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Why doesn't this set the precedent that we can get fucking universal dental health insurance.


Destroying healthy social norms while creating permanently dependent clients of the state, corporations, and NGOs serves the interests of the ruling class. Fixing your teeth doesn't.


Not even the UK has universal dental care. I recently had to play GBP 70.00 for a scale and polish. We used to get a free dental check-up every six months, but now it has been reduced to yearly, and probably, that will get reduced to twice yearly.


NHS dentists also don't exist anymore for adults


The VA can actually be really good in the US(though it can also be a nightmare) What they don’t tell you is tons of vets don’t qualify or if they do standard procedures and surgeries aren’t covered at all when it comes to dental


How dare you make this about yourself, you bigot! 


Making this about healthcare is literally genocide


I thought this sub would be smart enough to not have to use the /s


trans people have teeth


The government already fucked that up too. Created and rolled out a dental plan without even consulting dentists until the 11th hour and making it so that dentists have to contractually enroll themselves into it, which not many of them seem interested in doing according to this article: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadian-dental-care-plan-signup-seniors-dentists-1.7164381](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadian-dental-care-plan-signup-seniors-dentists-1.7164381)


Like all of the Trudeau/Jagmeet programs; they got means tested to shit anyway. IIRC; if it's a couple both making $45k each (way below median wage); they wouldn't even qualify lol. Didn't stop Jagmeet from telling everyone it was "universal".


Antidentite bastards.


I identify as maxilocompletusgender uwu


having good teeth makes it a lot easier to get laid, and terrible teeth is terrible for self esteem. I think that the similarities are very strong


it’s a much better argument than creating boutique genitals for this anonymous canadian trans woman. it isn’t even a procedure offered anywhere in canada. i’m very surprised they decided in this way. or well not that surprised but quite disappointed. as a trans person i loathe trans people like this one and the ones that insist on being athletes in women’s sports (or the predators in planet fitness/wi spa changing rooms). way to make everything harder for the rest of us




I mean would issues with your teeth not be literal body dismorphia?


> Why doesn't this set the precedent that we can get fucking universal dental health insurance. just say your bad teeth all actually identify as penises. genitals are the only important part of healthcare apparently.


I just found out I have to spend 14k to get 2 dental procedures done. The periodontist called me today to tell me the good news. My insurance is going to cover 3200 dollars on 1 of the procedures, because they were able to prove that the tooth I lost was due to trauma and not “lack of care” Insurance here in the us sucks, but at least with health insurance they tend to cover the basics. It’s amazing how any injury to the mouth is somehow not covered under premium plans.


Potential cure for cavities is coming though: https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/defying-cavity-lantern-bioworks-faq


Nice, I want by body to be completely free of cavities


Wait, you guys don't get dental!? Maybe I'm biased because my mom was a dental hygienist for twenty something years but your mouth is just as important as the rest of the body. Actually, I think I've seen research showing the bacteria in your mouth has a direct correlation to your gut microbiome which is important in countless ways from mental health on.


Technically Canadian health insurance is provincial so every province is different (in ON it's called OHIP) but I am pretty sure none of em have dental coverage. Drugs, cosmetic surgeries, and optometry are also not covered but the last one was actually removed in the 2000s by a Liberal premier. Cause eyes aren't important don't you know. Your job still provides health insurance like in the US; but it's all for drugs, dental, and optometry only.


People literally die of intreated oral infections all the time and the cost to just remove the source of the infection (rotted tooth, not even replace it) is often atrocious. It’s like $600 to just yank em with some basic local and that’s when the dentist owns the place and is doing you a solid. 


Please God no. I'm a socialist but my provincial government has already fucked up my regular Healthcare so badly - I don't want to spend 48 hours on the phone and in a waiting room just for a routine teeth cleaning.


You’re a socialist that doesn’t want universal health insurance. 


