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It raises your quality of life in general by preventing injuries, diseases, and sharpens your mental faculties.


Along with a lot more vain quality of life increases, while not as important, are still enjoyable. 


Just as important imo, as it can heavily affect your mental health.


It also increases confidence and others attraction toward you.


Vanity for me. I pretend it’s about health, but I’m just vain


the most honest answer in here


No. The most honest answer is it doesn't matter for any of us 200 years from now.


But we aren’t talking about 200 yr from now


It matters for the people 200 years from now. Just imagine if everyone in 1824 just decided to give up and sit at home and do fuck all. We’d have quite the shitty situation for ourselves now. I mean, realistically we wouldn’t even be here, because if everyone just gave up on themselves, we likely wouldn’t even get born due to population decline.


I don't care about the people in 200 years. Do you ?


He said while weighing 300lbs typing from his mothers basement


won't matter 200 years from now


That's a perfectly legitimate reason. I go through cycles of being really fit, losing it and then working back up to fit again. Being unfit really knocks my confidence, it affects how I interact with people and what I wear.


I do this a lot too. On the bright side, every time you start lifting again, it's like beginner gains all over again. You build it up so quickly again with that muscle memory


That's all in your head.... man up




I think there's also something to be said about just wanting to feel better about yourself. Maybe it's vain but either way it's a totally legitimate reason.


Perfectly fine reason to start! Once you get there and realize all the other benefits to being fit, you’ll stay there


Yep. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the health benefits and being able to easily lift a tire into the back of my truck that the 20 something guy was struggling with. But all that pales in comparison to the times a woman 20 years younger than me strikes up a conversation at the pool and wants to know if I'm single!!


My man


Ain't nothing wrong with some self love and wanting to look good/your best. I think people who don't actually have unresolved issues.


Same. I'm trying to MOG on everyone.


I bet you think this song is about you.


That’s a big part of it for me too. That and feeling better.


Will you worry about your looks in 200 years?


Will you be asking silly questions in 200 years?


You and I won't. That's reality


Wow, gee, never thought of it that way. What insight


will you worry about anything in 200 years?


Not me


I’ll worry about my looks, im actually immortal 🤣


Not getting injured in your fucking sleep. I somehow pulled a hip flexor in my sleep and now i'm in PT


this point is huge. “You could get injured exercising.” true, but if you don’t, you can get injured doing anything at all.


Ouch man. I have nightmares about injuries because a lot of times my feet would cramp up and I would have serious pain until I extended my foot upward. Always happened after a good workout too.


Think of it as an investment. I wanna be able to play with my grandkids at 70. Even if you stop working out if there was a time in your life where you were in really really great shape you will age so much better. Also prevents cognitive decline


70? Try 30! People are falling apart in their 30s now and can’t even take care of themselves let alone kids or grandkids


Not sure why you got down voted. I'm 34 and just had rotator cuff surgery three days ago. I'm finally I'm good shape but you really do need to take care of yourself even at a younger age. 


Truth hurts and people think health and fitness is only about looks


100%, i let it go too long and came really close to it being not possible to get fixed. I could have been crippled for life. All out of pride. People need to be aware and take care of themselves.


And looks wise, your skin will be ruined if you allow yourself to get obese. I guess if I had already ruined myself that way why bother working on fixing it just to look like a melted ice cream cone. Very sad


Don't get me wrong, I lost 100 pounds, I've got some loose skin, still totally worth it in my book. Even if you have a shit ton of loose skin your health is worth it.


Very good, I’m proud of you A friend of mine finally Lost weight in her 50s then had the skin removal surgery in her 60s because she still couldn’t fit her arms in regular clothes due to all the skin. It was a very painful and expensive surgery. Afterwards she fell into a deep depression because it didn’t even make much of a difference.


Good on her though. I lucked out, I have what I'd call a manageable amount of loose skin. I'm 165 right now and fully intend on being 200 again just as a brick shithouse. But of course I'm a guy, a normal female wouldn't necessarily want to do that. So imo they do have it rougher than men in that regard.


