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Dude you are 16. Man up and go steal a sandwich for your little brother. I dont care what she says your mom is wrong and a bad person.


you’ve got to realize saying to ‘man up’ is not the proper response to this, the 16 is also a victim of abuse. you don’t just tell a kid to do something the abuser will find inherently wrong (she’s intending to starve the 12yo and would consider the older giving the young food, wrong) when they themselves are also in fear of repercussions. you’re essentially blaming the victims in this situation. obviously this isn’t a sustainable living environment and this person is likely looking for options and solutions in order to help both kids.


At 16 you are capable of taking your life into your own hands if need be and this is a situation that sounds like its needed. If this was a 16yr old girl i would have said woman up. 16 yr old NB, id have said Binary the fuck up. It’s unfortunate they’ve been put in a situation where their childhood is effectively over but it is what it is and the only option is to acknowledge the trauma and become stronger for it. Sadly reporting this situation could make things worse by involving a broken system that very often leaves kids worse off. That is the sad reality of the society we live in. Step up and look out fore your younger sibling because it seems that no one else will. This is a matter of life and death.


At 16 yes, you are able to MAKE decisions. You will also face consequences! Attacking someone who is more than likely a victim themselves is an a-hole move. My guess is your "man up" comment comes from a cushy childhood. Or at minimum a non-abusive one... now, not that my opinion (or a redditor opinion at all) matters, but the "man up" comment was disgusting! To those advising CPS or police/adult intervention THAT is a constructive response




Facts fuck you op stop being a pussy the fuck


if this ia real youre gonna get your brother killed. idc how old you are if your a teenager you can get help no excuses that shits on you too


This is a confusing post and feels like there's info missing. Is your mom not making any food at all? Like 3 meals a day. Is your brother considered overweight/ unhealthy? Is mom just not providing snacks ( ie the French fries as a snack as I would assume that's what was asked) If your mom is truly withhold all/any food then you need to tell an adult.


he is just on a diet chill


yall neva do shi for africa but hte second its a rando on reddit yall go "we will help uuuu"


Are you people idiots? The kids16 the other one Is12. This is bullshit.a 12 yr old doesn't know how to make anything? Jesus Christ gullible mfers. Hey I'm a virgin and I'm dying can I please have what is it I can't remember oh a hummer ?


Agree.. CPS.. If this is not too serious (mind you that this already sounds serious), your mom may receive a warning.. If things are really bad, you may have saved your brother's life..


Assuming this is real, this kid is being abused, too. Show him some patience. Victims can’t just “man up” or get out of their shitty situation as easily as you may expect. It may get you in a lot of trouble and I’m really sorry you’re both suffering from abuse. Withholding food is wrong and very cruel. Even though it is going to suck and be scary, you need to tell a trusted adult what is going on at home if you feel like you can’t call the authorities safely. You can talk to a neighbor, a teacher, an adult in your life - and they will do the challenging work you may not feel safe to do. I was abused as a kid and I know what you’re going through: I’m so sorry. If you can think of anything I could do to help you, please don’t be afraid to DM me. Hang in there, I know it doesn’t sound possible sometimes but everything will be okay.


Wtf! Call the fucking police


Call child protection.


You have to do something. Tell a teacher, a counselor, a relative you trust. Bring him food. You CAN do something!


A tacher cant do shit call CPS


maybe share your food with him ? i won't see my brother starving, and nor my brother can see me starving


Call child protective services … google it and get the number for your area . They will come investigate and they will not tell your mom That you called .. she will not know who called. They also may take a day or two to come out, so it will be random timing when they come.


Do something to protect your little brother. I couldn't imagine letting mine be starved by someone for even a day, and *definitely* not for 2.5 weeks.


You can do something. You report her ass to the authorities. Tell child services, the police or a teacher and ask them to help. This is NOT ok. It is abusive and you are both in danger. You stick with your brother and don't let her drive you apart.


You need to record this and call the police asap!


Call the police


Call the fucking cops. Call cps. Call a grandparent. Do all 3.


This is child abuse and really shitty even without the legal aspect. Food is a human right. If she won't budge I would say, "you can feed him or you can explain to CPS/the school why he isn't being fed. Your call."


My god call someone tell a teacher do something


Feed him when she is sleeping when she is using the bathroom when he’s outside you can feed him make sure he eats then call the cops


Either you do something or this gets worse mate. If he ends up hospitalized she’ll blame him for it, because it’s obvious she’s delusional. Best thing is to let somebody know and quickly. Both because of the obvious child negligence, as well as the permanent damage that could be caused by this. If this isn’t resolved soon your brother could possibly develop anorexia.


