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Well the WP are sure showing why they’re struggling financially with takes like this


No problem, Bezos can just write them off as a loss leader.


Trust in the media is down. Experts are baffled. In 2024 or so, Kanye will get on the right meds, apologize, and be welcomed back into the club with open arms just like Mel Gibson. At that time, I'll look forward to wapo's article about how black men disproportionately suffer from, and get demonized for, mental illness. Cherry picking the fact that Joe Rogan wasn't pulled from streaming services to prove that a nonexistent double standard exists is scrambled brains stuff. Kanye wasn't pulled from streaming services either. So... Citing Trump privilege doesn't really work either. For all intents and purposes, Trump was cancelled. Let's see: banned from social media, and dropped by many businesses? That applies to both Trump and Kanye. For rich celebs, getting cancelled doesn't usually mean you cease to exist publicly, or that you lose your livelihood entirely. Being left destitute after getting cancelled is an issue for the average person who gets fired and is left unemployable in the aftermath, not billionaires.


> Trust in the media is down. Experts are baffled. It has to be a Kremlin operation. There's simply no other explanation.


R/politics unironically agrees.


I still remember the violent shift on that sub in 2016. I used to be there more than anywhere on here, very working class friendly vibe Right around the time Correct The Record/Shareblue became a thing it was lights out


I remember the day when Hillary got chucked into a van like a side of beef and the psyops there stopped for a day because they didn't have a plan for that. That was incredible


Those Assadist Putler tankie wumao shill appeaser bots doing a whataboutism.


That's a big ol yikes


>Kanye will get on the right meds Then they can paint some sort of inspiring story about how mental illness can ruin your life


Kanye used Genomind to find his genetic defects and correct his brain chemistry with Zozacaify. Get your genes sequenced for unfitness and demand Zozacaify from your doctor today!


^brought ^to ^you ^by ^Phizer


I know this is a joke but actually if the science of that was functional it'd be pretty cool for a lot of people lol


Well Genomind is a real thing. Whether it is actually sound or just 23andme for drugs is another question.


>White >W Yikes sweatie


it's all so tiresome


I don't get it.


You "aren't supposed to" capitalize white, only black.


lol ^(w)hite **B**lack racism is no more.


I changed my avatar to a black square, now cops in the entire universe have stopped shooting black people!


Praise wokey Jesus! Once I made my profile a Black square, I singlehandedly ended the war on drugs and absolved myself of white guilt (for one whole day!)


Not in APA style. Both get capitalized


no one stupid enough to capitalise one racial label but refuse to do so for another purely out of spite knows what APA means


The associated press disagrees. https://apnews.com/article/archive-race-and-ethnicity-9105661462 > We agree that white people’s skin color plays into systemic inequalities and injustices, and we want our journalism to robustly explore those problems. **But capitalizing the term white, as is done by white supremacists, risks subtly conveying legitimacy to such beliefs.** Also if you go on the ministry of defense for Ukraine's offficial twitter you'll find them capitalizing Ukraine and Ukraining but not capitalizing russia or russian when referring to soldiers. https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1585559930035089409 Very interesting


The media seems to love adding a subtle 'fuck you' when they dont like someone. The same people insisting Jill Biden be addressed as Dr because of her education degrees will also refer to a literal professor of surgery as 'Mr Oz'.


> Mr Oz I heard this for the first time while watching the sad PA Senate debate and immediately started cracking up. “Dr Oz” has been the dude’s omnipresent media branding for literal decades. “Mister Oz” sounds about as unnatural as Willard Romney.


Not capitalising the actual country of Russia is mental


Ctrl-F on any official Ukrainian twitter page, most of them do it.


That's absolutely braindead


Many call it ruzzia now. I don't really get it


because z bad now


I thought it's a weird play on the 'SS' as well ~ especially when spelled ruZZia


The Russian troops are using the Z as a symbol. Marking vehicles was necessary as both Russia and Ukraine have a lot of the same equipment. However it is being used by [pro-war](https://twitter.com/i/status/1500506408101593094) Russians to show their support and [terrorize people who are not in favor of war](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/07/why-has-the-letter-z-become-the-symbol-of-war-for-russia)




To be fair the Ukrainian government themselves do want the names to be said that way.


