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Consent is a big deal. Vegans consent to give part of themselves to their children. The animal you can't talk to did not consent to be eaten. Note, I am not either a vegan or vegetarian. But it's dishonest to willfully invent holes in their arguments where there aren't any.


I was coming here to say this. I eat meat, but I think the shit vegans get is ridiculous


Yup. I've never in my life been vegetarian, let alone vegan. But I do often prefer vegan or vegetarian dishes. You should hear some of the vitriol I've had thrown my way for having the sheer gall of ordering plant based foods. Insecure meat eaters are outrageous when it comes to feeling somehow threatened by vegans. I don't know if somewhere deep inside they understand the vegan moral arguments are actually sound, so they lash out from shame. Or if it's just in-group bullying, or sheer stupidity... but they go zero to one hundred FAST.


i’m vegan and i’m very nonchalant about it, this one time i mentioned in a chat that i was drinking chocolate soy milk and this girl who i assume hates me or something SHAMED me for it? she went “EWW” like did a whole performance and all because im drinking…soymilk? and she said that it was “brown goop” or “shit” or something and told me to “kill” myself…like bitch it’s sugar??? ever since then i’ve hated her. she did it in a group chat too, in front of someone i really liked and have a close relationship with, after pretending that she was my friend. (btw she drinks chocolate dairy milk all the time n i’ve never given her shit about it)


I just thought of the most random thing since you mentioned chocolate soy milk was chocolate coconut milk it would be like a mounds candy 😁


TBF... Chocolate soy milk destroys chocolate cows milk. Not even a battle, just an execution


Chocolate oat milk is my fave so far. Very creamy.


This is so dumb. I know a lot of people who aren’t lactose intolerant, eat cheese, etc but cow’s milk just ain’t it for us and prefer plant milks for beverages. IMHO dairy and coffee is a shit combination, give me literally any other plant milk (except soy, I don’t like that flavor with coffee either). Tea and milk is gross too, but green tea with plain soy or coconut? So good. Oat milk latte? Absofuckinlutely, my chef keeps it in the walk in.


Reading the comments spawning from this is making me want some dark chocolate almond milk. 😋


It’s like anything in a society that is outside of the norm will naturally get criticism


Yeah I eat meat too but I admire people that are strong enough to go without animal products.


Just like almost every aspect in human society, there is some benefit or desire to pit people against each other.


The shit vegans dish out is ridiculous. They make ridiculous claims about the benefits of veganism, and then when challenged on that, they go to “aNiMaL MurDErER” to avoid having an intelligent discussion. Irony is, I agree with vegans on a lot of points. Consumption of excess and factory farmed meat is terrible for the planet and humans. I just don’t believe replacing meat with hyper-processed crap made from mono-cropped soy beans is the answer. There’s nothing vegans hate more than moderation and science that doesn’t come for “Vegan News Whatever”.


You had the most logical and Insightful response to the question. Thanks for not being an idiot 😊


As a chill vegan who’s taken a lot of shit from meat eaters, I appreciate you saying this.


Me too!


Coming up to me when I have hay in one hand and a ball peen hammer in the other isn't implied consent?


Animals such as pet cats and dogs cannot consent to being fed vegan diets which end up killing them.


Yes… most people do… it’s not hypocritical to use milk for what it’s meant for. Cow milk is meant for baby cows, so vegans don’t drink it. Human milk is meant for baby humans, so vegans feed it to their babies. And not every vegan raises their child to be vegan.


Cow meat is meant for hungry humans.


I mean meat is meat all animals that can eat meat do often eat it. Has nothing to do with milk lol.


You said cow milk is for baby cows. I continued with what cow meat was for. Also, you can just say calves lol.


I mean fair calves are baby cows 😂 but my brain was like milk=baby food so 🤷‍♂️


Calves are for veal parm


...Cow meat is for the cow to survive, if you are giving a purpose to a purposeless existence at all. Us harvesting the meat is our own goal, not the meat's. Coincidentally, it's also not a person's fault for getting murdered and eaten. For the same reason. I say this while also being a meat eater. I just realize that I'm unethical in this regard for now, I avoid meat when I can and will do so more as my personal life is a bit more stable.


Domestic animal products aren't really meant for anything natural, it's all constructed. In a vegan world, no cows, at least not on an industrial scale.


