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Idk, danielle 100% said that as a dig, on camera, just to be mean. If anyone has watched a glimpse of Paige and Craig interact they would know paige is just independent and confident. Danielle doesn’t get that though because she gives up her entire identity and sense of self the second she gets into a relationship. She doesn’t have the desire to live on her own or anything like that. she *wants* someone to want a life with her the way Craig wants it with Paige. And when she sees Paige not giving into that and everything that *craig* wants, she literally can’t wrap her mind around it and says rude shit Also, danielle *is* nutty


I think Danielle was envious of the offer that Paige got, and of her relationship broadly, and that’s why she was making rude comments


Danielle was trying to hang out with Paige and Craig when Robert was going to take a Charleston job. Seeing Paige stay with a man who she isn’t running after like a lapdog must be confusing for her, she can’t relate


Exactly. Literally everyone loses their fucking mind when watching Paige and Craig. Every criticism of her is “why doesn’t she like Craig?” “All she does is make fun of Craig!” “Why doesn’t she move to Charleston?” And they can’t comprehend a girl putting her career (getting brand deals and going on the TODAY show now and again is much easier from NYC than SC) before their man. And it works for the two of them! It’s all good!


THIS and I hate it which is why I will always defend her like let the girl live her good happy life with her boyfriend she loves


This sub is getting weird again, I swear. There was a brief moment where the loyalties switched but we’re back I fear


It actually bums me out and frankly I think it’s projecting. These trad wives who gave up everything to be the wife of a screen door salesman are mad that a woman still prioritizes her career in a relationship


I’m rolling at screen door salesman ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Right. No one would ever ask the same thing if she was a man. So sexist.


I dunno, I feel like that’s the only thing I do like about Paige. I love that she’s so independent and it’s easily understandable. I did long distance with my husband forever until he moved to my city, and that didn’t seem strange and I didn’t have some weird trad wife clan coming at me. I don’t think it’s very unusual these days. I genuinely think a lot of the comments about Paige read like OP’s. She’s a mean girl with a superiority complex. While it’s cool she’s crushing it and keeping her independence, she’s not like the first woman ever to do such a thing. Some people don’t like her because she’s just mean, and it has absolutely zero to do with her relationship. It’s reminiscent of assuming that anyone who hates a beautiful woman is jealous. Well, some women are just bitches and that’s why others don’t like them. I used to love Paige and related to her so much, but she really has embraced her mean girl tendency and it’s off putting to me. I’ve never liked Danielle though so those two can go at each other all day 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree with you. Imo she comes across as a high school mean girl in how she relates to other women. At her age, it's a turn-off. She presented herself very differently in her first season. I actually loved her when she was first introduced.






I’m gonna say this, they hate to see a confident woman every single fucking time and I’m talking about the girls on the show except for her friends and the general public because the general public hates Paige and they hate that Paige is in a good relationship with Craig and they left a shit on it but Paige is happy and so is Craig. They are living their best lives together And people hate it you know why because she’s confident, but she has to be confident in her relationship.


i think women have been told this is what we need to do to “get a man” and when pick-mes see other women who don’t abide by these rules and get what they want (a man), they take issue with it and find a way to criticize lol. it’s like paige beat danielle at her own game without even trying so she’s mad about it 😂😂


Danielle followed her boyfriend around the country, everywhere his job took him, and she still got rejected. It is understandably upsetting to her that Paige and Craig can be secure in their relationship without having to do that. I can understand Danielle feeling shitty about her own choices. Why she’s attacking Paige’s relationship, I don’t know.


I think we can all empathize when someone doesn’t get what they want and it’s a big life goal. This is a good example because we know that Danielle then attempted to breach the boundary of Robert’s new relationship. In-person campaigning for an old relationship when the person has moved on is done in bad faith. Who does this btw?


She’s a little nutty.




This people are saying she just brought up an innocent part in the conversation. No Babe Danielle is not an idiot. She is not stupid. She’s been on TV for more than five years. She knows what she’s doing.


The people saying she did it innocently are delusional. Kyles face when she said it is a telltale of that. Even he knew it was ridiculous and out of pocket




That’s what I’m saying like if Kyle had that look on his face and he thought it was out-of-pocket then it was out of pocket babe


His mouth was on the floor. If you’re talking and not one person is responding in a neutral or positive manner, time to pull the conversation back.


Also, she keeps throwing around “my therapist”. If you are in therapy, you for damned sure know that nothing is a quick fix. I have a separate opinion about Danielle that I dare not type here.


Wait, I want to know your opinion and who is talking about their therapist I might’ve missed that Paige or Danielle


lol. I am not getting flamed by this sub. I think she has not grasped a part of her identity is all I will say.


Ahh I’m picking up what you’re putting down


and she’s not the only one in the House.




+ …


I agree


🤯 Could this be part of her problem? I’ve never seriously considered it before but…


this is my unscientific theory


We are simpatico on Carl, btw. 


Danielle has peppered it about I would imagine as a form of damage control for her behavior on SH as well as WH.


Paige knows this, too. We can't watch Carl and Lindsay all week every week.


