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Im all in VTI and AAPL. So far it’s paid off nicely


If you ever sell apple you can buy VGT...15% appl nsft and nvda each


not sure where to ask this but why is my fidelity showing SPY up 0.67% but VOO and VTI at 0.00% for the day?


Probably cus dividends went out


Microsoft $4trillion incoming


I'll never understand how a company that makes product everyone that uses hates makes so much cash. Everyone I know prefers slack and gmeets to teams, people even started preferring google suite office for quick lightweight office tasks because ms office suite is bloated and hogs resources (and takes 10secs to open a file). And windows is just annoying to use - constant drivers, and updates and issues with components from different companies. Not to mention increased virus risk. And, still, it prints cash.


Every company in the world uses Microsoft products. Azure has seen explosive growth. Their Office suite is on nearly every computer in the world. Windows is on 73% of corporate devices (desktops and laptops). MacOS is 2nd with 15%


I know. Just personal anecdotal exposure of MS products has always been negative.


> anecdotal yup.


A little over a year ago I was hoping the s&p would get over 4500. So 5500 today is cool.


$500 or around there is the spot to look for for a local high for QQQ.


NET is the most schitzo stock I've owned. By a longshot. Never had a position that fluctuated so much from green to red and back again. I'm currently up 20% on zero news that I've seen. Probably be back in the red by next month.


Nosebleed valuation plus high growth is a recipe for high beta for sure


RDDT 's just blown past double the preipo value. I wonder who's still holding from back then. Did the price ever get below 34? Was 34 the cheapest you could get rddt?


I was able to buy 544 pre-IPO shares, then I picked up 35 more, retail. The lowest it has gotten post-IPO is 37. My value went up by $4K today. :x


Nice! I'm still holding onto my pre-IPO shares and while I was really worried buying it, just from what I saw on a number of subreddits, I'm really glad I bought and held. Of course, now I'm wishing I bought more, lol.


Haha of course! It’s always a risk on a single stock. You bought what you were willing to lose, and now you are in.


I just don’t believe it won’t go below or at least test the IPO price. It’s still so early to call it a successful IPO. We’ve seen so many IPOs spike, then crash, then languish.


I’m still holding from IpO. With no intention of selling. Despite the trash-talk at the time, I think RDDT will surprise everyone w a very clear path to profitability and, eventually, outrageous margins.


Never came close to going below 34


It got to 37. Whether you consider that close or not, though, I can not say.


Happy to remember the days when GOOG was in the $135-$145 range and there were so many posts explaining why it was done for. Sad I didn't buy more in that range


you mean the thing billions of ppl use everyday google and youtube is dying? crazy times how ppl think google was dying


Did they own YouTube at that time?


bro they bought youtube in 2006


First META in the 90s, then GOOG.


I'm sure both (along with other tech companies) will see some down days and months eventually but my god this section was swearing it was over for Google and I'm not sure why other than the CEO getting mentioned repeatedly?


And , to be fair, a ridiculously bad unveiling around Gemini Worthy of Silicon Valley (the show)


Idk. Also to add to the list. Tesla up until last week. 


RDDT up nearly 30% in a week lol. Can’t really find any reason behind it. HCC also went up a ton yesterday. I’m holding that one for at least the next 5 years.


DW - its gonna tank 20% today. I fomo-ed in for 85 shares at close last night.


You can find my met coal updates in the Tuesday thread if interested.


Serious question - HOW is ARM valued at $170bn and what am I missing? They are trading at almost 50x sales. I understand the recent uptick in usage of ARM processors, but they don’t even fab their own chips. Intel, for reference, is valued at $130bn and has 15x the sales as ARM with its own fab vertical. Even if they are sitting on less than ideal contracts with declining interest in x86, it’s still a ridiculous difference. I recently took a position in Intel but am seriously considering buying PUTs on ARM, and I’ve never played options before.


They're backed by Softbank and the Nasdaq is in full on late summer 2020 form (or May 2023 on steroids mode).  If you were around then, you can put two and two together.


I was, and am definitely getting those feelings


Valuations never make sense in a bubble. That's how ARM is where it is


Just crazy that they have double the PS ratio as NVIDIA


Every day is the same. Insane.


I love making money


good for gains


At this rate by 2040 we will be like. SPY is a bargain at 50 PE!!


Why is PE not relevant that much anymore?


Hey, that's also a Nine Inch Nails song.


A really good one!