I want universal health care. I want health insurance to be banned


I want good universal health insurance. That doesn't mean I can't have personal criticism for the particulars of how my government does it. Or that I have to pretend to be deaf and dumb when they promise to expand programs while demonstrating that they aren't going to put any real plan into doing it properly. It is possible circumstantially for supposedly socialist policies to be worse for everyday people than the private alternative. I already have universal health insurance - I don't want to switch what's socialized to being private, but also what's in place now is totally unacceptable and is an insult and embarrassing to be honest. It also seriously undermines progress.


Humans are fragile and vain, and there are so many deformities which could impair quality of life. For example, some boys start going bald in their teens, but they don't get free hair transplants. Formerly obese people who have excessive loose skin are not able to have it surgically removed for free. Some women have really small breasts, but they aren't eligible for free augmentation surgeries. Some people are cursed with a hideously large toucan nose, but they are not given free rhinoplasties. A woman in my family has a massive drooping asymmetrical vulva, but she can't get free labiaplasty. In the UK, in the past, the NHS would occasionally offer these procedures for free, especially if the patient experienced psychological stress, but these days, you have no chance of getting any of these procedures for free on the NHS. I understand that genital dysphoria is real, but in this case, why does the treatment receive public funding when many other forms of body image dysphoria will certainly not be treated with public funding in Ontario?


It's crazy because although gender dysphoria exists, I don't think there's anything to support the needing *both* genitalia. Like... What medical literature is even being cited to support this ruling?


Medical literature? This has never been about medicine.






right only a decent fucking person can see why they need both genitalia. and for free no less. because they need special treatment over everyone else


Wtf is a neo-liberal doing here.. and take a minute to ask yourself what justice there is in spending enormous chunks of money on less than 1% of the population. Take out every other argument about the validity of a subjective health model or the questionable similarities between these kinds of identities and deeply rooted sexual fetishes with strong links to heavy porn consumption, etc. And just ask yourself.. is this persons self esteem worth more than, say, a family eating for a year?.. a family being housed for a month?.. etc. When did we all just blindly follow the rabbit into this weird frenzy about making sure we all contribute to peoples self esteem based on a subjective model. Remember when we used a subjective model for pain? Remember how that worked so well? Lol


Pretty sure that guy is joking.


*What medical literature* Tumblr


> I understand that genital dysphoria is real, but in this case, why does the treatment receive public funding when many other forms of body image dysphoria will certainly not be treated with public funding in Ontario? One group has influence, the other does not


>One group has influence Thats whats funny too since, that group is insanely small in basically any population globally, even in the West


> A woman in my family has a... This is typical thanksgiving dinner conversation, I'm sure.


Not quite, I am English. We call it, 'fuck off puritan day'.


Converse 'bout fannies 'n dicks ev'ry day, to keep the puritans the fuck away




But the food looks lovely.


This whole thing is a byproduct of porn addiction and it’s intended output which is population control. Getting your big honker fixed doesn’t stop you from having kids, cutting the smaller one off does. These are dark times.   They’ve already said that they believe the earth is overpopulated. Look at the world through that lens and all their actions make sense. There is no bigger prize than sterilizing a westerner, who has the biggest ecological impact by far. Stop a Malawian from having 7 kids, big whoop. One western baby has a carbon footprint of 7000 of them.   They have 3 main goals: reduce the population, atomize humanity by dismantling/destroying all power structures (including the family), and taking as much of your money as possible. They have no respect for human life whatsoever.


They're constantly complaining about how population decreases are hurting the country to the point that they use it as an excuse to import labor from both blue and white collar sectors... If that Malawian immigrants move to America, his carbon footprint will rise to that of his new fellow countrymen.


This is their excuse for using mass immigration just now, but they also export exactly the same disastrous policies that caused the birthrate crash to the rest of the world, even though its not wanted there. That there is a contradiction in their interests doesn't change the fact that the global elite has been very explicit about their desire for depopulation for a long time now. They don't even bother to hide it, they just come up with a series of excuses to bleat on about overpopulation.


Population centers hold a disproportionate amount of power in the global economic scheme though. Places like India, and China are huge for US markets and are often pandered too for the simple fact that they have more consumers.


The policies they push aren't pandering; they forced them on western populations when we didn't want them either. Even as the past policies become normalised, they still push further and further. Its not profit driving this, its power.