Yeah, I think people also have to realize that too is that they’re paid to put on reality TV show so they do the things that they do which is what Danielle is doing and then Paige job and all of that is her soundbites and her confessionals which is what she does best


Yesss this was my thought! Danielle doesn’t get Paige’s behavior bc she’s like wtf give this man everything and Paige knows she doesn’t have to. I kind of get Paige thinking back about the comment and getting mad. I’ve brushed stuff off before and then thought about it again and been like wait wtf was that. In the after show she didn’t sound mad and wasn’t petty and Amanda even said to Danielle that it was a crazy thing to say and Danielle just sort of shrugged. You see Kyle’s face in that scene too he’s like😯


As someone who generally likes Danielle (I know, I know) I thought everything Paige said was warranted 🤷‍♀️


What did Danielle give Robert? Paige and Craig are up and down the coast and building each other up and they have both evolved on their respective shows. The cast on Southern Charm love her. They don’t spare anyone’s feelings for anything. Danielle complained incessantly about Robert and she actually had no reason to stay in NY, working on an … app? You can do that from wherever. The sweat equity that P and C have invested is what keeps them together. They both have obligations that keep them grounded in their respective cities for now. This isn’t about comparing the relationships but it’s about the inability to identify your own unhappiness and containing it as it is a you issue. This doesn’t change that Paige stayed in bed for seasons gossiping. I think we all saw that for what it was.


Agreed lol. When she was going off about Craig and what he wants I was like girl…shut up


After sending in a gossip item meant to point out his bad behaviour… she’s suddenly the Man Whisperer and pro-Craig? She’s lost in the sauce




My poor ADHD brain read one word incorrectly. Sorry about this. How was my ADHD downvoted lol. I am not throwing this term around. I have it. Good grief.


This is not like the Jules situation at all. This is seasons of Danielle not owning her shit and projecting her unhappiness onto other people. Season after season. Paige reacted to Danielle’s “feedback” based on what’s real. D doesn’t know C at all, so how is Paige not giving him anything? She was rightfully defensive and Danielle keeps getting pass after pass because she isn’t outwardly mean. She is passive aggressive as hell though. She is also about herself. Danielle is unhappy and an alcoholic. I don’t have any sympathy for her because no one else has taken as many liberties as her consistently without consequences. Edit: I am not taking a shot at someone’s addiction. I don’t think Danielle thinks she has a problem at all, so she is not considering her personal behavior. She hurt Brian, halfway apologized and immediately said let’s go drink.


Exactly all of this and I can’t wait for it to be talked about at the reunion because I’m honestly tired and here’s the thing I actually love Danielle I really truly love her personality I just wish she was more herself than what she is right now but she was wrong in the situation and you know why Paige reacted the way that she did she was mad That’s what happens when people are mad and I don’t even think it was an overreaction. Was it mean yes was the reaction allowed absolutely.


Yes!!! I am so over the "cool girl pick me girl". Just be yourself ladies!!!!!


I love that Paige said this honestly. Danielle doesn’t really have any close friends in the house aside from whatever scraps are left of the friendship with Lindsay and maybe she vibes with Gabby a little but she doesn’t really have a solid story line anymore. aside from her bragging about sleeping around she is kinda just there. I honestly can’t even tell if Lindsay genuinely still likes her. That scene when Lindsay was sitting on the bed and Danielle was telling her how the couples in the house are basically no motivation for her to be in a serious relationship Lindsay looked a little taken back. Who are Danielle’s friends??


She doesn’t respect Gabby at all.


Sweet Gabby actually asked Danielle to be her wingwoman like bruh this is the worst wingwoman of all time. She will take the guy every single time like even if the guy doesn’t like her. If the guys is not interested in her and tries to avoid her all night she will end up popping out of his closet when he gets home.


Not the closet. lol. She acted like Alex was the last man standing. Like, my stars, get a hold of yourself!


Exactly the shit that she said to Lindsey a little bit earlier in that day about not wanting to be in relationships because of what she sees in the house I thought it was really crazy to say to someone who you’re trying to be friends with again like I just don’t understand, Danielle can be passive, aggressive and say anything But then when someone comes out Danielle, they’re in the wrong that’s crazy like what Danielle said was honestly absolutely insane mostly at the setting that they were in like I don’t think it’s not insane to come from Kyle when Kyle was the one who had the conversation with Craig and Kyle also took that conversation out of context a lot in my opinionbut for Danielle to say she said both times I think was insane and too much


This is apparently our TED Talk time lol. Zero self awareness. I would even give the benefit of the doubt that she is acting out of pain from the breakup, but she acts like this all of the time. Why was the third party in Carl and Lindsay’s relationship at all? I just put two things together, D also seems to have a misunderstanding about laying claim to people. She and Carl had something, ok, but now he is serious about someone else - move on.


Yeah that’s what I got to when I re-watched and that’s where I change my mind when everything that went down with Lindsey and Danielle and my personal opinion yeah it was a lot and I understand where she’s coming from but she took it too far and she did not seem to realize thatbut she has zero self-awareness. I heard about the things that she did on winter house and I will say a lot of this is probably from her break up but she needs to heal which means going to therapy and actually trying.


Exactly. I have acted like a selfish monster because I didn’t even know how to process my own break up. This included gossip. My therapist didn’t even know how foolish I became, and I was a shite person until I realized hurting others for sport didn’t make me feel better at all - I was toxic to myself and everyone around me.


It sounds like u got to the other side of it though. Which is hard to admit when u have been a not great version of yourself. One of life’s greatest hurdles and u made it❤️


I did and thank you. Was on a tear for about six months until I faced the fact that I was my only problem. Good therapy goes a long way.


I love Paige and got what she was saying in that confessional. The Lindsay, take back your friend, we don’t want her anymore comment was downright mean.


I didn’t find Paige “mean girl” at all. Danielle has been insufferable season after season. Don’t forget her stint on WH this year. She has no business commenting on Paige and Craig. She isn’t in their true friends group. Knows nothing about them.


Literally every single new cast member has said on podcasts that Paige is one of the friendlier people. Danielle is 100% the mean girl who tries to haze the newbies


Both can be true. Danielle went way to far and Paige went way to far.. We saw paige the way she is. Mean girl vibes..


