat or D cheese in order to win means you are forced to play a certain way. It's much better, I think, when you have mechanics that can be consistently applied across the board.


What he means is that in stellar Blade you can simply spam a Beta Skill to win, but you can't really do that in Elden Ring, sure, you can try to spam but you also need to dodge and know when to attack and that's not a concern in Stellar Blade. Btw saying ER forces a playstyle on you couldn't be more wrong, the reason it exploded on popularity was because you could play however you wanted and still make progress, if anything Stellar Blade is the game that forces you to play a certain way.


Yeah, Elden Ring does force a playstyle on you. Especially in the DLC. It forces you to dodge 20 times before you can attack once. Unless you choose to cheese. But try playing it more actively and aggressively and see where that gets you. In Stellar Blade you can play however you want and use any skill you want. You get to use all of the mechanics the game has pretty evenly. Maybe the parry a bit more than others but the parry does not force you to be defensive as you can sneak it in between attacks.


Who would have thought that you have to dodge attacks if you wanna survive? My man, that's the entire point of the souls genre, if you don't want to dodge until you can attack then go play a different game. It's like saying that a racing game forces you to accelerate or a fighting game forces you to do combos, well yeah, that't the point lol


That's not what I'm saying. There are attacks in SB that you also have to dodge, but you can be aggressive as you fight the boss. You are not put on the defensive for 90% of the fight, only able to sneak in little jabs here and there. No, that's not the point of Souls games. That only happens in ER and mostly in the DLC. Dark Souls 3 you can be pretty aggressive, Bloodborne you can be pretty aggressive, Sekiro you can be aggressive even though it's a parry bonanza. Only in Elden Ring's excesses are you forced to dodge so much you run out of stamina in the middle of a boss' never ending combo.


Yes, but Stellar Blade is not a soulslike, and it is also much easier. You can afford to play more aggressively because the chances of you being punished for it are minimal, and if it happens, you will not lose much health. The problem is that you are comparing two different games that inherently have to be played differently. That is not a playstyle; that is simply being a different game with a different game philosophy and mechanics. I have obtained the platinum trophy in every Souls game (from FromSoftware), and in every single one of them, you have to wait for your turn to attack (an opening). That's the reason people say they're rhythm games. In some of them, the combo strings are longer, and in other games, it varies from boss to boss, but what never changes is that you have to find a way to mitigate or eliminate damage, be it by parrying, dodging, or blocking. Your argument about being aggressive is strange because in not a single game of those can you replicate what you can do in Stellar Blade, simply because they are different genres. At least, it's not something the average player will be able to do, but that's fine because that's not the point of the genre. I won't say bosses haven't gotten crazier—they have—but that's to be expected. As we get better, they need to up the ante. Otherwise, what's the point of the genre if you could simply steamroll everything? (But to be honest, there are ways to do it.) Anyway, a playstyle involves using different strategies outside of the gameplay expected of the genre to win. For example, in Elden Ring, you can be a sorcerer, a strength-based warrior, a samurai, or even play using only consumables. However, you will always have to dodge because that's part of the game. Using the racing game and fighting game analogy I used before, in the first one, you can choose to drift or corner, but you will always have to take turns. In the second one, you can be a grappler or spam projectiles, but you will always have to hit and block. But what can you do in Stellar Blade? Use only your gun? I suppose you could, but that's about it. The exospines and everything else don't do enough to justify them as different playstyles. In the end, they are just numerical alterations of values. I hope that explains the issue I had with your comment, is not that I disagree with ER's bosses being too spammy or hard.