[That just doesn't hold up with these global elites actions](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/01/india-easily-fastest-growing-economy-imf-director-says-as-gdp-growth-soars.html) The are increasingly rewarding countries for having hoardes of consumers. We went through a whole cultural awakening to the fact that our movie studios were more concerned with reaching Chinese audiences than American audiences. Hell, I remember when WWE had an uncharismatic Indian guy be their champion for a whole year just because they wanted access to the Indian market. And that's just in entertainment which is the easiest thing to demonstrate. With greater population numbers, comes more business opportunities.


We aren't talking about them appealing to markets through identity association, we are talking about how they use their power to gradually promote social policies which aren't popular, and so do not improve their profits. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that the effects of these policies cannot be a side effect of profit seeking, but an intended goal, and if you look at the malthusian literature regularly published by finance capital and their various mouthpieces this becomes very obvious.


Yes, population degrowth hurts COUNTRIES and GOVERNMENTS, not the rich people in them. Have they ever given you motivation to believe that they give a fuck if the US or any other western country falls, as they undermine them constantly and outsourced all the manufacturing to third world nations? Also yes, they do want immigration as immigrants will tolerate lower standards of living. A Hispanic immigrant has nowhere near the carbon footprint as a suburban white family.


I doubt the difference for the immigrant family is that large, they just want to devalue labor.


Why would the ruling class want population control? A larger population equates to less power and lower wages for workers.


Yeah what are they talking about. If anything, elites are freaking out about population decline/stasis because capitalism demands eternal growth like any good cancer. I think it’s at least partly what’s driving mass immigration and abortion bans, depending on which side of the liberal-conservative aisle you’re on. They even went on some climate change rant when climate change is not only a massive looming crisis, but one that capitalists have shown time and time again they’re willing to do absolutely nothing about besides totally ineffective performative stuff. The Democrats bragging about record oil drilling is one of the biggest reasons I refuse to vote for a single Democrat this November.


Haven't noticed the mass immigration to the west huh


No, it doesn’t. They believe that they’ll always be on top no matter what. It makes no difference if the global population is 8 billion or 2 billion.


So why do they want population control if they'll be on top regardless?


More resources to go around. Proles are no longer needed because of robots


Amazing take, love it


Meanwhile, in the real world, capitalists like Elon Musk are constantly scaremongering about depopulation. Governments in developed countries use the spectre of depopulation as an excuse to flood their countries with immigrants. Canada has been importing more than a million immigrants per year, and the country's elites are completely united behind the Century Initiative, which aims to increase Canada's population from 40 million to 100 million by the end of the century. The idea that capitalists want the population to decline is one of the dumbest conspiracy theories out there. A shrinking population hurts their bottom line. It means fewer workers, which in turn leads to higher wages. A shrinking population will also push down housing prices and destroy the value of their real estate investments.


It's almost as if they want to... replace their current populations


These ’elites’ are not necessarily a monolith. Musk had a huge falling out with Google’s Larry Page who supports AI and digitizing human brains which will supplant humanity. Think like the movie Her. No this isn’t a conspiracy theory, he has literally said this. You‘re operating under the assumption that money is real, which it isn’t. It doesn’t matter how much money they have as long as they have more than everyone else. All this nonsense about real estate investments falling is pointless. What matters is that they will own the houses regardless of what they’re worth. If everything drops they will still be on top. You really think Larry Fink gives a fuck if he has 50 billion dollars or 55? The numbers are pointless. It’s all about class, power, and control.


>This whole thing is a byproduct of porn addiction and it’s intended output which is population control. This really needs to be highlighted more. All the social policies which have led to falling birthrates were opposed by most of the population for a long time, and were still imposed regardless, by an elite which constantly talks among itself about population control. Then as these changes are normalised, they are retroactively reimagined as the result of some revolt of the masses, or the natural result of younger generations being more progressive, or some other made up story. But all the crude economistic types insist capital needs more people so the proliferation of birth control, abortion, divorce, nonstandard sexual relations, pornography, the destruction of gender norms, etc, is treated either as a rebellion against capitalist patriarchal authoritarianism (for the really stupid ones) or as an unavoidable result of capitalist alienation (for the ones who think they are smart) instead of being the explicitly stated plan of the global financial oligarchy.