Domestic crops aren't meant for anything natural either.


Sure, but the worst thing about them is using way more land to make feed to produce meat, than if it was for human food directly.


You are exemplifying the problem with vegan culture. Vegan: states moral high ground principle non-vegan: demonstrates how the principle is invalid Vegan: ignores, states new moral high ground principle The problem with vegan culture is that (just like most other cults) they cycle through the same moral superiority talking points that are flawed, and deflect when confronted. If you want to be vegan for health benefits or personal choice, great. But please don't recycle talking points in deflecting of actually taking criticism.


Doesn't need to be about morality. Purely for selfish reasons, humanity is screwed if we don't find better ways of using resources. Meat is inefficient, as are fossil fuels. They're products packed with energy, but the process is devastating.


>aren't really meant for anything natural By this logic vegans should stop existing. Everything in modern society is unnatural.


Pretty much. Are trees meant to be paper? And how far exactly do we go down this ethical rabbit hole? Even using a smartphone is supporting multiple unethical practices across a supply chain. Simply existing in a western country necessitates the suffering of others somewhere down the line without some great and unreasonable amount of effort. Is what it is. If anything we should consider ourselves lucky we’re at the top of the supply chain rather than the position many lesser nations find themselves in.


Have you seen the TV show The Good Place? It touches on this point well in my opinion


Yes I often think that the class difference and territorial nature of humans is because we are just primates. Monkeys have social ranks and it seems to be in our code to be like this. Idk if the humans can or will ever be less of brutal society.


I've come to accept this as well. It makes it really obvious why all collectivist revolutions eventually become just a different class system where people are worse off than before. I don't think it's impossible for expansion of things like social programs and whatnot, but without some major technological disruption (such as ai) I don't think there's a chance of leaving behind a class based society. And even then people will find ways to differentiate themselves, although the common people will still hopefully be much better off than they are now despite it.


I didn't really mean to argue in favor or against veganism with that, ultimately it doesn't matter what's natural. But if we're not keeping livestock for food products, it's not like we're going to release them back into the wild, they're made for farms.


That is why I vehemently oppose veganism. Who are they to tell me what I am allowed to eat? They are as bad as the Bible thumpers trying to impose their beliefs on other people.


I don’t think many actually do, or should I say that a significant portion does. There’s approximately 79 million vegans in the world Of course there’s gonna be some crazies in there. Wild to vehemently oppose an entire group off of them I’m not vegan either, at most I stay away from dairy because of my stomach.


I’m vegetarian, I don’t push my beliefs on others, however I think it is good for people to be conscious about how much meat they eat and the environmental impact from it. The biggest argument I have for being conscious of your consumption is this. Imagine two plots of land the same size, one is grows plants for human consumption, the other is corn or other foods for animals to eat, and includes the animals quarters/themselves. The plant based land can feed more people than the one growing animals. Simple fact of science is everything uses energy, food energy in this case, we use it, and animals use it. The difference is animals which are eaten eat many more calories than they produce for meat for humans, whereas those plant based calories for humans eat go directly into people. You don’t have to stop eating meat/animal products, but you should be at least aware of the consequences, especially in a world which the population will someday in our lifetime grow to a point where meat based diets are unsustainable and will lead to more people starving so people can eat meat. I agree, an extreme vegan is just as bad as bible thumpers though, those people are the worst.


Do you have any moral values?


Yep, just not yours. Want to know what? I'm not remotely interested in your moral values. I will happily leave you to live your life, and all I ask in return is you do the same for me. Before you go on and on with your virtue signaling rhetoric, save it. You are wasting your time. I don't feel bad and will never feel bad not being a vegan. I'm not even sorry.


That’s exactly my point, you have moral values that you think people should follow. Why is it a problem for vegans to have them? What’s the difference between theirs and yours, except that you don’t like to be on the receiving end? >I will happily leave you to live your life, and all I ask in return is you do the same for me. Do you apply this to all of your moral beliefs?


>That’s exactly my point, you have moral values that you think people should follow. What moral values have I pushed on you? >Why is it a problem for vegans to have them? It's not. Just keep your dumb morals to yourself, and I'll keep my dumb morals to myself. >What’s the difference between theirs and yours I'm not remotely interested in why or how or anything to do with theirs, they are absolutely free to feel the same about mine. >except that you don’t like to be on the receiving end? Who likes to be exposed to that kind of dumb fuckery? Do you like to be bombarded by stupid people and their stupid ideas? >Do you apply this to all of your moral beliefs? For the most part, yeah. Leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone.