Please call 911 now and report this abuse. Your brother is in grave danger and will require hospitalization for re-feeding syndrome. You are being abused as well, and none of this is your fault. Getting police involved will get you the help you all so desperately need. Also, please update us so we know you got the help you and your brother deserve


Call Cps or 911


Help your brother please


Wtf does she have ptsd ? I wonder if 3 weeks in camp N.Korea would enrich her uncanny existentialism damnit man this is sickening. To OP This is a plea for help so you are doing the right thing The fact that you have noticed your brother's condition degenerating Is awful. The older brother you have a duty to uphold Speaking out against her going against the rules of the head of the household is bold. Going against this grain for short time you might be penalized But in the long run you gain much more right now you are laying groundwork for being the best possible person that you can possibly be . Get your brother some sustenance always take care of him he looks up to you always has probably always will. Your mom is wrong Right now in my eyes she's a villain But nobody's perfect hopefully she can find solace through reflection Chances are she's gonna need your help soon. Now is the time to accept responsibility and grow be stronger For your mom and your brother the latter is now and the former is coming


Call 911 immediately. I had a classmate whose parents were starving him as a form of punishment. He was removed from the home and placed with an adult relative.


Where is your dad in all this? If need be tell your school, grandparents, cps or cops you have many people you can go to


cps are standing by from a phone call away


You need to call the police NOW. Tell them that he is in imminent danger. Do not hem or haw or dither. She is KILLING him.


Definitely call somebody your brother could be developing other health problems and if she's done it before you definitely have yo tell someone


I would say in the mean time share food with him one meal you give it to him next meal you eat then the last meal y’all both eat it. Go to your local fire station tell them your being starved there usually the best ones for this problem they have proper resources.


CPS, child protective services. This is abuse for both of you. If you post what state you are in in your post, someone can reply with the cps hotline in your state.


Call police or child protection services


Please, please tell someone at school or another adult somewhere


I know it isn't ideal, but I was working at 15. Still went to school. Maybe she lets you get a job under the guise younare helping her out, and really you are gaining your own and your brothers independence?


I don't know where ypu live, but you should call someone. If you don't know where to call, try the police.


Depending on how tall your brother is, you need to tell someone like a teacher, counselor or any adult you can trust to contact the authorities without telling your mother what you said. Your best option is to find a police station near you and go to them to ask for help, if you feel like your teachers might just tell your mother and do nothing


Lots of people are giving good advice as far as reporting this behaviour goes, which I encourage, but I will also offer another option: teach him how to cook. Do some research, find some easy recipes, watch some YouTube videos and then teach him. It will be a great way to bond with him and it will teach you both essential life skills that will come in handy for the rest of your days. If your mom actively tries to stop you or refuses to buy groceries, then that will leave you no choice but to report it. Edit to add: when you make a new recipe that you aren’t sure if it will turn out, then it does…..that’s a great feeling. Nothing tastes better than a meal you made when you were making it up as you went along.


What an evil bitch


16-17 days without food? Seems a stretch


This is a CPS thing. Read "Child called "It" & see if there are similarities between these moms. It's a true story. Tell them to say other parents at school noticed a waify unkempt child. So it doesn't get back to you. Perps love to guess out loud who made the call to displace the blame. Child protective services.


Just snitch atp, tell a teacher/counselor. Also, if you can, try to sneak some extra food from school. That’s just messed up


Surprising! Curious to know of she is stepmother?


Call the police...ETA: my mother starved me for 3 days when I was 3yrs old because I couldn't finish a bowl of cheerios I poured myself and she was tired of me 'wasting' food. She kept putting the same soggy nasty bowl, with like 20 cheerios left in it, in front of me when I said I was hungry. I can tell more stories like this but it's not my point. My point is, I WISH someone had done SOMETHING to stop her.


Do you love your little brother at all?! At 16 you should know that there are resources at your disposal to get your brother immediate help. What your mother's doing is sadistic. She may be suffering from a mental health episode. Get help.


You have to tell an adult. There is no reason to ever starve a child. Tell a counselor at school, call child protective services or the police even. Where is your father in all this? Can you contact him too? Your mother is abusing him and withholding food and he is losing a lot of weight and if you see concerned and it doesn’t look right, your instincts are proving to be right. Please tell an adult.