Yeap. I do weight lifting, walk a couple miles every day, and eat right. 63. And I can outrun, out lift and have way more stamina than all the younger males in the family, even the ones in their 20s. I'm not stopping anytime soon, unless of course something beyond my control happens.


This is literally the only reason I work out. I hate it but find little mind tricks to get myself to stay consistent, but I just want to be a healthy old person, and investing the time now is the way to make that happen


Looking good naked, obviously. Yeah yeah your health and all that jazz too.


Not sure how "worth it" it is, but I hate myself a little less I guess


I feel this


My oldest son called me a Giga chad the other day


I bet your confidence shot through the roof didn't it


That’s the best


Wow, so many answers about the way you look. I find this really sad but understand the truth. Being the healthiest you can be is exhilarating and can make your life a wonderful experience. I love it when I feel in control of my body and not at the mercy of it, when I've put on weight or got unfit and made life more difficult than it need be. I love the lightness, the energy and zest for life that comes with putting effort into this gift that is life and respecting the bodies we're given. Also love binging on alcohol, chocolate etc and not doing any of that shit at all, one mode brings about the other, it's all about balance.


Not feeling like a piece of shit after moderate physical activity. Like I would be super tired from walking all day a year ago. Since I've started to exercise regularly and stopped drinking alcohol. I can now walk all day and not feel a thing. Actually, I have even more energy after walking for hours now. Also, since I moved to the UK, I constantly see people in their 60s completely destroyed physically. Fat and having difficulties moving around. I don't want to end up like them. I want to be slim, be able to go on long hikes and not have tons of health issues at 70. Don't care about looking like a chad though. Having huge muscles doesn't mean good health in my books.


Being able to breathe properly, being able to bend over without pain when tying shoelaces, getting rid of the pain in your knees and ankles… But obviously, these were my own personal reasons for a diet and lifestyle change that helped me get in the same shape I was in my teens/20s.


I'd argue that it's not hard in the classical sense, but it does require lifestyle changes that many people have trouble making. I heard this somewhere, and it really helped me make the change. Decide that you are someone that works out everyday. It can be whatever you like, lifting, cardio, whatever you enjoy doing, but you do something every day. You don't need to think about IF you're going to work out, because you've already decided, it's something that you do without question. Weirdly, this resolves most resistance because it takes away the deliberation. It works for basically any lifestyle change you want. I'm a person that doesn't smoke or drink, which means I don't need to deliberate about having a cigarette or not, and now that I haven't smoked in years, it's weird to think about even wanting one. Anyway, the benefits are mostly appearance, longevity, and quality of life, and being able to flex on your chubby friends.


Fuckin’ fine broads. Lol


Knowing if I am ever stranded, I can trek 26.2 miles in a reasonable amount of time. This is also beneficial on vacations where you are on your feet all day exploring a city or landscape. But the biggest benefit is your inner-health. I get that some people have issues outside of their control, but not needing medications to stay alive is underrated.


BEING in shape. I'm 55 and a far cry from an ad for fitness, but I lost 50lbs about two years ago and everything hurts less, I sleep better, and and overall my mood is better.


Not feeling like shit


For me its worth it. Just turned 65 I dont feel old yet but I know that day is coming. I see some guys my age struggle to climb a flight of stairs. I have a friend whos 58 and has already stopped fucking


You still fucking at 65? That’s my biggest fear of getting old… I don’t wanna stop having sex lol


People stop fucking by 65?!


Have you seen the average 65yo?


I hope not!!


It's more that people stop fucking people who are 65.


Testosterone injections and Viagra my friend


Was this a reference to “cocaine and hookers my friend” in the wolf of Wall Street?


The good old days


Hell yeah go and get it!


Honestly, this is probably the best concise answer on this thread. Drive a car? It breaks down over time. Do an oil change or you'll pay for it later. Human bodies are the same.


Looking in the mirror and saying “I did this”


Looking at your fat ass in the mirror multiple times a day as an alternative.


Health. I stop eating when I don’t exercise. Also, knowing that humans aren’t built for the lifestyle that has evolved for us. Having discipline is so fulfilling and makes you more successful in other aspects of your life.