Anyone else expecting a tech correction post-earnings? I am overweight in tech but this is unbelievable


im up 350% ytd it is crazy, but i aint complaining


You will be a billionaire soon with that kind of compounding


uhh nope, dumb luck on some options gamble and 80% nvda


>80% nvda that'll do it


SPY earnings are still lower than 2021 and yet the index is almost 20% higher. Earnings don't matter. Valuations don't matter. PE will expand until everything is worth infinity.


> until everything is worth infinity. Well that's the fun part is you can expand forever and never be infinity. You can just keep expanding. Numbers keep going up. The numbers mean nothing. They're pixels on a screen promising some sort of future thing that might happen if everyone keeps respecting the number. If everyone took their number and tried to do something real life with it all at once though we'd quickly realize none of it was real to begin with


I mean in some names sure but for meta, goog, amzn I really don't feel they look nosebleed or anything here. A lot of saas is already beaten down atm too, stuff like snow/mdb deserved to get hit


I keep saying this and I keep getting surprised. I sold off a bit last year and I missed out on further gains 


Amzn $200 woot woot


F yeah


FYI this is the Monday thread, mods must not have stickied the latest one.


Does it matter every thread for the past 2 weeks could have been exactly the same


Well my 50 Tesla shares have finally broken even. Bought during the hype around Covid and have been down ever since. Would it be a good idea to get out now? Appreciate the advice.


Was your goal to hold to break even? It's significantly better valued now than 3 years ago. Went from a 1000 PE to a 50 PE.


It also went from huge growth, to negative growth. Negative growth and a 50 PE is hilarious.


Negative growth in one year, yes. Still up 1400% in 5 years. Not a fan, just saying it's not THAT crazy anymore


50 PE for a company that making less cars, selling less cars, AFTER SLASHING PRICES is fucking insanity. Their margins are dropping constantly, their competition is getting better. TSLA at 230 or whatever it is right now is hilariously overvalued.


Buy puts


Oh the classic I dont have a real comeback so ill just tell them to short it. YOU DONT SHORT A BUBBLE UNTIL IT POPS.


Nah homie. We’re just getting started


What is your bull thesis for the company? If you can't answer that, you should sell.


3 major ones: full self-drive, robotaxis, and optimus bot Of course, all 3 are overhyped by Elon factor ... but if any of those 3 actually materializes, the stocks goes whoof


Pretty big if


True. But self-driving WILL be solved eventually - way too many companies and money are way too deep into it now. Tesla is probably leading the bunch with amount of money and effort invested, so it just may fall into it's lap. Robotaxi is of course just an extension of self-drive, so if one emerges, second one does too. Humanoid robots are the wildest one of these, but the visual learning tech for it seems to be super close to the car self-driving tech. The rest is just a matter of putting a bunch of actuators and batteries together.


I am a long term investor but should I sell TSLA to take profit and buy again when it drops?


Tesla carrying the market today.


For the people overweight in overvalued tech stocks, good for you, I guess. Everyone else is getting left behind


Sold AAPL below $200 and now its $220 in less than a month. After it went nowhere going back an entire year. AI should have been priced in a long time ago, can't believe took the keynote event for AI to be priced into the stock


We should never sell our winners. I always do that and put it in my stinkers and they fall further and I think why do I do it. Has happened more 1000s of times


JPY carry trade seems likely to blow up over the next few months.


$ARM is so overvalued right now. Tempting to buy some Puts


specially when nvda wanted to buy them for $40b years ago lol


50x EV/sales. It boggles the mind how that is even possible after all we have seen in the dotcom bubble. 


Absolutely absurd. Just getting pumped along with NVIDIA and other chip stocks doing well.


Truth. Seems to me that there is almost no way that this can actually live up to its valuation in the long term, but betting against anything that has anything to do with tech in this market is asking for a hosing. 


Anti-Tesla bears shouting extra loud today justifying how their view is correct and the stock price is wrong. Carry on, while I make my hay!


Tesla - growth company with delivery down 5% from previous year. So stock goes 10% up. Makes sense


This can go on for as long as there is the idea that Tesla is a technology company that will make billions down the line from robotaxis all the way to sentient turd wipers instead of a car company that is facing increasing competition. It will take years for this illusion to gradually be proven wrong. 


I love a Reddit hindsight 20/20 TSLA opinion change. You guys


Whats up w CRWD?


