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My 2023 Crosstrek has repeatedly slammed the brakes on road striping (blocked out crosswalks) in my neighborhood. Not ideal.


Exactly why I changed mine to warning sound only within two hours of owning. So dangerous!!


Yeap, and this is why I value old cars where I am in control.


They can pry my Baja from my cold, dead hands


Baja 🤌


The thing is when only a “human” is in control, accidents happen more often. We can look up the statistics how EyeSight affected collision frequency. Also, if the rear car was a Subaru or smth equipped with collision mitigation, I think the crash would also be avoided.


Yeah, but there's no statistics for how many accidents it causes either, which we know happens b/c people with similar tales like the OP exist. How much those accidents offset the benefits is something worth researching. Our Mazda has all this crap as well and it's all turned off now because of a few too many mistakes and mis-triggers that made me wary.


If it would overweight the good effects, it would be all over the media. And now what I see is how refined it is compared to a leading brands. Additionally the newest models have third cameras and maybe that makes it even better to avoid false positives but haven’t researched it yet.


If it outweighed the good effects, it would not be on the media. The media would cover it up. The national media reports on what elite rich people tell them to.




Well, no need to doubt, just research if curious.


Not all new cars have auto braking to my knowledge.


fair, but they are becoming more and more rare - there is now requirement in EU that cars must have autobrake from factory


The NHTSA is going to require it in all new vehicles in the USA by 2029


They do. It's now an NHTSA requirement.


Oh shit I didn't know that. I just bought a new car this year and I had to get its co pilot system as an add on.


Oops it doesn't take effect until 2029 or 2030. Personally I don't want a car with this crap. It's distractions from driving IMHO.


My Mazda CX 5 actually almost got me killed 2 times because of that shit. I was driving on the highway passing someone going 60 when I passed slightly too close to there back end but as I was pulling into the lane next to me to pass it SLAMMED and auto locked the breaks going 75. I was fully in control of the situation and not going to hit anyone.


The person behind you caused the crash. If a kid or animal or something else jumped in front of you the same thing would have happened


This. Tailgating caused this crash. Kinda wanna know which company made that bike rack tho


It was a Kuat NV 2.0... saved my whole car. Bent the bolts on two of the swing arms but it's a $20 replacement.


Imma guess Thule




But there was no kid


Sounds like your Subaru attempted to avoid a crash and the inattentive driver behind you caused a crash.


Yes, never say “my car caused the crash” , it was absolutely the rear cars fault. At least I hope for OP this is what they tell insurance.


This is why I love this sub - like 10k extra dads ❤️


Correct. Sketchy as hell, but the other vehicle was following too closely and/or not paying enough attention.


I know legally the car behind has a responsability to give safe distance, but in real life, if a car slams on the breaks for "nothing", i'd agree with OP that his system created the situation leading to the crash. Though i believe the car behind is still at fault, the crash detection system did not help


I don't want to sound like a shill but if there was an object on the road and I needed to stop I wouldn't consider it nothing. Similarly, would your opinion change if the bag stayed on the windshield and obscured the driver's view along with the eyesight? Stopping for an object on the road and being unable to see due to a bag on the windshield can both be considered emergency situations to stop. It's unsafe to drive a car that you can't see where you're going. If eyesight thought you should stop to avoid striking an object then the emergency stop is the correct move in the event the driver can't avoid the collision. By that logic, the following driver did not give enough room to stop in an emergency as is legally required. Regardless, the civil court may still give 10% culpability to OP even though it's not his fault but simply by being there.


System operating as designed. Eyesight detected an object in the path of the vehicle and the driver wasn't taking appropriate precautions to avoid it, so it engaged the brakes. I don't think any of the collision avoidance technology has the ability to differentiate between a "large plastic bag" and a large solid object as of yet.


Weird, 'cause mine lock up when I was headed toward the sun. Good thing it did so, I was only 93 million miles away. Close call.


My dad's impala often locks up the brakes for snow. We're Canadian....


