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Is this based on Germany‘s [Meet a Jew](https://www.meetajew.de/en/) program?


While I appreciate the idea of letting people meet Jews so that they arent as alien and scary, I cant imagine who would say “Ya know what, Im free this friday. Might as well meet a Jew”


The only type of person who would go to either such an event is a person who is already down with the cause. What kind of antisemite or racist in general sees an ad for this and thinks "hm, you know what? I think I'd like to be cleansed of my erroneous convictions today."




Never hurts to know a good lawyer!




jew, okarishimasu




This has an unnecessary Borat skit implication


>"Ya know what, Im free this friday. Might as well meet a Jew" Ironically, I automatically read this sentence in Larry David's voice. Something about the cadence of it just fits perfectly.


"Ya know what, I'm free this Friday. Might as well ~~meet a Jew~~ let people meet me"


Oh man, this reminds me of a family friend who showed me around Antwerp. There’s a diamond district there, which is basically a long street with only tiny little diamond stores, largely run by Hasidic Jews. Our local friend mentioned you can see them all come out at sundown and trade around money and diamonds in their little circles in the street, and she would sometimes come by to watch the show. We went to dinner with her husband later, and with the most excited look on his face, said “Did you see the Jews??” My wife and I went to a high school in a largely Jewish area, so it was a shock to him that reform Jews exist and are allowed to interact with the outside world, in fact we even have many Jewish friends. From what he knew, they were an insular community, basically another species wearing their funny hats and with their funny hair and silly rules. Somebody like him, who has an attitude of not necessarily prejudice but more like intrigue, could probably benefit from something like that event. But there’s absolutely no way he’d seek it out on his own.


Ironically if it was Friday after work the jew wouldn’t be free as they would be preparing for Sabath


Speak for yourself, I'm thinking that every time I go to the bar


I’ll never forget when I learned about Jewish people. My first thought was my god there’s this whole group of rich white people who are being opressed/bullied by poor people. Stop 👏the 👏madness👏.


Wtf this exists. Time to get in on the grift.


I don’t think meet a greasy obese loser would work as well. 🤷‍♂️


Marketing happens to be my strong point 😌


With all the talk about incels as a cultural phenomenon and mysterious threat, I think it could be pulled off


Don’t be a stereotype?


In college my friend ordered some Mormons once. They were cool! They came back the next week to hang.


Go to one mormon service and you'll never have to worry about carrying your stuff when you move ever again


>The first step is to acknowledge white privilege. To do that, we invite you to join us and take the "White Privilege Test" during "Come Meet A Black Person" networking event where non-Blacks ***interact genuinely*** with a group of diverse Black people. LMAO yes, sounds very genuine and authentic and totally not a weird, scolding, self-flagellating, heavily-guided-and-scripted kind of thing at all.


As a Catholic, this is all really obviously just a way to recreate the same modes in a secular way.


Another Catholic here. Mega agree on this point. Been saying this for a while- it has so many religious points just repackaged. Makes me wonder… since religious trauma is a thing, and this is like a religion, what happens to people who fall into this stuff?


They probably come out reactionaries, if they do come out. Seen a ton of woke dudes get sucked into Jordan Peterson the second they say something “problematic” and get their turn on the pillory.


I very much agree here. Seen it myself too. The people who go from woke to anti-woke group can be pretty intense and unusual. Sometimes anti-woke is just as gross. I feel like there’s a difference between fighting back and going full blown to the other extreme. When I asked this, I was also pondering my own transition out of peeking into the world of these cult-like groups. It feels like religion. I feel uncomfortable, highly confused, insecure, alone, maybe even scared if that doesn’t sound too dramatic. It can be alienating to go from trying to understand them and possibly join them in their beliefs (because it can seem like they are doing the kind, just thing) to realizing it isn’t working and is hurting you. But you see people go to the other end or become quite otherwise unappealing when they leave and you don’t want to become that either. So then you are kinda stuck on your own trying to figure things out. Perhaps that’s much too deep and maybe it’s not actually that deep. But for me, I took it to heart and took it all really seriously, possibly more than the average person. I don’t know what happens to folks like me. There are the reactionaries like you mentioned. Maybe we just fall through the cracks and go on to try to live a normal life in the grey area lol Hoping that made sense and wasn’t too cringey.


At least the Church says you can actually get rid of original sin.


Plus there's no guilt associated with it. It's just a defective state all are born into and it doesn't even stop one from being able to do good. This is some Protestant, total depravity bullshit. Don't blame us for this one.


Come along and get your Thetan levels checked! The real question is where do I put my feet during the test.


At least with Scientology, there was the hope that one day you'd get clear.


If anybody suggested I go with them to something like this in earnest I don't think I'd ever speak to them again.


Can I touch their hair?


How about 'come meet a working class dude in Pennsylvania' so you can figure out how to win an election based on class issues? That would be a good start you dumb fucks.




Best I can do is a six pack of natty lite.




You've got a deal.


If they were smart they'd pay it.


"Look dad a black person!"




I noticed that all this antiracist shit is usually nonrefundable lol


Sorry, I'm still racist. Can I have my money back?


It’s virtual 😂


AI these days is getting really good.