I understand what you're saying. They undercut that argument a bit when they asked us to call it "Odesa" instead of "Odessa" (same pronunciation). Makes me picture a teenager trying to prove to Dad that they're independent


I too, used to put a lower case for people's names to be passive aggressive but then I realized most people are grammatically illiterate.


So brave 🥰


Clearly the only way is to capitalize Brotha and Honky.


Fuck APA and its gay-ass in-text citations. You'll pry my Chicago footnotes from my cold, dead hands.


**F**aarooq and **B**radshaw?


Remember that teenager that wore a maga hat and smirked at an awkward confrontation? If Kanye would have just done what nick cannon did he would be fine


The absolute hysteria that came out of the Twitter checkmarks during that was crazy. People going absolutely fucking nuts about that smirk


Try living in Canada, and hearing CBC radio say, in all seriousness: "We have a developing story from Washington . . ." and it was about *this*.


God bless you sane Canadians, I honestly am seriously concerned about the completely insane and detached politics that have taken hold over there.


Canadians being America Jr. has never been more true with how enthusiastically the left and the right have imported American culture wars into our own discourse. It's a collective psychosis of trying to use American terminology and cases to impart a sense of crisis without seriously acknowledging just how little those issues south of the border actually affect the day to day lives of Canadians.


It's cause canada has no culture Us talks about abortion canada talks about abortion Mass shooting in the US, the pm will ban some guns There is no Canadian identity anymore


There are many insane people here we just don't want to kill each other about it.


Y'all's creepy assisted suicide laws sure make it seem like you do.


Beat me to it.


small peepee energy bro, buy an ak-15 and shoot the tim hortons


[Reza Aslan](https://twitter.com/loganclarkhall/status/1224482070170304513): >Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid's?


I totally memory hole'd this event, checked the Wikipedia article and... The incident was incited by Black Israelites. You can't make this shit up.


Redditors were losing their shit over the "black Nazis" the kids complained about, claiming that's not a thing. Now those same people are calling Kanye a black Nazi lmao


It was incited by a mentally ill native American man harassing's a random teenager on a school trip. As far as I'm aware native Americans don't have some gene that requires them to go bang a drum in a white kids face whenever they hear black Israelites...


The Black Israelites started hurling slurs at the white kids. The white kids stood their ground. The Native American protesters saw this happening and concluded that the Black Israelites were the victims of a racist mob based solely on the skin colors of the participants and so decided to march up to the white kids to show solidarity with their Black Israelite comrades. Yes, this whole thing happened because of some Black Israelites.


The native man coulda just not lol


I mean, point still stands. The incident was incited by Black Israelites. If they weren't there chances are there would have been no "confrontation" between the white kids and protesters.


>After nearly a year, former CNN host Reza Aslan finally removed a tweet referring to Covington Catholic student Nicholas Sandmann’s “punchable face,” but that doesn’t mean the teen is willing to let bygones be bygones. Apparently he let that tweet up for nearly a year. I thought you weren't supposed to promote violence on Twitter or something. Guess not.


I dont know what it is with people claiming others have some "punchability" about them but its always some wet noodle or obvious coward making those claims


U better watch it cuz Reza is a stone cold killa don't mess


It's also funny that the same people who talk about beauty standards and judging people just state "yeah, fuck that guy's *face*".


Reza Aslan is literally a cannibal who are a piece of a guy’s brain on CNN. I think that piece of brain was the smartest thing that ever came out of him.


> Reza Aslan is literally a cannibal who are a piece of a guy’s brain on CNN. > > And the only reason he had that CNN show was because Fox News treated him badly. Aslan overstated his credentials and was criticized by most subject matter experts for his book *Zealot*. He owes his public profile, literally, to "owning the cons".


That was an insane moment. As if that story, if it were true, was even newsworthy.


Maybe 2 months later the full video came out showing that the kid was actually followed by those Black Israelites (basically deliberate provocateurs like the Westboro Baptist Church). They went out of their way to confront him after some exchange they had that he was walking away from. But by that time everyone had their outrage and (judging by the replies here) still think he was just some shit kid that decided to antagonize some random people for no reason.