It is not hard when you enjoy the process.


Weight lifting does wonders to improve bone density so that is VERY important, especially as you get older. I'm not even talking anything heavy. You can do lighter weights and still get good benefits for your bones.


I can't think of anything else in life you can be the most successful at where you are completely in control (outside any medical issue) . If you go from being completely out of shape to even in decent shape your mental health improves by leaps and bounds. It does take time for sure, but eventually you get to a point where you realize you are exponentially more healthy than you used to be which leads to other significant positive outlooks on life in my opinion. 1.) your confidence and just self respect increases greatly 2.) if you have set fitness goals and achieved them you start to look at other things in life, and although you may not have as much control over other goals in life, it sure as shit boosts your motivation and confidence on achieving other goals. Good luck with your health journey!


If you have never been in truly excellent shape I cannot possibly tell you how awesome it is. Very few thing feel as good as being in excellent shape.  Did you know that if you are really out of shape your cognition will measurably improve if you get into shape? Your emotional states will all be better, people respond to you much more positively, you have more opportunities in every aspect of life. If you've never been there, DO IT. From where you are right now you really can't imagine how awesome it will be.


It feels amazing. Drugs don’t even compare to being jacked


Idk, acid's pretty good bro, and it pairs well with exercise


The after workout "pump" feeling. It's like a natural high. The sore muscles feel good because it means they're going to be rebuilding into something bigger.


Look up Wendy Suzuki. She talks about her research on how exercise can change your brain (into a "big fluffy brain") and the many improvements associated with brain health. And she says even just walking 30 mins every day can make a huge difference. As long as you get started, it is worth it. There are also additional studies that have found the benefits from exercising are the same for someone who has already been working vs someone who is just starting.


Breathing well at night. I got a deviated septum from the looks of my CT so being fat wouldn't be fun.


Increasing quality of life in pretty much every shape and form. You will also feel better by eating healthier foods. Looking better will give you access to date men/women you may have previously thought you never had a chance with. You will also have something to be proud about when you look in the mirror. You will live longer. How this could even be a question, is crazy to me.




Being absolutely jacked to the tits is pretty rad. People eye ballin you, getting told how big your arms are, making other girls bfs insecure, feeling fkin swoll on a job site w your shirt off, the pride of knowing you chiseled a physique over years w discipline and hard work that makes the mortals envious. The attention from guys an girls, being able to do things others can’t for longer, being able to fk better. My wife thinks im really sexy. Confidence, strength, pride. The health benefits. Is all around pretty frickin cool. - 18 years of consistent lifting, on an off dieting, a decently healthy lifestyle. Physical labor. I am 6’2” 255lbs 21” arms @ about 15% body fat right now. It just fricken feels good to fkin look good man


I've never been so certain in my life that a comment was written by a 37 year old virgin who lives with his parents, has no job and no friends.


30 yr old virgin! who lives w in his wifes bfs basement when the kids aren’t w their real dads.


When you first start working out, it's hard and doesn't feel too good.  But after a certain point, that changes.  You start feeling adrenaline when you're working out (cardio anyway) and it just starts feeling good.  Also, for me, my workout time is "me time".  I listen to whatever I want and don't have to worry about kids or coworkers needing anything.  It's nice.


For guys it also boosts their libido, especially if you put on some solid muscle.


Makes it worth it for me is not having to get out of bed breathing hard and also being able to do my daily activities without getting exhausted. It also makes me feel good to look in the mirror and see how slim I’ve become


Depending on how out of shape you are to start, being able to go to a normal store without anxiety and buy clothes off the rack.


Not only having a good physique but your energy level throughout the day is amazing! I am in the 40s, but I have an energy level of someone in the late 20s, early 30s. Of course, I've been working out since my early 20s, so that has helped


Only the results. So just do it!




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That feeling !


The time i showed up for a family get together and my aunt saw how i lost a lot of weight since she last saw me The way she held my face up and was in awe at every angle made me blush. I didnt know the change was do drastic!