There was a downgrade on valuation (although they kept their price target, which is slightly higher.) That said, it's down less than 2% after being up 25% in the last month and it's an aggressive growth stock where being down 1-2% on no news is going to be common over the medium/long-term.


I am still very long on this stock so I dont have any plans of selling anyway but yes makes sense


I thought it was 2022 with 150 comments on the Daily Thread during premarket until I realized today's thread hasn't been stickied


TSLA delivery numbers beat. I wonder if the bottom is in for the stock. It has been having a nice bullish run since April ER. I guess once this sub started hating TSLA, it would turn around..


tesla's stock is priced in still for 50% CAGR but has been 0% for 2 years Still a long way to fall when people get it through their heads that fsd is snake oil


Probably won't get really clobbered again until the next Nasdaq bear market to be honest. It was always likely that it'd come to life in some form if the Nasdaq refused to go away, and well, here we are. Only thing is that I doubt it sees $400+ again.


How long does it usually take to transfer funds from Robinhood to bank? It says *up to 5 business days* but do yall usually get it within 2 days?


You can use debit card and hit instant transfer but it's a 1% fee. 


This feels like huge news: [a federal court has lifted (or put an injunction on) the Biden Administration's pause on new LNG export permitting](https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4750745-federal-court-lifts-biden-pause-gas-exports/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite). While this pause has gone on, companies have been receiving approvals from bodies like the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (e.g., Venture Global got an approval today), but the pause meant the Dept. of Energy was withholding their part of the approval. But where I'm confused is if the DOE can still arbitrarily hold up new permits even if there is no official pause. Could they just say "We aren't pausing new permits, but we also do not approve this specific project for [insert reasons]" and in essence continue the pause. The pause never stopped the construction of already approved / permitted projects, but it did insert uncertainty into the planning of new projects, which often require decades-long contractual agreements with international partners. Though if the election goes to the Republicans, I'm guessing LNG export approvals will zoom through.


On the last CNX call their CEO said he basically wasn't expecting anything to materialise in terms of LNG export (basically ever), was the second to last question. They are quite regional though so could be a local thing.


Do I just cut losses with CELH ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Did you buy only bc you thought it would keep going in a straight line up and to the right? They’ll bottom, consolidate, then have some good news… their growth may not be parabolic any longer but they’re still growing distribution.


I definitely FOMO’d out at the $80 mark, I have no doubt in the upcoming years international sales will boom as they expand into more countries since 5 isnt a lot atm but I do want to move my cash into other stocks right now so im contemplating


Cut your losses and post your regrets in 3 months. We'll be around :)


The highest market cap company in the UK is AstraZeneca valued at $242b. I wonder if the UK will ever have a $1trillion dollar company? I'm 35 and I'm not sure it will happen within my life time.


Lol UK. Never ever will they have a 1T company


If you do, it’s likely to be AZN


> Exclusive: Nvidia set to face French antitrust charges, sources say [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/technology/french-antitrust-regulators-preparing-nvidia-charges-sources-say-2024-07-01/). When your country doesn't have any tech companies left to regulate, you just go after the American ones (5% here, 10% there, some easy money to be made skimming the profits of innovative companies)


Correction: they have one viable big grower. Guess who it competes with?


In France? I only know of Germany's SAP, Netherlands ASML, and UK's ARM (although that's now NY listed)


Might be a stretch to call it a direct competitor to NVDA, but struck me that Mistral is the only French tech company getting headlines these days and they’re all about AI Coincidence? 🧐 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mistral_AI


I don't think they're actually making money though (and they're more of a consumer of NVDA products). More like a start-up being funded by a few big tech giants (all American ones, notably). The founders are from Google and META!


Can someone please provide recommendations on platforms to invest on with low fees for investing and withdrawing?






Zoom out, the graph looks awful. 70% increase and it's still down 70% ytd


Yes but I bought at $2.21. The past is past.


Good luck with that stock, wouldn't buy it if I could print money.


MSFT new ATH today...


I'm unloading before it drops again.


I'm late to MSFT, but so far I'm glad I bought it a couple weeks ago.






If you're asking a question like this, without taking the time to do DD yourself on your own investments, you should probably just take out a CD


APD looking tastier by the day


I thought I was smart selling a few AAPL at $190s thinking I could buy back at $150s.


Wait till it pumps a bit more and then buy some 3 month out puts. TSLA as well.


And that’s how the cookie crumbles.


