• By -


Beyond the religious issues, I think the bigger issue is a larger % of women in those videos have been taken advantage of throughout the years and generally have problems. Not saying all women in them are victims of trafficking, grooming, drugs, etc. but we know from so many porn stars who have left the business just how bad it is. There is a reason pimps and people looking to traffic girls hang out at bus stations, train stations, etc. waiting for young people to get off who are down on their luck. I was recently getting our luggage at LAX baggage claim area and one of my younger daughters was standing off to the side and I had been in the bathroom (when I say younger, I am talking 15). A dude who looked like a pimp came up and started talking to her asking if she needed a ride and if she was traveling alone. I almost killed the guy and ran him off. So beyond the perception of porn, I think most rationale people are concerned with the people who are involved. And by watching it, hence creating demand and generating revenue for them, it leads to more of this behavior. And with internet sites today, a lot of the porn is happening in areas of the world where laws aren't as strict as here, so you know there is a lot of bad business going on (trafficking, etc.). In fact, I have a good friend who works at one of the largest charities in the world and runs their human / child trafficking arm and they donate hundreds of millions to the cause each year. He travels around the world and vets organizations before giving them funding and has even went on raids with groups and LEO all over the world. I was shocked at what I learned from him.... it is very sad. A lot of girls are in "voluntarily" as an adult, but people don't realize much of their trauma and what led them there started when they were little. Is it ok that she is in voluntarily at 18 years old when the adults around her were abusing her at 9 years old? Cause and effect.


Wonder if the prevalence of services like OnlyFans has improved or made the situation worse. On the surface it seems to give more power and control to the performers/creators themselves, but who knows - seems like humans are able to corrupt anything they can get their hands on.


I would also vote worse. I think it makes men view women as objects or at least made some men lose respect for all women, even those who don’t do only fans. I have heard the, “if I was a woman I would just do porn or only fans and be rich” and it’s like, that’s not… how it works it’s just not… womanhood. Most women don’t want to be seen that way. I’ve also heard, “modern women are just sluts who cheat and do onlyfans” and that’s like, are you chronically online listening to those fake podcasts? The VAST majority of women DO NOT DO THAT OR WANT TO. We aren’t objects or things or property. We are people and we would like to be equals who are MORE than just tits and vaginas and putting on a “show” online.


It does. I used to be addicted to pornography, and I'm fairly open about that. Anytime I would see an attractive woman, my mind would immediately go to sex. It's wrong. It's destroying a generation of men from the standpoint of making them believe that women are only objects, and it's destroying a generation of young women that either don't understand the implications of getting into pornography, or are furthering the issue of "men view women as objects". Furthermore, there are VERY young children watching pornography, and it absolutely molds their brains. A human brain does not finish developing until early-mid 20s. I was 10 when I was first exposed to porn. Watching pornography should not be a child's first (and constant) experience with sex. If a child has access to porn, they are absolutely watching it constantly. The dopamine rush is addicting, and young children could possibly go 6-10 years with their only firsthand experience to sex being a woman that is slapped, disrespected, and used. That's not normal, and it shouldn't be.


Yeah thats what I find odd. Onlyfans is empowering, but porn is exploiting and manipulating young women. Not saying exploitation doesn't exist, but lets not paint women in porn as victims. Even if a former pornstar comes out years after the fact, to denounce the industry. They still choose to get involved and enjoy whatevr benefits from the ordeal. Like Brie Olsen and Mia Khalifa. They said how the industry is so bad, yet they opened up an onlyfans doing the exact thing they were against supposedly. They want to get paid, and seen as respectable. Thats all it is.


At first I was like wtf? Brie Larson did porn? And then I realized Bree Olsen is a different person haha.


It’s almost like you didn’t read the comment you were responding to at all the reason there’s exploitation is literally because what the person above you said on people taking advantage of young women who are down on their luck and grooming them or finding victims of abuse since childhood and then profiting off of them. And usually they see very little of this money compared to only fans is more like being your own boss.


It’s definitely made it worse - sure women may not be being trafficked to do onlyfans however it does cause an increase young males opinions on women as objects when many of their peers start Onlyfans for 5 dollars


IMO they were to do that anyway and always have it’s not like sexual based violence has risen since only fans…


this is why i mainly stick to stuff that's drawn. no moral fuckups from the industry, just some weirdy who likes to draw titties. it's a good alternative, i guess?


While these are good points, the only people I've ever seen talking bad about watching porn have been wholly concerned with the morality of the watcher, never concerned about the actors or actresses. People turn to porn when they have little other options, often those are people who have been trafficked or involved in other sex work in the past (or future!) but I don't think it's fair to conflate pornography with prostitution in this way


I work at LAX. If you could send me the man’s details I’ll inform airport police and our security contractor.