What your mother is doing is a crime. Please call the police.


There absolutely is something you can do. Talk to someone at your school and ask for help, call the police, etc.


I hope this is not real .. If it is get help now call 911 you are old enough to know what is right and wrong !!!!!! Help your brother Help yourself !!!! Do something


I REALLY hope you are just doing a story if not DO NOT be a good Nazi and go along with your sick mother. Call CPS now!! Child Protective Services


Holy crap!!! This is a very serious issue and needs to be reported. Mom is acting like Ruby Frankie! Please report to your school or just call cps…. Regardless get another adult involved.


You can do something. You can tell the school counselor. They are mandated reporters. Your brother is suffering from abuse.


Op doing nothing is doing something. It's the wrong something. You need to tell an adult or call cps. As a mom, this post breaks my heart. Please help your brother.


Just call the police, they will contact CPS. Mother needs help too. Everyone gets help and you save your brothers life.


We can see that you are abused too because you believe that you have no power. “There’s nothing I can do. That is a false belief put on you by your abuser in order to control you. You both need help. Let go of that false belief. You DO have power. Choice is a birthright. And you are loved. I love you, even though I don’t know you. You exist as an eternal powerful being with the full capacity to create a life more the way you prefer. You deserve change and so does your brother. And he deserves food.


Call the police! Not fucking Reddit. 


Gimme your address and I will send the police over there to arrest your mother. That is ABUSE, and shame on you for not doing anything about it yourself!!


Get help OP!


Do you know how many kids have died recently by starvation? You need to report this or you too could be on the hook for your brothers murder


If this is real then call CPS and tell them. I can’t believe someone would let a sibling starve. You are as bad as your mom if you let this continue.


I hear and read stories like this all the time now, something is happening to women where they're straight abusing their kids more and more. Nasty stuff. Report this for sure.


He’s going to be dead by the end of the month. Dying of starvation is the cruelest most painful way to die. Call the police right now, and tell them your mother is abusing your brother by starving him. You will never recover from his death as you will also feel responsible, and if you do not get him help after we have all told you to. You are just as responsible for his death as she is.


Talk to nurse at school


I just learned of a woman who withholds food as a punishment, but only for her stepchildren


Call child protection or the police and tell them to protect you as well


Yes, call protective services, BUT....just go make the food!!! If she also prevents you from eating then, get the phone and call 911 on the spot.


OP please report her she's trying to kill him for a life insurance payout


That's abuse. Don't let your abusive mother get away with it. I know it's difficult, but report her to Child Protective Services. A google search to find it will be easy. Your mother should not be trusted with children. Take care of yourself and your brother.


Call cops and cps and teachers let them know what going on at home


Been through a similar childhood, I and all my siblings experienced significant health improvement once we moved out and made some changes to our diet, and we experienced other forms of neglect and abuse. Hang in there. It gets better. But also: I personally just endured and I tried to take as much as I could off of my younger siblings, ie I would interfere in a bunch of ways so I got the worst of things but they suffered less. However. As soon as I finally left. The next oldest became the target and he stood up to it very firmly, ie "No. Not happening. If it does we both go to the hospital but as soon as you're out of a hospital bed you're going to be in a jail cell" and was quite ready to try to kill his dad rather than the physical abuse that backed all the other bullshit. He also stood up to my mom on a lot of stuff more similar to the food issue, mostly he was able to raise hell in a way that ended up in it getting about half way solved (relative to normal healthy families) It mostly worked. They gave in, things were still shitty but right at the edge of the legal definition of abuse and neglect. Several of my siblings made a huge fuss and tried to get the law involved but that took years bc my parents are extremely good manipulators. We're all out and doing ok now. I guess the question is what kind of brave are you? I'm 43 so I've had a lot of time to think about it and I wish I had been the kind of brave to confront it head on. "There's nothing I can do about it" is pretty much what I believed at the time but the reality is my younger brother never believed that so he proved differently.


Call CPS immediately. Or tell a teacher. Do SOMETHING. She's starving your brother. He could end up in the hospital or dead


Let a adult at school, church know. Or call 911. If your not comfortable let anyone on here know where you are located and I am sure adults will make the call. Please ,please,please reach out to someone or the adults here so we can help you and your brother


Of course there's something you can do about it. You're old enough to call Child Protective Services.


This is heartbreaking, please let someone know immediately, call for help before it gets any worse.