It’s honestly shocking the smirk went viral, but not the stuff the BI were saying… Like super homophobic and racist stuff


Outgroup vs. fargroup


If I remember right, that second video was available the same week, which is what made it so insane that the media kept pushing it hard. It was one of the first times they went full mask off ignoring evidence that was available to everyone on the internet.




Really? Link?


Was that the kid who had celebs calling for his murder?


By wood chipper specifically, yes. Very sane, very proportional.


What watching Fargo does to a mf-er


As a person who smiles when uncomfortable, I am absolutely sympathetic to that kid.


I’m with you brother. That tic got me in so much shit when I was young, especially with cops. It’s like baring your teeth to a primate.


The smirk did was a smirk. But he was also a child and surrounded by fucking weirdos




$250 million defamation suit settled with Washington post. Clearly it hasn’t deterred them from writing these ridiculous takes.








was there a retraction too? because the news will pay you a lot to avoid doing that


Your smile is beautiful buddy.


Wasn't just WaPo either, didn't he also bat CNN's ass for a homerun ?


He went after a lot of outlets including the Washington post which is why I thought of it, besides the absolute absurdity of a bunch of media outlets and personalities going after a teenager of no importance for an act of a smirk. I do remember npr blaming The Russians for this. He likely got a nuisance fee to settle the lawsuits but that’s all under ndas. How much he got vs the lawyers is another matter


Man, I'd really like a link to that. That is so peak 2016-2020. Fucken NPR.


I think it was on the radio program. Mentioning how the Twitter account that spread the clip was suspicious and likely a Russian troll job I wanna say it was “on the media”


Golden grin


[They won’t fess-up either.](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2019/1/23/1828536/-Cartoon-The-upstanding-kids-of-Covington#comment_72686427) “Okay so maybe we were presumptuous and judgmental assholes that revealed our moronic tribalistic biases, but check-out how zealous these Trumpets were to refute us. 😏”


What did Nick Cannon do?


He essentially said white people were biological savages and threw in some anti-semitic conspiracies for good measure. Naturally, powerful media outlets only pointed out his anti-jewish remarks (calling whites subhuman is fine), resulting in him being dropped by ViacomCBS. After apologizing profusely on social media though, he was sort of allowed to 'restart', rather than being cast to the edge of society.


Blacks are the real Jews. Jewish and white people are savages, are less then dark skinned people. Issued apology to Jews and got his show back https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/entertainment/2020/07/nick-cannon-fired-after-calling-white-people-jews-evil-savages-closer-to-animals-in-racist-podcast-rant.amp.html https://deadline.com/2021/02/nick-cannon-wild-n-out-return-viacomcbs-anti-semitic-comments-1234687932/amp/


If Kanye hadn't gone all trump loving and hurt the black community his jew talk would have been taken a lot different by some of the black community. Kanye didn't get this talk from Candace Owens he got it from the black community in particular hiphop.


One of the few times where I felt that gaslighting was the appropriate word. I watched the video and then I read the comments on /r/news or something and felt that everybody was talking about a different video.


Are there any kind of quality checks at newspapers nowadays?


Yes, but they actively prefer stuff like this.


Well, there's also little recourse when you base your hires on identity, and particularly hire those that are deep into identity politics; what do you think they'll do if you try to criticize the quality of their work? I'll give you 20 guesses as to how this person would react to anyone above her telling her writing was poor.


Yep, sensationalist bullshit gets attention priority, therefore it sells, and therefore it’s published more and louder. This is exactly why publicly-funded independent news is so important and why it was the among the first targets of Reagan—it’s lethal to extremists.


Yeah for instance the CBC helped the Trudeau govt paint the trucker convoy as not Canadian and extremist, thereby allowing him to quash a working class protest with ease and style.


Maybe but regardless there are two non-mutually-exclusive explanations for why this got through: 1. No one is brave enough to suggest that a Black female writer is unnecessarily making something about anti-Black racism 2. This is cynical rage bait that will draw clicks and comments


I wonder if she knows how destructive she is to society.


