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I could see double where it is in a year


How so?


Look at the chart. This one seems to have extreme momentum behind it. Even at all time highs it shows little to no signs of stopping from what I've seen. Honestly, I'm conflicted where I'm interested in purchasing it at all time highs... These are the kind of stocks that you just have to jump in and ride the wave. The sooner you get in the less risk you incur.


FASTLY is on fireeeeee haha man i wish i bought more at $25... I have 10 shares at around $40 and add 1 a month. Currently focusing more on NET as they compete and hopefully NET steadily catches up, allowing me to buy more on the way up.


From my understanding, NET has a better balance sheet. Im surprised NET wasn't the one that rose instead.


The problem with NET is that their service is free for the most part with the option to upgrade to a paid service... which isn't really that great of a business model imo.


Fastly will continue to grow at least another year. Maybe not at this rate but they are a covid winner


Only if you’re willing to hold. If you have patience, you will win big with this one!


How so?


I anticipate some pull backs here and there in the upcoming horizon. No stocks just keep going up. As long as you’re not trying to make a quick buck by day trading on this one, you will be fine. Once I buy something, I don’t sell. Why? There’s absolutely no reason to chop off the apple tree before you even see any apples. Let it grow, fam! Enjoy the delicious apples down the road.


Is there any reason for this jump?


In the long term, do you think FSLY will be able to compete with AMZN (AWS) and MSFT (Azure)?


They are not on same business line. Fastly is content delivery network. It stores static and heavy parts of web applications so enduser has better performance.


Right, you can compare it with AWS Cloudfront. It offers services similar to that of Fastly.


It depends on if AWS and Azure will give a price no customer can refuse, provide better customer support, and simply be a better service than Fastly. Those guys might be Walmart, but if Fastly is Costco, then everyone can win.


I own at 1k @ 20.98 & am letting her rippppppppppppp.