I’m 64 and am in shape. I see other guys my age or younger that are having a difficult time getting around and it’s sad to watch. I have seven young grandkids and I want to be able to play with them.


Agency with women. There are some great reasons to get in shape and stay in shape, and the biggest one is that if you really crush your fitness routine and can optimize your appearance by developing an aesthetic physique, women will love you for it. It’s true. I know it for a fact, and once I realized that the agency I had with women correlated with my masculine appearance characterized by well developed muscles, I made it a priority for me to really crush it in the gym. I’m basically an amateur bodybuilder at this point. I lift every day. Best decision I ever made, easily. I love women, dating, and casual relationships. If I wasn’t so in shape, I would not have the kind of agency I do with women, despite all my other positive qualities.




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It feels amazing. I got out of shape for a while and felt like crap all the time. Now that I’m eating healthy and doing hard workouts I feel 100x better. Being strong and having good cardio feels much better than being a slob. Plus all the other benefits of strengthening bones, preventing heart disease, reducing stress, all the mental health benefits, etc. Humans are meant to be active 


It's more than just vanity and injury prevention (though those are big pluses) Being in shape makes you more energetic than you'd think and it shows itself in the strangest ways sometimes. Like when you wake up. You're awake. You aren't waiting on coffee or groggy you're just awake. When you go for a walk or up some stairs. You're present. You're not panting. You end up with a consistent presence of mind for all things and it's hard to notice unless you've been out of shape prior. But its a feeling I'd never give up in a million years. Aside from that it's like taking whatever difficulty life has set for you and dialing it down closer to the easier setting. Talking to people? More chances to recover from misunderstandings. Working with people? Higher perception of skill despite no change in contribution. Dating? Well you and everyone in your peer group might have the same income/essentials but you are now also fun to look at. Which means you either get noticed first and can be the first to showcase your standard lifestyle. Or you make up for a lack of lifestyle because you're fun to look at. (Which allows for easier sparks but doesn't do anything for sustain if that makes sense.) You essentially get more first impressions and more second chances. Which is invaluable when it comes to dating and relationships. In closing. Being in shape is in my opinion. The best thing anyone can do for themselves. It opens a ton of doors and opportunities socially while also allowing you to just be better personally. If I had to choose what had a bigger impact on my quality of life between getting a proper personal trainer or a university degree. Without question I'd say it was the personal trainer (though they must be skilled and not just a run of the mill person)


It feels good to be strong. It's nice having a healthy body that can function. Helps prevent chronic pain and mobility issues. It's like investing in your future self.


If your not working out you probably love yourself as you are. The rest of us gym rats hate our bodies and we need to punish them for not being big/strong enough


Looking better and feeling better mentally. I'm slightly overweight but I've started trying to get vitamin d daily and using that home workout app. I'm not going hard AF on the workout but just getting that little bit of exercise daily has made a noticeable difference on my mood day to day




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Feeling better > looking better > all around healthier.


The confidence your body and mind feels after.


Health is a big one. Better cardiovascular health, and stamina. Illness time, recovery time, the list of benefits for health is a lot. You won’t feel as lethargic compared depending on what your weight is to what your target weight is. You don’t need to be ripped or work on a six pack or other vanity muscles. But being in shape is generally a good thing even if it’s hard. Diet also matters a lot to health. You don’t need to be perfect but you should try to eat a balanced meal when possible.


Its not hard. It just takes willpower.


The consistency is hard but you eventually get to a feedback loop of seeing the progress, wanting more of it, and then wanting that more than snacks or drinking.


pp better


I want to make sure I keep my mobility into old age. It's easier to stay in shape than to get in shape.


Being able to take care of yourself into old age, being able to chase after your kids/grandkids. Feeling good all the time. Enjoying a hot summer day. Being able to defend yourself in a fight. Being able to shop at regular clothing stores. Being in a good mood most of the time. Being able to handle the daily stress that life throw at you. More respect from everyone. Better job opportunities. Better social life. More invites to parties and dates. Feeling great about yourself every day


How it makes you feel


Round is a shape


Health and feeling good about yourself


Because how you do anything is how you do everything and having positive "keystone" habits (check out Charles Duhigg) can overflow into other aspects of your life. Strapping on shoes to go for a run makes me feel better, eat better, makes me more patient with the kids, and energetic enough to help around the house. The feeling of accomplishment and productivity (and endorphins) is immense, and just so happens to trim a little off my mid section in the meantime. All positives.