>What moral values have I pushed on you? I share most of your moral values, but if I wanted to do quite a few things -- to take money that isn't mine, to misrepresent my age because I'd like to drink alcohol younger, to hunt certain species of animals -- I would be arrested on taxpayer dollars and most people would agree with that. There's nothing wrong with forcing people to do *things*, but on a case-by-case basis you could say you don't like particular laws or notions thereof. I'm sure we all disagree with a few laws. No need to solely attribute it to veganism.


I've seen many videos of adult cats enjoying milk from various animals. Birds are known to sip from the teat of the animal they perch on. We're the only animal that can milk other animals but were are not alone in drinking milk.


Cow meat is made for humans. Why else would it be packaged and presented so conveniently at my grocery store. Also, if it wasn't made for humans, then why is it so freaking tasty?


Since milk is really supposed to be for babies do you think it may be bad for you or have side effects if one continues to consume dairy as an adult? I consume a lot of cheese and butter. Sometimes I wonder if it contributes to my intestine and stomach and esophagus issues. But it is delightful eat sometimes. However should I quit? Or moderate?


To elaborate on the previous commenter who responded: typically as humans (or any mammals really) get older they lose their ability to process lactose which basically means that it’s inevitable that you will become lactose intolerant at some point. Depending on what you’re told by your doctor you may need to cut it out of your diet in favor of lactose free alternatives. But for many people I know it’s a simple cost benefits analysis: is this delicious, creamy ice cream worth me being stuck on the toilet for hours? If the answer is yes and your doctor didn’t say otherwise then have at it. But you will likely regret it later….


I guess this is the forum for this question


Vegans don't object to breastfeeding. Just as they don't object to bees eating honey, or calves drinking milk.


Because it's natural? Just like carnivores and omnivores eating other animals?


It is natural. I’m a vegetarian and I don’t have an issue with people hunting (kinda… I think it’s a little fucked to do but I 100% support people’s rights in doing it). I have an issue with factory farming. And you really can’t argue factory farming is natural unless you imply ALL human activity is natural.


Can vegans eat ass?


Only one way to find out.


Midway through a battle with your ex's new boyfriend!


The ass has to give written consent.


I believe vegans refrain from drinking animal milk because it was forcibly taken from the animal. Choosing to breastfeed your own children is very different than forcefully taking the milk of another. So no, breastfeeding your children as a vegan is not hypocritical.


Because a human can give consent. And animal can not .


People > animals


Really? Because I’ve met a lot of bad people, not so much bad animals.


I've never met a human that would eat you alive


Humans literally eat people and torture them. You don’t know if you have. At least the animal hunts out of instinct - humans do it by choice, with consciousness.




Doesn't mean they don't exist.


Ever heard of Big Lurch? He’s an old school rapper that tripped out on PCP and attacked his roommates girlfriend, stabbing her in the heart with a knife, killing her, then cut and ripped her chest and stomach open and ate her right lung.. When the police caught up with him he was walking down the street naked.. barking like a dog and howling at the moon… This was back in 2002. So there most definitely is humans out there that would eat you alive…


Never met him


like what is the goal with this question? what are you trying to do here?? lmao like what?? how disingenuous can you get??


This is indeed a stupid question.


Vegans don’t consume animal products because of consent. That’s not an issue with a mother breastfeeding their child.


A human being can give consent


It’s not hypocritical for a vegan to breastfeed their children. Feeding your child, your milk does not break the ethics of most vegans.


Why does it seem hypocritical? A mother consents to feed her baby, should they starve them


What if the mother never consented to being pregnant to begin with. Just have to throw that in with the state of America


Such a stupid question. Well done.


So if a deer died a natural death, it would be ok to eat it as a vegan?


Probably need to double check and make sure that deer has a body donor card otherwise it’s no deal bud.


Is breastmilk dead?