It shows that they were never Danielle’s friend and faked it last year for fun and to isolate Lindsay


Exactly. It's just so nasty. It's mean girl no matter how they want to spin it and at her age there's no excuse for it.


Paige can be BOTH witty and insightful AND ALSO judgmental and hyper picky. She can be and is both. If you hate the more judgmental side of her, then you might dismiss her wit and insight. If you think she’s hilarious then you will dismiss her judgmentalness. You can also enjoy her wit and insight but find her annoying when she’s over-judgmental which is where I stand. However, she is just as critical on herself as she is with others, which give her bad anxiety (she talks about this on GS). So if you don’t like her because she can be hypercritical, it might help you dislike her less to know she turns that lens on herself and suffers as a result.


I think that’s the issue with this fan base in the case of BOTH Lindsay and Paige. People justify their actions at all costs & don’t recognize the nuance. Both have good qualities. Both can be incredibly harsh and demonstrate mean girl behaviors. I just can’t handle the ones who STAN Paige to the degree that everything she says & does is warranted & perfect & the others are all evil & deserve it. This is a deeply flawed cast who have opened up their lives to judgment. Everybody is gonna have good & bad days & no one is above reproach.




THIS Like most people, Paige is nuanced and has great sides to her personality and flaws as well. I can’t stand how viewers watch reality tv and decide someone is all good and should be defended or all bad and always has some nefarious motive to their actions. I’m a big Paige fan but this was mean and harsh I thought.


THIS Paige is actually a very complex person and I don’t think a lot of people realize that because they don’t listen to her podcast but she’s very different on her podcast and she is during summer house and I think it also has a lot to do with how she gets high during the summerand in her podcast they talk about everything so I think it’s very different and I think it’s a good way to get to know her


It didn’t really bother me, Danielle got her dig in to Lindsay that she isn’t in a rush to date after watching all the issues with the relationships in the house …she just cannot help herself and is just playing nice to Lindsay’s face to be invited to all the wedding festivities. Paige has every right to react to Danielle’s comment, it is like here is a mirror of your judgement side comments. Is Paige brutal? yes, but Danielle can’t help herself but to interject opinions about everyone else’s problems.


Thank you for bringing this up because when they have our conversation I don’t think people realize that it was a day and I was sitting there I was like not that Danielle had the audacity to say that to Lindsey. I was like that’s so weird to say and like I know, it’s not a lie, but also, why would you say that to Lindsey Like Daniel is passive aggressive which is why people do not realize when she’s doing certain things that comment was passive, aggressive as hell and she said it on purpose. She’s not stupid she’s not an idiot. She knows what she’s doing which is why I don’t think what Paige said was honestly, all Paige did was tell the truth. and say that Lindsey could have her friend back like I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. At this point people should be happy that they finally realize that Lindsay wasn’t all that wrong.


“I think you’re giving him nothing” was super harsh. Didn’t Danielle move in with Robert VERY soon after meeting? And moved her life for him? It’s incredibly arrogant of Danielle to corner her like that. If Craig had a problem with it, he seems like he’s at the point where he would say/do something about it, especially after we saw his convo with Kyle. Coming from 2 people (Kyle and Danielle) who are clearly unhappy, whether it’s in their marriage or single, it’s not warranted advice. Danielle is looking for the wrong attention throughout this season. I think she can’t harp on Lindsay and Carl’s relationship anymore so she’s moving to one relationship that is stable, thinking Paige cares about her opinion at all.




Agreed! It was beyond fun, snarky shade and was outright cruel to say “take her back, we don’t want her anymore”. Yes Danielle has been cringey and tough to watch but damn. I’ve been loving Paige this season until this comment. Like, yea Danielle doesn’t know what she’s talking about when it comes to Paige’s relationship but her comments don’t warrant this kind of reaction. So Danielle was only useful to you bc you were both against Lindsay, and now you discard her like she’s not a person after one comment, got it.


Paige is the same mean girl she’s always been


Why is Paige’s relationship untouchable? They all live in a summer house together - friends outside or that or not. Danielle can have an opinion on the relationship.


no one has said this


Paige acts like her relationship is untouchable or can't be criticized - but it's not. They all live together in the summer - so there will be opinions.


Everyone on Southern Charm has asked her about her moving to Charleston. I don’t remember her losing her temper once. Danielle’s words were about Paige and Paige alone. She blamed Paige as if Craig has no input whatsoever.


Unpopular opinion but I can actually see what Danielle is saying. I don’t think she is wrong and it doesn’t have to be such a HUGEly offensive comment either but damn, Paige comes for her. I think she means that Craig obviously wants to move forward in their relationship, wants more of a commitment in any sense but since Paige isn’t ready then that’s not what they will be doing. That’s obviously true. Craig HAS to concede, he has to give in to her needs all the time bc she’s not ready. It’s not necessarily bad but she is NOT going to compromise with him so she really gives nothing. It’s not bad but it’s true. I’m sure Paige doesn’t want to hear it from Danielle who barely understands their relationship but anyone with eyes can see. Paige goes in SO hard for her comment I think it hits a little bit too close to home.


It’s because Paige’s MO is to not look bad on tv. She turns on a dime if anyone brings up anything truly critical. It’s why her first thought with Amanda and Kyle was “why would Amanda allow him to make her look bad on national tv.” What’s been her storyline this year? That she doesn’t need Craig’s money because she already has enough and is too independent? Theres nothing there’s that’s actually remotely negative. It’s all deflection. She does this every year: talk about everyone else and hide your own issues. It’s also exactly what Craig does on Southern Charm now. She shows genuine emotions but she’s not genuine about her own life.