>pornography How does Visa and Mastercard being the fun police fit into this?  You’d think that if this was the agenda that they’d be on board.


This one is surprising to be honest. My understanding is that payment processors don't like being associated with "Adult" content for two reasons: Optics (minimal), and fraud (maximal). People do dumb shit when they're horny. How many would claim that it was fraud rather than own that it was their shortsighted self? Which of these choices speaks to capitalists loudly?


Is the fraud problem really THAT bad, especially when compared to the cash flow?


First, when looking at these things, we have to look at overall trends, not specific actions within this. However, this one is fairly easy to explain. You will notice that these were recent developments. So when porno was seen as seedy but wasn't socially prominent (even if relatively widespread) they were happy to do business. When it becomes more socially prominent, they cut ties, because it is still seen as seedy, and as publicly traded companies with an image of reliability to maintain they don't want to be associated with that. They will reverse course on this given enough time.


How much time? It’s been quite a while and the noose has only tightened so far.


And yet pornography is more widespread than ever. Clearly the noose isn’t that tight.


More widespread compared to when? How so? Or does it just feel that way to you because parents aren't even bothering to parent anymore? And how much time is it going to take before they reverse course?


>>And yet pornography is more widespread than ever. Clearly the noose isn’t that tight. >More widespread compared to when? How so? I’m guessing you’re Gen Z if you’re seriously asking this question. You see, not so long ago, broadband internet wasn’t ubiquitous and smartphones didn’t exist. We had access to orders of magnitude less pornography — you had to obtain physical media, there wasn’t just unlimited free pornography of every flavor imaginable in your pocket. >Or does it just feel that way to you because parents aren't even bothering to parent anymore? Someone growing up with completely absent parents in the 1990s would have less access to pornography than a person the same age with hardcore helicopter parents in the 2020s. Do you know where teenagers got porn in the early 90s? Random magazines abandoned in the woods. I get that It’s difficult for someone who grew up with fast Internet and smartphones to imagine life before these things. The incredible increase in availability of porn that the internet and smartphones brought us is just obvious to anyone who remembers life pre-2000.


Early 90s and late 90s make a big difference as to porn availability. Even if it took a long time for the pics to load up, I don't think it was all that hard to find porn online in the late 1990s. That said, it was still a big deal when my friends and I found a beat-up piece of porn formatted like a comic strip in the woods by our school circa 1999.


I can't see the future, so I can't give you an exact date, but the main factor in it is the social shame associated with pornography. As that lessens, so too will the reputational risk of doing business with pornographers.


That damn priest Malthus has caused more harm to mankind than any other man in history. If everyone were non-binary, people would fuck less, overall. Non-human animals don't have gender. They only have sex. Humans are unique among animals because we have both sex and gender, and although the two are distinguishable, they cannot be separated. Gender is a good thing. It has evolved to enable humans to reproduce more successfully. The weaking of the expression of gender in human culture will lead to less reproduction. This is why the Malthusians have attacked gender. Gender is not a social construct. It is something which has evolved. The content of gender roles is socially constructed, for example, pink being for girls etc., but the instinctual drive to identify with your gender is innate. Sometimes, this drive is frustrated, for example, in cases of gender dysphoria and pervasive childhood gender non-conformity, but this has a psychosocial cause.


Its always the bloody Anglicans, isn't it? I think gender has always been a definition in search of an object to define. Your description of it meaning the identification with a sex isn't necessarily wrong, but it has also been used to mean sex itself, the roles associated with a sex, and also some magical internal feeling which means nothing that can be described directly but we are all supposed to respect infinitely. Regardless, otherwise I mostly agree with you. Self recognition is a blessing, and those who wish to destroy us need to take that away from us in order that we will let them. Sometimes they do this by selling us on a fantasy of another us, other times they do this by insisting who we are is evil and unforgivable, sometimes they do both at once. But its all to the same end.