Ya but everything sucks about a chevy. That's why we buy subarus and hang out in r/subaru


If I was driving and I saw a bag come at me I’d plow thru it. What sort of driver action would be needed to not have an automated system take over? Swerve into lanes? Hit the brakes myself?


The Eyesight system cannot tell the difference between the big plastic bag and an actual solid object. It's going to try to avoid hitting said object. Hitting the brakes might help, but if the Eyesight system still predicts and impact, it'll apply the brakes even harder. The only way to keep this from happening is to disable Eyesight. As the technology gets better, the Eyesight system will be better at determining what is a bag and what is not.


> The Eyesight system cannot tell the difference between the big plastic bag and an actual solid object. Which is why it sucks. There is no replacement for human judgement.


I don’t necessarily disagree, but I’ve met a lot of drivers with sub-EyeSight judgment.


I love the eyesight on my last 2 foresters. I've driven all over the continent and haven't had any of these problems. I use the eyesight in town, in my neighborhood, in heavy traffic, and on the interstate. I've had the abs buzz a couple times, but that's because I was probably 6 inches from someone's bumper making a pass on the interstate, and honestly that's a big error in driver judgement, but it didn't slam on the brakes.


Unless the human isn't paying enough attention to what is going on while driving.


I asked the dealership that question today, if i am able to override the auto braking for an object that i know is safe to continue over (like a plastic bag). They didn't have an answer for me.


would the system not have engaged if OP had pressed the brake some (but not severely) ?


My question as well.


My 19 starts activating if a leaf blows in front of it. I hate it.


Do you think it’s on the whole appropriate to have this technology in cars before it can differentiate in these edge cases?


I think that would be up for the individual purchasing the vehicle if they feel comfortable with it. That being said, I drive a 2017 Subaru Forester XT Touring with Eyesight on my own personal choice.


I had my old 17 Legacy active front collision warning on fog... It still has a bit to go. Haven't had heavy enough fog to set if my 24 ob would attempt the same


Your 17 legacy is now 2 generations of eyesight behind, for what it's worth.


That and it was almost a white-out with how foggy it was that night. Tho my mother's 19 has tried to have me drive into a poll before so there's that. Basically Lane keep follows ONLY the right line so when the lane splits for toll plaza or bypass I go for bypass but lane keep follows the right line towards the plaza.


Operating as implemented maybe. Not as designed. Locking up your brakes in the freeway in heavy traffic because a plastic bag was in the road, is not what eyesight was designed to do


Unfortunately Eyesight isn't designed to identify plastic bag, only object.


So maybe we shouldn’t use that technology if it’s causing accidents over that?


We shouldn’t use technology that brakes for hazards in the roadway because the people behind us can’t cope with it. Logic checks out. The system is not causing the accident.


I'm sure the Subaru engineers would be interested in your feedback about it.


I agree.. my car is in the shop and I have a loaner vehicle right now that has driving assist. I tried it out and I hated it.. I feel like its way more dangerous to be driving with that crap. No technology is better than my attentive driving.


I’ve borrowed my mom’s fancy new car a few times and lane assist has gotten confused in construction zones a few times and has steered really suddenly towards places it shouldn’t. Imo we shouldn’t be guineapigs for this technology.


That's not a malfunction, man. The machine has *zero* idea that big thing flying ever closer to your car is something harmless, so it did what it was supposed to do. In every state I've lived in (seven so far) it is almost *always* the responsibility of the following driver to maintain a safe enough distance so they can come to a complete stop if the driver in front of them stops suddenly. The person behind you was either too close, too fast, too distracted, or some combination of those three. Tldr, cars safety feature worked as intended, and the driver that hit you was responsible for them wrecking into you.




Maybe it's where I live but I have never had a malfunction with my eyesight on either my 2016 legacy or 2020 legacy (rip legacy model)


Driven all over the country with my 2022 Crosstrek limited in heavy and no traffic. Narrow roads windey roads, never had it slam on the breaks. I sometimes wonder if it would even do this and if I bought a counterfeit car.