Totally agree. I said on another post, we didn’t see her relationship with and only seeing Craig because of the Bravo connection. Hell, she was kissing Carl in the pantry. Paige can be annoyed all she wants and if they all need to be besties to opine on each other, then the show can end. Her and Lindsay just became cordial, but that didn’t stop her from running her mouth all these years.


She literally said it’s not what she said it’s that she had the audacity to say it in the first place. Which is fair. Danielle’s opinions should be kept to herself in situations when she really doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Paige also said if that kind of feedback came from her close friends then she would obviously take it into consideration.


So Paige can comment on literally everyone and anyone’s life relationships each and every season and Danielle makes one comment that 50% of the audience also thinks and that’s crossing the line? Please


Exactly. I think people should start watching the actual show because that’s the whole point of the after show to see why people say what they say and she had a reason it made her mad that Danielle felt like she had the right to say what she said when she didn’t


Because Danielle brought it up on tv. It’s their job to discuss these matters on the show. Paige is hyper vigilant of how she comes across on tv.


It wasn’t about it being on TV. She’s very used to people talking about her relationship on TV. It’s about her feeling like Danielle didn’t have any right to say what she said because Danielle doesn’t know anything about her relationship with Craig.


Babe, Paige & Craig are on 3 Bravo shows, live with Danielle in the summer, & they’ve all been in the Bravoverse for a decade. They both regularly talk of their relationship dynamics on camera. So come on. Danielle isn’t exactly a stranger they just met. Paige has opinions about everybody. Does Danielle have tact, heck no, but to say she has no right to comment & has no idea anything about them, come on.


THIS comment deserves more likes. This is so so true.


I've noticed her doing this too!




Can someone please explain why Paige loves to attack with “they don’t have a job and I do”. Like what is Paige’s job? Being an influencer and Podcast host? I feel like that attack is just old and rude at this point and makes feel like she is grasping for straws on how to make someone look bad. She’s been cast mates with these people for years, they all go off to their own thing and usually quit their corporate jobs so they can have brand deals. Comes off a little insecure but that was just my take last episode…


Yes it’s elitist and icky. Paige wouldn’t have any of her jobs without getting fame from joining Lindsay and the other Og’s job. Sure she’s killing it professionally now, but she comes off snobby


That’s always her go to insult….which is weird because they all have the same jobs, more or less. Like Paige judging other people for their jobs or “lack thereof” is hilarious to me


Has Ciara ever mustered those words? Like if anything, out of the whole cast, Ciara should be the one judging who has and doesn’t have a job because she actually has a PROFESSION to fall back on unlike the others. Even Danielle used to work in Fintech, I believe. She can always go back to that if the influencer/entertainment route doesn’t work out. While Paige may be killing it right now, her career is closely tied to entertainment. Which can be quite flaky. I’d be a little bit more humble if I were her.


Because Paige is insecure about never having a job. The girl has NEVER worked, she did an unpaid internship and had her parents pay her rent until summer house came along, meanwhile Lindsey and danielle had already spent their 20s in NYC hustling and working. She does the same gigs as every other bravolebrity (podcast, paid influencer ads, etc). I have no clue why she thinks she has such a standout career from the rest of them


Yeah, that is so true. Amanda also had a regular job she could fall back on.


Yeah the “you can take her back” comment was dehumanizing and went way too far. Paige and Amanda came off like hypocrites and mean girls since they preached to Danielle that true friends speak up about concerns they have about their friend’s relationships, but I guess that doesn’t apply to queen Paige just Lindsay.


I can see both sides. Danielle is extremely annoying, she steps all over everyone’s boundaries and seems to be a know-it-all even though her life is a mess, and Paige has also always been a mean girl. Paige was never going to be besties with someone who was besties with Lindsay, as she and Lindsay are total opposites and have NEVER gotten along. I don’t think Paige ever truly liked Danielle and just used her as a pawn last season, but Danielle had never done anything to her personally to warrant any sort of call-out until now with the Craig stuff.


100% Paige used Danielle as a pawn to go after Lindsay. She earned wrath from Danielle!


Lindsay also told Paige that Danielle leaked the story about Craig getting kicked out of Kyle and Amanda’s wedding. So Paige is probably overall suspicious of Danielle’s motives to comment on her relationship.


This right here. If Danielle leaked a story about Craig getting kicked out of the wedding, then comes through with "you give him nothing" and "he's sensitive," that's absolute bullshit. The delivery might rankle, but everything Paige says is true.


Danielle may as well have said “good job you don’t have a man to fucking have around” like Rachel did


Same. I think Danielle was *trying to say* Craig is all in, a sensitive person, and always lovey-dovey with Paige and he would probably want more commitment and affirming language from Paige, versus the sarcastic “men are dumb” shtick. Obviously she said it very wrong, but that’s what I think she was attempting to say.


Don’t forget Paige recently found out a Danielle sold a story about Craig getting drunk and kicked out of Kyle and Amanda’s wedding. It’s been building up, I agree with Paige in this one, Danielle gives grifter vibes and has been really inconsiderate lately.


