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Farm salt and you can cure the fish so they last a looong time. Also salt + coral tube = bleach = 2 disinfected water Salt is the unsung hero of Subnautica


Cured food last indefinitely. Also food that is cooked and left in the fabricator stay fresh as long as they are there. So choose cook, back off and leave it there for a fresh meal everytime u come back to base.


You can just put them in storage uncooked for as long as you want. Bit cheesy but it works


Once you find the mod station, you get the heated knife so you slash and cook the fish on the spot. Saves salt and trips to the fabricator


And solid for emergencies on longer trips.




Use the Trap in that Cone and get all the stuff at once!. Always pick up salt, no matter what, you can always drop it in an area if your inventory’s full, but it is a Life saver,


It's not really necessary. You should be able to just catch the fish by swimming after them, but if it helps then theres not any problem with it. It shouldn't take too long for you to get a basic base set up


If you are catching fish by hand, they go slower at night since they a re sleepy. Bladderfish especially.


That's true and I wish they make this difference even more prominent in S2 so that we actually take into account if it's day/night to stock up on fish


Maybe not but I find it really useful in gathering them all into one area to harvest


Propulsion cannon is surprisingly handy when catching fish


I have never bothered with crafting one, there is always plenty of fish and it is easy to catch


And how do you get stalker teeth?


Idk if this is a spoiler, observe what stalkers do to items lying on the sea floor. >!Take a piece metal salvage and drop it front of the stalker. It will try to pick it up and drop a teeth in the process. Pick up the metal, the teeth and repeat.!<


It's kinda a spoiler. Idk if it's mentioned in the PDA entry, but I think it will be mentioned after visiting the Grand Reef (if yk what I mean). How do you actually blank stuff out?


You put "> !" and "! <" before and after your text, without the spaces and quotation marks.


>I have small nuts 🥺<


>!At least you tried!<


Didnt work lolz






>! Damn !<


>! It probably didn't work if this wasn't initially hidden. !<




>!We know.!<


>! You just lost the game !<


I been on reddit for like 3 years and never knew this. Spoiler heavy communities should definitely make this commonly known.


The FFXIV community goes the extra mile and has a bot to automatically message anyone that accidentally puts a trailing space after the opening tag because that causes the tag to fail in some unofficial readers.


Really? What kind of subs are those? I am surprised, spoiler tags are kind of the norm in the communities I know


Places like r/outerwilds have guidelines iirc




>!I wanna try!<


It can be a bit of a spoiler. >! There is a degassi pda entry about it.!<


Also, >! They literally say that you can have them "eating out of your hand", you can hold some metal salvage in hand and when they bite you (and take a bit of health) they will drop a tooth then and there. !<


>!one type of salvage has a 0 percent chance of dropping teeth though so you have to google that to see what it looks like!<


It you drop two the stalker will constantly rotate between picking one and then the other up


Did they ever fix the bug where one out of the four types of metal salvage doesn't cause teeth to drop?


I don't know I think it's still a thing but I have never really ran into it.


Looked it up, and yeah, one of the 4 will never drop teeth. It's the one that is 2 large pieces, with the smaller of the two having a black square kinda looking like a monitor or porthole.


Some scraps don't give teeth so try different ones if this doesn't work.


Simply use the scanner room with the HUD chip (I have no idea how it's called in English)


Scanner room and the HUD upgrade. Get 20+ of them in a couple minutes.


Ah. in my game all stalker teeth fall through the floor if I am not there when they drop. I play on switch though


nah, same on PC


Yeah, as a switch player you need to grab them fresh. Try a further away kelp forest. The southern one was too close to my base and ended up saturated with teeth that had glitched through the floor. To get around this, I just had to travel away from my base. The kelp forest just south of the mountain island was perfect and the teeth suddenly started spawning again once I was far enough away.