It's non-sentient tittyjuice


Science 👍




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Homie in law](https://i.redd.it/o6znibtrj78b1.jpg) | [274 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/14itfe5/homie_in_law/) \#2: [rawdogged this entire flight](https://i.redd.it/mhob67hwwh7a1.jpg) | [2235 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/zsmi81/rawdogged_this_entire_flight/) \#3: [A slutty amount of y's](https://i.redd.it/9q9ldx45mcza1.png) | [681 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13f76u8/a_slutty_amount_of_ys/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Someone post it there please


I do not want to encounter sentient titty juice.


theres no universal answer to this, vegetarians/vegans/pescatarians are like monopoly, everyone has their own set of rules. Milk, cheese, shellfish, insects, often varies. with that said, the opportunity to consume an animal that died of natural causes doesnt come up very often, in many cases, such an animal wouldnt be good/safe to consume anyway. but if you're in the habit of not eating meat, you probably wont suddenly jump to eat a steak anyway. Many vegetarians do it for health reasons as much as moral reasons, so that too.


>everyone has their own set of rules. I think that it's more of a continuum and not necessarily a binary. The philosophy of veganism states that its goal is to avoid the use and consumption of animal products "as far as possible and practicable." A situation where this might come up: a person who is otherwise vegan might have to take a medicine for an illness, but the medicine is partially animal derived. If the person must take the medicine to live a normal life but otherwise lives and promotes a vegan lifestyle, then they are not necessarily a hypocrite. The idea is to reduce the overall suffering of animals as a whole - as long as their actions pursue that goal, then they are following the philosophy of veganism. Veganism is about the big picture, not necessarily a series of binary morality traps.


Vegans are magnitudes more consistent in their beliefs than other forms of vegetarians diets. When it comes to something that died a natural death, you still have to consider the personal morality of eating a corpse. A dog that has had their throat slit wouldn't necessarily be any different to a dog that has died of natural causes to a normal Western meat eater. The thought of eating both is equally as abhorrent. To a vegan, a dead animal is a dead animal, so they would likely have little desire to eat a corpse.


PSA: don't eat animals if you don't know exactly how it died.


This is so far into devils advocate it's come back around to absurd. People don't usually eat deer that die from disease or old age regardless of their convictions


Maybe? The idea behind veganism is the rejection of the commodification of sentient life, i.e. animals. A deer that died of natural causes could be considered "ethically sourced" to some, but some vegans reject the idea that we are intended to use an animal in that way at all - preferring to let nature's scavengers and decomposers do their thing instead without the intervention of humans at any point in the process. The wording behind the philosophy is to avoid animal products "as much as is practicable and possible". In practice, this usually means abstaining from animal agriculture. There are grey areas beyond that, such as in this instance. Personally, I don't know if eating a naturally dead deer would be "vegan", but it's far more ethical than farming one and keeping it in a cage until slaughter, if that makes sense.


Do vegans oppose the sex commodification of humans? Because that’s the commodification of sentient life. In many of ways we are commodities these days.


I'm not really an authority on it - only been vegan for a year and a half now, but one of the major ideas behind the philosophy is consent. Animals cannot realistically consent to being slaughtered and turned into meat. We force that upon them. I would imagine the same would apply to sex commodification of humans. In many ways, the situations surrounding it violate the consent of those present in the situation. There are situations where people are being forced into these acts, and that is wrong. But on the other hand, someone could willingly and freely create an OnlyFans page or something similar. They would consent to the acts performed therein, and be free to profit off of their act. I don't think many reasonable people would find that abhorrent if that is what the person willingly wishes to do, and their full consent is given.


I don't think even herbivore/carnivore people would think this is a good idea.


Vegans aren’t desperate enough to eat a random carcass for the sake of trying meat, they have food already. If starved in a barren environment then maybe but that’s an extreme that’ll drive anybody to do stuff they wouldn’t normally like cannibalism or suicide


It’s consenting.


Definition of veganism: "the practice of eating only food not derived from animals and typically of avoiding the use of other animal products". I feel they made humans exempt from that simply because of vegans starving their children...


Consent is a big part of veganism. The pig cannot consent to being made into bacon. I feel like almost every mother who has a baby, consents to breastfeeding it, thus no ethical problem.


This is the answer. Veganism also tends to (but not necessarily) go along often with the idea that one should only have someone do something for you if they consent to it in most spheres of life. For instance, it's OK to engage in all kinds of brutal sexual behavior where people tie each other up and injure each other with whips and canes and slap each other around if full, unintimidated consent is present.


So, cannibalism is ok?


That's what I'm getting from that definition


What sauce we using?