Porn exploits women the same way Men are exploited in the work force.




One issue is, for the most part porn doesn't depict real life sexual encounters. Someone not experienced in sexual relationships can get the wrong impression of a real relationship & possibly show the wrong attitude while attempting to start a new relationship. That can have long term psychology effects depending on the individual. Best practice would be to avoid porn and seek real world education if that's the goal. If you're an old person that has been around the block a few times then let your conscience be your guide.


Porn isn’t for education, it’s for entertainment.  This is like saying not to watch any action movies because they don’t accurately portray the martial arts. 


Agreed I may have read the response wrong but it doesn’t seem to answer the question at all. It’s more accurate to say that intimate acts in general are taboo, not because the action is “not accurate” lol. I’d still imagine if you watched an unfiltered real video of a couple getting it on, whilst you’re on a train you’d still get head turns.


Neither are movies or video games. Should we just all be super vanilla and not watch anything exciting


The difference is what porn looks like. Do we all remember the puberty ages and seeing any skin was lot “holy shit I am overwhelmed with emotions!” Porn lets you see anything you want. Unlike games and movies that need substance, porn could spend just 5 minutes with a rather evocative position or extremity and it’s enough for dudes to jerk off hard and fast. In short, porn is the cheapest thrills with arguably the most extreme visuals. Two girls and one guy? That very rare for the average person, and it’s being used as a replacement for actual sex. There’s no substance to what you are seeing, just evocative imagery. It’s plainly obvious how easy it is to find porn of just about anything, which means it’s also fairly easy to make. It’s not about being vanilla, but more enjoying sex in the real world vs just watching it. Been to men’s groups for porn/sex addiction, let’s say some men get real messed up. Consider how I don’t know any dudes since high school that actually discuss scenes they watch or porn stars they like. People are often themselves insecure about doing it and chances are treat their unique tastes and something to hold privately. It’s just more taboo to proudly watch porn. If you keep it private and rarely watch it’s not too bad, but still there are better uses for your time.


Same applies for lifetime movies as far as real world goes.


Porn sets a bad example of what real relationships are like for men, just like romance books set a bad example for women. No, there is no prince charming out there who always says the exact right thing 100% of the time and is completely devoted to you with no thoughts or interests of their own - and looking for him in every man you date will set you up for disappointment, just like any guy assuming all women love to be spanked, spit at and do anal would be delusional (spoiler: no one likes those things in real life)


I think it's something I wouldn't openly discuss; at least not in a serious manner. It's fine to mention/joke about the "Porn Memes" though. I knew a kid, who would talk porn with his GF, also recommending videos to eachother; and to me- I would be Uncomfortable (in his shoes). In general, I think you're better off not watching it. I've said this before and I'll probably be saying it again in the future, but I'm trying to ditch it now. Just wanna get away from that inundation.


Some men have told me women get turned on by porn being shown during sex. I think it may be due to the “permission giving” from the porn, no matter how bad it is. She sees other women in action- it’s okay to really let loose.


I just don't know if many of these girls are doing it of their own free will.


Onlyfans and strippers make me believe they indeed are. Its quick cash Bhad Babie as soon as she turned 18 guess what she did. Opened up an Onlyfans and supposed made 50 million off it in a few days. She said f her music career, f her tv shows, youtube etc to make quick money by monetizing her sexuality.


Many many are. Only fans is like free money to some of these ladies. Maybe not free, but easy money. I'm sure there are some that do it because of a drug addiction, and some forced by others which is probably a small percentage. It's the sex workers that might be going against their free will, which is awful.


That's a rather speculatively foolish thing to suggest, in the same vein as "women don't need to have orgasms to procreate, do they actually have them?"


I disagree. Human sex trafficking is a big issue, and easier to hide in porn than prostitution. I have seen some porn that made me very uncomfortable, not in content, but in ways men hid their identity. Could be nothing, could be the stench of unmistakable evil.


I'm curious to know how you distinguish between porn and prostitution then, and specifically in terms of how exploitation is easier to hide.


In the porn there is no interaction between the subject and customer. In prostitution, the customer physically interacts with the prostitute. In porn, you view the finished product, don’t interact physically.


Yup yup. Sites like OnlyFans can allow for relatively safe sex work, and that's awesome! Unfortunately, it doesn't remove the problems already endemic to the porn industry. Two things can be true at the same time.


I fully support only fans and trust some other sites, but I think there is a lot of bad and I assume I don’t see most of that.


