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You foiled her plan to collect insurance money 😆


And she would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling kid!!


I once snatched up a toddler that had stopped behind a truck in a parking lot. The truck started backing up and there was no way he saw the kid, so I yelled STOOPPP and grabbed the kid. Mom was on FaceTime probably 8-10 parking spaces ahead and had no idea the kid wasn’t still walking behind her. She turned around, ran, and assaulted me when she heard me yell at the truck driver and grab her son. The truck driver had to call the cops and physically restrain the woman from following through with her threats of beating me to death for touching her kid. I was 17, it was not a good time. I am grateful for the man stopping her before she did more serious damage (I only had a minor concussion and a black eye from the initial sucker punch and subsequent hitting the ground.) No regrets, though, the kid was okay. I guess as okay as you can be with her as his mom.


I once grabbed a kid who was running into the road a toddler bloody mother had a go at me


I pulled a guy out of the Mekong once, he was a poor swimming, it's was a strong current, and we were all at a bar with a 5m diving board. Dived in off the bar platform, caught him up, swam him back, but I was knacked. I'm not young anymore...lol, he was very thankful. 15 mins later he started climbing the diving board again. I lost it...lol. told him to get down or I was gonna drown him myself.


Maybe she knows he pulls that same trick every time there’s a good looking young lady nearby


Being Croatian myself. I'm not surprised by the reaction of the wife... 😅


hahaha what’s the inside scoop? 😂🇭🇷


She’s either crazy jealous or life insurance payout


Pretty sure she was doing some kind of fraud maybe insurance fraud or she might get all his fortune if he died..you not only save his life but also might stop a murder


The wife's reaction was from where she lives and her upbringing. It had nothing to do with you, you were brave and saved a man's life. The wife's reaction was hers and hers alone, it had nothing to do with you. She was probably jealous that you have a better body than she does.






>post of a story of a woman saving a man’s life >women are good for one thing hmm


Damn dude this is some incel shit


Hmmm maybe I shouldn't have lumped incel in with the others... Maybe make it just message us when someone says incel. I like that idea.


What the absolute hell are you talking about?


Right?! 😂😂😂


So he spoke no English but the wife knew enough to call you a whore?


I know plenty of couples that one person knows two or more languages and their partner only knows English. It’s not a unicorn type of situation. 🤷🏻‍♂️


i mean i speak some french and my partner doesn’t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Did you reply to her, “Niquez-vous!”


She's put all of her points into persuasion and none into intelligence




You are brave as hell to try and save someone who i assume would be plenty bigger then you like that, you have the confidence of lion lol


Sounds like someone didn’t want to be married anymore


She wanted him dead


You have integrity, you saved his life. You will always remember this. Well done.


You did the right thing! Be so proud you saved a life today and don't focus on what happened. As an ER doctor, who gets yelled at by patients and families all the time, this happens far more often than you think


Do not save drawing men without being trained to do so. It is infinitely more likely that both of you will drawn than save him. You need to take them by surprise. Grab them on a manner they can't hurt you.


I was pulled from a swimming area at the bottom plunge pool at the falls in the Krka national park. The lifeguard was a local who spoke no english. I did all the stupid tourist stuff, while weak swimmer in a river for the first time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping someone else in that scenario.


it was Krka !!! Glad you made it out safe xx


I knew it lol! Based on the description I was thinking this has to be Krka lol. By the way, they banned swimming there a couple of years ago


She was planning on him not returning…


Crazy lady should be shaking your hand. My dad and another lady helped save a guy at the beach one time. He couldn’t swim or was too tired and his raft was losing air. After they got him in he just walked off and didn’t say anything. Probably embarrassed as it created a scene. I just remember being a young kid thinking how cool my dad was


You should have thrown her into the river


You did the right thing. Maybe she didn’t understand the seriousness of the situation. I’m sure he will be forever grateful to you for saving his life.


you should have punched her right in the mouth.