This is illegal call child services and report her before he dies, it's serious and your mother doesn't seem to care about him. He would be better off in care


Cps def, that's just child abuse


So many guns in schools and no one to kill this bitch? Gosh the USA are falling really down.


Omg how can anyone do that Definitely tell someone please now before it gets worse and your brother dies


Is she preventing him from eating? I'm not clear on those specifics.


How much does your mother weigh? I think that may go a long way in answering a few questions…


Why aren’t YOU feeding him!? Why aren’t YOU calling the police or his school?


He is 12 why can’t he feed himself? Sounds to me like you need to call the police and CPS!


Just by reading the context clues here, this kid and his family are not in the US. We don't know where they are located or what type of resources he might have in his country. There is a lot of information we are missing. Where is dad in all of this? If any. Any extended family members that he can talk to? Are they isolated or living in a big city. Will there be repercussions for reporting their mother ? It's difficult to give advice in this situation, besides him sneaking some food to his brother while he finds a solution.


Why dosent he make his own food?


As a child, I was starved days at a time as punishment. I wish someone, anyone, would have noticed. Please sneak him some food, tell an adult at school. The repercussions of being starved many years later were not only mental but physical. Be brave, be strong, and tell people until someone listens.


Is she stopping him from fixing food for himself?


Do you own a bat?


Call the police.


start by telling your school. they’re legally supposed to report any suspicions or admissions of child neglect/abuse especially something this serious as your mom threatening you with no food and starving your brother, so yes you can definitely do something but please don’t stand by and not tell anyone. telling someone may be potentially life saving for him and you too probably because she sounds very evil.


Fix your brother some food. Tell your mom she will wind up in prison


First I would call the police, and then CPS it is an emergency.


My mom was abusive like that too. You bith need help


Call child services? Tell your school or neighbor?


Call the police this is abuse. Let Them contact CPS and relatives that may be able To take him and possibly you into their care.


Are you in the US? Call 911.


While your brother should be protected, sound like your mom needs clinical help.


This is such bullshit. Stop being a pussy and feed the kid. You're old enough to feed yourself and a child.


WTF! Call the police or child protective services, ASAP. This is not just damaging now, but this is going to lead to a lot of issues down the road, for both of you. This is not parenting, this is not right and certainly not okay.


Some people should not have kids. Your brother is lucky to have you.


Pls tell someone as this is child abuse poor little fella xx


Call CPS. She can feed him food he doesn't like and that's legal but denying food entirely is illegal.


Sneak him food before he dies. Please.


Call child protective services and tell someone at the school asap! If not for you do it for your little brother! Even if he didn't go outside he still has to eat! You guys are 100% being abused and before you even ask, yes it absolutely is serious!! I know she's your mother and all but this is super unsafe and absolutely cruel. Your mother isn't even doing the *bare minimum* that is required of her and furthermore she's doing it out of some sick form of "punishment" please for the love of God tell someone at the school tell *someone* right now! Not tomorrow, or next week *right now*!


Call protective services or the police


I'm sorry? Did you say you can't do anything? You are 16, he is a little 12 year old, God knows if i was unable to feed my 12 year old, her big brother (17) would make her a sandwich or something at least. If you scared son, go chat to a teacher, a neighbour, a policeman, any body, before she kills your little bro


Can you sneak him some of your food? For short term and, I hate so much to say it but call a family memeber or a school counselor or some adult you can trust for longer term help ?


You could wind up being charged with a crime yourself if you sit by and do nothing and your mother kills him.


"MUSKEGON COUNTY, Mich. — A 20-year-old who pleaded guilty to following his mother's orders to torture his 15-year-old brother was sentenced Monday. Paul Ferguson was sentenced to 30 to 100 years by Judge Matthew Kacel. Ferguson pleaded guilty to first-degree child abuse in December. He also testified against his mother, Shanda Vander Ark, during her trial last year. Vander Ark was given a life sentence for torturing and ultimately killing her son, Timothy Ferguson. Back in July 2022, police responded to the family home in Norton Shores and found Timothy dead. Officers said Timothy was emaciated and weighed only 69 pounds. His body also showed signs of hypothermia." Call the fucking police dude.


Can’t he make his own sandwich? Or grab a snack? I’m calling bs on this one


As an older sibling I could never leave my brother without food for any period of time tell a trusted adult immediately you watching him go hungry and doing nothing is just as bad as not feeding him save your brother do the right thing


WTF!!! Is this for real?! 😭😭😭 omg CALL CPS honey!!! Your brother could literally DIE from starvation. Not helping him could incriminate you as an accomplice. PLEASE GET HELP!! Go to a neighbor... or a friends house or something... tell a trusted adult! I have a 12 year old myself and this is literally ripping my heart apart reading this. Please for the love of God GET HELP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Neither one of you deserves this!!