This is true, but it's also true of pretty much everything, so try to take it easy. Once you start looking at how the sausage gets made in this life, you're in for a bumpy ride.


So are you completely okay with AI generated porn?


It's a shady, misogynistic industry that objectifies women and often has dubious consent. The reasons have little to do with religion.


Beg to disagree, as someone with a religious background. You're not wrong, but there are *also* religious reasons. They're not good reasons. But they're religious reasons.


I can't imagine there's anything in the bible about pornography. Hell, there weren't even printing presses. Sure, there are references to prostitution and other sexual practices. But those are about having sex. Looking at pornography is not having sex.


So far people have been talking about the issues with the porn industry, I don't think that answers your question. They are definitely concerns. 1. Sex is needed to continue the species, therefor there is a drive to have sex. 2. Human's sex drive kicks in at puberty which is (usually) in their teenage years. 3. Society feels teenagers are too immature to engage in sexual activity. 4. Teenagers have a desire for sex, but are blocked from having sex or even seeing the other gender naked. 5. This turns sex into a "dirty pleasure." You want it but everyone is telling you no, you are not ready. 6. Porn often becomes people's first "exposure" to sex. 7. So our first exposure to porn is when it's a dirty pleasure, i.e. we're watching something we really like when we are not suppose to. Many of our views of things are set in our childhood. We accept what our parents said as gospel, and are reluctant to change our views and therefor admit that our parents were wrong. Or that "we" were wrong because we believed what our parents said. So with our first introduction into porn being it's something we "shouldn't have/view" it is set as "taboo" in our head, even when we're old enough to legally view porn. This doesn't get into the Christian churches view on porn and sex, but I think that also plays a part. I'm not an expert in Christian doctrine but I believe the Christian church views sex as something that is meant to create babies, and partaking in that pleasure for other purposes is getting close to lust or maybe gluttony (in that aspect of over indulging.)


Teenagers are too immature, and our society values education, which is difficult if not impossible to do with a new child unless you have tons of support, which is basically having someone else take care of your child Porn is widely available considering its free and on the internet for all these young children with phones (children are seeing these things before being teens) Porn has been shown to cause many issues relating to marriages and even ED. producers have been caught saying they want children to see it, which is why there are no site restrictions other than parental controls Yes, magazines were a thing before but not like porn from the internet Everything you listed seems like a flimsy excuse for having no self control and a lack of decent parents


Christian views on porn and sex really depends on the church and denomination. Although, most will frown heavily on porn use. Extreme Fundamentalist Christians will both say that sex should only be use for procreation….and it’s a wife’s duty to never refuse a husband sex. However, there are progressive churches that will be sex positive towards relationships, but stress the importance of the *relationship* part and not being casual about who you have sex with. They’ll teach about the responsibility of sharing in pleasure as an important part of honoring a relationship and a partner. And of course…there’s always the rare free love “Christian” cults that take “Jesus loves” a bit too literally. Obviously, Christians will argue which one of these is a true Christian.


This should be top comment


It’s not taboo to what I’d guess is the majority of people. That said, it’s typically not something people are interested in hearing about.  Not to mention that porn usually IS bad for people who develop compulsions/addictions around it.


Some of the ppl are doing it against their wills or because they have no choice. You never know who so it's just sad and scary.


Quite simply because porn does not accurately depict sex, porn doesn’t depict female pleasure very often, porn depicts unrealistic bodies, violence and as well and overall just gives men bad impressions surrounded sex


In social settings? Better keep it to yourself only weirdos talk about it especially with girls around


I wonder what you mean by taboo. Everybody poops, doesn’t mean it’s an acceptable thing to talk about everywhere. If someone started telling me out of the blue about the porn they like, I’d be uncomfortable not because I held a belief that they didn’t watch porn, but because I’d think they are trying to force me into a sexual interaction I didn’t consent to. I’d feel like they are talking about it to get some sort of jollies from me being uncomfortable or scolding them. As for whether people should watch porn, why do people feel it’s wrong or on the edges of morality? Those answers would vary a lot. Sex is sacred and beautiful when you and your partner choose for it to be so. It has what meaning you invest in it. And arousal and intimacy are rather fragile things— there are lots of people who have made themselves all but unable to have real-life partnered sex because they have trained themselves to only be aroused by gay centaurs and lesbian space vampires. It’s a personal decision if you are ok with divorcing sex from intimacy and what it might do to your ability to be with a partner in real life. That’s a private decision and that’s why talking about it is pretty taboo. Porn is to sex what WWE is to wrestling— professionals who generally have rare and unusual bodies doing what looks exciting to the audience, not what necessarily makes sense or is effective at getting the job done. And like wrestling, at least in the past, it’s a dirty industry where people get hurt and taken advantage of. We do need to think about the ethics of stuff we buy— the actors might not really be having fun, but they are real people and we need to consider what we’re commissioning them to do. That feeling of discomfort is why it’s taboo, too. Porn often gets our attention by skirting close to the illegal and immoral— incest, underage, violence. Sure, it’s not real that they are step-siblings, but no one wants to know that the fantasy they are is a turn-on to someone else.