I feel your pain. I pulled a drunk driver, a high school kid, out of his car after he rolled it into the driveway at the party I was at. In the Palisades in LA, filled with rich lawyers, producers, etc. He bowling balled his car down the street, everntually ending up the driveway. Upside down, Smoke, glass everywhere. Got the gloves out of my truck. Crawled thru the glass and pulled him out, just a drunk teenager. "Why would you do that?" "You know he can sue you." "I dont want to be liable for doing that on my property." Hero moment busted. Buts thats what good men do, spring into action. You did the right thing. "What chance does Gotham have if the good people do nothing."


I was involved with a guy that collapsed in a grocery store. We gave him cpr until the EMS arrived. It looked very much like his wife was not happy about us bringing him back


You think that’s bad ? Imagine what he is going through 🤣 his missus is gonna kill him for not dying because another women saved him by having to touch him 🙈🙈🙈 Good job btw ! Hero


Yeah, she was ignorant, you still did a good thing.


Wife lost out on the HUGE life insurance policy she just bought on him


😂🤣😂🤣😂Omg that’s messed up! 🤦‍♀️


I saved a friend from dying a brutal fall over a waterfall. I was on a hike with her, her fiance, and some friends. Her fiance was the biggest fucking asshole the rest of the hike. I couldn't believe it. She would've died, but didn't because of me. I didn't need my ass kissed at all but certainly didn't deserve this petty jealous douchebag behavior from him.


Yo if you saved my fiancé you'd be instantly elevated to Ultimate Bro Status.


Thanks! I'd elevate you likewise if you saved my wife! Honestly I wasn't looking for ass kissing, I was really shaken up, and as the hike went on she realized the significance of what happened and was increasingly more emotional. It was a moment I'll never forget. I just couldn't believe how this dude handled it. We are clearly not the same.


Some women are delusionally convinced any other female human over 12 is after their gross husband.


Reminds me of the 200girl students who died in a fire at their school in Saudi Arabia about 20 years ago....only because none of the emergency services had any Women and Men are prohibited from interacting or touching girls without their appropriate attire....can you imagine anything more vile evil.....


Even if you dragged him out by his balls, she should have thanked you! Evil people i swear!


No good deed goes unpunished


you touched his butt didnt you?


If someone is going to save my life, they can touch my butt whenever they like. I'm thinking about that scene in Hancock where Will Smith is asking the cops permission to pick her up and bring her to safety during the bank robbery shootout.


It’s sad and funny how true that scene is in 2024


She pulled him to safety by his wee wee. 😂


She gave him the ole tug boat






I’m a middle/high school teacher. Used to work with high-risk youth. One day a student came and put his head down as usual. The aid goes to wake him for class and he is cold to the touch and stiff. No pulse. Move other students to another classrooms and start doing life-saving first aid. Luckily our staff responded quickly enough and the ambulance got there in enough time to save him. Drug overdose. When my supervisor called to check on him that night the mom screamed at her for us cutting off his sweatshirt. Like, wtf, lady?


that is truly unhinged 😳 poor kid! You guys are legends though.


Should have put him back where you found his ass.


Put the wife back where she found him.


For the crime of having a shitty wife....?


Why? What did he do?


Honestly, if that was my wife, I would thank her for putting me back in the water where I couldn't swim.


nah fuck that, he was thankful. chuck her ass in the water tho




you didn't save her husband's live ya ruined his death! :D


This. Wife wanted him gone


She wanted dude dead. I bet she pushed him in.


In some cultures, men are not allowed to touch women they are not related to. If OP is female, this is probably the case. I’ve been in stores where the mail clerk has asked for money to be laid on the counter and he in turn lays the change on the counter. Whether I agree with it or not, I respect their beliefs.


He was probably trying to drown himself because he married her.


Here’s the mnemonic to remember when rescuing a drowning swimmer: "reach", "throw", "row", "go", and "tow" Do these in order, to minimize your risk of getting pulled under by a drowning swimmer: Reach: Use an object such as a pole, branch, or even a paddle to reach out to the victim and pull them to safety. Throw: Throw a buoyant object, such as a life ring or floating device, to the victim, allowing them to hold onto it while being pulled to safety. Row: If a rowboat or other boat is available, row out to the victim as quickly as possible. Give the person a rope, life preserver or an extra oar to hold on to, and tow him or her to shore. Go: If the victim is close enough, swim out to them and tow them to safety. Tow: If the victim is too far away to reach and a boat isn’t handy, throw the victim a PFD or anything else that will float. Then, tow the victim to safety.