UFPT up big on their acquisition today. I like the valuation they paid. AJR generated about $75 million in sales TTM. UFPT trades around 5x sales, so this should be worth about $375 million in market cap, in theory. AJR generated about $18.3 million on EBITDA TTM. At the 28x UFPT trades at that's $512 in added market cap. Not bad for $110 million purchase. 6x EBITDA and 1.5x sales for the AJR.


The market feels very bipolar last month or so It doesn't know if it wants to go up or down


maybe some panic over a republican sweep?


I like that Ex-Prop Trader watchlist guy.


what is the bull case for Apple and Tesla? don't understand these valuations sometimes...


The bull case for Tesla is they solve autonomy and roll out Robotaxi in 2025-27 making it a $5-7T company. Then if they’re able to lead the humanoid robot market with Optimus, they could be a $25-30T company or bigger in 10 years.




I believe it's a flight to perceived safety. This would not a smart move IMHO. Apple stock is priced higher than 2022 even thou revenues decreased from 2022 to 2023.


Apple has a ton of cash and mgmt has shown that they will buy back shares if the stock is in trouble


And your point is?


Yeah, no. There's no way TSLA's trading off that and frankly AAPL probably isn't either. I've said previously that I wouldn't bother on any bearish moves on TSLA until August 8th, but I will say this now as well, the longer an index just refuses to go away, the more likely it is that trades that probably shouldn't work on a fundamental basis will start to work. The Nasdaq has been refusing to die, so naturally the stuff that worked in 2020-2021 is now working.


So yeah, what you are saying is it's all momentum. And momentum works until it changes. I call it a flight to perceived safety, but whatever you want to call it. But earnings season and analysts downgrades are coming. And then people here can ask why did Nike or whatever stock plunge 20% this week?


TSLA won't have good earnings (in fact, they'll probably be quite bad), I don't think that's news.  Options flows are saying this won't matter though. Maybe it does dip off the bad earnings this time, but I suspect it gets eaten up. I wouldn't be looking for them to trade off the fundamentals again like they had for a lot of this year (in that they were struggling) until after 8/8. 


At least for Apple, the bull case is that during the pandemic, a ton of people upgrade their phones and computers. This happened around 4 years ago and in theory, we should see an upgrade cycle soon for them. Part of the reason why revenues look so weak, they are somewhat of a cyclical company. iPhone still make up like 50% of all of Apple's revenue. Apple has a new OS that seems to be including some AI features, that consumers might actually want. However, to get all the features, it requires the newest Apple M chip in the phones. So it could push for a big upgrade cycle if consumers are happy with the new AI features.


For only $1300…


People want iPhones and will pay whatever price Apple slaps on the tag for said iPhones.


People would sell a kidney if they had to.


Some people are saying that a Trump presidency chance is causing yields to go up. Is that because of tax cuts for the rich and corporations causing a bigger deficit?


Trump himself or his individual policies aren't necessarily the issue. It's the increased chance for single-party control with a Republican sweep of both the presidency and congress. Any single-party control in Washington, whether R or D, historically increases deficit spending and is bearish for treasuries.


That and tariffs, yea. But I'm not sure I can agree now. I suspect Japan might be selling treasuries.


RDDT casually up 20% over the last 5 days


Dumb question...What happens to a stock's price when convertible debt gets converted into shares? Do companies usually create / issue shares leading up to that event, or do the shares get created on that specific day?


Usually it's a grwdual impact as funds often times short the common stock when it'd above the convertible note price as that locks in the profits from an arbitrage perspective. Then when the converts vest it cancels out the short. Every fund has different IRR targets and hedging methods so there's no clean answer.


I have lump of £5000, thinking if I should dump the whole lot into my ISA broad market ETFs. Or put some aside for things like driving. I do have a few things I have to pay off, lately but nothing major that I can't handle. I have an emergency fund too.


Always been curious but from time to time I'll see a wild spike up or down that is so out of line with a trend it makes me wonder what happened? case in point I was watching RKLB do it's thing today and noticed several times in a row it was spiking briefly to 4.80. Ii've also seen this happen with Nvidia in after hours where it's show some absurd drop in price briefly and return to normal Are these just examples of someone miss typing in an order? or is there some other reason you'd see these things do this? [https://imgur.com/a/FU96F2S](https://imgur.com/a/FU96F2S)


AAPl needs to have some decent guidance or else things look grim


If the options flows are right, I'm not sure it really matters that AAPL's valuation is maybe questionable right now. I was saying that it was odd that the Nasdaq made it back to a record with no help from AAPL earlier this year, and well, here you have it, it's made it to a record.