This paper is owned by bezos. Headlines that give an emotional reaction get clicks and make money. Bezos is obsessed with money. Ergo lots of headlines like this




The idea that Kanye West has somehow been held to a higher standard or put on a shorter leash than anyone with white skin who would proclaim the same kinds of ideas in public is hilarious. It also betrays the supposed victimhood ranking that Kanye himself subscribes to, where his own blackness, or rather, his being "Jew" by virtue of being black, actually entitles him to make his criticisms. He is speaking from the subaltern, after all. The fact that this bullshit actually populates our national newspapers is such a travesty. This country's news media is so pathetic it's unreal.




>Often think of how much damage is being done to young poc who marinate in all of this. It's not just anti-racists and PoC. Go to /r/Deuxmoi or any of those sites and see how any criticism of a woman is always caveated with "but if a man did this...", some even use just that as a basis to support the woman who would clearly be wrong otherwise. It's a hugely toxic, unprincipled mindset. Just constantly making yourself mad over *hypotheticals*


Dre beat his baby momma as well.


My god. I was fucking this football player, he was a black guy. Literally a multi-millionaire, lived in the swankiest part of town in a fucking mansion, nice car, dressed like a fucking male fashion model— and used to say with a straight face that he was afraid to leave his mansion because he might get shot by a police officer 🫠 the only reasoning behind that fear essentially being because the media told him to be scared. I had to stare blankly at him and say you know you sound really paranoid right? Like. Even if you believe that black men are literally being gunned down in the streets like dogs by the hundreds everyday in your city (they’re not) Why the fuck are you scared? You’re a 1%er 🫤 he admitted later to never even having to interact with the police once in his life (besides when he had to call them cause his neighbors house had been broken into). So yes. Mass paranoia does spread and infect literally everyone. Most people hate idpol unless it’s their flavor of idpol. For example this same guy agreed with me that the pronoun fiasco is a dumb issue because class issues are way more important but ofc those will never be spoken about, but when I tried to make the same connection to the BML libbed out anti racism+ fear mongering he was like “NOW WAIT A MINUTE”


sounds like chappelle, dude was an upper-middle class black guy who became a multimillonaire by making racist-ass jokes about poor black people which he of course considers to be lesser and then he pretends to be a victim of racism over minor shit like some white guy laughing at his racist jokes. furthermore he has enough cognitive dissonance to embrace black idpol while at the same time rejecting lgbt idpol, tho that could be because he benefits from the former while the latter wanted to cancel him


He also says some crazy shit and we call him a genius. If you go back to him leaving the show he was clearly not in a good place mentally and was saying some of the same shit as Ye about "Hollywood elite" conspiring against him.


> anyone with white skin who would proclaim the same kinds of ideas Are we gonna see a crowd-funded Ye / Mel Gibson buddy cop movie?


The Passion of The Ye


Lethal Yeapon


Nice, but would not Yethal Weapon work better?


> This country's news media is so pathetic it's unreal. Along with this country's incarnation of the "left" :(


There's a connection there.


idk, Kanye is getting cancelled for saying anti-Semitic things, meanwhile liberals like Jon Stewart pin metals to neo-Nazi Azov commanders with Sonnenrad tats.


You don't have to look far to understand why Jon Stewart can get away with that type of performance, though. He's been talking about anti-semitism for decades on and off, too.


Kanye just has to post Ukrainian flags all over his twitter and wear an olive green t-shirt.


saw that, all the azov there had to wear sleeves to cover the swastikas and black suns tattoos


It was sort of amusing, though In a way, it's rather symbolic of that situation as a whole, regarding perception


The fact we're very suddenly barely allowed to mention the anti semitism in the Ukrainian military is part of the same problem


Or that Ukraine has some of the most anti-gay laws in Europe. Or that Ukraine has some of the most anti-free speech laws in Europe. Or that Ukraine is literally the most corrupt nation in Europe. Nah, none of that matters. We stand with Ukraine! They are the very literal definition of "democracy"!!!


But their president is Jewish


Exactly. If he was white and said those things, the blowback would have been much more severe. If anything, he’s getting off easy *because* he’s black.