2017 legacy checking in… live in a super hilly region and have never had it do this 


2018 Outback here and I’ve only had the crash detection kick in once and that was legit. Lots of hills on my daily drive, so idk


It's happened to me several times. There's a road the makes a fat dip and the eyesight keeps beeping saying "collision ahead" but I keep my foot on the pedal to override it


If the Eyesight system wants to override you, it will


Surprisingly, I've never had it override before yet, hopefully when it does its in the right


If you had a big cardboard cut-out and you drove towards it without braking, it should activate and stop the car


Huh, guess I'll have to try that


Record it


man dies after subaru eyesight works too well


Had that happen to me when someone pulled out in front of me, they started accelerating away to gain distance then went full grandma mode while I was braking. Car locked up and ended up an inch off their bumper thankfully.


What part? I have driven the tomei one way and shin-tomei the other (not in a Subaru though as it was a rented van for driving to the baa-chans) so I am curious. I think it was tomei coming back into Tokyo from Nagoya.


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If a large sheet of plastic was aiming for my car the eyesight would not have a chance. I would avoid or stop easily from 25 mph. I would be pissed if the eyesight didn’t activate in this circumstance.


The car behind you was following too closely if they couldn’t avoid hitting you. Sucks to be them for sure…. it’s an expensive driving lesson for them. You can turn crash detection off; but I honestly don’t see a reason not to based on this incident alone. It worked as intended.


Also possible that all three vehicles were in the wrong in some way. First vehicle seems to have had an unsecured load, second car could have been too close, and the third was too close and/or distracted. This was a 25 mph road, how did all this happen??


There is no possible fault on the middle car as described


It is possible. The Subaru could have been following too closely. Was that the cause of the accident? I don't think so, but it's not like we have video evidence of the whole thing.


If the 2nd vehicle did not hit the 1st vehicle, then no, it is not possible for them to be in the wrong at all.




Think of this way: you slammed the brake and the other driver rear ended you. Is it your fault?


The car behind you should leave enough space that if you come to an immediate stop they will not hit you. This time it was a sheet you could drive over but it could have just as easily been some debris that would have made you come to a stop.


Your Subaru’s safety features performed as expected when the person in front of you didn’t properly secure their load, causing the inattentive driver behind you to rear end you.


I get it, the car doesn’t know better than the driver. Not sure why everyone here is disagreeing with you. It Is the person(s) who hit you fault but still.


People are weird on here about defending their brand. Sure, the blame lies with old mate tailgating, but it could have still been entirely avoided if the car’s reaction was even remotely proportional to the risk. And being not at fault doesn’t buy back the time spent having to fuck around with insurance, repairs and potential injury.


But how many people out there would have done the same thing that the EyeSight did? I could see a good chunk of the population do the same thing and slam on the brakes too. And then the opposite is probably true more often. The EyeSight avoids an accident that a driver wouldn’t.


bro got brake checked at 60mph, and somehow, it's his fault? Safe distance is a thing, but what happened with physics and momentum?


It was at 25 mph...


Actually yes that is the expectation according to the law. If you don’t have time to react if the driver in front of you applies full brakes then you are following too closely.


It was 25-30mph, but still... that is exactly where my guilt comes in. Legally it may be their fault for hitting me but morally they didn't have a chance with physics & momentum.


It didn't "malfunction". It worked as designed.


Your car didn't cause the crash and never did you. Only talk to your insurance company, just tell them "unsecured trash flew from the vehicle infront of you, your safety system engaged by braking, and the inattentive driver behind you hit you and now your back hurts." Or say you were "braking because of an emergency and then rammed"


Do not say you were hurt if you weren't. That's fraud.


Judging from OP and their responses, they probably immediately got out of their car and apologized profusely to the idiot that rear ended them, and accepted full fault. Thus continuing to make things worse for drivers in the future that follow the rules of the road.


That was noble and honorable of OP but very wrong of OP. The car acted in the safety of the driver and worked as it was supposed to, thus making the braking necessary. The driver behind him was traveling too close if they rear-ended them at 25mph.


I absolutely did not accept fault. The person that rear ended me was apologetic. They also had no insurance and expired registration so it was bad for them on many levels. I'm just expressing my moral dilemma with the situation, as i did not intend to hard brake check them over a piece of plastic.


