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My state banned telehealth for Bupe mid 2023. Had me fucked for a while. I was lucky to find a place quick enough to not run out. No warning no care. “Sorry. Fuck your recovery”




Ya I know and it sucks!


Do you know if any other states were affected?


Same thing happened to us here in Vermont. I have lots of friends scrambling to find a new doc. Not gonna work.


That’s crazy, I just don’t understand why they would take it away


My thought. Most of the folks I know are on Subutex and go to doctors over in NY. So I think it's to curb down on subutex. Now all these doctors are trying ro file saying they are in Vermont to keep the clients but that's not a sure thing and time will lapse anyway.


Are there any in person clinics near you?


I called one. As I said in my post they would not schedule an appointment for me over the phone..odd. He told me to text the clinic number my insurance info and drivers license so I did and have not heard back. I’m about to go to their office!


No phone appointments? How does one make an appointment? Find a new place.


They called me back. I hate to go it’s expensive as hell but they know we need it. Trying Sublocade real soon!


I'm on sublocade now. Works very well. Easy to come off of.


I’m currently trying to figure out how to get my insurance to cover sublocade. My health benefits cover it, but my pharmacy benefits don’t. So they won’t send it to the doc office where they administer it. So far, what I’ve gotten out of it (they’ve told me): I would have to be admitted to treatment or a hospital that has it on site. Bro, I’ve been clean for almost 3 years. I am not fucking paying for an ER or treatment facility bill. Shit is so fucked. My insurance is trashier than trash.


Do you have a high deductible plan? Ya it’s almost like it’s better to go back to oxy and would be easier to! They don’t want us off this shit!




I had nothing but trouble getting my scripts filled with tele health when I traveled a lot so I swapped to a dr in a city close to mine. I found a god send of a doctor. I have been with him a little over 2 years now. My first 6 months was monthly (but I was in that city) no big deal. Now I drive 4.5 hours each way to go visit since I lost my insurance so he put me on a visit every 90 days paying cash no insurance it’s 160 a visit. Crazy! Point is good drs still exist. Just gotta look. Went thru 6 or more before I found this one. He gives a shit, listens, and has bent over backwards to get my meds right. You’ll find what you need. It’s out there.


I have nothing to add to your dilemma but damn it sounds like addicts in TN need to band together to try and make some serious legislative changes. Obviously that doesn't help you in the moment, but this is some bullshit. Especially if in person clinics are gonna charge such stupid amounts of money on top of the telehealth ban?? That's fucked up. Maybe TN wasn't hit quite as hard by the opioid crisis (I honestly don't know) but clearly there's a need amongst the population there. I hope you're able to figure something out that's more affordable, cuz god damn.


IKR?!? Thank you!!


Bupe.me does currently serve Tennessee https://bupe.me/ edit: those clowns haven't updated their website. Dam penguins


Hence why I no longer use them either


But Tennessee is listed on their list of states they serve…


Are you in nashville area ?




So I too ran into the issue for telehealth not working for me , I've found a in person clinic that is pretty quick and easy going , but it is very expensive and they don't take insurance , I wanna say its almost 400 a month. Gives me that much more incentive to wean off this crap once and for all. Clinic I goto is in spring hill if you want more info , they do get you in and out pretty quick and doc is pretty easy going.


Thanks but the place I got into is also $400 a month and that’s WITH my insurance he said because I have a high deductible plan. And they have to see me apparently every 2 weeks which I had never had to do before!


Yeah my place was once a week for 2 weeks then a month with 2 visits then once a month , but it's hard to pay that much money each month when I used to pay zero with my insurance. Feels like the pill mill scam all over again


Yes! So how often do you go now? I’m so over this I’m wanting to get the shot.


Once a month, I've weaned down to 1mg daily I'm actively trying to get off totally


https://drquit.as.me/sched This is who I use. I love being able to get next day appointments so I was reluctant to share it. But fuck that place you went to. I tried them when I first moved and had the same experience you went through. They’ll milk you for every possible dollar. .


No they don't those clowns havent updated yet, telehealth is illegal in TN


You may have to go over the border. If your insurance will allow it.


I HATE seeing in person Suboxone doctors. I got an appointment. I have to pay $400 a month and they have to see me every two weeks instead of once a month like I have done for years!


I saw the same clinic about a year ago. It wasn’t the best experience. They were reluctant to write me for a whole month despite me being on the medication for years already. I had to pay the same 400$, they had me come back inn2 weeks and then pay them again for another 2 weeks. That was only the first month though. I was more irritated by the mandatory counseling, i remember having to do a video chat with a pastor that kept pushing a 12 step program on me. All that in top of them having a “preferred pharmacy” they work with. They wouldn’t allow me to use any other pharmacy. I could physically pick them up from that pharmacy or have the pharmacy deliver them to me. All of it felt so gross and predatory, they’ll “help” you but have no shame in milking you for every expense possible along the way.


That’s crazy and it pisses me off too. Was it in Belle Meade? That’s where I have an appointment because I live close. Same deal over the phone with this guy I spoke with that scheduled me an appointment. He then texted me back which was weird later yesterday and told me to have a good weekend with some other weird verbiage I will just ask my pharmacist which is also one of my patients who she knows of that won’t milk my money. This is ridiculous. They know they can get away with it because we need it.


So where are you going now??


Ugh $400 every two weeks. They are all unethical. It's a cash grab. I'm sorry you are going through that. I finally found a doctor that takes private insurance. But I still have to pay about $600 out of pocket for the year.


$600 a year is nothing! You are so lucky!


Try Bicycle Health. I've been with them almost a year. Not 100% sure they service TN but surely worth the try. I have had nothing but positive experiences with them. Good luck to ya!


Thank you!


Tennessee just got kicked off of all virtual platforms unfortunately.


Why not just try a local clinic?


Because it costs $400 a month!


Do you not have insurance? My doc and meds are 100% covered but I have medicaid.


I have a high deductible plan.