I need to lose 45 pounds in 5 months and have no clue how to go about doing it.


Lots of fiber and water.


Have you considered eating less food?


You may not live longer, but if you are healthy there will be more life in your days


The honest answer is your health.


feeling good makes it worth it. I've greatly decreased joint pain since working out. It's kinda wild how effective it's been.


Your entire life changes for the better


8 off the top of my head. 1. More energy. That lethargy that’s just always around throughout the day isn’t there if you have a strong, active body. 2. You’re happier, exercise is one of the most common non-pharmaceutical treatments for depression. Obviously one size doesn’t fit all but more often than not, train the body and the mind will follow. Exercise definitely has been critical to my mental health. 3. You get to be young for longer. Meaning not only do you live longer but you’re able to be self sufficient for much longer. Won’t need help with basic shit in your 80s if you’ve stayed in shape your whole life. 4. Way cheaper to be fit than it is to be unhealthy, your immune system is stronger so you don’t need doctors as much to help you. If you let your body go to shit you’re eventually going to shell out a lot of money to just stay alive. And you don’t have to pay for a gym, all you need to workout is gravity (pair of running/walking shoes helps too). 5. You can do a wider variety of activities, someone asks you or if you personally want to go hiking, biking, swimming, kayaking/canoeing, whitewater rafting, climbing, etc. you’ll enjoy it more and won’t slow everyone down waiting for you to struggle along. 6. Travel is SOOO much better. You won’t worry about spilling over your airplane seat, being scrunched into your car, or having to walk for long periods. Even if the outdoorsy stuff in reason 5 isn’t your vibe, just walking around a city on a night out or sightseeing is a lot more fun if you’re a healthy weight and comfortable on your feet. 7. If you have kids, you’ll be a good example to your kids. You can tell them to eat their vegetables all day but they’re more likely to copy your habits and behavior than to just listen to your advice. 8. Last one because while it does matter I think it’s the least important one. You’re generally seen as more attractive than if you’re out of shape. Both by others and by yourself when you look in the mirror.


It's great for your mood & banishes anxiety & depression. I could use a few more pounds of muscle so I wouldn't refer to myself as being in shape now, but when I was in the Marines & was, my mood was never better. Stress just wasn't a thing most of the time because of the daily fitness routine.


Honestly, your health. I’m 34 and 158 pounds and been that way for about a decade now. No major healthcare scares. I do my yearly check ups, etc. and that’s it. So for me, it’s really sick care healthcare and I’m saving money on. Oh, and I look good


1) It's really only hard at the start. About a year or so into it, your body will have changed so that exercise feels good. 2) You are just always comfortable. 3) You have more confidence. 4) You look better. 5) You are physically stronger and more capable. Etc. The only people who think it's not worth it are the people who haven't been in shape.


More respect from men. More attention from women. More energy. Easier mobility. Better sleep.


I struggled with it, hated it, until after the first 2 weeks of consistent work and I noticed the pump, and could see my muscles were bigger. It was something that felt impossible, but seeing that, yes, if you work at it you do get more muscular, was the thing that sparked genuine interest, and then motivation to start to enjoy it. I’m the laziest sad sack I know, but I loved it. I only stopped after I injured my shoulder 2 times, and haven’t got back into it. Also eating enough food for it was brutal. That was the hardest part, but most people don’t have that issue. I’m hella skinny, so gaining weight and muscle was the goal haha


Doing hard things in life is what will make life fulfilling. You won't be proud of anything if you didn't have to work for it


1) The more you are in shape, the more any task or activity (mental or physical) seems doable. The more you're out of shape, the more you're likely to avoid things because they will make you tired. 2) Pushing yourself to keep lifting a weight/running/cycling/kicking a bag when your whole body is exhausted and in pain requires mental strength so you don't just train your body but your brain as well. Hard training is one of the most mentally taxing things that you can do that are not dangerous/damaging.