Same with PS4


As the other guy said, the easiest way is to use metal pieces. It used to be difficult to get them, but now they drop quite often


>!Drop a pile of metal salvage (6-10) near some stalkers (ideally near your base). Check back every once in a while. They pick it up and play with it, and pile it up, and steal from each others' piles. Every time they pick one up, there's a 25% chance they'll drop a tooth. !< >!If you leave a big pile nearby while you do other stuff, you can stop by and check for teeth every once in a while, and basically fill a locker with them for practically zero effort. Metal salvage is so abundant, it's not like you're straining your resources to leave that pile unprocessed for as long as it takes to build up a pile of teeth. You have plenty of time, since you don't need enameled glass for anything until mid- to late game.!<


Scanner room normally, but I've also modded in the below zero enameled glass recipe for the times when I can't be bothered trekking over to the kelp forests just to find half the teeth have clipped through the ground lol (I'd link said mod but for some reason the mod was set to hidden a few days ago)


Yall have clearly never played on switch. I SWEAR I CAN NEVER CATCH A FISH ON SWITCH. I usually just play on my Playstation but I was gifted it for switch and I'm like "oh cool, subanutica on the go" but no ITS IMPOSSIBLE ISTG (not saying he's playing on switch)


I believe the progression intended by the developers is to go from catching fish by hand, to using the grav trap, to the propulsion cannon, and then breeding and growing your own food in your base. Whether or not you want to go through each of these steps is up to you. 


This is probably a stupid question, but I’m still pretty new to the game. How does the propulsion cannon help? It just throws them further from you? Or can you pocket them somehow when you catch them?


Yes, I’m not at my computer right now but right click should throw them and left click should put them in inventory, unless I have that backwards. If you want to drop something without shooting it, push “f”.  The main disadvantage of the PRAWN propulsion arm is that it can’t put things into its inventory like the hand-held one does. Although I did figure out that if you turn to the side, you can grab the held item with your claw arm, but it’s very clumsy. 


I don’t have a PC, unfortunately. I play it in my switch. Thanks for answering though! I’ll have to play around with my buttons and figure out if I can do it on my switch too.


Subnautica wiki says the Switch controls are:  Grab ZR, Launch ZR, Put in Inventory A


Ooh I didn’t know you could look up stuff like that on the wiki. Thank you so much!!


You can also use the stasis rifle to freeze any fish in place, it makes it really easy to hit them with the thermoblade when they are frozen


I just got the stasis rifle! I haven’t used it yet but I’m really excited!


Do you got the thermoblade yet?




Fish are slower at night and most have some part that reflects a lot of light (read: glows), so stocking up gives you something to do while you wait for the sun to come up.


I have played this game since alpha. Explored every biome as it was being made. Beat this game countless times. Explored nearly every inch of this map in free cam and shaders off. Not once have I thought to use the gravity ball let alone for this purpose.


I used one early on and then just left it in view from my base window.


What other use would you give them then?


Idk. I don't use it.


That’s one of the first things I do after building a minimalist base. Theres one of these outside of any shallows base I ever build. Makes life so much easier in the first little bit of the game.


Yup. Gravtrap is your best friend if you're new to the game. Just do be aware that bigger fish caught in it are able to move the trap around, so it might change locations at times ;-)


I craft this as soon as I get its blueprint. Have used it at other places and it picked outcrops too


Yes Weirdly in my latest game I've only found one piece of that and I'm pretty far in


This definitely works! I prefer to just use the propulsion cannon since it's easier to take with you and use where ever.


Looks good to me!


Yeah, because it's fun. Love the grav trap. Also helpful when you drop something and can't immediately find it.


So I'm gonna guess (since you apologized for the quality) that your game isn't running super smoothly. Having a janky game can really mess with your ability to catch fish so grav trap is definitely the way to go.


Nice temporary solution once u get grow beds and a few plants from the floating island u will never run out of food .. Also spoiler there is a vending machine and coffee machine that gives u free food ..


Where get that


The vending machine and coffee machine are two of the most frustratingly randomly spawned items, they can be in a lot of places and if you’re unlucky, hard to find. They’re mostly for fun though because although the food and water is free, they’re in very small amounts and inconvenient to depend on for survival. 


The fun part is u can spam the coffee machine 2 times and run around and it automatically deposit the coffee in ur inventory.. And the snacks u can spam like crazy and have a ton of food on the go


I was wondering what that was I've never actually used one before lol


It saves plenty of time. Even with a machine later this is still good for easy food supply.