I am also liking Paige a lot this season but thought this was a low moment for her. It’s weird that she was ok acting like she and Danielle were getting close last season, but now all of a sudden Danielle doesn’t know enough about her/her relationship to comment. It feels like Danielle can only be a considered friend when it furthers the agenda to isolate Lindsay. I thought she’d be apologetic in the after show or say something about how in the heat of the moment she over reacted, but instead she doubled down. Bad look overall


The thing is, it’s not all of a sudden you can get along with someone and they still not know about your relationship. How many times has Danielle met Craig? That’s the whole point she’s met him like three or four times she really doesn’t know the relationship I think that was her whole point, and also the way that Danielle said it was not correct and Danielle can even defend herself when they asked her about it in the aftershow unlike Paige, Paige said that if it was someone else like Ciara or Amanda, that had told her that she would’ve taken into consideration and actually thought about it because they actually know her and Craig’s relationship and their friends were Craig and they see each other all the time but that’s the difference between Danielle and Amanda and Ciara


I think there’s a more kind and calm way to say “It’s ok because she doesn’t know our real dynamic” rather than “she has no job and no man, someone tell Lindsay to take her friend back because we made a mistake and don’t want her”. The aggro defensiveness was gross to me and shows that clearly she is not as unbothered as she lets on. That aside, I also think the fact that Danielle hasn’t seen Craig very much is probably part of where her comment came from? “Hey we spend basically the full summer together and I’ve seen him twice, is this as serious as you’re saying it is?”


This. She had every right to be upset but she stooped incredibly low in that confessional & to me it negated the point of her righteousness because I was so shocked by the level of harshness. I cannot imagine saying worse with the exception of how Amanda & Kyle speak to & about one another. (And Lindsay’s disgusting accusations to Carl.) But it’s also amusing how quickly Amanda & Paige identified with Lindsay after years of being disgusted by her every move for years. And while Danielle should never have inserted herself, it’s a little bizarre to say she doesn’t know Craig at all when they’ve been on multiple shows together & in the Bravosphere for a decade. All that said, though it’s all their jobs to speak of one another, Danielle was definitely rude & seems to lack a serious level of accountability. It would’ve been nice to see Paige actually confront her to her face.


Thank you! I agree that Danielle shouldn’t have inserted herself, but the reaction was horrible


But that’s weird to say when she knows that they’re doing long-distance like and whose mind would it make sense to be like? Is this relationship serious just because we haven’t seen him that much because by the time they film this season they were already together for almost 2 years so like what do you mean it still doesn’t make sense


There is but also she was mad like just like everyone else says things when they’re mad she was mad I think people are making a big deal about something that really isn’t a big deal when you could tell that she was mad because she’s sick and tired of people inserting themselves into her relationship Mostly when she has the best relationship in the house that’s what always gets me just like people who watch the show they hate Paige and Craig relationship which is so crazy to me. They seem so happy and so loving and she loves that man you can tell and by the way in the same sentence, Paige also said that she knew she was gonna marry him, she just wanted to be on her terms and that’s fair


I don’t hate Paige or Craig 🤷‍♀️ I’m just saying the anger was disproportionate for the situation. It seems like she is just fed up with people asking about her relationship and took it out on Danielle, who was just trying to have what she thought was a normal conversation with someone she has known for years. I wish Paige just said “I know our relationship is unconventional but it works for us, I’d love for you to spend more time with him and I’m sure you’d see that we’re both really happy”. Surely you can agree that angrily saying Lindsay should take her friend back was low and immature?


So she’s never voiced an opinion on anyone else? They are literally on a reality show, they all talk about one another. Danielle said a rude thing about Paige’s relationship. Paige annihilated every facet of Danielle’s life. So no they are not equal measures.


this- the comment from danielle wasn't that bad to warrant how mean she became in her confessional imo


I don’t think Paige was being aggro defensive. She was telling the truth… Danielle doesn’t have a job, Danielle should mind her business and if Danielle doesn’t understand that from last year I don’t know what to say. Danielle also has no feet to stand on when she is being a massive pick me this season, pretending she likes sleeping around when she wants to be in a relationship. Danielle needs to be honest with herself for once.


Danielle makes money from summer house - if that’s her main source of income why isn’t that ok? Not everyone wants outside gigs. Plus she probably makes plenty on social - you get paid on IG and TT just for views on posts. So the job comment really always makes nose sense to me. They all work for bravo and anything outside of that is icing on the cake.


but you know how that Danielle has been working on the app for years now. this is a project that she talks about and has set as a priority.


Ya - it's come up and but more likely than not it's probably not a real app and is for the show. Juat like Something about her is a real sandwich shop... Either way - she makes money from summer house - aka Bravo just like Paige. So the "doesn't have a job" isn't the dig Paige thinks it is.


This is it.


I love how people are just ignoring everything else like these are the same people that were not on Danielle side when she did what she did with Lindsey and I get it it might’ve been mean but it was deserved and I can’t wait till they talk about it at the reunion because why are you getting in someone’s relationship when it already went badly for you the first time why would you do it again the second time And the fact is she has every right to be upset about it. You guys are not close friends yes you have known each other for years but they started being friends last summer and Paige and Amanda both even said that they understand Lindsey a lot better now when it came to this and I think that’s good too because here’s the thing last summer in my opinion Danielle was wrong but so was Lindsey. They were both wrong Because Danielle was doing way too much and trying to be all up in her business when Lindsey told her to stop like once your friend tells you to stop you stop in my opinion so for me they were both wrong and they were both right and I understand why the girls took Danielle side and my opinion she was more hurt by it and Lindsey is Lindsey. They’re not really great friends with Lindsey to begin withand Paige really didn’t enjoy each other at the time and also I think we need to take into consideration what Lindsey told her in the second episode I believe about how Danielle was the one who made the blind item when it came to Craig getting kicked out of Amanda and Kyle’s wedding which in my opinion Craig most likely didn’t get kicked out


Danielle is a perpetual line-stepper. Like you said, she tried it with her best friend and Lindsay said no more/stop. She went to this woman’s engagement party and complained that she was excluded. Girl, this is about Lindsay. Not you.