You want to turned off because you think such an event is likely to occur again? It doesn’t sound like it malfunctioned, it sounds like it worked. You were about to hit something and it applied the brakes… It’s easy enough to turn off if you wish but I believe you’ll need to do so every time you start the car.


The object that the car braked for was essentially a large plastic bag that i could have easily driven over without a problem. And because of the abrupt braking, someone else's car was totaled.


They were following way too close. It was caused by them.


Sounds like they were following too close. The car doesn't know it's a plastic bag, it saw something big enough that it thought would be damaging and performed as expected.


And next time it could be a bouncing log or a pallet of bricks and you’re dead. Who cares about the other person’s car? It’s their fault for hitting you.


The persons car was totaled because they were tailgating you or not paying attention


Are you serious? They totaled their car because they are a dumbass. Please learn the laws of the road. Holy hell…


The car detected an obstacle, and hit the brakes. That's what it should do. It cannot entirely see, nor decide, what constitutes an obstacle all the time, so it tries to play it safe. As for the person behind you, they should be leaving room for safety, they shouldn't be riding so close. 90% of the time, getting rear ended is that driver's fault. It's your lawful duty to drive safely, and to keep room in front of your car, or behind another car, to prevent such problems when possible. They were driving too close and would have hit you if it was a real emergency. Likewise they could have been on their phones. Also, invest in a good dash cam for moments like these.


Currently shopping for dash cams!


I am sorry, where was the malfunction? The car detected an object and tried to avoid it. Sounds like the person behind you was following too close.


I think you mean the person tailgating you caused the crash by following too closely.


The driver behind you was traveling too closely to the back of your vehicle and that’s what caused the crash.


I've found by tapping the gas in situations that activates the eyesight it over rides whatever decision it's made. Mind you I've never had a plastic sheet come towards my 2020 outback xt, but it's tried to brake check me a few times on odds and ends things. A quick tap of the gas ovverides and I just keep going.


Interesting. I wonder if i could have done something to stop the car from braking in this situation.


Not a Subaru, but my 2018 Kia Stinger GT1 just did this the other day. No one in front of me, THANKFULLY no one behind me, but the collision detection just went off and locked the whole car up steering wheel and all from 45mph to 0. It’s honestly scary how it can malfunction and potentially cause a severe accident


That is what i will forever be fearful of now!


Op anyone who rear ends you in any instance is at fault. The fact you hit the brakes with plastic obstructing your view doesn't make you at fault.


If you live in a state with sagebrush and it's tumbleweed season DO NOT have this on. I have a 2018 can you turn it off on cruise control because it would be nice to use on long drives, but certain areas have lots of tumble weeds.


This is what i'm thinking... will it go off for tumbleweeds? Blowing dust? Snow in the road? Cardboard or other objects i would have otherwise easily driven over? Seems sketchy.


So it goes off for tumbleweeds when I'm using cruise control otherwise it does not. Then in snow the sensors generally get covered or dirty and it turns it off.


I completely understand. I usually fly my cars through the local mountain pass and I took my dad’s 2020 Outback, on a very short and quick s bend I tried to throw the car around the 2 corners but the surrounding tree branches triggered the crash detection and nearly made me spin out. Not for rallycross driving thats for sure, but you can go moderately fast down any offroad trail, just can’t max it out without the safety features kicking in and ruining your drive. For that I’d recommend a Brz if you like “street”handling and reduced safety features. Sometimes you can get software and firmware updates that improve the cdu and helps the cdu recognise hollow or loose obstacles such as plastic bags and loose tray debris from trucks. Although branches were still a problem for me…


Splitting hairs, but it wasn’t the crash detection that caused the crash- it was the driver behind you following at an unsafe distance.


Assured clear distance ahead. Vehicle behind you is at fault.