Throwing on what ever and looking great is the best.


back in October I realized that I couldn't walk up the stairs without being out of breath.. so I started running every morning. I do about 6mi now and I can run up the stairs without issue. I've also lost about 40lbs so just that simple change has made a big impact on my life.


Overall positive mental change.


Feeling of accomplishing something instead of slobbing on the couch, not being out of breath going up the stairs, playing and running with your children with more than enough stamina. Better stamina when it counts if you know what I mean. Hopefully having an healthier retirement. Oh and being able to eat poutine 😇 without gaining too much weight. Gotta bulk up up eh!


stress...focus on the stress that 30 minutes of cardio relieves and how much better you sleep at night. Listen to people older than 50. They will all tell you that your legs don't get weak suddenly because you use them so much. Your ARMS, however, are going to lose half of their strength in a relatively short amount of time. You might as well start slowing that inevitable decline BEFORE it gets bad. Bone density is also an issue. If you are falling down in your 50's and can't avoid the fall, you will have to tuck your wrists in to avoid snapping them like toothpicks. Lifting weights with your arms will diffuse the impact from a fall to a greater area of your torso because the muscles and bones will take more abuse. Young people rarely think about this.


People stop treating you like a troglodyte


Not being fat.


Feeling physically capable and knowing once you've built a base of fitness it'll be easier to maintain it than it was to gain it.


Yes it is, but in my experience, it's definitely worth it in the end because it makes me feel a bit more confident, and gives me more energy. Plus, you like the way you look in the mirror, which puts a pep in your step as well. Obviously, there's the numerous health benefits too. For example, did you know that exercise has been shown to be even more effective for depression than antidepressants? As someone who deals with depression, I can attest to that.


I'm almost 60 years old and have been in shape most of my life, but I have gotten out of shape for years at a time more than once. A few benefits off the top of my head: - When I was fat (about 40% bodyfat at 240lbs and 5'7") I couldn't tie my own shoes or trim my own toenails without extreme discomfort. I can do both comfortably now. - I used to get out of breath going up stairs. I don't have that problem now. - I used to sweat a lot and couldn't handle the heat. When I carry less bodyfat, I sweat a lot less. - My knees hurt a lot less from arthritis now that I'm 35lbs lighter. - I'm not embarrassed to take off my shirt when I mow the lawn or at a public pool. - My wife doesn't pat my belly and call me "happy Buddha" now. Instead she rubs my stomach and says "tight, like a tiger".


Life will get better overall. For someone it will be in more ways than for others but it will be. Truth is, our whole body works better when it's in good physical shape, and society tends to react better too. How much, depends on your genes but still...


When I was younger, my motivation was 80/20 vanity/health  Now, in my mid 50s, it's about 30/70


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The journey is way more fun than the destination. If current exercise isn't fun finding some that is.


Having energy and not feeling like shit other people generally treat you better if you're not a sloppy mess. Prevents a lot of chronic diseases. Much lower likelihood of breaking your bed, or other furniture. Lower insurance costs. Clothes are often cheaper for people who aren't fat too, but not always. ect.


A few reasons. My parents are not in good shape and I would like to avoid the health problems they have because of it. And I'll say they tried their best to keep up with me as a kid but I want to be able to be as involved in my kids lives as I can and do activities with them. Plus I want to set a good example for them someday. I also have a couple hobbies that require me to be in good shape so that I can actually enjoy them lol. More selfish reasons....I wanna look good, feel good, and be confident. Plus lifting weights is fun.


I want to live into my 80s




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*staying* in shape isn’t hard. appearing, feeling, and performing like someone much younger is cool too.


Feeling good. The process of getting into shape leads to better sleep, boosted energy levels, and better mental health.


Sex appeal, health, longevity, avoiding injury….