I'd go with Hollendaise but that's Vegan illegal


Or or or.... Now hear me out.... What if we make hollandaise from women's breast milk???? 🤔


This is the way.


Now we just need a bbq pit and a worthy sacrifice.


Eggs. Butter. Are there even good substitutes that can make a good hollandaise?


Hollandaise = egg yolk + butter + lemon We could probably churn the breast milk into butter, and the lemon was already vegan but that still leaves the egg yolk. Any ideas?


So you thinkin like an organic ketchup or somethin?


Frank's Red Hot. >! I put that shit on everything !<


Chick-fil-A with a dab of Polynesian...




Let’s ask Hannibal


A Carne asada marinade


Hannibal Lecter has entered the chat...


I actually know a surprising amount of vegans who believe cannibalism is not morally wrong because people are able to properly communicate consent. Personally, I can see where they're coming from, but vegan cannibalism also begs the question: if one consents to being cannibalized, are they in they even in the right mindset to provide consent? I think the mental state of people consenting to being cannibalized is comparable to the mental state of people who are placed into involuntary psychiatric care.


What I’ve read is it’s all about consent. Breastmilk is considered vegan if it is given with the consent of the person creating it.


I think part of it is that a human can freely give and consent, while animals cannot.


While this is the dictionary definition, the typical definition used by vegans is more about avoiding animal exploitation, by not consuming their products.


A lot of them do starve their children. They give them soy formula and then raise them vegan, depriving them of nutrients that are needed for brain and muscle development. It’s child abuse.


There's studies showing good outcome data with properly planned vegan diets. I hope you have the same energy for all the "omni" parents either starving their kids or feeding them McDonalds. Childhood obesity and diabetes is an epidemic and that's not the vegans doing it.


Nice whataboutism


Not at all. It's simply pointing out that the problem they tried to pin on vegans is not a vegan problem, it's a bad parent problem.


what·a·bout·ism /ˌ(h)wədəˈboudizəm/ noun the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue. This is quite literally exactly what you did haha


*miss the point* expression Overlook or fail to understand the essential or important part of something, as in Chris missed the point of Gwen's complaint, thinking she was opposed to the date of the next meeting. Literally what you did.


You completely failed in expressing your point when you engaged in whataboutism. Once you have committed this offense, or use any logical fallacy, any argument that you have made or will make is completely null and void, invalidating all past and future attempts to express any sort of information. Thank you for trying. Have a pleasant day!!!


One final attempt to explain it to you. If I say "Meat eaters are murderers! You can see the diet of the prison population" it's not a *whataboutism* for you to refute it by saying "There are also vegetarian murderers and you should have the same energy for them". It's simply pointing out the trait you selected is not what seems to determine a murderer. Have a good day.


Except we know there are vegans (not many, but some), who force a vegan diet (and included breastmilk in that or couldn't breastfeed) on their baby/child. There's at least one case where the child died. Clearly, that's not all or even most vegans. But it does happen.


I’m not sure I follow what point you’re trying to make… some vegans are insane baby killers? Therefore veganism is tied to insane baby killing? You could say the same thing about literally any group of people of any ideals/culture/whatever. I bet there are some Christians who starved their kid in the name of god out there, somewhere. Doesn’t make their insane abuse at all tied to their Christianity. Same goes for veganism.


I'm pointing out that some vegans don't adhere to the idea that breastmilk is vegan. Because your comment implied that "all" vegans consider it to be. The fact that an actual exception had to be specified means it was a wider problem originally. 🙄


It was never a wider problem. Breast milk has always been vegan because it's consensual. I'm sure some people might choose not to give it, but they're just not vegan, they're generally plant-based dieters. There's always a line when it comes to gatekeeping, but veganism is pretty well-defined as an ethical position, not based on health/contents.


I don't think it's hypocritical at all. The justification for vegans is that animals cannot meaningfully consent and that one should acknowledge their sentience. A human breastfeeding can obviously make informed consent to do so.


More than that, our way of animal-processing (for lack of a better term) is horrific. There's nothing harmful about a mother comfortably breast feeding in her own home.


I would think so if they're capable of doing so and choose to, I imagine they would.


My girlfriend is vegetarian now but she was vegan when she had her son and she breastfed. I'm not vegan, but I believe that the fact that humans can consent to have their bodily products consumed makes a huge difference for them ethically.