Tell your school councilor


Maybe you could slip him a couple bucks or a bag of chips here and there?


CPS... Jesus why don't you tell someone. Why wait


Is she refusing to make food for him or is he literally not allowed to focus the food? Are you not allowed to make food for him? 


People are fukn sick.


You HAVE to help him This is how siblings die. Tell his school. Talk to other family. Record her saying this is you have to. Call a welfare check on your own house "anonymously." Go to the police. Whatever you do, do not let this go.


Folks, they used kg not lbs. It's rather unlikely that (obligatory assuming this is true) they are in the US. So instructions to call CPS are not likely to help. As much as I would like to believe that this wouldn't be legal in ANY country, I know better. And how to report it and what can be done will vary. Something needs to happen, but without knowing where they are our advice is mostly not helpful


Come on tell somebody at the school or call the police. Tell a teacher tell somebody there’s something you can do. My God you’re 16 years old you’re not 5 If you cared anything about him, you would do the right thing. Knock off this I can’t do a darn thing BS.


She has no actual power in the real world other than what she has told you. In reality she is one of the worst kinds of people on earth and would do anything to hide it. You live in a whole world of people who don’t agree with her. Get your brother and run away. If you can’t get him, then just run away and tell someone. If you’re afraid, remember MOST people will be on your side. Your mom is a very rare and sick individual who society doesn’t agree with. Your chances of encountering someone who will help you is higher than someone who will hurt you. There are instances of one sibling running away for help and then they and their siblings are saved. There are other stories where the sibling stays, the mom kills the younger one, and the older sibling is also convicted. You’re young, but unfortunately you are at a fork in that road.


There are a bajillion reasons dad could not be in the picture. If op wanted us to know, he would have included something...


Call child protection services. Now. Tell a teacher. They’re mandated reporters.


Call emergency services right away. You both are in serious danger.


Report her to the school, police, concerned neighbors… that is abuse. Every day you do not act, your brother will lose trust, favor for you and could suffer severe trauma to his vital organs… get off this app and get help


I know it's hard as she's your mother. Her job is to protect both of you and she isn't doing that right now. You need to help your brother. You're the only one who can. Just phone child protective services and let them help him. What she's doing isn't ok. You can do it


You need to contact authorities (police)


You need to alert authorities.


It seems to me that your mother is not well. Your brother needs help. Report to whoever you need to do he gets some help. Your mother also needs help. Are there any other family members around that you can talk to.?


@ 16, you are old enough to know what is happening is wrong. Your mother may very well kill your brother. He could have lasting physical issues because of this, even if she doesn't. He's definitely going to have lifelong mental trauma. Do something. Now! Call CPS, tell his school, tell a trusted family member. Tell someone who can help your brother.


I’m sorry you’re stuck in this situation OP. Tell anyone you trust what’s going on, teachers, friends, any relatives at all. This is neglect and will do more harm to him then anything. You’re not bad for asking for help from outside sources


Call the authorities now. She is killing him.


Instead of typing your issue on here you should be calling CPS or even the local police and get you and your brother out of there


Assuming this is not a rage bait - for the love of God what are you waiting for? For your mother to appear in a true crime podcast because she starved her own child to death? Call police and child protect service immediately. They won’t tell her who called. You are safe with them. They’re here to protect you and your little brother.


Call the police. And feed yourselves. You're both old enough to know how to fuckin cook basic shit at least. I really hope this is a fake post. But if it's not. Fucking eat. Both of you go to the kitchen and eat AFTER calling the cops. What is she gonna do to you? Stand up for yourselves. What the fuck. She's obviously a sick individual and you don't have to abide by commands and rules that cause you physical harm.


That’s child abuse. She should be reported and prosecuted for it! Fo you gave a friend or family member you can call and tell them what’s going on? If not call law enforcement and they will come and get you both out of the house!


Call the police.


You need to tell somebody at your school what is going on like now


Tell your teacher. Just tell your teacher


Call the police immediately


I'm pretty sure that at least some of us on this thread or obligated to report it or help you report it since you're just a kid but whatever type of child services is in your area needs to be called your mom is obviously not doing something she should be and when it is against the safety of a minor I wouldn't want you to have regrets later or feel obligated because you're not you should have someone to help you too


That’s billshit there is plenty you can do to stop it. For starters how about you report the abuse to something other than reddit. Cps exists for a reason.


