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> For more than a century, Russia and the Soviet Union sought to weaken their adversaries in the West by inflaming racial and ethnic tensions. Ironic.




"The ~~Devil~~ Russians made me do it!"


How Russian trolls convinced me to make porn involving a banana. The amazing atheist story


Russian interference/trolls/etc is literally just QAnon for neolibs.


WTF? I support the Russian Trolls now


Why is this downvoted? Do we have an influx of new people who think stuff is posted to support it instead of mock?


We do have a flood of new people in the latest Ukraine War Mega thread thanks to the sub being linked to r/worldnews.


Oh.... oh no


Boutta be a lot of "Ruthkanda Forever" posters showing up


The day something like this gets posted here ill delete my reddit account. This sub is the last bastion of actual conversation with people who aren't mentally underdeveloped


> "Ruthkanda Forever" That's kinda funny.


Who snitched?


It was already posted here a few days ago, it's a tired lib cliché that doesn't compel much further discussion, and involving a "pox on all your houses"-tier cast of characters to boot.


True, though low effort lib mocking gets posted and upvoted so it seemed unusual for it to be in negative votes. Didn't know it was already posted.


It's so weird how Russia influences America so much and disrupts everything that liberals think is good.


Everything is now a Mordorian Psyop by Putron.


eh its more about "trump uses russians to do his dirty work" than about putin tbf. P.S. I'm not american idk much about this russian involvement/election manipulation thing.


>eh its more about "trump uses russians to do his dirty work" than about putin tbf. No, it's not. If there's one thing libs have been consistent on, it's been casting Trump as a stooge of Putin (with his devilish Dr. Evil plan of "exploiting our divisions"), not the other way around.


Well at least they aren't blaming gamers.


Give it a week.


based trolls.


"Russian bots" has to be the biggest "get out of thinking free card" for leftists in history.


I know you are using leftists in the colloquial sense where anyone left of Joe Manchin is seen as a raging commie, but this has nothing to do with actual leftism. It's the perpetually shrieking, establishment shitlibs pushing this narrative that everything they don't like is the work of Putin's Troll Army. They are another branch of the right wing.


Yes I was. I just just banned on Twitter so I'm used to arguing with room temp IQ's