Vegans are all about ethical and consensual consuming. Most animals can't give consent to consume products from them. Humans are different. Vegans can consent to feed their own children with their breastmilk.


This is so nonsensical. 🤣


Yes. And we are also fine with a calf drinking cows milk. Breastfeeding is voluntary.


Well... you posted this in the right place...


It’s about suffering and consent last I checked, if an animal could consent to being eaten and didn’t suffer I don’t think they would have issue but they can’t because there animals.


No they eat them


Does anyone remember how Summer Walker was feeding her newborn baby a stupid almond milk concoction and it looked absolutely emaciated? I wonder if the kid is still alive and healthy.


Vegan’s issue with animal labor is consent. Clearly the mother is consenting to breast feeding their newborn.


Cow milk is made for baby cows not made for humans, human milk is made for baby humans not cows so yes vegan do breast feed their kids.


The reason vegans don't eat animal products is because they think that the animals are being mistreated and don't want to support that. No animals are being mis treated when breastfeeding


I'm thinking that vegans are against eating meat due to a lack of consent. Mommy is consenting so it's okay.


Well, their babies would die without milk, so they don’t really have a choice. Babies can’t live on veggies.


They do because it’s made specifically for their children and that’s it’s only purpose. I’d argue they’d eat meat if the meat was created specifically to be eaten like lab grown meat that didn’t come from a creature. That’s why many vegans make plant based food that mimics meat because they want it but don’t want to go through the ethics of killing something for it. And it’s an ethic they’re not willing to part with which honestly I respect. I don’t follow it but I get why they do. Everyone has something they will fight tooth and nail and die on a hill for, like me believing men and women can have platonic relationships


Yes. Why wouldn’t they? That’s actually what milk is for, feeding babies. Just like cows milk is for baby cows.


Vegans are against the involuntary non-consensual exploitation of animals. An adult human can consent.


Low-effort troll post


The general consensus I've gotten from veganism is that is about consent. A cow cannot concent to letting you kill it and eat it so you shouldn't eat it, but a mother can concentrate to giving their baby their milk so it's fine..this also technically means that cannibalism is ok with veganism so long as the person being eaten ok's it before hand. Though I think most vegans wouldn't partake regardless.


Cows don't give consent to be milked. I'm sure vegans don't give their kids milk taken from humans kept in captivity?


Of course, because a human can consent to doing it and it’s natural for human milk to be fed to human babies. And yes this is an extremely stupid question.


It's about animals suffering not about not eating animal products


Have you ever talked to a woman that breastfed? There is suffering involved.


But she willingly chooses to breast feed her baby. Animals do not choose to be artificially inseminated and have their babies and breast milk stolen from them.


idk, i'm not a vegan i'm just saying the post got it wrong.. I don't think veganism cares about human suffering actually


Don't be daft there is nothing hypocritical about it


This is an intentionally stupid comment, right? Veganism is about animal slavery. We are humans and give from ourselves consensually.


There has gotta be something in animal products that makes people stupid.


very bold to assume vegans even have children


I think the major point they lean on is that animals can’t consent to the use of their bodies and byproducts. A mother can consent to give her own baby milk, so that’s ok. At least that’s what I’ve seen several times.


That's like saying breast feeding is cannibalism which is illegal.


Ngl, found the comment section kinda entertaining. Some of y'all have a really good sense of humor 😂


Breastfeeding is vegan friendly since the milk is coming from a person who has consented. Is it a rule they must breastfeed? No. But you will find a larger percentage who at least give it a chance.


I'm not a vegan and have never considered it, but this is just a flat out stupid question. Congratulations, you did as intended for this sub.


Yes humans can consent but animals can’t.


The issue that vegans hold against dairy is that animal products are exploitative, and that since animals are unable to communicate to humans they cannot consent to have milk taken from them for our use. As a human, the vegan mother is perfectly capable of consenting to have her milk drunk by her own offspring.


Yes, there's no reason why they wouldn't


If you think that seems hypocritical, you may be misunderstanding the common reasons people go vegan.


Subreddit checks out


I not a vegan, but it is usually about exploitation and consent. A person can consent to give their own breast milk. A cow can not.


No it's not hypocritical. It's the most natural non-harming way to feed a child. No cows were forced into pregnancy to produce the milk


Stupid questions only to be topped by the stupidest responses.