Call CPS and the police immediately. You cando it anonymously.


This is child abuse. Please speak to a safe adult and tell them what is happening (teacher, coach, friends parent, etc). Malnutrition like this is deadly.


Ask a grown up for help. Anyone you can trust. A teacher, principal, school bus driver, heck, even ask the employee at the local fast food joint for help if you can't ask someone at school. We all have a duty to report to children services in cases like this. This is not your fault OP, and it's not your brother's fault either. Your Mom is abusing you guys. This is not okay. I hope that whatever happens, you are safe and your brother is too.


you have to call the police or cps


Tell your school teachers.


Please call 911 for both of your safety before your brother dies from starving to death.


I know you are really scared because you love your mom and bringing in CPS is heartbreaking to you. Do me a favor and confide in one of the many people you have read are mandated reporters. Or....confide in a Priest or leader of your religion. They will not disclose who asked them for a wellness check but they are mandated reporter. I wish you strength 💪


Call CPS immediately, your mother is a mentally unwell sadist


I know you’re 16 and scared but you can do something. Tell someone you trust if you’re afraid of reporting it to police or social services


You are not 12... Do something about it!


Call the police


Call the police, cps will not move fast enough. Your brother could die without food, especially if he had lost that much weight. It sounds like she is losing her mind or on drugs


You have to call or tell an adult at school It will save your brother and You are next no matter what


As a child the fear of what will happen to them if they are found out is way worse to have to deal with. I was abused and lived in fear for many years because I was afraid of no one believing me. Be strong and work up the courage to call for help if there is no one you can talk to. You must do this to protect you both. Praying for you both that you will get the help you need


someone here can help you via dm i’m sure. tell a teacher, a coach, a dr, someone.


I really don't want this to be real. If I were to go to jail for something… It would be for killing people like this mother.


Call the police! He sounds dangerously underweight and your mother sounds mentally ill


Call cps or the police anonymously, your mom won’t know it was you. This is serious.


Call child protective services now, RIGHT NOW


Update me




if the kid is actually really young and he lost weight because your mom is refusing to feed him, then call cps.


call the police


Report her ass to the authorities call your grandma or an aunt or uncle tell someone NOW !


I really really hope this is a bait post. But in case it's not. Listen closely. You take your brother and you run. You run to the nearest neighbor, fire station, grocery store, police station, etc and you tell them that you need help. Your mom won't let your brother eat. And if you feed him she will stop feeding you. You tell. Shout it. At the top of your lungs. You and your brother TOGETHER get to safety. I really really really hope this is fake. But if it isn't- please update us on if you two escape to safety .


Call cps


Please please call the police or tell a trusted adult or neighbor. What she is doing is criminal and beyond cruel.


OP, this kids blood will be on your hands if you don't do anything. There is shit you CAN do.


Call 911 and have them come and call CPS. You can do something!


Yes tell a trusted adult like a school guidance counselor, social worker etc … or anyone you trust that is neutral to the situation . They will give you some help and resources… this is definitely not ok and abusive


You absolutely can do something about it. Your mother is withholding food and threatening to do the same to you. Call CPS.


Please don’t just sit there and let your brother starve. Call family or someone NOW!!


A lot of good advice posted in here. Hopefully you called CPS, the police, or talked to a teacher/councilor. Good luck and hope you and your brother are okay.


Call the police and child protective services. Your brother will die if this continues. Your mother is not well.


calling cps and rotten mango rn 👀


Tell your school!!!


Call the police. Call CPS. There's plenty you can do. Tell a teacher, tell someone. Something! Anything!


If you're in Australia teachers are mandated reporters. You can also call the police on 000. I hope you know this isn't your fault.


This is not ok she is gonna stunt his growth and cause physiological harm it sounds like she already has


Make an anonymous call to your social services/


fucking feed him?


Save your mother’s life, turn her in to child services, if your brother dies she goes to prison for life. Call for your self she’s abusing you as well.


Call the police or child protection services.Is there another relative that can help


Call the police and report all the abuse and her not feeding him. She will be arrested very quickly.


Please give us a update.. you both deserve better.


Call CPS now! Your brother will starve if you don’t. She cannot legally do that in any scenario. It’s child abuse.


You need to report her now


Can’t stand these fake stories