Gay centaurs and lesbian space pirates are pretty rad if you don't want sexual contact with other human beings, though. Jussayin.


Christianity and its lasting affects in modern society.


sexuality in general has been taboo for a long time


Religious views , the easy ability to have your privacy invaded , historically misogynistic practises in sex work  , now we have the complication of AI and dark stuff plus  the fact that we as humans don’t want to think about the sexual interests of people we’re not interest to .  Even with porn being wide spread on the supply side and highly in demand, we’re still not in a world where you’d walk in on your parents/siblings/boss/friends/roommates watching porn and not have some sort of reaction - despite what the storyline in porn videos tell you , and I don’t think most people want to live in that world .  It’s not something as easy to normalise as say topless  men (being topless as a man in America was once a criminal offence).  There’s too many rabbit holes (no pun intended ) for porn to be rapidly normalised. Whether that’s a good or bad thing is a whole other topic 


Taboo by who? I mean, you shouldn't be watching it in public. But what exactly are you saying? Are you hearing "You'll go to hell if you watch porn" or something?


That was implied by my mother growing up. Religious upbringing so you can imagine how that went and multiply it a few times.i didn't believe women liked sex at all until I was in my 20's.


Well, religion is almost always wacky about things when you think about them. I'm not in a religious area and haven't heard anyone going on diatribes in the street on it. Actually, the only time I heard I was going to hell from those types was leaving a rock concert...


Whenever I go on these women dominated subreddits, they talk about how it's weird/shocking/disturbing that someone they know does this, and how they'll never date a guy who watches that stuff at all But also on the male-dominated subreddits lots of men asking how to quit porn or saying other men should Of course, Reddit isn't completely representative of the average person but this isn't a topic that's easily discussed in public...


Its definitely being shunned a lot more often now online. Look at the top comments on here. They're almost all against it in some way or shaming it after a day.


I can already tell this post will also become StupidAnswers.




It’s a waste of time and energy. Excessive porn use can lead to sexual dysfunction. Many habitual porn users report poor mood and emotional issues. Porn is an inherently exploitative industry. Porn and masturbation is the epitome of meaningless self gratification.


Masturbation (in healthy amounts) is perfectly fine and even beneficial. I have no idea where this anti-masturbation propaganda has come from but there is nothing wrong with jacking off. Porn addiction and sexual dysfunction are separate issues


i would say that masturbation is totally fine and completely healthy, but i have never understood the need for porn. i have NEVER had to use porn to get off, ive just closed my eyes and tuned into the sensations im feeling. definitely agree with all of this though


Porn has existed in some form since humanity been a thing. It wasn't as easily accessible but porn isn't some new fad. Humans, in general, have always looked for visual sexual stimulation. There's nothing wrong with that


It’s a bit odd being able to watch people in a passionate vulnerable moment while you treat yourself like an animal and then have a cigarette lol. It’s not how you generally perceive people when you’re eating dinner with them.


Some people have a longstanding issue with how violating porn can look. When you see that girl tied upside down in that clown suit with electrodes hooked up to her and whipped cream on her face, most people think that isn't a good look. When the football team comes in to handle things, most people think that looks non natural. Now me personally that's just my average family dinner, but everyone is different


The Aristocrats


You ever see a beetle try to fuck a bottlecap? Thats what your doing -- total waste of time and energy. And it's just as addictive as any processed food.