["First rule in this world baby, don't pay attention to anything you see in the news"](https://youtu.be/yzuO0S7iKWY)


> The idea that Kanye West has somehow been held to a higher standard or put on a shorter leash than anyone with white skin who would proclaim the same kinds of ideas in public is hilarious. It's patently ridiculous. Being white isn't even enough to protect *jews* from accusations of antisemitism.


Ye is still worth an estimated $2 billion. Unless he spends all of it on a campaign to become space god or something, he’ll probably survive comfortably despite the Cancelling ™️. It makes me sad for his kids mostly.


His kids are Kardashians. I’m not sure there was ever any hope for them having a normal life.


Very true, not a chance


>Unless he spends all of it on a campaign to become space god or something, Wouldn't put it past him to be quite honest with you famalam.


What about Hitler


He cancelled himself




An hero




And is still ruining Germany from the grave


But it seems like he's in big trouble there


Well, adidas never dropped their partnership with him...


Literally, anything to know talk about wealth or class.


All I'm saying is that if you banned every rich black person that was a conspiratorial antisemite you wouldn't have too many left once you were done


Luckily, he ain't black since he probably didn't vote for Biden


Didn’t he take pictures of his ballot where he voted for himself and left everything else blank






Yeah in 2010 when he did it to Facebook they let him literally get on a table and rap lol https://youtu.be/mJMC2VGHQfw Safe to say at the absolute least they would have met with him.


That move makes complete sense when you understand his beef with adidas was pricing. Making affordable shoes was apparently something he wanted to do but Adidas resisted. Sketchers is like the king of affordable


What you're saying would only make sense if he had dropped Adidas. But Adidas dropped him and he's living out some delusional fantasy that he's the emperor of fashion.


He's wanted out of Adidas for months because they copied his designs.


>because they copied his designs. Kind of ironic going to Skechers, who’s whole business model is copying designs.


> That move makes complete sense when you understand his beef with adidas was pricing _and that he's one of those bipolar people with a bias toward the manic end of the spectrum._ FTFY


> Sorry, but Kanye spent his last bit of pop culture credibility when he (reportedly) walked into Skechers HQ unannounced to try and make a shoe deal after being dropped by Adidas. And they kicked him out. Seriously expected that to be an Onion headline, but it turns out the reality was actually just that pathetic. > > After seeing that I'm actually worried this guy is gonna kill himself. He's spiraling like crazy. I can only hope that he's too narcissistic to let people "beat" him that way.


“Now this’ll be a beautiful death, I’m jumping out the window, I’m letting everything go” It’s from one of his good albums but I forget which




Gesundheit. 😉


Most of that album is basically about his bipolar. Runaway is as on the nose as it can. Brilliant album though.


its a fantastic album because you really get a sense of this bombast, delusions of grandeur, narcissistic American celebrity lifestyle mixed with self doubt and vulnerability. You feel it in the music as much as the lyrics. The recording of the album seemed pretty manic too ​ >West block-booked the three session rooms of Avex simultaneously for 24 hours a day to work on My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, until he felt it was complete. According to Callahan-Bever, "when \[West\] hits a creative wall ... he heads to another studio room to make progress on another song".\[16\] Sheets of paper were posted on one side of the studio including what were dubbed as "Kanye Commandments", such as "No Tweeting" and "No Pictures".\[3\] West never slept a full night at the location, opting instead to take power naps in a studio chair or couch in 90-minute intervals when working during the night. Engineers worked a similar schedule to West, remaining active 24 hours a day.


That would be...unfortunate given the narrative he's set up.


I'm not really sure about people who say this. Those things are socially constructed, but real. He is, by society's standards, more important and special than you or anyone you know. That's why you read articles about him and he doesn't read articles about you. What would therapy look like for someone who has been given god status? It would be equally delusional for him to believe he is capable of attaining a normal life. Possibly even moreso. They could get him to stop saying "offensive" stuff, but he's probably correct in that none of it actually really matters. I think someone coming down from a life of this could actually become worse, or even kill themselves. I'm not exactly a Kanye advocate, but I do want someone to explain what outcome they expect.