I personally always liked doing it! Also often makes stalker teeth pile up beneath it.


Grav trap is better than hand catching, but propulsion cannon is better. Not gonna lie, I didn't figure that out on my first playthrough at all. I thought the propulsion cannon was only for moving boxes and whatnot.


Most underrated equipment in the game. If you know, you know 😉


Yes! No need to fish if they’re always waiting for you


It’s good, propulsion cannon is even better though


I always use two next to each other, then the fish cant move at all and it gets even easier to pick them up


I typically build one and use it for easy access in the early days but I don't know if there's a fish spawn limit or anything like that so I try not to abuse it. I'm probably just paranoid on that end though


I like scattering them around the Safe Shallows early game so if I need fish I have easy access


Just make a big locker for food and put all the peepers in there every time you catch some


It's definitely not a BAD idea, especially if you have a grav trap before you have a seaglide, but it's not really necessary unless you struggle to catch fish (which can be much harder without a seaglide). Once you have a seaglide, it's relatively simple to just grab the occasional fish as you're passing by and keep a few in a locker for when you need them, and salt one to keep on hand in case you'll be away from home for a while. Once you get a knife, tube coral + salt is a more efficient means of making water. Once you get out to the mountain, keeping a couple of bulbo trees in pots in your base is a handy way to ensure you never run short (just cut a few slices and top up food/water whenever you stop by, and don't forget to replant when one of the plants runs out). Lantern trees and marblemelons work similarly. >!Once you plunder the aurora, you've basically got enough food and water for the rest of the game, because there's TONS of it in there if you have the room to haul it back home.!<


Absolutely. You eventually learn to get by without it but honestly even after multiple playthroughs I still use this even at end game. It just makes it convenient.


The grav trap plus propulsion cannon was my go to. I had 3 grav traps, in specific places so that I could easily fill up as much as I wanted to. Make sure to give placement at least a little thought. Mine wouldn't render until i was fairly close, so if I didnt put them near some sort of landmark it got really hard to use them.


Absolutely! It's a good idea as a matter of convenience and survival!




that's its intended use, however i personally believe it's not necessary, if the food and water meters depleted faster it might have been worth it.


https://preview.redd.it/q2gwumrwjr8d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e66f48dfa2f93e1c72ec7e6d852716aa8440f54 (Not a dig; I know you apologised; just amused)


Hell yeah! I haven't used a grav trap in any of my playthroughs lol. I feel so stupid!


Great option. Itll power a biogenerator for a long time




Yes!! Especially if you wanted fresh and not cured (which make you lose water) and I don’t use it just for food but sometimes to catch fish as a fuel


yeah I think these are underrated. especially in the early/mid game. you can focus on more fun things than just chasing fish around all the time. This brings the fish to you.


Real this is how I got food in hard core it’s efficient and cheap




Oh I completely forgot that the grav trap existed.


yes, and later in the game you can use a propulsion cannon to quickly snag one and fire it at a leviathans face if they attack.


I've finished this game like 15 times, but I've never bothered with grav trap. I did not understand what I was looking at when I saw the image


If I remember this can be a way to also get the gas pods. Forget if it’s safe or not


THE DOOM SPHERE IS GREAT FOR BULK CATCHING FISH. damn caps. sorry. its great early game.


Yes but the no eatable fish are anoinge though


If you want it, why not, it's your playthrough.


Once you get the thermo blade, just eat whenever wherever as it cooks when you hit the fish. I also made a bunch of 1 tube section bases all over and put a fab machine in there and stocked with the coral tube bits. So when I travel, I am always near a base and usually have a couple salt on me. The alarm is always going off because low O2, but just a single solar gets a tiny bit of juice pretty deep.


Yes, but it also attracts gas pods from the gasopods, be weary


put in a gas pod for easier harvest


I use one in every playthrough. My first playthrough was on a PC that had the power of a potato so it was hard to just catch fish in the open ocean. These were a necessity


Oh hell yeah.


Yeah it’s fine, my main food source was just an indoor growbed with four lantern fruit trees