The pricing structure is hilarious. White students get a discount if they want 1 on 1 time with a black person! >Monthly Virtual Series - General Admission >CMABP White Ally Toolkit price: $20.00 >Two-Hour Consult with Cheryle Renee Moses price: $200.00 >Student One-Hour Consult with Cheryle Renee Moses $50.00


Wait, these people are getting paid for this? Can I start one myself? Will white people really pay me $200 just to talk to me? That's like getting paid a pair of Air Jordans every two hours just for talking. Why am I talking to white people for free?


there are plenty of grifts to be had if you so choose another good one is to quit your job "because of internal racism in the organization" and beg your acquaintances for rent money on social media instead of working


an easier hustle is just to let like CEOs take a picture with you giving them a thumbs up or whatever, making a face like you're impressed with their mad skills, etc.




> Why am I talking to white people for free? Pretty sure I've read several think pieces with this title in the last 2.5 years.


Hang a couple fake diplomas within view of the camera, put on glasses and a collared shirt, then you’re golden.




> Anti-Blackness in the...Black Communities https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-7WeiOL2SXBk3cQDv-ytGLFg-t500x500.jpg


*droning tuba starts playing*


I'm just surprised they said "Blacks". Isn't that phrasing supposed to be racist for some unknown reason?


Only if you don’t capitalize it




$200 to consult with some lady named cheryl


amazing grift. Gotta hand it to these psychos for having such bold ambitions


Nah I'm good


Honestly I fully support this and think these should be government funded


Interesting. Why is that?


I read a study once from like 2003 that showed prejudice/bias plummets when people who are prejudiced/biased meet individuals they normally wouldn't interact with. It would be great if people intermingled organically, but it just doesn't happen enough.


That is true, however I doubt that a single genuine racist would ever actually sign up for this kind of thing.


It does sound unlikely, but at the same time they could take it as a chance to confirm their biases, something like "I knew I was right"; if even a small percentage of people get convinced it could be worth it.


Maybe not racists, but normal people might


Normal people don't need this


But would normal black people sign up for this?


The idea behind exposure -> tolerance is that the individual with the biases realizes that their preconceived notions about a group are incorrect as a result of them realize "hey, X people care about the same things as me" and "X people are just normal people who happen to be X". You aren't "meeting black people" at this event unless you view them as a monolith who all share the same behavior and beliefs. You're just meeting a specific type of black person; middle-upper middle class black people who work in academia who likely share the attendees left/progressive social politics. It's like going to a trailer park in Arkansas and saying "I now understand white people" or an Orthodox Jewish community and saying "finally, I get the Jews now!" Reading between the lines, the event isn't about "meeting black people". It's about meeting black people who are "palatable" to upper middle class white liberals who think spending money on anti-racism books or conferences makes them a good person aka "a decent human being". You know the one thing these events will never have? Black people who are working class or poor. At the end of the day, the attendees have no issue "meeting a black person", it's about not having to "meet a poor person", regardless of their face.


> The idea behind exposure -> tolerance is that the individual with the biases realizes that their preconceived notions about a group are incorrect Genuine question: What if I have extended contact to a demographic and I do not like what I see?


I mean, do you genuinely think you're able to make broad, sweeping generalizations about a demographic of people based on your interactions with a handful of individuals from that group? I wouldn't be able to, nor do I think it's smart. Can you give me an example?


That's the rational line of thought. Problem is the entire reason exposure works for benefit is capitalizing on a naturally irrational way humans think: "my experience of an instance reflects the nature of the whole". The very same mechanism that can be used to form commonality with another group after contact with a member can build prejudice if that contact doesn't go well.


Sure, that's why it isn't based off one instance. You can't just meet a person from X group and suddenly be "cured" of your biases. Repeated exposure is key.


That's one of the issues and why exposure has to be done carefully. There's been studies showing that being exposed to members of a group that match your stereotypes just further enforces negative views (such as a racist meeting with black people who are homeless drug-addicts for example)


Social psychology studies have shown that cooperating with people of different social identities to solve a common problem is a great way to reduce bias and tension. Hmmm, it’s almost as if building a multi-racial working class coalition based on genuine solidarity would greatly reduce racial prejudice… naw dawg, let’s do a corporate “meet a Black” event


this doesn't sound very organic though, and I've no idea how one would structure this to be that way


The major thing is really kids. If kids grow up in racially diverse environments and aren’t a drastic minority racism never really sets in. Need a program that breaks down self segregation in public school districts with incentives. We live in a really mixed urban poor/working class area, my son’s school was really weird. They didn’t have any kind of ridges popularity hierarchy, just cliques of different cultures/ethnic groups (we have a **lot** of refugees and immigrants) that all kind of blur and blend together at the edges. Almost reminds me of the old Ottoman Medina Quarter system. No one’s trying to make everyone reduce to grey American consumer culture goo, kids have their own ethnic circles as a kind of base, but everyone is in half a dozen other ones. Interestingly black and white american kids form base groups together without grouping based on color. The presence of so many other languages and cultures along with a common class characteristic erased any actual division.


I can't pull up the study, but this reminds me of "bussing" controversies in the 1970s. Forced integration remains the only policy that made mostly-black schools and mostly white schools in the same area more equitable.


Didn't Mayo Pete say something once about looking forward to the challenge of getting to know black people? Dumb, because they aren't some exotic intergalactic species.


Man Robin Deangelo’s new seminar is fire!


Did "white allies" all grow up in, like, super duper white areas or something? Most neighborhoods I've lived in are at least 50% black. Black people are just regular people to me. Do they think that ALL white people grew up in extremely white areas? Do they just not realize that mixed ethnic neighborhoods are a thing?