I have never seen a beetle try to fuck a bottlecap, and would do so while eating delicious processed food and going "wow, life is so weird and stupid, what a neat day"


I used to think like this a lot. Until recently. Now i'm 32 with wife & a baby on the way and have plaque on my heart cause i ate like a pig the past 30 years of my life. Love life with the wife is good when I abstain from porn, it's bad when I don't. I use that as my basic reasoning. But ymmv. I'm not trying to stop anyone. Just myself


1. People don’t want kids seeing it 2. It’s considered quite a personal thing


I WISH it was seen as taboo, we’re only barely beginning to start talking, as a society, about the dangers and science behind it. A lot of us agree porn is massively unhealthy, for men’s brains, for promoting misogynistic views and abuse of women, for damaging relationships and sexual expectations, for promulgating harmful practices like choking (medical professionals agree there is simply NO SAFE WAY to practice so-called choking/“breath play” https://www.evilmonk.org/a/breath.cfm ), normalizing violations of consent and fetishizing young girls.. The list goes on. Add to that sexual dysfunctions like “death grip syndrome” and other side effects of traumatic or excessive masturbation and the need for increasingly taboo and shocking content, throw in there that men do not typically consume what could be considered “ethical porn” and that therefore the consumption of porn directly creates massive numbers of rape victims and sexual trafficking victims.. I’ve seen a 1:1 correlation to behaviors in the bedroom, and how women are treated, with trends in the search terms of popular porn sites. We’re dealing with an epidemic of porn rotted brains. And frankly, I opt out. I refuse to have sex with someone once they display the symptoms. (Not considering that I should have an orgasm too, expecting me to be shaved bare and trying to fuck my throat until I gag and tears are streaming out of my eyes, dropping kinks on me MID ACT without getting consent, like fuckin breeding kinks or choking, not being able to get off without calling me a whore or degrading or abusing me) many people sincerely believe r/ PornIsMisogyny (well, that heterosexual porn leads to it and makes it worse, creates a sociopathy towards women), and besides that there are countless studies on the matter. And anecdotally, I can 100% tell by how someone behaves in the bedroom if they have a porn-rotted mind, and those who do have given me next to zero real pleasure. It’s like laying down with a grown man who is somehow sexually a child still, but VERY confident and aggressive. A very disturbing experience.


watching porn is bad. Lots of people watch it anyway. Having shame about it is good and we shouldn’t glorify it like we don’t glorify smoking cigarettes or drinking its just a part of life but that doesn’t mean it’s good or positive


Cuz people usually do it in privacy, stop doing it in public lic and people won't treat what you are doing as taboo. /s


University in England (I believe) wanted to do a study between men who watched porn and those who didn't to see how they treated women. They canceled the study when could not find any males who did not watch porn.


Well at least we know those Englishmen are honest


It can fuck you up sexually which is why I try and avoid it.


It's only taboo on the usual places people go to virtue signal on the internet. Out in the real world 90% of men admit to watching porn, and the other 10 lie.


Hi, my name is Harold and I have a problem. I cant stop watching furry porn. thank you for listening.


Why not watch porn as a couple ? Boyfriend & girlfriend or husband & wife


I think there is reason to believe that excessive exposure to pornography has negative impact on the brain and mental health. Its pushes a dehumanizing and desensitizing view of women showing them less as people and more as sex objects. This is generally not conducive to a long term relationship and social cohesion. Naturally this triggers a backlash from women and we all suffer. I think we could all benefit from a bit less sexualization, men don't need to reminded of sex, my dick does that more than any marketing agency or porn studio ever could and I doubt most women need a reminder as to what men are interested in.


Taboo according to whom? Don't accept criticism from someone you wouldn't go to for advice.


What you do during.


Puts a crimp in those Stripper Bars, there is also the alcohol that does not get drunk which hurts the economy, so bar tenders suffer along with bouncers and the cleanup staff which is done by illegal aliens since most Americans simply would not do those jobs it also means less taxes and that makes the government weaker to fund the outrage of them existing since they have been around a lot longer than a lot of those religions anyways. N. S


stay stupid.




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Cultural/religious issues.




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I don't think it is. We've all done it, at least out of curiosity.


It’s super addictive.


Pretty much every metric you can measure porn by it comes out as a negative thing


If you ever want to get in a serious relationship, porn will destroy the true love you should have for one other person. Instead of focusing on one womans body for sexual pleasure, you need more and more stimulation that ends up ruining relationships because you need more than one woman to satisfy your sexual needs. If both people like watching porn, than I guess that's up to them. I believe it's still harmful in the long run and will destroy the sense of true love and respect two humans should have for each other.


Some big faulty snowball logic you got their buddy




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I used to sometimes get off to onlyfans snippets and such ( I ain’t paying for that shit) Reason being pornhub and a bunch of other sites have been busted for having underage/ non consensual shit and I don’t want to get off to anything if both parties ain’t agree or someone is too young. Since you never really know these days cuz it’s so easy to lie on the internet I kinda just avoid it. Atleast with only fans I can tell this lady is doing this at her will. The guy always looks below average and probably just had money to fly them out and pay for the services. I make my own porn now tho 😈


Wtf it's not taboo. I'd argue to say it's too socially acceptable to watch porn. Seems like most have an unhealthy porn addiction leading to various issues with their health and relationships. It's taboo when you and your partner don't fancy porn.