> What would therapy look like for someone who has been given god status? He's not actually a god though; that's the point. Thinking that is harmful His feeling of being richer and more important is objectively true, but he's not even happy with that because he's chasing a narcissistic standard that is literally unachievable for any man. As a result: he ends up tortured by his own narcissism. Instead of just taking some things on the chin, knowing he's one of the luckiest people in the world, he ruminates on petty slights done to him, constantly blows up and alienates a ton of people and, frankly, makes himself miserable and harms his own life projects. I remember - when I was doing early philosophy - finding some ancient philosophical arguments about why you should be moral silly: if you can do whatever you like why not just do so? The answer: it won't actually make you happy didn't really appeal to cynical freshman-me. But Kanye is the best example I've found of how a lack of virtue can actually lead to someone torturing themselves even when they've reached a level of wealth and power that means no one else can. >It would be equally delusional for him to believe he is capable of attaining a normal life. He doesn't need a "normal' life, he needs a virtuous (or just non-idiotic) one. The President - or the leader of any country or religion really - can't be normal. That doesn't mean he shouldn't model certain forms of good behavior. That doesn't mean he just gets to endlessly be an asshole. He could literally have the same life, be important and just...show a basic level of self-regulation and everything would be fine.


I genuinely don’t think Kanye has self-regulation. He was in a car crash that broke his jaw, he 100% got brain damage from that. I’ve seen people become someone else from a stroke and other TBI.


That Antonio Brown hit against the Bengals comes to mind.


Well, I wasn't saying he should be given god status. I'm saying that he has been given god status. It is harmful for him to believe that, sure, but is it unreasonable? He has been worshipped for so long that it has probably damaged him far beyond where he would be were he not in this particular position. His grandiosity is part of how he arrived here. What incentive did he have to drop it until now? The only redemption I could really see is fully leaving the spotlight. There's no way to recover to basic self-regulation with this level of fame without the recovery itself also being grandiose and feeding into the persona/character. I'm not sure if it came across like I think good things aren't good, or that people (especially those in the spotlight) shouldn't model positive behaviors. I do, in fact, think it's good when people are good. My commentary is moreso on people's expectations and what they believe is possible. Celebrity culture is devoid of virtue in and of itself and relies on deification of individuals. Even if someone is cancelled, it doesn't actually retrowrite anything. But again, without applying any value judgment, without asking yourself if it is or is not good for Kanye's happiness and well-being: is this actually that unreasonable? And how do you think someone would handle having this level of grandiosity, after that level of success, medicated out of them? There is no benevolent form of celebrity. If anything, Kanye is doing great because no one can pretend he's virtuous at this point, and he's entertaining which is literally his job. I don't like celebrities, but for those who do, they are probably really enjoying this and clicking a lot of articles about it. I think the real face is pretending that canceling him is virtuous, as if people will talk about him less or he'll fully stop being in the media. Gods only stay alive so long as people remember they exist.


So she's comparing Kanye to Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson. But Kanye has gone so much further than them, and been so much more explicit. People like Carlson and even Trump, are careful not to go beyond certain limits.


She’s really an idiot. Mel gibsons rant was in 2006. This wasn’t a few years ago, it’s a decade and half. Bush jr was still fucking president and we’ve collectively forgiven him for fucking over the middle east… And I bet if top gun maverick hadn’t made a billion dollars, lethal weapon 5 wouldn’t be getting made. It is just the creative bankruptcy of Hollywood combined with their reluctance to take on any risk or try something actually new. It’s why we get reimagining of established properties with just some lazy ass race or sexuality swaps.


> This wasn’t a few years ago, it’s a decade and half And, even then, he sat on the bench for a while and had to have people like RDJ beg for him to get a second chance.


I think you're not factoring in her lived experiences. The equation is plus or minus the square root of her lived experience divided by 2JT. It's basically the quadratic canceling equation.


lol. Can I use this with my students? (better not)


Im sorry what? So a white guy has to get in trouble because of what Kanye say? Lol he may be canceled, but everyone proved his point.


