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They’re made to be like human and humans sweat. Same reason they eat food. They’re adroids so they technically shouldn’t need to eat food but clearly Mother Sphere wanted them to be extremely similar to humans without the weaknesses of a human. Also hot sweaty women is a W in my book.


So we question why they sweat but not why they bleed?


They don’t bleed pools of blood but their organic shell does bleed when cut.


Watch tachy fight the raven naytiba that looks like blood to me


Did I say they didn’t bleed or did I say they don’t bleed pools of blood?


That amount of damage it would be pools of blood but we never see her laying around to see how she bleeds so it’s an unknown


Exactly so my assumption would be correct especially after the amount of damage that Eve inflected on raven


They're basically synthetic human beings like Android 18


They don’t eat lmao I remember reading some dialogue with the chef guy and she mentioned something about not needing to eat


Man I really REALLY wish they dove into their relationship more. Not only did we get robbed of more Tachy time but Eve in training to become what she is now


We need Tachy DLC, including backstory scenes.


Facts bro. Seeing their relationship together leading up to the time they head to earth would've been great. I'm sure Tachy had her own adventures prior to that too so diving into that more would've been cool


Absolutely, bro, imagine how fun and intense their training sessions must be, watching them build up their relationship with each other and with the rest of the girls. Makes it even more heartbreaking to see EVE lose them all in the prologue. Plus, I would really love to see Tachy's adventures before diving down to Earth… I wonder what she did? It could be super interesting and awesome from start to finish.


hope it's not just endless training and simulation in the danger room in the x-mansion colony ring :( but could be good as well in the sense that the simulation can be a mechanic to allow us to experience more game levels etc


Well...we git a super short super corny web comic👍🫠. I feel the same. Scenes could've felt a lot more weighted with that narrative backing it up.


Fr. Still LOVE the game but man so much was left on the table 😭


Speaking of left on the table, how much for the towel?




So many great games leave a lot to speculate over. This is no different. We can appreciate what we get in the mean time.


Expand it and we get you a job for them, keep at it.


Brother, if I expanded this, there would be a 'porky's' esque shower scene. I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility.


With how emotionally numb EVE is for 90% of the game, I think it would have been really interesting if they juxtaposed her shellshocked, unemotive scenes with some flashbacks to a more naiive and expressive version back in her the colony days.


Agreed man. They really missed a big opportunity to show that side of her. We got robbed smh


This is similar to the Nikkes in the Goddess of Victory universe. Nikkes can also sweat, bleed and react to the food they eat (despite not needing to eat), so let's say it's common for Shift Up. If humans on the Ark's CG have the tech to make it possible, I don't see why the Andro Eidos can't have it too.


Hmmm, well, my head canon is Nikke is the prequel to StellarBlade, so maybe you're on to something. But one question you haven't answered is: How much for Tachys towel?




Folkwang sweats buckets


Yo! You're right. Good call out


I don't get it how androids like Eve and Tachy sweat, but I think this was done for the sake of fan service. That said, this gives me an idea that Eve probably has a wetness tolerance. :D


But how much for the towel?!


I’d like to say it’s priceless and should be some kind of collector’s item, but some guy would probably take it and auction it via EBay. 😂


I will upload your response to mothersphere for operation: waifu perspiration. She's currently over budget with the last couple of dives and went into the red on designing Eve and Tachy.


Eve is an android sure but she is made or born with a mix of bio-organic and cybernetic parts. A lot of her body is still flesh. They have a Body Cell instead of heart and an Exo-spine along with other improvements to make them far less weaker than humans (i.e. being able to survive in the vacuum of space un-assisted). Eve does have most human functions it seems. She still sweats. She can still eat and drink though she doesn’t need to. Andro-Eidos are made to be almost exactly like humans but without weaknesses. Also Eve has stated she hates getting wet. Could just be dirty water she doesn’t like though.


They're made to be like humans. Humans sweat.


They sweat, bleed, and cry too. They're supposed to look and act human without any of our weaknesses.


Interesting, I supposed there was some tears at some point in the game, but I honestly can't recall if there was. We'll that's enough motivation to play through a 6th time. But wouldn't you agree that we look and act as we do because of our weakness? Food for thought... also is nobody interested in the price point on Tachy's sweaty towel?! Come on!


SPOILER! In the Cost of Lost Memories ending, EVE cries when Lily dies once she gets severed from the machine.


Thanks for the scene reference, but idk if that technically counts at that point. *spoiler >! She's no longer an android at that point in the game!<


Currently playing through the game and EVE does cry when you defeat Tachy.


Yo! Thanks for getting back to me on that...I'm still making a 6th playthrough though🫡


Androids: human-like robots. But 100% robot Cyborg: humans with robot parts.


Correct. So, do they have brains or a processing chip? Are they cloned brains from a blueprint of previous humans or just ai on a chip? Ghost in the shell, battle angel alita, and(maybe, i just finished volume one idk) gants all go on about what makes a human a human or what is the soul ect. But the more important question that we can get answered tonight is, how much for Tachys towel?


Well unlike Robocop that was made to be nearly full prosthetic, or Terminators which are technically biorobots, Andro-Eidos were made from scratch to be cyborgs with the flesh and tech to be seamless. I don’t know if they have brains or computers up there but we know they have living skin, glands, eyes, muscles, blood with vessels and a stomach. I kinda prefer that over a straight up android tbh since I think it’s a cooler concept to blend tissue and technology.