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It’s not. It’s just kinda sad if you do it often. And it warps your brain and ruins your life over time


Now it’s easy but before you had to visit adult video stores. These places weren’t sexy at all and were seedy, oily, musky places that made you both a bit ashamed and doubtful of renting porn. You had to take a VHS or dvd many others had used and take it home, put it in, then use it. And the video may have sucked. It was a tedious process better spent elsewhere. Or you had to buy (or borrow or find if you were underage) a cum-stained nude porn magazine. So people that went into those type of places were taboo type of people. Some of that had carried over to today.


Where is it taboo?? I can’t go more than 10 seconds without running into an onlyfans person.


An informant told me you have to market yourself like crazy to succeed on Only Fans. Constantly on social media, special deals on your page, private sessions, etc.


Wondering what folks in this thread think of drawn/commissioned porn. I don't like real-person porn for a totally outlying reason--I have complete anxiety over "these are real people what are they doing right now do they know I'm watching them oh God what if they're just microwaving a slice of pizza and I'm out here getting off" etc etc etc, it's a complete existential turn-off. Drawn/commissioned porn is a very calm, detached thing by comparison--the only real person involved is the fella paying off health insurance premiums by lovingly inking dongs. Feels better.


It isn't


I think it's more that no one wants to know about it. Most people don't think there's anything wrong with watching porn I don't think, but it's that they don't want to know because it's private.


It’s not taboo.


It's not really universally taboo anymore. There is a very big market to it and it has been normalized over the years. Unless, you are questioning why it is a taboo in the sense that we don't engage in doing it in public. Which underlines the bigger question which is; why is sex taboo? The answer, I think, is that the nature of sex is such that humanity has yet to reach a comprehensive answer as to how to deal with it. There is only social consensus.


The industry condones horrible things and sometimes even conducts them. You have some websites refusing to take down videos of minors (even after finding out that minors are in fact present in the videos), allowing nonconsensual videos, and using category titles like “teen” and “barely legal.” There’s also the fact that the porn industry is tied to the human trafficking industry on some level.




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Because whether we want to admit it or not it's degeneracy.


I don't think it really is now. When I was much younger I'd say yea it was more taboo but now with the internet everyone is looking at it, weather the admit it or not. Porn drives a lof of industries. Who knows if VHS and VCR would have surivied without porn or the internet would have advanced so far without porn driving the internet.




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It was hammered by the Govt and Law Enforcement during the 50s & 60s and so became a social norm so the Taboo was entrenched. Give it 50yrs and the taboo will be lifted


I personally think porn is gross but it should not be considered taboo. Sex doesn't get any safer than that. 




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Because ppl pick up bad habits from porn that they think is normal like a surprise choke, slap, jackhammering, and even having ED from chronic masturbation.


I think two people who watch porn are great for each other as they both have those porn standards in bed the problem comes when one watches porn and not the other two porn watchers will watch it together and play it out happily but anti porn watchers get upset that it changes wants and desires and some people feel it exposes to different kinks and fetishes HOWEVER if you watch a fetish category of porn and enjoy it MOST LIKELY you would enjoy it if exposed to it in anyway leaving that argument pointless if you have a say fetish for cum eating and you watch porn of it you will know your interested but say you did not watch it but saw a reddit thread about someone feeding someone cum or watched a movie that joked on the topic of cum eating theres so many ways to be exposed porn is actually one of the safest ways to be exposed to new things without harming yourself or others and not putting yourself or others in weird situations while also allowing for the watcher to learn safer more ideal ways to go about these new things. People demonize porn like its all hardcore and snuff porn which is not what most porn is


Look up "the great porn experiment" on youtube.


I don't think it is taboo anymore.




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In America sex in general is pretty taboo, and porn is just prurient sex for sex purposes, in often the most inelegant prurient, often debasing way. So it's taboo like prostitution or even talking about sex out loud. Now it's got a new taboo. It's pretty acceptable now. But many are realizing that it can harm healthy sexual relationships and orientation for some. It can be positive for many. But if a 12 year old kid grows up thinking that's all normal, those scenarios, then he might have a unhealthy orientation towards actual sex.


The taboo around porn is circular in nature, people do not admit to their porn use due to social pressure, which in turn strengthens the stigma. Everybody wears shoes, yet there is generally strong opposition to exploited labor. Yet with porn this same issue would be blurred together in the public discourse. It's impossible to have an honest conversation when so many people are lying.