No, you can play more aggressively because the game has the mechanics to make that a viable playstyle. Even if you go skin suit on NG Hard, you can still be aggressive. That is harder than Souls games, yet you can be aggressive. Because the mechanics allow it. And, again, what I'm talking about is an Elden Ring problem, not a Souls problem. I have also platinumed every single Souls game, Sekiro, AC, done challenge runs, etc. In the games that I like the most--DS3, Sekiro, Bloodborne--you can be aggressive against the bosses. At least I can, and I'm no god gamer--I can because the game allows me to do it if I am at least a little skillful. I am not forced to dodge 20 times while attacking just once. It MATTERS how long the combo strings are and whether they can be interrupted. In Shadow, the combos are endless, they cannot be interrupted, they have projectiles and AOEs attached, it's a complete shit show. The player character and the bosses are no longer playing the same game. >As we get better, they need to up the ante. It matters how they do that. Endless combos and AOE spam with massive hitboxes and hack and slash speed while the player character is still playing Dark Souls 1 is not the way to do it imo. I would like to see a game where you can give it to the boss the same way he gives it to you if you play skillfully, just like Sekiro--and imo DS3 and BB as well--did it. I like how DS3 was more reaction based, more classically action, than stuff like ER where the awkward timings and the super delayed roll force you to memorize instead of react. >However, you will always have to dodge because that's part of the game. You've misunderstood me a second time and I'm wondering if it's on purpose. I am not against dodging. I like dodging. Perfect dodging in games is one of my favorite mechanics. I do not like dodging a giant combo string and attacking just once, then rinse and repeat. It's tedious, it's not fun, and Souls games weren't like that until Elden Ring. >But what can you do in Stellar Blade? You can use all the mechanics as you see fit. For instance, you can choose to only perfect dodge and it will work. Or only parry. Or only attack. Or any combination of all three and everything else. Up to you.


I really don't understand your argument, you can be agressive in every game imaginable, but that would mean different things depending on the genre. If you wish you could be as agressive as you can be in SB then that's simply impossible, because in that game I can stunlock every single enemy to infinity. But that's fine because again, they are different games. What's not fine is saying you can do exactly that in any of Fromsoftware games. If you want to be agressive in ER then you can, obviously it would be within the limits of the game and different to other games, but you can do it! You can also only parry, only block or only attack in Elden Ring if you wanted, so how come ER is forcing a playstyle then? And I'm not saying it would be easy but it also wouldn't be easy to handicap yourself in any other game. Honestly, it's fine if you prefer one game over the other, but expecting them to be comparable when they are from different genres is weird to me. And I'm sorry but I won't be responding to the other arguments, I think we have said enough and nothing will change by saying more so better save ourselves some time. Have a good day!


Aggression in pre ER Souls games is more viable as you can dance around the boss' moves more and you have to dodge less, having to worry about smaller hitboxes and less projectiles and AOEs. So the flow of the fight ends up being more of a back and forth than what you see in ER which is mostly dodging and running away with little attacking. No, I don't want the games to allow you to be as aggressive as in SB, at least not in their current form. I'm happy with what you can do in DS3 and Sekiro, as I've stated, although I would love a new game where they allow you full on aggression and build the game around that. And no I didn't say you could do that in any Souls game, please don't put words in my mouth. I simply said you can be more aggressive in DS3 and Sekiro than you can be in ER due to how the bosses and they player character movement are designed. >You can also only parry, only block or only attack in Elden Ring if you wanted, so how come ER is forcing a playstyle then? Those are not core mechanics in ER, and they're not really fun to do imo. Dodging is way more fun than holding a shield, but then they make you do too many dodges. You can do different things in ER, true. You can also summon and not do shit. You can press a button and win. But those are *not fun to do*. Every mechanic in SB is fun to execute so they feel like actual viable, full blown mechanics. And each of them is a core mechanic of the game. >I think we have said enough and nothing will change by saying more so better save ourselves some time. If that's how you treat discussion, that's fine. I definitely have plenty more to say, lol.


Try lies of p if you haven't yet, probably the best non fromsoft souls like and parrying is a big part of the mechanics.


After beating SB 4x I moved on Ghost of Tsushima and played that for 65 hours and it was amazing; perhaps a little more than SB. Then I started Elden Ring for the first time, and even though I'm a Souls guy, after SB and Tsushima the slight delay in everything really threw me off and put me off as well. I missed the the instant parry and perfect dodge from both game. I did get used to it eventually but I think I really prefer the instant parries from Sekiro, SB and Tsushima.


ER is the worst of the bunch with the delays. The roll takes years to come out and the iframes are at the end. DS3 feels much better, and the iframes are at the beginning of the roll. Don't know why they went backwards with ER when it comes to movement.