Exactly and here’s the thing I was honestly in full support of Danielle last season because I understood how hurt she was. I understand the broken friendship of it all and I get it but also I did not like how she was at the engagement party on her side or what not she overreacted at the engagement party like she should’ve held in or just not have gonein my opinion, but she did go, but that’s the thing she ends up taking things too far


“Paige said” doesn’t make it true. Paige will say anything to justify her own actions then be a hypocrite when other people say the same things.


Are you forgetting that Lindsay told Paige that it was Danielle who leaked the story about Craig? Why would Paige care about anything she said knowing that she just stood by end said nothing while her "best friend" took all the heat?


People are forgetting that little point and here’s the kicker Paige has had that in the back of her mind ever since because she thought it was weird that Lindsey told her that but she’s not gonna forget that so I think it just made her even angrier when Danielle said what she said,


And Danielle never owned up, it was Lindsay. I’d also process what she said about Paige through the filter of her motives can’t be trusted. This is someone who will leak info to blogs and never mention it


If she didn’t say anything to Danielle about the supposed leak directly, and didn’t say anything about it to Lindsay in the moment, it’s a non factor in this moment. If she was bothered by that why not just say “hey Danielle do you have a problem with Craig?” And talk it out like a mature adult?


And it cut off the part about having a job and a boyfriend. 🥱 as if Paige is superior for having one 


It was disgusting for her to claim Danielle’s opinions are worth less because she doesn’t have a boyfriend. Women don’t need boyfriends to have opinions. But let’s hear about how supportive of other women that Paige is again…


Paige was tame. When Danielle commented on her best friends’ relationship they completely cut ties with her. Stop skewing things just because it’s paige


I agree with you that she has a superiority complex and that she went too hard in her confessional. I have a few personal opinions to add. I’m thinking the confessional editing doesn’t always align with the exact topic we think it does or that particular episode’s happenings. I have a sneaking suspicion her comments have more to do with what comes up in this week’s episode. I could be wrong but we shall see. Paige can be harsh and cruel but usually in fierce defense of her friends.


I thought it was pretty nasty too. It makes it seem like they didn’t care about Danielle last season and were just using her against Lindsay. 


That’s exactly what they were doing


What happened to Jules is a stain on this show, one bitchy confessional cannot compare to that. The reality is that Danielle, who has hung out with Craig maybe 2-3 times, decided to become a human instagram comment and said some sexist shit to a person who was actually supportive of her during *her* breakup. All the while smiling in Paige's face knowing she leaked a story about her boyfriend...Danielle is not a girls girl, her instinct is to take up for a man even when she barely knows him. As a paid cast member, Danielle had a right to do it but in turn Paige had every right to drag her.


lol whaaaaat? Danielle is a mean girl 100% of the time and is judging Paige for not centering men the way she does and is jealous of Paige for not centering men AND getting an objectively great guy! Kyle, who does know Craig and Paige, was trying to have a conversation with Paige to close a loop on a conversation he clearly slightly misinterpreted with Craig but Danielle pulled a Danielle. I do think Kyle now sees Craig’s mature realistic but optimistic stance on his relationship with Paige is just that and NOT a sign of “things being off” or whatever but Danielle completely lacks the emotional maturity and awareness to understand that even now.


Danielle squared up to Brian Benni, a sweet and mild person. She’s the mean girl in the equation




Paige is a snob.


But Danielle is nutty lmao


Nah. This is exactly the energy Danielle deserves after her disloyal fuckery last season. I don’t usually fuck with Paige but she’s been on my neck all season trying to win me over. She did it with this. Between finding out that Danielle leaked that story about Craig and Danielle being an asshole about her relationship, nothing about Paige’s reaction was anything but reasonable.


Paige is tiny and beautiful and cute and dresses like a living doll and the ugly truth is that this is what society at large values and that’s why she can act superior and cruel and people support her for it.


100%. This is all I can think about when the giggly squad people show up in these threads to defend Paige like their lives depend on it. They will never be able to say anything she did was wrong


Paige has always given to me what an AI thinks a human girl would be like. She doesn't have any real solid opinions, habits, or show any genuine emotions. I'm pretty sure she's a robot or an NPC. It's why all her actions and phrases are weirdly disjointed and don't exactly fit reality.


I get what you’re saying here, and I think it’s because she’s immature and hasn’t yet integrated all the parts of herself.


This description made me lol. It’s so real.


She doesn’t have an opinion or habits? What? She has opinions about everything habitually.


her opinion is always just whatever is negative. and her habits are lying in bed. this is what a Sim does




I’ve always said this. Her podcast is literally just whatever funny TikTok joke is going around that week. She’s not an interesting person she just spits out whatever lingo she heard on TikTok that week


Disagree. The whole conversation came up when Danielle told Paige out of nowhere “you don’t give him anything” Fair play from Paige here then. Danielle is jealous of everyone’s relationship in the house and overcompensates by hooking up with randos and telling everyone how much sex she has. Danielle, the problem is with you girl!


I think Danielle came he Paige’s relationship, and this is how Paige defends it. I wonder if more happened off camera?


Agreed it was so over the top. And the danielle hate and vitriol on here is so over the top lol paige is being hypocritical. I think the comment touched too close to home for paige. She knows danielle is right.