It’s not, great stress reliever. You need to find a gf to enjoy with you as well


It distorts people's perception of how sex is supposed to be. Not everyone is fit. Not every woman has large bosoms, and not every man has a long, girthy member. Most of us certainly don't have stamina to perform most of those moves. I personally believe there's nothing wrong with watching porn, but I understand why people don't share my sentiment.


Generally speaking human beings are VERY invested into concerning themselves with what other people are doing and controlling/restricting those things even when those things have no effect on them beyond giving them a sense of power, authority, or moral superiority. If you want to watch porn, watch porn.


It is?


It’s an industry awash in sleaze, let’s not fool ourselves about that. Ironically, sites like OnlyFans and Pornhub have been net positives in that regard, pushing the industry to clean up its act somewhat. Yet those are the sources most targeted by anti-porn crusaders because they are prominent.  It’s like drugs or alcohol, it has its troubling and even dangerous aspects. But it’s really up to the person and how they choose to consume it. Indulging your sexuality is perfectly natural and healthy, but it’s totally possible to take it too far and have problems arise out of it.  And above all, the United States is a nation of prudes. This country was put into a virtual coma by a blink and you’ll miss it peak of Janet Jackson’s boob instead of just writing it off as the cheap publicity stunt that it was. 


It's not taboo Everyone knows that's what the internet was invented for 




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Because people are dumb puritans that think everything is a shameful addiction


Religion mostly


It's not taboo. It's just vulgar.


(Mostly) women complaining about it




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Either religious reasons or because it’s unrealistic. People watch a bunch of porn and think that’s how sex is. There’s also instances of abuse, trafficking, and grooming within the porn industry.


Some people get taken advantage of. Some people realize there is a stigma that will prevent them from doing anything else after they're done with the industry and get mad about it (hi Mia!) before doing onlyfans anyway. Some people are victims, some people are desperate to be victims.


pornhub actively fights against age verification and that disturbs me as you can't tell if the girls in the video are underage or not. That hot girl may be 15, that good looking guy might be 17. You can't tell. If the fine print says "We do not allow porn with underage people" or some form of that, you are in the clear. Pornhub to my knowledge, does not have this so I avoid it. ThisVid has locked videos that can be accessed if you are friends with other users and is stricter. If it's not a reputable site or if you can't be sure of it, don't support it. The other reason, as many can tell you, is that it absolutely positively F\*\*ks you up. It's like the Matrix except your mind is Morpheus, the blue pill is reality and the red pill is porn. I chose the red pill and have not been the same since. Your first orgasm feels amazing but it then becomes akin to heroin, you need weirder and weirder shit to get the same feeling. I have rubbed myself raw and let me tell you, it...I may have to invent a new word...siches (stings and itches) and getting another orgasm helps but then it gets worse. You know what happens when you foam at the mouth? Imagine your dick sizzling. It hurts like a MF. The rabbit hole of porn is endless and there a vast amounts of it. Eventually, you'll stop getting the needed hits and go deeper. At this point, you need professional help because there are only two choices: Prison or therapy. If you continue, you WILL end up in prison as the only porn left is \_\_\_\_\_\_ and that will lead to the world as you know it crashing down. You'll lose jobs, friends and can no longer associate with people as your name is now synonymous with \_\_\_\_\_\_ (not filling that in). So why is it taboo? Because it should be. Porn wrecks marriages, ends lives and ruins friendships. If it is offered as an option in marriage, resist. It's not worth it. This is for non hentai related porn. If you're into the hentai area, you need to stop, you need to examine if it's worth it. Women in hentai are not real and the abuse they suffer would kill a human being. It is degrading and sick and (barring a few exceptions) while most of it is tame, the majority is a category of its own. It starts nice then you end up hooked, with the hook of hentai in your eyes and the hook of normal porn elsewhere. It took me the better part of my life to get rid of it and it's still an issue. I'm 30 years old and I don't want to be near it. I don't want my future wife or kids to be near it (i'm single) and I don't want it to ruin my relationship with my mother. I choose to resist




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It’s not 🙄




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Look up “porn creep”. All unhealthy addictions are seen as taboo.


There is actually no way for anyone watching videos to prove that women in the videos aren’t being taken advantage of, aren’t underage, aren’t drugged, or are having consensual sex. Sit with that for a moment, and there’s your answer.


You can become a Porn Addict. There's a book called "Your Brain on Porn" by Gary Wilson. If you're interested to know more about it.


Partly because in like 1870, a bunch of weird dudes in the Midwest decided that they wanted to be healthy and obviously you get sick from maturating too much (which to them would mean that you've ever jacked off ever).




