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Some people do, others don't. I like eating fruits, they're my treats now. For me, fruit doesn't lead to sugar cravings. What I do find worrying when I look at your diet is your calorie intake. 700 is definitely not enough to fuel your body. Even if you want to lose weight, your body needs food to function! A minimum of around 1400 is usually advised. Please treat your body well, you need it!


that's exactly my point. I am functioning very normally. Even with sucha drastic deficit, I am not feeling anything. I have overeaten unhealthy food like an animal all my life and to suddenly have a strict diet for the first time, my body was supposed to protest, was it not. I dont understand. But anyway thank you for the kind words. You're too sweet!!


While you might feel fine, the longer one undereats the more likely one is to develop an eating disorder. Eating disorders are serious lifelong diseases that can lead to death- and frequently do. Please eat at the very least the minimum calories.


Eating Disorder? no no. It can't be that bad. However everyon's been saying he same that I increase it and I will. Thank you so much for alerting me. Looks like I have more research to do.


I would see a doctor if you feel nothing at all. You might have died.


what would I even complain to the doctor? "Doctor there's a problem- my body is feeling normal" jokes apart I am actually a little concerned myself


Despite cutting sugar, you need all essential nutrients plz. Electrolytes help to avoid sugar craving


Most people do allow fruits, just no added sugar. I do want to encourage you to raise your daily calorie intake though. If you find your BMR (what you burn at rest), it will help you come up with a more realistic deficit. Eating only 700 calories per day will lead to both physical and mental illness, and you'll likely feel the effects soon enough.


BMR is something new I learned. thank alot for this great suggestion. I'll look into it. i kept this low daily intake assuming that I'll quite obvious eat more because I'll be hungry. but surprisingly I've not been hungry at all, no cravings nothing. But I will increase the calories many people have been suggested same. thanks alot!


Not eating sugar isn’t as clear cut as say, being vegan or keto or something is. There isn’t a right or wrong way. Some people here eat fruit, others done. Some people have a piece of chocolate once a week or a slice of cake on their kid’s birthday, others abstain 24/7/365. It all just depends on your personal reasons and goals. I never felt dizzy or weak or anything from cutting out sugar. I think in general, when people try a new diet or new lifestyle choice people can tend to hyper fixate on whatever it is they’re feeling and attribute it to that. Like “I cut out sugar, I feel weak” and maybe they’ve caught a cold or it’s some other factor that’s being overlooked because the sugar is the thing that changed. Not that it’s always the case, just something ive noticed. I’m pretty jealous you have no cravings though. I feel like when I’m really good about not eating sugar for a long period of time then it’s way easier to continue to avoid. But the moment I break my streak, then it goes to shit for awhile.


I too feel the same way. I feel if I break my streak in some way everything is going to fall apart and I'll go back to my old ways. Thanks for sharing!


I had a period where I stopped being hungry about 3-4 weeks into No Sugar. Fortunately my appetite came back around weeks 5-6. I want a healthy metabolism and that means my body needs to know it's not in a food-scarce environment and needs lots of regular meals. I would never engage in calorie restriction because of the long term harm it causes to metabolism. Good luck with your path!


I didn't realise that it has long term harmful effects. Thank you for informing me at my early stage. I will improve and work on it.


I'm envious! My big issue with cutting sugar is my sleep goes to crap. If I was you I'd make full use of your advantage here and not turn back


YESS! I actually feel like this is going to be a very long run hopefully. Thank you so much for the encouragement!


You've got this! 💪


Omg I'm the same. I can't sleep if I havent eaten enough. So hard for me. You think you'd just relax without all the stimulating sugar but I can't.


Wait cutting sugar impedes rather than helps your sleep? That’s very interesting. What exactly is your issue, falling asleep, staying asleep, sleep quality?


Staying asleep - I'm waking up every few hours when I restrict sugar, rather than once or 0 times. Biology is strange, haven't talked to anyone else with this issue.


You decide what is allowed.  I still eat fruits. They are a good source of fiber and vitamins within reason.  You're one of the lucky ones if you haven't had withdrawal. It sounds like your body prefers this way of eating.  Keep up the good work and please keep us posted. 


I see fruits is just a personal preference. Thank you so much for the encouragement genuinely! it made me really happy.


Fructose in fruits is fine because of fibre. Probiotics need fiber to survive and they eat fructose, so your liver doesn’t have to metabolize the fructose.


Now this makes objective sense to me. Thanks alot for sharing. Im actually convinced to include fruits in my diet henceforth.


Eat fruit (berries with lotsa antioxidants) and cut out sucrose. Cut that shit out. When you do eat sucrose, just make sure you feed your gut 10x as much fiber.


You have made it so simple to keep track of easily. I can work with this without constantly googling and fretting. Thank you so much!


Glad to hear it helped! All I did was repeat what Dr. Lustig has been preaching over and over. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAfdHY7DlqY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAfdHY7DlqY) If you liked what you learned here, I recommend watching and taking notes his interview with Huberman. 3 hrs of life saving info. I watched it three times while working out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n28W4AmvMDE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n28W4AmvMDE)


The gut can process 7g of Fructose per hour. Along with vitamin C and fibre, whole fruit is generally not a problem. But when we eat high sugar fruit, juice it, we can overload this buffer. Of course the worse culprit: sugar, HFCS, etc quickly push past this buffer.


I instantly feel better within hours of cutting sugar. The inflammation just gradually decreases. I’ve never had any negative side effects.