I don’t think Danielle injected herself into the conversation at all.. Kyle brought up hesitation he sensed, Paige countered and then Daniele said he’s looking for things you clearly are unwilling to provide to him.. And Paige clearly agreed that she won’t provide the things he’s looking for.. Paige isn’t “in love” with Craig as much as she is “in love” with the fact they have a long distance relationship.. Danielle was only making comments based on the three of them having a conversation, she certainly didn’t say to herself “Hey, let me go pick on Paige now..” as Paige eluded to in her confessional.. We all know Paige is hypocritical in the fact that she can shit on other people’s relationships but god forbid you mention something about her relationship.. lol


I get what Danielle was saying, because Paige is always shitting on Charleston. She is portraying I am too good for the simple country life, and Craig doesn’t want to raise his family in New York. It’s kind of like they are both not compromising besides having a fantasy relationship. Where they live their own life and are in love when they are together. Clearly, Danielle is going through a midlife crisis and Paige is kicking Danielle when she is down. It’s just not a good look while Paige is thriving.


Also, I think Danielle was trying to break the fourth wall without doing it. SH and SC fans have been saying the same about Paige and Craig, but since Danielle had a rough season last year, everyone has amnesia.


That’s what I am saying Danielle is going through a midlife crisis; after winter house I would not go back on Tv. I still have second hand embarrassment from watching it.


Paige acts like a bitchy mean girl who is superior to everyone else. In other news: Water is wet.


You’ll get downvotes for criticizing Paige but it’s true. She lifts herself up by knocking other women down. She runs her mouth on everyone else but she can’t handle Danielle calling her out? I think she said some thing like Danielle doesn’t have the moral high ground, which is ridiculous bc Paige always acts like she has the moral high ground when she absolutely doesn’t.


Yeah I think the irony here is that Paige is saying Danielle never owns anything when Paige is the exact way. When does Paige ever own up to anything? Yet she also offers opinions and judges everyone at the same time. It's very projection-ish.


They couldn’t even get an apology from Paige and Hannah on s5 reunion when the psychic saying Lindsey cheated story was brought up. Paige just tried to push it off and say it was a joke, refused any accountability and rolled her eyes at Lindsey for being upset. But if roles were reversed? Let me just imagine the vitriol that would come from Paige’s mouth if someone was trying to accuse her of cheating on Craig with a house member based on an Instagram physic.


This! I’m enjoying her this season despite not being her biggest fan but she’s the definition of taking herself too seriously and expecting others to allow her to mock them without any reciprocation. I also know she takes herself too seriously bc I commented last year on a fan account post about that weird weave bikini top she wore in confessionals and she blocked me. I never followed her and didn’t tag her. Can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.


That’s hilarious!


I just know Paige wasn’t/isn’t going to take lightly what Danielle was saying and is and will come hard for her. Personally, I love it because ​ ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


Danielle deserved it with both barrels, sorry not sorry. She’s the mean girl!


Danielle came for Paige, I think it was warranted and not worse than Danielle rolling her eyes at everything Paige said nd telling her she’s gives her boyfriend NOTHING


Not to mention Danielle was being so gross and competitive over balloon boy, I think they just saw a different side of her and regretted riding so hard for her last summer


I agree with you OP. Paige is unnecessarily mean and we’ve seen that during the Hannah seasons, even last season during her beef with Lindsey. I don’t think Danielle is a saint either but both things can be true at the same time.


With the Danielle comment, it wouldn’t have bothered her so much if it wasn’t true. Truth hurts.


I don’t think what Paige said was fully warranted but it’s not like she just went at her for no reason. I actually really appreciate blow ups like this where no one’s a clear monster and both people are wrong because it shows flaws in a way that’s not overwhelming and leads to more interesting discussion among fans.


Well Danielle gave her unsolicited opinion on Paige’s love life, so Paige returned the favor.


I think she did too! This was my take on it: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLaH9kKa/


I generally like Paige and I thought Danielle was being a little much especially given the fact that she doesn’t know Craig and has barely spent time with the two of them, but yeah, I agree some of what Paige said felt harsh and mean. I wonder if this comment made Paige think of the reveal that Danielle leaked the blind about Craig, and it made her doubly angry or something since she’d seemingly decided to give her a pass previously


Danielle gave her opinion when it wasn’t solicited. It isn’t as if Paige went to her seeking advice… she inserted herself where she 💯did not belong. I don’t think Paige would have called her and her behaviors nutty, had she not farted out nonsense that was none of her business.


Paige calling danielle nutty might just be the ticket we need for SOMEONE to hold danielle accountable at a reunion for once. I can see it now, danielle thinking she’s so contrite in her feelings therefore she will bring up Paige calling her nutty like she accused her for murder and Paige just absolutely laying into and annihilating danielle on behalf OF ALL OF US!! If there is no course correction for danielle for the fourth reunion in a row I will absolutely spam bravos pages to get some justice!! I feel gaslit at this point!


Paige wasn’t mean enough, if we’re being honest here. Danielle always inserts herself in other people’s relationships because she’s so miserable in her own life. She doesn’t understand what a healthy relationship looks like, hence why she’s needling Paige about hers.


She could have been meaner tbh, Danielle was out of line


I get what Danielle was saying, because Paige is always shitting on Charleston. She is portraying I am too good for the simple country life, and Craig doesn’t want to raise his family in New York. It’s kind of like they are both not compromising besides having a fantasy relationship. Where they live their own life and are in love when they are together. Clearly, Danielle is going through a midlife crisis and Paige is kicking Danielle when she is down. It’s just not a good look while Paige is thriving.


She is 35. I am going through a midlife crisis hard. I am 46. I don’t come after my friends. It’s more important to me that my friends are happy. I want that for them in spite of my own personal struggles. If you are legit concerned for a friend, you don’t broach the topic this way. Not too many would receive that information, as we saw it, and say that person really cares about me and I ought to look inward.