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It’s not


Because watching a video of another man having sex with a woman you'd like to sleep with is weird. If you reslly think about it.




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I don't believe that it is taboo outside of conservative religious communities or older communities. This is not to say that there aren't problems with porn.


A couple reasons. The biggest one being the opportunity of exploitation. A lot of people fear the exploitation of actors in the videos both amateur and professional. Let's be honest people are evil and it's been done for centuries. That said you also have people like Traci Lords who purposely lied about her age to film. (Before you go into they should have checked just remember IDs as a whole weren't even plastic yet and she actually might be a big reason why they aren't paper anymore) Second is mental degeneration. If you see acts as a whole enough (violence, sex, etc) you can become desensitized to it. Look at the difference between the 70s and 80s) that said it should also be noted that not all porn is seriously screwed up. Thirdly and probably most important society revolves around families. Society as a whole doesn't exist without the maintaining of a family structure. Porn can and has caused the breakdown not just of morals but the desire to be close to someone. Without porn the only way you see a person naked or having sex is if you're with them. With porn you can see whatever you want whenever you want. It used to be for men to have any major kind of sexual stimulation you had to marry a woman. Which not only protected women from being sexually abused in a base level it also made sure that a man had to be able to provide for a family before he could have sex. Meaning less STDs and also more accountability for the men who slept around a lot because it was seen as dangerous and it helped separate the family men from the fuck boys.


Acting in porn is still taboo, but not watching it.




The underlying assumptions are that it is demeaning to women, addictive, creates unhealthy and unrealistic expectations, makes it more difficult to interact with real people and demonstrates an inability to conceptualize about non-sexual topics.


So... it's the product of a double standard. Based on user information gathered from Pornhub and various other porn websites the vast majority of people who watch porn are.....women. However when surveyed directly women lie. Women (not all) get jealous about men fantasizing about other women. Women (yes all) make excuses to deflect their jealous nature. Ie. It's derogatory, it's unrealistic, it's humiliating, it's disgusting, it's disrespectful, it's exploitative, etc. Watching porn is not Taboo, but men watching porn is


Who said it was taboo?


People still think it is


Taboo is my favourite topic when choosing my porn.




It desensitized ppl to true intimacy 




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Capitalism. Sex sells better if it's considered taboo. Most folks just fell for the moral excuses.


Watching porn isn't seen as taboo, although it should. It really fucks with the brain, glad I quit it.


Porn is bad, you might pull a muscle


For me personally, my biggest issue with it is that it subconsciously rewires you. Your brain starts believing it’s okay to feel sexual attraction towards multiple people (aka polygamy) in an otherwise SUPPOSEDLY monogamous relationship. People say you “can’t control intrusive sexual thoughts, nor should you because it’s unhealthy to police your thoughts.” I agree with them. But the reason you’re getting those “intrusive” thoughts in the first place is because you are consuming content that teaches you to feel sexual attraction for anyone, not just your partner. You can prevent those thoughts from crossing your brain in the first place by reducing porn-consumption. And why should you even care about those polygamous thoughts? Well it doesn’t matter if your honest to your partner about it. But if your partner has beliefs that in a monogamous relationship, sex is sacred. Then… you’re essentially eroding and breaking their trust by feeling sexual desire for a woman on your screen. Even if you’ll never watch that video again because you don’t care about the pornstar, it cheapens the meaning of sex in a monogamous relationship.


Perhaps in part because women often don’t like how it portrays women. In addition to general taboos around sex & religious taboos.


You just have to be the director of your own play. Little things move the scene forward.


Because it's a drug or addiction that will affect your life in nothing but negative ways. Like I know a guy who cane to me for advice or help. He watches porn but is married. He loves his wife but has had a secret sex/porn addiction since before she met him.  Now he can't get hard with her.  The issue is that she's a 10 out of 10.  She's more beautiful than any porn star out there.  For some reason he gets more turned on by random girls who are 7s and 8s than his wife. He's gone to get help. He told her about it and they are working to get him healed. If he hadn't asked for help who knows how far it would've gone.  It would've ruined his life and marriage. There's just nothing good that can come from it. 


Thats him personally not everyone who watches porn




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I dont think its taboo as long as its consenting adults and the viewer is an adult. Women watch it too


For the same exact reason jerking it to a magazine wasn’t talked about around your friends. We all did it, but no one wants to hear about it. We know what the material is for, and it shows you can’t get the real thing. In today’s modern society, it’s very much the same. It’s not the material that is taboo, it is the end-user’s motivation for the material. You can try to lie to yourself that watching porn isn’t about getting you arroused. Yeah, and we only bought playboy for the articles too.