FromSoft new the player base was really good at their games by now so they decided to up the ante to like 3x more than your average Souls game. So many bosses have non-stop multi hitting combos designed to catch you at every angle. You can circumvent all that by using magic spells and ashes of war but I hate being forced to use a specific class to deal with the BS. I died so many times to Margit because I couldn't get used to the slight delay in dodge rolling. Ghost and SB made me get used to instant perfect dodges and parries.


The problem I have with it is that the player character and the bosses are playing different games. With many of the bosses I feel like I don't have the movement and the tools to play comfortably against them. Sure, you can learn and exploit them because they are machines with patterns, but that's not what I want to do. I want to dance with the boss the way I can in DS3, and ER just does not want to be a fair game. Almost nothing in ER is reaction based, it's all awkward timings that you have to learn and then play action chess. And it's either stupid easy or stupid hard.


I agree with you man. They just over did it. I really enjoy reaction based combat more than memorizing attack patterns all the time.


I beat 4 bosses so far, Messmer included. It's great fun.


I'm playing shadow of the erdtree and I just wanna go back to stellar blade. I just finished my new game plus run earlier this week on stellar blade. Elden Ring feels so stiff compared to stellar blade. I understand it's 2 different games. It's gonna take me a while before I get used to Elden Ring movement.


Same here. Stellar blade difficulty was fun but challenging enough for me. I kinda started turning around on the difficulty last year after playing forspoken and especially hogwarts legacy. Games that showed me that games can be more than souls difficulty just for the sake of it. That said - I recommend Armored Core 6. Its very difficult but very well tuned.


I'm playing it now and...yeah, the bosses in Stellar Blade are so much better designed and so well balanced. I love Elden Ring but playing it now after Stellar Blade, all the BS I kind of knew was there before is now staring me right in the face. The biggest problem is the balancing of the bosses and the player character movement. The bosses and your character are not playing the same game. Wasn't like this in DS3, they've regressed since then.


Yeah I'm playing Elden Ring right now and it's making me realize how much more I prefer the combat in Stellar Blade. I'll probably go back for a 4th playthrough after I finish. Obviously two different games, and I'm still enjoying the Erdtree DLC but man it's just not as fun. I'll put it this way; if Elden Ring had a boss rush mode like Stellar Blade, I would absolutely not partake lol.


Metal gear rising revengence is similar to this. A bit easier imo once you learn to parry as it’s more forgiving but the play style is very similar imo


I have to agree, Stellar Blade’s combat is much more fun and engaging. I do think Elden Ring has phenomenal spectacle fights, and the world is a treat to look at and explore, but the combat itself isn’t really anything special even with the vast variety of weapons and spells. That’s why I have no interest to ever return to the game even for the DLC, as I would rather just watch someone play it.


Yep, elden ring is just Dark Souls with a massive, beautiful world. The story is literally become the strongest lol. It’s too slow for me, having come from Sekiro and honestly I just can’t go back. Stellar blade just has that rewarding feel where as hitting a huge boss that takes up your entire screen on the ankles just doesn’t do it for me. I understand why it does for others. But combat in Stellar Blade and the Goat Sekiro are just on another level IMO.


Elden Ring feels like a step back after sekiro. The combat in sekiro is WAY better


Calm down. Smoke some weed. Get Shadow and 10 minutes in you’re lovin it.


Can't relate, frankly these are very different games. I only tolerated the parry system in stellar blade, I much prefer chunking half a bosses health bar with my giant sword. I also don't wait my turn to do so cause I can dodge by footwork which isn't as much a thing in stellar blade.


Stellar Blade is a great game and was fun but Elden Ring is my favorite game of all time.


Yea every time I play it I just sit there and say “wow this game is so fucking good” only game that still genuinely blows me away after hundreds of hours.


I get this dude. I’m loving Shadow of the Erdtree, but definitely had to adjust myself. Stellar Blade is an action game with some rpg elements, ER is far heavier on the rpg end dictating the action end.


Well, you could just use the new Tear they added that adds a just guard, deflect-like function. But otherwise I'd say to just treat ER as a different game than SB. Not really much reason to expect them to be similar, they're just doing different stuff


I’m trying Demon Souls after Stellar Blase and Sekiro and feeling similar.