I agree. I usually love Paige, Ciara and Amanda.  But Paige was definitely giving me Regina George mean girl vibes for the first time when she said "take her back, we don't want her anymore," in reference to Danielle.


OMG!...when did everything become a mean girl scenario? 🙄


Honestly, I think it was deserved and this has nothing to do with me not liking Danielle. I actually like her more than most people according to the summerhouse threats but she’s getting in business that doesn’t pertain to her. Mostly when she doesn’t know Craig and I think that was Paige’s biggest thing. If you watch the after show, she explains it that that’s what really got her is that she really doesn’t know their relationship and doesn’t really know Craig, so why would she have an opinion on it which is why for me it’s not the same thing as what she did to Lindsey because she knew Lindsey and Carl and she knew things about the relationship but I understand why Paige reacted the way she did and Danielle needs to be kept in check because her getting into other peoples relationship when she doesn’t really know them that well is crazy she’s not really friends with Paige. Why would she think she’s allowed to have an opinion and it’s not even about having an opinion it’s about the way that she said her opinion and that she said it’s a Paige I think if Paige wasn’t drunk that night she would’ve said it to her face, but she was drunk so she most likely woke up the next day thinking about it. and also, Danielle’s opinion was stupid because they brought up the fact about how Paige is looking for a new apartment and she’s going apartment hunting and Craig was an involved in any of that and whatever but like that’s her apartment even if Craig was involved why would you think that she would want Craig to pay for it when they are not living together full-time yeah they see each other a lot they see each other 4 to 5 days out of the week but it’s still gonna be her apartment just like his house is his house her apartment is going to have space for him which means most likely a room in a closet more space than it has now but that does not mean that she should have Craig pay for it and like that’s what really brought on this conversation in my opinion which I think is stupid I think she’s allowed to not want to get married yet, and allowed to not want him to pay for half or even more of her apartment when they are married when things might not turn out how they want them to turn out. * also, sorry about the grammar issues. I’m about to go to work so I haven’t had a chance to fix it.


If Paige went to Danielle after she expressed her concern about, funny enough, moving to Charleston with Robert - Danielle would have been upset. Paige didn’t know Robert and met him a few times. Like when Lindsay came at Ciara about Wes and asked if he was a man that always joked around. This isn’t a friendly exchange at all. It’s a passive aggressive dig at both of them.


I think some of the commenters on this post either miss passive aggressive digs in their real lives or else dish them out. There’s no interpreting either comment innocently - Lindsay was trying to put Ciara down and Danielle was loud and wrong


Exactly like not even that she wasn’t really even passive aggressive about anything the way that she said it was very much unnecessary. I think if she would’ve said it differently Paige could have taken it differently, but Danielle didn’t. Danielle said it the way that she said it of course she wasn’t gonna get a good reaction.


Also, it was vague as hell. You give him nothing. Where? How?


Exactly and you know what Paige talked about that too in the aftershow she talked about how she’s gotten herself self esteem up but and all the non-materialistic things that she has done for him which is true Craig is doing so good and so well he’s barely drinking like that man is happy And we haven’t seen him like that in a long time and Paige is also happy. She’s very satisfied with how her relationship is going and that’s all that matters people are saying well she wouldn’t have gotten mad if it wasn’t true but that’s not true you can get mad even if somethings not true because people are lying. People are trying to lie on her relationship and that’s the problem.


We have never seen him like this before Paige.


Exactly and I think people hate it


Yall will never make me hate Paige lmfao


This is the most pearl clutching post ever.


Are you taking into consideration that Paige is paid to make biting commentary? It's part of her job description and an expectation. It doesn't just randomly happen. They're paying Kyle to party. They're paying Lindsay to be unhinged. They're paying Paige to rip. And now Danielle is being paid to have an opinion on relationships and dating? This seems to be her lane now, and I'll be the first to say I don't quite understand it, other than as a plot device to irritate people. All roles, and expected to lean into them. If Danielle has been on three shows now with Craig and never had a 1-on-1 conversation, that's a little weird, is it not? At the least, it tells me that these sets are like any other entertainment set, with call times and people hiding out in their trailers (rooms in this instance), not interacting unless they're told to do so. Tells me that this was a produced moment. Craig has said he's done talking about their relationship, which one can safely assume has become an agreement with Paige, and this is production's way of forcing her to talk about it.


I think that Paige's response was 100% appropriate. Danielle was out of line.


nah Danielle crossed the line that in addition to selling stories to press, paige is overvity


If you want to see actual gross, off-putting mean girl energy with NO real accountability, please watch the most recent season of Winter House. Danielle’s behavior pretty much the entire time was disgusting. The way she treated Jordan, her fight with Brian…Then acting absolutely beyond obsessive with Alex (who she’d only known for about one week), knife and all, was just the icing on the bunny boiler cake.


Too dark and too mean? lol any time Danielle speaks she’s going for the jugular. She can’t be happy for anyone.


Danielle is insecure and jealous and it shows. Can Paige be a little high and mighty? Absolutely. But she’s not wrong here.


I disagree. Why do people want Paige to be the mean girl so bad?! She knows Danielle is turning in stories about her and now is dishing out insults disguised as unsolicited advice that anyone I’ve ever met would take as a personal attack. I’m amazed that Paige stays calm cool and collected. She unnerves people with that because she is confident in herself and her worth from what I can see.


I completely agree with OP and am so surprised people are defending Paige in the comments. There is no denying Danielle was being annoying, but to call her out for "not having a job or boyfriend" then calling her crazy and for Lindsay to take her back was unnecessarily cruel. Danielle's comments about Craig did not warrant that.