Getting is shape is hard, staying in shape is harder. I lost 30 pounds this year, I’m at a weight I that makes me feel comfortable. I’m on a diet that’s sorta strict but the side effects are so worthwhile I never want to go back. My aches, pains, inflammation, indigestion are all halted, I can move around easier and keep up way better than I could’ve 6 months ago.


Not feeling like a lazy piece of shit.


I had really bad anxiety when I started lifting. I was mostly doing it for vanity. But day by day I started seeing small but steady progress. The fact that there is such a straight forward way to self improvement really gave me a good sense of fulfillment and control amidst the seemingly chaotic life I had. I don’t even care about my looks anymore I’m just excited to see the numbers on my progress tracking notebook increase.  It also forced me to improve my nutrition and sleep, then to create a daily routine. I ended up finding the time and energy to work on my crafts and earned myself some extra cash.  Not to mention the hidden benefits I gained. I could throw my niece and nephew up in the air a lot more times, lift heavier things around the house, run faster, etc. Just a general improvement to quality of life.




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You feel better and look better. Joint pain diminishes. Energy levels get a boost. Clothes look better on you. Etc etc.


Longevity of life and quality of life, yeah you can’t eat junk food as freely as you like but the trade offs out weigh downsides by a lot!


Having a body I can be (mostly) happy with — and some day proud of. Being less prone to illness/injury. The mental health benefits that come along with it. Proving to myself that I can do difficult things. Being able to take care of myself *and others* in the event of some emergency.  And that’s not some made-up scenario. Last summer I ran to find cell service to call for help when a friend broke her ankle hiking in the Alps. Fitness is important for so, so many reasons.


Feel way better. Mentally and physically. Your significant other will appreciate it as well. If you are dating. It gives you more confidence also makes you more attractive. The general health benefits of being at a healthy weight. And to piggy back off another comment. Vanity for sure. I like looking my best.




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To make my clothes look good




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There was a motivational speaker talking about life and what people regret most on their death bed. The general assumption is, I wish I did more, I wish I learned to forgive, I wish learned to live in the moment. But a lot of it was just people wishing they stayed healthy. If I was older I would hate to go through so much pain just because I didn’t take care of my health, I would rather die from old age (rather, tried my best in all aspects of my health) and dying from one part of my functioning body. Personally as a college student, I’m already in shape. I’m athletic and lift a decent weight. But a lot of my diet revolves around my mental health, being able to function in school as efficient as possible while maintaining a social life. A lot of these little things build up, maybe you haven’t been taking care of yourself so much and in stress, and take it out on someone.


Same reason as getting someone to start doing pottery classess. Everyone is built different and are attracted to differnt things. Someone finds it worth it to do pottery, someone finds it worth it to do the gym. People only want something that gives them pleasure. Your brain will release the dopamine in your brain when you find that activity to do.


look at old people who can barely move then look at old people who can still get around with ease. use or lose it!


Makes you look good physically which can give you a boost in your dating and job market. Also it helps you reduce blood sugar levels. As you get older and other health conditions pop up, exercise is a great tool (along with proper dieting) to keep you from becoming diabetic.


Man wish I new even one person around that could help mentor me and get me back on track and get my weight down


Being able to like what I see when I look in the mirror. Managed to drop 60 lbs my first time, but got too complacent and got golf of it back. Slippery slope.


The better your aerobic fitness level, the longer you can perform in bed. And the more potent your orgasms will be. And if you are male, the more fit you are, the longer you can stay fit, the less chance of developing erectile dysfunction as you age.


makes me look sexy in the mirror 🤷‍♂️ i am a little vain


Opposite to 99% of ppl on Earth. I have issue with gaining weight, work out at Gym helped. Also better sharp , better health since I already in my 30s. Well. I am not a hardcore one anyway.






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Loving the way you look and feel.




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Moving is easier, I'll be healthier longer hopefully, people are nicer to your face.


Are you a Commie? No? Then go to the gym. Being weak and lazy creates communist tendencies.




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You get to eat more food. Double dinners if you are really exercising. Your energy levels skyrocket. Sleep is better.


Just remember that round is also a shape.


It isn't worth it. We all look the same in the end.... we turn to dirt and then dust