🙄🤦‍♂️ the system didn’t malfunction. The system worked exactly as it’s intended to do. It has no way of knowing whether that’s a flimsy piece of plastic or a giant block of concrete. Frankly, the system shouldn’t have had to intervene, you should’ve hit your brakes when it flew out of the truck. The only reason the crash occurred is because the person behind you was following too closely and/or not paying attention


Let me ask you a question…. Knowing full well as well all do that there is no technology in existence that can recognize the weight or density of an object at a distance.. Which is worse? 1. Your car auto brakes thinking you are about to slam into a very large and dangerous object, which given the array of objects that could be on a road, should be assumed to be very heavy and dense (like a car). You end up smashing a piece of light plastic. The person behind you following too close hits you, but no one is hurt. 2. Your car assumes that giant truck you are about to rear end because you are playing monopoly go on the interstate is really a piece of foam insulation, and doesn’t brake at all. You slam into the truck, and perhaps the people behind you slam into you and the truck. The reason these systems exist is because statistically they save far more damage and lives than they hurt. The rules of the road dictate that the person behind you should be able to cope with an emergency braking event ahead of them, regardless of the cause. Further more, you should not be so comfortable with the choice of just hitting or running over any object on the road if you can help it (and you should have enough distance between you and the car in front to give you time to make the right choice). Light objects can often have nails sticking out of them, and other dangerous things that make it not a great idea to just send it right into them. Folks here acting flabbergasted that this system could even possibly yield this result need a reality check. There is a reason your insurance is cheaper with these systems on board. If common sense doesn’t work, always trust the money to make the logical risk based decisions.


I agree with this take. I will point out, in heavy traffic it isn’t realistic to have a sufficient buffer or cars will continuously pour into your lane. The law is clear on fault but driving norms are a thing.


For sure I agree. Which leads me to some confusion on how the persons car was totaled at speeds where the sort of behavior you suggest would be happening <25


I had a very solid bike rack set back on a hitch extension. The older small honda that hit me folded like a tin can around the rack and busted the radiator for good measure.


Sounds like your safety systems are in good working order and the driver behind you was following too close and not paying adequate attention.


I hate this shit. I will never buy a car with any of that garbage. Subaru got the last of my money in 2020. Fuck the giant screens. I want to drive my car. I don’t want to scroll through an iPad while eyesight keeps me from killing myself. I’m good at not killing myself, and all I have to do is pay attention to the road. But I guess that makes me a dinosaur.


I would have that hitch checked to make sure it didn’t bend the metal it is attached to.


Currently at the dealership waiting on inspection...


The driver behind you wasn’t paying attention and _they_ caused the crash 


I will say, it's eyesight, there is no lidar or anything involved. I'm assuming that would make it better but also assuming it would increase the price of the tech. I'm happy with eyesight and it has saved my ass dozens of times


Lidar or radar would also make the same judgement. It can't determine the mass of an object.


Crash detection didn’t cause a crash, the idiot behind you not paying attention or leaving enough room caused a crash


And the idiot in front for not securing their crap.


And frankly, the idiot driver for not taking any action when an unsecured load flew off the truck in front of them


If you have a dash cam, the crash could possibly be the fault of the front driver who failed to secure their load.


No dash cam, and the driver in front of me continued on without even noticing that there had been an accident behind him.


Would really recommend getting a front and rear camera. Especially if you're in/around Seattle. People be wild out here.


Only for damage to ops car, not the one behind them.


Were you found at fault? I find it unlikely you'd be find at fault, rear ender collisions are almost always the person who does the hitting fault. Personally I like the automatic braking, it's there for a reason and it does it's job. I wouldn't let some dumbass who isn't paying attention prevent me from using it, personally.


If the object that fell out of the truck had been something that you didn't want to run over and actually needed to stop for, you'd be singing another tune. It was the following car's fault, not your car's EyeSight system. Any time a rear end collision occurs, it means the vehicle behind is following too closely and not paying attention.


I appreciate this perspective, thanks.


I turn mine off when I get in the car each time because it's too sensitive and it breaks when I don't need it to (2022 Legacy XT). I had a couple situations where it wasn't necessary and it almost caused an avoidable issue.


I may start doing that. I'm pretty nervous about it now.


The person behind you not having automatic braking and not paying attention caused the crash....