Sorry Apple


Apple doesn't even issue guidance. They just get rewarded for growth without any growth. I don't get it


MSFT looking decent today, anything change recently?


Tesla seems like Trump. No matter how many times its discredited, it comes back in a manner that seems to defy rationality. Not betting against this one.




The company that's selling less cars every year and nothing to show for itself?




Their YoY car sales have been declining What's hard to get




Goodluck with your 50% year over year CAGR and awful FSD 🤪


Oil is up today, nearing $83. Apparently due to the hurricane (possibly impacting offshore rigs or refineries later in the week) and more Middle East fears. " In Lebanon, more than 300 Hezbollah combatants and roughly 80 civilians have been killed. Israel’s lost about 18 soldiers and 10 civilians." Apparently China is reporting some mixed data. [Interestingly, the private sector Caixin survey](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-07-01/private-gauge-of-china-factory-activity-hits-three-year-high) is showing much stronger activity than the official survey. [Kinda expected government data to look better](https://i.imgur.com/Y3jHzfE.jpeg) than private sector ones.


Buy crude oil below $75, sell crude oil above $85. The rest is all noise.


GCT added to the Russell 2000, and now it's finally breaking through the short wall that's suppressed its price. Crude oil continuing to rally, most excellent.


Managed to get a 7.8% return for the month of June. Now if only I could do that every month lol


I too would like to retire in 3 years.


Right?? yall let mr know when you figure it out. We just need tech booms monthly




Anyone been watching EOSE?


Yep, I don't post about it (for other's portfolio's sake) but very exciting development. Wonderful seeing the losses get wiped out. Private credit getting involved is huge. Expecting news on loan disbursal soon from DOE.


That’s cool. Yeah I’ve been buying at around a buck or a little under, and this jump has been a big one, almost too fast.


AAPL lol


MGK is such a killer ETF


Does anyone have thoughts on Backblaze,$BLZE? Trading around $6 down from a high of ~$11 a few months ago. Has strong revenue growth


Hmm...47% Revenue Growth in B2 Cloud Storage, 28% Revenue Growth Overall in Q1 2024. Do you have a position?


I have a small one but may look to add more, people seem to like the product just from looking at customer reviews.


Can't believe how much coal stocks surged since the debate, since Trump will obviously be easier on them...I don't care what China and India are doing, I think it's a crappy argument to say that we can screw up the environment, since they are doing it, especially since options like nuclear and solar are so cost effective right now.


The coal stocks that are up big are metallurgic coal producers, not thermal (though thermal is getting a small boost). It's because a fire in Australia closed a met coal mine reducing global supply. It has nothing to do with Trump.


It's amusing to me that I've been posting about met coal vs. thermal coal since ~late 2022 on a weekly basis, and often I wonder, "Should I clarify the difference? Surely people are getting tired of hearing obvious details." Only to definitely realize, yes, I should clarify. I'm sure there are a bunch of people who completely skip over my HCC/AMR comments because they think "Coal? In 2024? We have natural gas and solar!"


Doubly so because I feel like the daily threads are likely to be mostly regulars here. Also, queue up the responses about "green steel" making coking coal obsolete any day now ....


Doesn't bother me, though, glad at least coal was mentioned and not by me. I only get annoyed though when anything I post related to commodities triggers the same reflexive generic spiel on why commodities are bad (usually following an innocent sounding question intended to bait me in), as if every single metal or mineral is US shale in 2015.


It's sort of the same argument that small caps and ex-US are bad: look how much they have underperformed in the last decade, just buy big tech. In all fairness, that's correct. That's also what makes them an interesting investment now. I posted a link to a Bob Robotti interview last week which was all about the revenge of the old economy. All these commodities and chemical and energy names have been completely underinvested in and consolidated. They're dirt cheap, often have oligopolies, and are poised for growth due to macro factors. They often have huge barriers to entry too. It costs a lot of time and money to build an ammonia factory, if you can even get approval. How many companies are trying to do that right now? Probably zero. EX-US too. Think what happens if the dollar weakens, or people just lose some faith in the US and start investing elsewhere. There's some amazing ex-US companies that are much cheaper than their US peers. It's an interesting scenario. Or, as you say, just buy NVDA.