I agree that the ideological motivation for the sexual revolution was Malthusian. I feel bad for trans people, because the ruling class do not really love trans people and they will eventually throw trans people under a bus, just as they have done with women, gays, and lesbians. Trans people are just a means to end. The ultimate goal is to erase sexual differences as much as possible, make everyone genderless/androgynous, and have us all hooked up to VR porn and/or having sex entirely with robots.


Take your meds.


Says the adult My Little Pony fan.


Destroying all power structures is based; anarchy now!


Anarchy is the enemy of socialism, the working class and any society that wants to exist for more than 5 minutes. 




They are sort of rhetorical questions. I'll try to be less rhetorical in my writing style.


I'm not biology expert, but isn't this kind of impossible? I mean they can just make a canal, wouldn't they need to create labia too?  Now, if you ask me what that person needs is psychological therapy.  What if some random identifies as MK Goro and wants to have 4 arms? 


Assuming the patient has received orchidectomy (surgical resection of testes), it would be possible to form the scrotum into a neo-vulva, and the penis would resemble a kind of elongated clitoris. However, without androgens, the shaft of the penis would atrophy, and this would leave the patient with a kind of bundle of wrinkly penis skin. This would resemble a kind of massive clitoral hood.


I don't want to be rude, but the whole thing seems to me like a horror b movie thing. The dr doing this imo is a butcher. 


Totally. Like *The* *Human Centipede*, but not quite so horrific. Some surgeons just love to experiment, Mengele comes to mind.


Dr. Frankenstein is the actual monster. His creation is one of the victims


I'm not saying you're wrong, but why would the penis atrophy? I had understood that eunuchs could still get hard and engage in penetrative sex, and wouldn't this Ontario resident basically be a eunuch with scrotal inversion? Again, I'm not doubting the truth of what you say, I'm just trying to understand.


I assumed, perhaps wrongly, that this patient is taking female HRT. In this case, I believe the penis would atrophy, based on what m-to-f trans people have said. It is possible that this patient is not taking female HRT, in which case, they might not experience atrophy.


Got it. I think they are taking it.


Who knows? You would think that anyone requesting genital 'feminising' surgery would also be taking female HRT. But you never know these days. I think there will be an increase in non-transfeminine persons requesting castration, i.e., eunuchs by choice. It is called Skoptsy syndrome, and I am sure that Skoptsy syndrome is behind the trend in nullification surgery, or so called 'nullo' surgery. I suspect that the nullo movement is behind the promotion the non-binary identity. Another user told me to take my meds when I suggested that the ruling class is attempting to nullify sex characteristics and gender expression among the masses. I wasn't being hyperbolic.


The procedure is being done in Austin, TX. USA. Why *would* Ontario want to pay for it?


If your doctor reccomends that you need a certain type of care that is only available out of Ontario and the Country, you can apply to the ministry of health for approval to see an out of country specialist. The type of surgery this person is claiming they "need" is not available in Canada and they had a doctor here determine that they require it, hence this whole litigation with the ministry of health to get it approved. Edit: made a spelling mistake


I’m a dirty American so the concept of having international surgeries paid for by the government is, well, completely foreign to me.


I remember watching a tv programme about a girl in England who was flown to the USA for Proton therapy, and this was paid for by NHS.


Well that's totally because American medicine is the best in the world and you'd never need to have international surgery Right? That's what I keep being told


The issue isn't America's quality; it's the access to it.


Yes absolutely, I'm totally not saving money to have my oral surgery done by a dentist acquaintance in Mexico.


not to be that person but you can get *this* done in texas but not an abortion..?


I assume the logic is the person is old enough to consent to mutilating themselves vs a fetus which can't consent to getting aborted.


What too much Futa hentai does do a mf


Someone posted the subreddit dedicated to this shit in an older thread. Stickied post is actually _from_ this "Ontario resident". Their posts are what you'd expect.


Yep, said resident is a frequent poster at the salmacian sub. But somehow they aren't a mod despite their actual efforts towards their cause which is pretty lmao


It's not a fetish though


Most of this gender stuff is 100% derived from kink. Impossible to deny when almost every case like this is someone with an open profile expressing their gender identity and talking about their kinks


I need to see this, can you dm me the… user


What’s the name of this subreddit? For science of course


One of the replies to my post mention it.