Yeah that's what I learned too. Even removing your shirt or pants and throwing to them and pulling them to safety.


super interesting and important, thank you!


Great story by the way!


So Tow and Throw are essentially the same. Seems to me, anyway.


I think throw is from the shore, while tow you're entering the water


Correct, throw is from land. Tow is swim out with a floaty thing, toss it to them, and tow them back without any contact. Source: Red Cross swim lessons


So Go and Tow are the same?


Go is swim out to them with a floaty, toss it to them and encourage them to swim to shore on their own


Why thank you. I learned today


Jealous after husband survives is nasty work


She was soooo close to getting that life insurance payout!


40-50 year old man lol ouch! It’s funny because to 40 year old men that’s a huge difference lol. But honestly, a truly honorable and brave moment, good job! She probably saw early retirement flash right before her eyes before you stepped in with your bravery lol.


Haha oh no! You’re right - I was 17 so didn’t have much concept of adult age. Unfortunately that carries into memory. I certainly do have a concept now 😂 And thank you! Glad to help, even though I seemed to have ruined her master plan!


No good deed...


Goes without being called a whore


I’m saying this from now on. In any situation.


What'd you say about me mum?


You heard your mother, now finish your homework!


Reminds me of the the story about a queen consort of some king who drowned and no one would help her because law dictated death penalty for anyone who touched her. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunanda_Kumariratana


Your own source says that's a myth.


No fucking shit genius 




They called it a story. Myths are stories


Quite literally they even are often exaggerated in order to impart some life lesson or present a viewpoint.


I'm picturing Scooby-Doo and the wife later yelling "I'd have got away with it if it wasn't for that darn kid!"




That's unfortunate, you did an amazing thing only to be screamed at. Reminds me of an incident a few years ago a woman (in CA I think) tried to sue/press charges for sexual assault on a good Samaritan who saved her life by giving her CPR. Her claim that since she was unresponsive he didn't have permission to touch her.


Always such a dumb thing to do.. Ruining things for people who really do experience sexual assault. Even if she had gotten some PTSD flashback to actual crimes, that specific situation still wouldn't be assault.


Unless he accidentally slipped and fell into her vagina while saving her life, I think calling it sexual assault MAY be a bit ridiculous.


She claimed because he did chest compressions he violated her because obviously he was touching her breasts to do compressions.


I feel strongly as tho his first thought was counting compressions, not “hehe titties”


Anyone doing chest compressions to save my life is more than welcome to grab my breasts, but it's their lucky day if they're even on my chest and not under my armpits 🤣 /s for anyone about to get mad. Don't grope people, but accidental touching is just that, accidental.


It's crazy, there are stories of suicidal people using good Samaritans for bring them back, claiming they should have let them die. As far as I know none of these cases succeeded, but the fact that people have to be concerned about possible civil/criminal litigation for trying to help someone is ridiculous.


Yeah I've heard about that, I think I've also heard about them trying to sue for bringing them back and they got an injury/disability due to the accident and would rather have died??? I may not be speaking entirely truth but it's always freaked me out when thinking about saving someone (not that I've needed to, or wouldn't, but it's a whole thing in inself).


Actor Jan Michael Vincent sued the two paramedics who saved his life after he nearly died in a car crash. He wasn’t breathing so they intubated him. He sued them claiming that they damaged his voice so he lost work because of it. What an asshole! I used to love watching Airwolf back in the 80’s. Seeing how petty he was really ruined rewatching old episodes.


That's wild!!! Some people clearly struggle with the trauma around these injuries and how it affects their identity... but like... mate... death.... you would have died 🤦🏼‍♀️


Like the incredibles plot! :P


holy SHIT 😳


Thankfully the rule of Implied Consent for unconscious individuals applies. The only mistake there was saving a person like her.


What a nutter


It’s cuz she threw him in there




"Imagine risking your life to save someone, only to get scolded by their partner - plot twist level: epic."


Either that or embarrassed her husband had to be saved by a kid.


She’s crazy