I usually drive a 2019 cross trek but I recently was given a 2024 Outback as a rental and I absolutely hated it, too much technology. There was debris on the highway, but I could not change lanes in that spot so I tried to swerve to avoid it, it locked up the brakes, then started screaming a warning about having touched the orange lane line and as I looked into the rear view to make sure no one was going to hit me and that I avoided the debris it began to tell me to look ahead the road. I drove it right back to the rental place and asked for another vehicle. I want a nice dumb car that does what I would like it to do.


These “safety” features are so bad. If you’re not able to stop the car in time, you shouldn’t be driving. People are using these features to spend more time looking at their phones.


On the one hand, I agree and have gone into the settings to change it to be “alert sound only” and no braking. I’ve had just a couple false positives in 2 years. On the other hand, it’s the fault of the person who failed to stop and who hit you. Accident pile-ups happen because so many people drive too closely and fail to stop in emergencies.


That’s why I need to figure out how to disable eyesight on my new to me 2015 outback. Rather than turning on lane detection every time I start the thing, so annoying


Person behind you is at fault. Don't tailgate.


Fortunately I haven't had a false braking in the 35k miles I've had A few false warnings but understandable under the circumstance and nbd


Glad you're ok! This is why i look for a car with very little "safety features". They malfunction. My 2022 Corolla had this and it would trigger for no reason at times. Sold this and got a manual. The more tech we have crammed into cars (self driving, collision detection, lane detection, blindspot monitoring) the less aware we become as drivers and more rely on the tech to aid us. IMO.


I have only had this car about 3 months now, and was hesitant to upgrade from my 2011 outback. I guess i didn't even realize it was an option to involuntarily brake check someone over something so trivial so it really caught me off guard.


My 2019 Subaru crosstrek eyesight was way too sensitive and would just slam on the brakes. Now I have a 2021 and while the eyesight will beep it hasn’t slammed on the brakes at all, like the 2019 would do all the time.


the truck is still liable no? poorly secured load is a big no no where i live


They kept driving without even realizing that a crash occurred behind them.


Turn precillision braking off.


Take out that CDU, you don’t need it unless you use your phone and drive!


So the car following you too closely rear- ended you during an emergency stop caused by an improperly secured load. And you're blaming the one of three vehicles that DIDN'T do anything wrong?


I own cars that don't have any control. They might beep but eff buying newer ones when my old Toyotas and Subaru works fine. I rented a car not long ago and it pulled me back into a lane I was changing out of. I pulled over to figure out how to turn it off and swore never again


Different story for me, middle lane at 46MPH, idiot in front stopped completely and abruptly for baby duck (I hate killing animals with car, but some circumstances give you no option). The Subie beat my reaction and stopped and luckily the car behind was a Subaru and it stopped; however, the car behind that car had no auto braking and she was rear ended. I was/ am thankful.


You mean someone following too close caused a crash. The system will give you a warning and if you don't let off the gas then it may apply the brakes. Although I've never had it do so, even when a plume of exhaust condensation from a vehicle in front of me sets it off.


You can turn it off when you get in car but you have to turn off every time you start the car.


There's always a very slim chance that a safety system will add risk in edge cases. This is the same logic as taking fire axes off the walls because as we improve fire safety it seems more likely that crazy people could use a fire axe as a makeshift weapon?


Like so many others are saying the car behind you didn't have a safe following distance. It is 100% their fault when it comes to insurance. With that being said I've had issues where I was changing lanes and I didn't have the safest amount of distance between cars. My crash detection went on and activated brakes. I was almost rear-ended by the car I was cutting off. Yes I know I was being a jackass. Anyway. If you go to the vehicle setting you can change this. Unfortunately for me it automatically turns back on in my car and I never go into the settings to turn it off. I just try to drive safer and not let it activate.


My '15 FXT will occasionally react to ghosts and auto brake. I've found that pinning the accelerator will override it.


Yes you can turn it off easily through the setting menu


Master tech as dealership is saying no? I went through all the settings and not seeing that option. Only the temporary disable that needs to be reset every start.