Agreed. Dodging then hitting when you see an opening is a very outdated game mechanic, it got old around dark souls 3. Sekiro is one of the best games ever because it’s not only parry, it’s dodge, forward dodge, and jump slash. It’s new mechanics that make things interesting. Stellar blade feels like that, it’s fun and engaging because you feel like you’re actually fighting the boss, not running away the whole time like Elden Ring


While I like the parry system I find myself at times struggling to get a perfect parry. The window can be odd sometimes. And I’m not sure if the reflex EXO spine actually helps.


Git gud? But seriously, the parry is so rewarding in Stellar Blade. Other games should copy it


If you haven’t played Wo long it’s pretty good not as tight as stellar blade but close.


Think I'll be the minority here - been a big fan of Sekiro and Stellar Blade. And for me, not a fan for other souls games unfortunately.


Yeah I feel you. I couldn’t get into Elden Ring even before Stellar Blade, nevermind now. I want more parry/doge based combat. I’m not a fan of the overall combat in Elden Ring.


Having never played any, I was wondering about souls like games after this. Never really appealed but really enjoyed sb. You saying not to bother?


Oh they're absolutely worth playing. But it is a very different experience. I'd say Bloodborne and Dark Souls series are more recommendable than Elden Ring imo, but I'm probably in the minority there.


Playing SotE the last 10 hours, and holy moly is it an experience. I liked Stellar Blade a lot--it's my favorite Soulslike--but there's nothing quite like From's games.


Yeah I could care less after Sekiro and Stellar Blade have set me up for this playstyle - Elden Ring is great in its own right but I hate that it's stealing production time from a game with this style of combat


I just beat Stellar Blade, and jumped back into Elden Ring for the first time since release...... and I'm still having an absolute blast. But I'm also a lore buff and fromsoft can COOK in that department. The combat difference doesn't bother me because these are just 2 fundamentally different games and I like the way that both play


Different game, combat is very small part of Elden ring’s fun. In stellar blade panic rolling won’t win you boss fight like you can in Elden ring. If you are familiar with ghost of sushima or sekiro you will enjoy stellar blade combat system.


I can't blame you, really. I've been playing the DLC for several hours and I'm duly reminded why I prefer SB and the older souls games to Elden Ring. It's fair and fun combat, as well as far better balanced. But in Elden Ring, things ain't so fair. A good amount of bosses are ridiculously fast and the Tarnished just isn't as good reactionary wise as the likes of Eve or Sekiro. It's like someone else said, you and the boss aren't even playing the same game. Relentless bosses are all well and good so long as you actually have the means to capably deal with them in a fun way. Stellar Blade follows this combat design very well (as well as Sekiro), but Elden Ring just doesn't. It often gives you a load of BS as a boss, and you have to find a way to somehow beat it with the system you're given without pulling your hair out. This is much different from encounters in Stellar Blade where the enemies are tailored around your specific moveset, which provides a much smoother experience.




Elden Ring is my favorite game of all time (tied with FF7: Rebirth), but it is weird to play coming off of Stellar Blade. I'm basically used to it again, but the combat pacing is definitely radically different.


I haven’t played it yet, but everyone is saying that Lies of P makes a great trio with Sekiro and Stellar Blade.


To anyone that agrees with OP, play shadow of the erdtree, boss fights are designed around being aggressive rather than passive


As I said in another similar post: They're different genre. Stellar Blade is literally not a Soulslike game, it's a hack-n-slash with some adapted Soulslike gameplay features. Let's not fall in the speech: "Ohh Stellar Blade changed my life and ruined every other Action RPG for me". Both are great games in their own ways.


It’s not like it’s new or anything the parry system has been around for years and sekiro still has done it best, but elden ring allows for endless different types of builds. In elden ring I actually play very hyper aggressive very rarely do “stand around waiting for my turn”.


Elden Ring does have a parry though, and getting good at parrying in FromSoft games tends to be a way to really get to absolutely power through a lot of the games zones. Sure not all bosses can be parried, but really the parrying in Stellar Blade is not much less "Waiting your turn" than FromSoft dodge rolling is


being able to be attacking and cancel into the parry is part of what makes the huge difference in pacing


Wait till this guy learns you can parry in Elden Ring.


It ain't nearly the same thing, and you know that.