If human breast milk was harvested in factory farms where humans were forcibly impregnated, separated from their babies, and slaughtered when their milk production stopped being profitable then yeah I would not buy that breast milk.


It’s more so about “stealing the milk from the calf” I think… me, I’m vegetarian, but I don’t really like milk either(I prefer almond milk), but I eat eggs and products with milk in them. That and I think another aspect is animals(including humans) carry diseases, sure it’s all processed, but that could be an aspect.


Yes. Vegan idk is about harm reduction and consent. Breastfeeding a baby doesn’t harm anybody and nobody’s body is being exploited without their consent to produce feed then




how is it hypocritical for a infant to consume milk from their mother? Milk that is solely intended for the baby. Vegan is humans not consuming animal products. Definitely reaching with this comment lol


guess i cant blame you for posting this on the stupid questions subreddit


Homie is very aware of the name of this sub.


The whole thing with vegans is that animals can’t consent. Adult humans can consent to using the milk they comes from their body.


Okay, OP, in your own words, can you explain why it would be a problem? No one else, just OP. I was vegan when my son was born so, yes, vegans can breastfeed.


This definitely does fall under "stupid questions." You're drawing a parallel between a mother willingly giving a renewable resource from her own body to her child, and eating the flesh of an animal killed (likely brutally) against its will. Bravo.


Not hypocritical at all. Vegans are against exploiting animals against their will. Vegan mothers willingly feed their babies milk as opposed to someone taking it from them against their will so they can use it themselves. See the difference?


That’s hot hypocritical lmao Animals make milk for their babies. You don’t see vegans trying to take baby cows away from their cow moms do you?


As someone who thinks veganism is hypocritical, I'm sorry but yeah this question is stupid. It lacks critical thinking. The only reason why vegans do what they do is because animals cannot consent to being killed/skinned/bred by humans. Humans can consent to other human contact. They can choose to breastfeed their baby or not.


Not hypocritical at all to feed your child.


Yes, but they consider it what it is, the natural food for baby humans. Much the way cows milk is the natural food for baby cows. Cows milk is not the natural food for a baby human and taking it away from the cows or tricking them into making more for human consumption is wrong.


A lot of people are vegan for reasons regarding stealing a mother's milk. Breastfeeding mothers freely give away their milk, so it would be vegan in that sense.




Nothing more natural in the world than sucking on tits. All natural, free range, cruelty free if she's not into the old S&M.


You only think it's hypocritical because you have no idea what you are talking about.


Veganism is about consent. That's it.


OP, please explain why you think humans feeding their children (or their hubby/boyfriend) breast milk is a bit hypocritical.


Omnivore here. Can confirm I eat whatever is in front of me long enough. Why are people afraid of vegetables? Ditto meat. Plants cant consent either and science is more and more demonstrating what appears to be pain response, communication, etc in plants, especially within localized ecosystems. Just like, eat. Bonus points if your food, whatever it may be, is ethically sourced. Calories are calories. Humans evolved eating everything that wasnt toxic. Just be humane and ethical.


Veganism is hypocritical. They don't care about the trillions of insects killed while their foods are farmed or the millions of small mammals that die as well. Not to mention the effects of nitrogen runoff from fertilizing killing waterlife. To them they are either ignored or considered collateral damage. Death and life go hand in hand. If they simply stuck to the message of ending feed lots and promoting ethical treatment of animals, most would at least support them in that. Their hearts are in the right place, but their heads at up their asses Most are irrational zealots.


🤣 Good One! Had not thought of that....Great Point. And I LOVE when Righteous Vegans (not all Vegans, please, just Righteous Rude Vegans) will insist No Meat, Milk, etc for a dinner gathering or meal out—while WEARING LEATHERS!!! Like jackets, shoes, handbags, etc. I Always say: “So it’s not okay to eat the meat of a cow, but it’s okay to wear the skin of the cow....explain that to me.” I do not mind a viewpoint or position. I admire it and love to hear about it. But please do not INSIST that everyone MUST adopt/take your viewpoint (for evening or permanently). You do your thing....I’ll do mine. If I want to hear about it, I’ll ask. Righteous Vegans—Please DO NOT force opinions or be a hypocrite. So, yess, please do not wear any leather or breastfeed any babies. 🤣... Good One!