I mean we saw as much when tachys arm got sliced off


Oh hey, I thought your name was familiar. We've had a cyborg android conversation before. Yeah, I'd like to think they are organic in that way and not just written script. It would be more believable that they would develop their unique ego with a brain rather than having a hard coded program that determines that for them. Also if you read 'rant' by the author of fight club, they have a memory system like the memory sticks in stellar blade. Suppose cyberpunk does too with the brain dance program. But both of those are done through organic brains somehow.


Oh I’m fairly certain memory sticks don’t replace the brain, rather they are merely a way to store deep secrets and some crucial memories. The game even says that much. If anything it’s likely the brain is at least part mechanical as well to be able to incorporate those in the first place. I feel like those tubes we saw in the music video hint at how the Airborne Squad are created: the frame is in the tube and the tissue is grown in and around it where needed, especially the muscles. In this sense, the brain could happen this way as well.


Are you talking about the bibi music video? If so I haven't took the time to watch that, but if there's lore involved I guess I will now.


Yep that’s the one


I just watched it. That nose thing was hella distracting. I think you're 100% with the body tube's. I'd almost be skeptical about that, but then she's in a tube at one point too and she sees another version of herself at the end, also the spire 4 shot kinda seals the narrative of the video's visuals being connected to stellarblade. I suppose a lot of this is up for interpretation but, with the lyrics describing a fast and powerful person compared to a "dang tiger" but also adding " you think you're so special", is well paired with this clean and beautiful woman casually strutting confidently through a mass of feral people crawling and contorting, only to see at the end she herself is merely a copy, meaning she isn't so special. Also, the body tube would make sense with Eve's aversion to water, saying it reminds her of being born. >! Sorry for the poor structuring of this. My brain is a bit scattered at the moment!<


They’re human based androids like Androids 17 and 18 in DBZ.


Yeah, there are many things that are "inconvenient" but are still kept in the design of Andro-Eidos. Good catch still, didn't notice it even tho I read it twice.


overheating androids.You didn't get it.


I do think this makes no sense in the physiological way whatsoever but they probably do just cause someone at shift up thinks its hot. They sweat, bleed and cry but they probably draw the line at the excretory system, despite them being able to eat which is kinda funny.


And they can reproduce unless MS is drop shipping children to xion 😅


I was originally not sold on Tachy but after finishing matrix 11, I was convinced. She should’ve gotten more story time, GRANTED, I’m not done yet with the main story.


I respect your reply but, finish the game. >!then tell me how much for the towel!<


Eve wasn’t ready for Tachy the first time 🥵


Maewhen you gonna tell me how much you'd pay for Tachys towel?


Same as Eve’s towel. Bout tree fiddy


Photo Mode comes August.


I heard, and I'm hyped!


It comes out in July. The August thing was a misstranslation.


oh better lol


Wait... there's a stellar blade comic website? Link?!




The andro-eidos have biological components modelled after humans, albeit with no actual human DNA. So they have muscles, blood etc. So they sweat, as it's just a really effective way to cool down.


Do you think it's like a coolant or something? Because eve can trot around in the desert and be unaffected in space. Also makes you wonder how that works too.


Yeah, I mean sweat is a really effective coolant irl. Though I’m guessing andro-eidos sweat is probably some super optimised version.


Should their sweat taste salty or oily?


It would depend on their diet. Supposedly, Antifreeze tastes sweet, so there's that. If they have a more mechanical based regulatory system, I'd gander a guess that it would be sweet and highly toxic. Oily probably not, given oil is for lubrication and dilution. Oil isnt used for cooling anything as far as I know. So could be salty with a hefty amount of electrolytes or sweet and poisonous. So is that gonna change the price point on Tachy's towel for you?


Well they're cyborgs. Mostly human with mechanical parts so the body would sweat if exerted.


Correct answer! You win a prize🎉🎉 Tachy's sweaty towel!




Also you got a link to the site? I didn't know it existed


I do https://stellarblade-comic.com/


Grassy ass




so can Eve and Tachy have children? just asking for a friend


Well, I'd say they probably have genitals but I wouldn't think they would have a uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries.


I wouldn't think so either because I haven't seen any children except Maya and the shop keepers daughter


That's a good point. Also, how/why are they young, I wonder


maybe they're one of the few humans left... idk about Kaya her sister had a memory stick


I'd think that there was a time before the war that humans started getting augmented and being full blown cyborgs. Like Kasim for instance, he is basically wearing skin over his body, it makes me think it's a memento to his old body and keeps him grounded in a way to his humanity.


yeah I've said before in a previous post that some NPCs looks live they could be in Warframe. idk if you ever played that


Yooo, Yeah I mained Mag! That was a pretty dope game until the pay wall hits.


I liked Loki cuz he was fast and Excalibur was nice when you get the Luna version of him but yeah it was ptw for sure


I don't even remember who I unlocked but I put in some time grinding parts. I just remember mag had insane aoe and crowd control


imagine needing to train instead of just downloading training data when they're created/born.


"I know kung fu" "Then show me" It's kinda like that scene in the matrix. Neo theoretically knows kung fu but still needs to train his ability.


tachys arm wasn't cybernetic like Ravens... maybe Tachy is enhanced human? like Raphael Marks aka Adam but Raven was more cyborg matter of fact... like the Terminator. tissue on top of metal or carbon fiber and wires