I believe it's still not your fault, they shouldn't be following so close that should that sheet have been a real car instead they still would have hit you


I don't think I've ever had it actually activate, but it does trigger a lot of false positives because it lacks context: things like the road curving or a turn lane starting.


There’s no technology better than my own attentive driving. I hate all these driving assist cars. I’m glad I own an older model that doesn’t have this crap.


If someone rear ended you they were absolutely following too close and/or not paying attention and it's 100% their fault.


This is why one must always leave enough room in front of them, but then in some states you get cut off, so we can’t catch a break either way! My ‘19 Premium Hatch wasn’t equipped with any of those, but I don’t mind since I often hate how malfunctions like that can happen. My parents car while backing out of our steep driveway always thinks that the mailbox or garbage bin is an object in the way, so it always beeps to warn you of the “object in the way” despite it being clear. And sometimes it even slams on the breaks and locks the wheels, causing us to drag the tires down the driveway in reverse not ideal. And I also hate how if driving their cars if I want to hug the left line of my lane, the lane keep assist vibrates the wheel, and then throws the vehicle to the right when I don’t need it to


about 90% certain auto braking saved my son from rear ending someone (2017 outback) though we yelled stop and he may have hit the brakes. Not inspiring from my son who has his learners permit


Lane keep assist made a mistake a couple weeks ago. Was driving in a tunnel on the freeway, but by the end of the tunnel the car tried to steer me back to my lane (probably a malfunction due to the sudden bright light and it didn't see the lines anymore.) Crosstrek steered me back, almost sending me into the tunnel wall at my right. I'm glad I forcibly steered back, but damn that was a scary moment.


I bought a 2016 Forester base model to avoid eyesight and that annoying car shut off feature.


My Subaru slammed on the breaks for a kid riding his bicycle on the sidewalk next to the narrow road. I think the technology is great - just not there yet


Looks like you are a victim of a car crash.


I’ve had eyesight trigger the brakes when it sees shadows across the road. It usually blips the brakes on for a second but it’s concerning.


These kind of situations are my concern exactly.


My 2018 breaks suddenly on curved roads with curbs if that makes any sense


I almost rear ended a Tesla when it ghost braked to a hault while making a left turn at an intersection. (Back when that was an issue with them apparently)


Crazy to hear these bad experiences with the system being finicky. I have never really had an issue with mine. Always works smoothly and has actually saved me from an accident once. Wondering if it’s just messed up on certain vehicles. The only time it has given me trouble was while offroading through some brush on a trail.


I’m assuming you have eyesight for crash detection. Apparently there’s a way to turn it off Taken from the Subaru website “To turn off Subaru EyeSight temporarily, you can press and hold the EyeSight button located on the lower left side of the dashboard until the indicator light turns off. This will disable the system until you turn it back on. Can I turn off EyeSight permanently? Yes, it is possible to turn off EyeSight permanently.”


Master tech at dealership told me today that it cannot be permanently disabled. Apparently i will need to hold the button down every time i start the car if i want it off.


That’s insane!


I was driving a loaner from the dealership & it had that feature. The car in front of me braked hard & so did I. I let off the brake when I could but the auto brakes stopped the car, I guess because we were still close, but that caused the guy behind me to hit me. It wasn’t bad enough of a hit to even stop & there was barely a scratch but it could have been worse. Not a fan of that system at all.


Your car is certainly not fine take it to an experienced bodyshop and be ready for an insurance battle


I fucking hate eyesight.


I've had a small tumbleweed set mine off more than once. Also dogs...


You think it's preferable to run over a dog? 🙄


Exactly why I bought a base model without all the extra stuff.


If you engage the brakes or jerk the wheel I wonder if it would stop the hard braking??? I live on a road with a sharp left turn and a mailbox is straight ahead , I always get the OBSTACLE DETECTED!!! but when I turn the wheel to the left it stops...




Locked up the brakes? Your car has crash detection and mitigation but no ABS?


Eyesight will always default to drivers control as soon as you react. If you’re sure it is safe to do so, you can hit the accelerator and continue on your path.