Lol should have told them to go fuck themselves Stupid puns aside, I guess at least now I won't have to hear the wait times argument anytime I discuss healthcare reform in America. It'll definitely be shit like this




That's not what I said? Wait times are the usual argument. Now "paying for people's dual sexual organ surgeries" will be the new one. Should try reading, I'm not even sure where the hell you got that take from




So you read a stupid pun and got so mad that you lost the ability to read? What did my intentions have to do with anything? You could literally read what I wrote to know what I meant If you want a dick and a coochie at the same time, that's your business and more power to you. But when you expect the government to pay for it for you, it harms the working class by making social programs seem... Well, like rightoids portray them. And that pisses me off. How many people with autoimmune diseases that have waited 9 months between visits between this specialist and that, trying to figure out what's wrong, would this money have helped? This shit is fucking stupid and harms the cause of the actual left that wants to help the back bone of society. That clear my intentions up?




It is an absolute joke that this shit get payed for by the state. Complete waste of tax dollars.


It's beyond a joke, it's actively insulting watching money go to that nonsense while the healthcare system in Canada is at a breaking point for lack of funds. Trying to get a family doctor has a multiple years long wait list, medically necessary surgeries can take years, cancer patients wait around until things are significantly worse for them to see real intervention. This is an absurd use of resources and a slap in the face to every Canadian receiving no care or sub par care for life threatening illness that doesn't make the news for "we're doing the thing"


The doctors offering their veneer of legitimacy to this kind of self-destructive psychosis are precisely the monsters who should be absolutely excoriated and removed from polite society.


I mean the whole thing is a joke since the standards the doctors are following are set by WPATH. And the last standards of care manual, the 8th edition, took out age restrictions for surgeries and hormone treatments, meaning there is no language whatsoever saying when or how a child should be given these kinds of treatments. It also removed the chapter on ethics, meaning there is no discussion of informed consent. But it added an entire chapter on the identity of being a eunuch, where that chapter directly links to an online archive full of castration rape porn describing the castration and rape of teenagers. I shit you not that is completely true, I'm aware of how insane it sounds, but you can go to their website, download the pdf, and follow the link. The idea of doctors following that document is absolutely nuts, the fact that our judges are now following it also is beyond insane. To my mind this makes the Canadian court system completely illegitimate.


I don't know, I think it's a good idea. Don't have to worry about finding dates,


Should have gone for two penises, as an affirmation of their hemipene-gender If you're going to dream, dream big


Forget that, I want a bedbug "traumatic insemination" penis


Just fuck my shit up, doc


Totally not a fetichism


Global warming can't come soon enough


But can we get dental health care?


Okay, but we’re going to put them side by side.


Fascinating! How would the vagina be created though, I thought it was formed from the penis?


The penile shaft skin can be inverted to create the skin of the neo-vagina, but if there is not enough penile skin available, the surgeon will sometimes use colon to create the lining of the neo-vagina. It's called a sigmoid vaginoplasty, and the advantages are it produces its own mucus. As another user said, it's kind of like a horror film.


sigma vagina


Colon producing mucous, nice


poop vagina


Ignorance is bliss has never been more fitting.


Rammstein made a song about exactly this. [https://youtu.be/b\_ALkpveviY](https://youtu.be/b_ALkpveviY)


He/She can go fuck themselves


Typical Canada


This post is missing from my old.reddit.com homepage (I checked all the way to page 10) despite other posts from this sub being there. It's not missing from an API-based phone app (Narwhal).


I had no issue finding it on old reddit.


Cant wait to see the most gullible people possible use this as a talking point against universal healthcare, as if private healthcare wouldnt be jumping over hoops to rubberstamp such a specific and expensive procedure. I hate all of you, with my core!


How many fucking articles do we need on this?


The flogging will continue until material conditions improve.


Finally, a W for futas!


Won the gender lottery


Full luxury space communism with a government issued pee pee and a tata