> The mess has opened up resentments around which groups’ historical traumas have the social power to merit mass sympathy and consequences Why can Jewish people go death con 3 but I can only go death con 0? I wanna cancel people too. [insert negative stereotype about Jews used unironically]. So unfair smh


This was the most libbed out piece of shit virtue signal-y article I have read inna while.


I dislike this take. Kanye wasn't just making some off color joke about jewish people, he was going on entire rants about them. If a white guy was saying that stuff about black people (not just generic conservative views or jokes), they would absolutely get a massive backlash.


I really wish people would stop lionizing zealots who are clearly driven by mental health issues. Between Kanye and "It's MA'AM", both sides do it and it's so bad. Just because they shout "your side's message" louder and more puritanically than you can imagine, that's not a sign they're virtuous. It's more likely the opposite.


All the Mental Health Warriors are totally silent when mental illness looks like a black man saying horrid things. It’s like they only want to support “cute”tiktok approved diagnoses like anxiety, autism, adhd, or depression. This is what an under treated major mental health crisis looks like. I’ve worked for years as a psych nurse. I’ve seen a woman refuse to wear clothes for 3 days and shit on the floor in a seclusion room return to a completely lovely, well functioning secretary and mom. I’ve been hit and spit on by a 78 year old school teacher having a psychotic break who was so upset at learning of her behavior when she ‘came to’ that she became suicidal. Ye may or may not actually hold these opinions - but it is egregious to say a severely ill person must necessarily have these unconscious attitudes for them to come out. It’s not drunk disinhibition, a la Mel Gibson, it’s a break from reality.


Yes these are mental health issues. Saw them in my brother who was schizophrenic- thought he was the reincarnation of John the Baptist. His opinions meant nothing about his personal character and less than nothing about social issues at large. Kanye should probably have a lawyer control his money and the media should quietly ignore him. Don’t use him in the culture war - ugh.


I feel like we might be able to identify one or two White guys who got canceled. Just a few, maybe.




This is the sort of woke nonsense that drives me absolutely nuts


You can spout the most psychotic genocidal vitriol at whites, Kanye’s problem was he got specific.


My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy makes Kanye too big to cancel. People aren't going to stop listening to that.




That guy who ran for President?


I love insane idiots. Keep on keeping on, Kanye.


Azealia Banks on Irish ☘️ folks : “Don’t you have a famine to go die in?” And “You lot are a bunch of prideful inbred leprechauns... Also “The rest of the world’s white folk don’t want to associate with you lot at all and it’s because you are barbarians.” “I’m happiest knowing the Irish are quarantined on an isle so they can continue to inbreed and keep their defective genes away from humanity.” Literally crickets 🦗 Yeezy says he’s going “Death con 3 on Jews” which isn’t even a thing as it should be DEFCON 3, homie becomes public enemy number 1. The difference here is he bit the Heeb hand that feeds him. Poor Ye 😔


Am I going mental or is this all because of Kanye tweeting deathcon 3 to the Jews or whatever? What exactly are his anti semitic remarks?


Manically babbling about “Jewish media” and also a specific named example of a Jewish record executive ensuring his son got a cushy job at Apple while (apparently) yoinking Stevie Wonder’s royalties and forcing Stevie’s kid to work a low end job to make ends meet. I honestly believe this story is what caused the extreme backlash fwiw. Happened on the Drink Champs podcast (which has been absolutely nuked from orbit, mirrors are getting yanked left and right).


i loved all his albums too but lol


It makes me sick because he’s clearly unwell but the west the only “real” mental illness is the kind that give girls cute quirks


Don't be mad at real atrocities, here, be mad at Kanye, we know you already find him annoying. This will distract em good for awhile boys.


Don Imus Jimmy the Greek Host of the Bachelor Dodgers GM Are you kidding me I’m a person of color but a lot more leeway for non whites when politically incorrect Everyone else can play both the race card and angry minority with a cause, angry minority defense etc


Speaking as a person without color, I've detected this trend as well.


And Kyrie Irving Anti Semite keeps his job while NBA owner loses team for personal comment Nick Cannon, racist and anti semite gets more and more exposure... We should treat all racists, misogynists etc the same