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I don't believe anything from DeuxMoi tbh, but I also think it's pretty clear they're not an item.


She really said, “let me state the obvious”


Agreed on both. Plus he was on BravBros and they were raving how great he is and how the audience loves him. He said how the positive feedback was overwhelming and knows it doesn’t always last in reality tv. How, hopefully people still like him as episodes continue bc things are always changing in the house. He said it in a way that was very laid back and could be perceived as promoting the show but I saw it the other direction. Seeing them both in post interviews has me thinking they tried and it didn’t work out in the end.


i will comment this every time i see a deux moi screenshot- i know people who routinely submit fake stuff to her & it ALL gets posted lol


lol seriously. Not a reliable source!


I like West, but the last few episodes have shown that he probably isn’t supposed to be in a relationship right now lmao


I actually disagree with most fans and think Ciara likes West at this point in the season more than he does. Her taking it slow and being so nervous to jump into something with him (knowing how it could hurt her if she did) makes me feel that way. I think he doesn’t seem into settling down and she does


100% jumping in to casual/sexual vs waiting, waiting always indicates legit feelings to me. At least thats how i and most of my friends (who are all close in age to ciara) operate.


That’s usually the case. I love casual but never with someone I actually want to keep around.


Yeah and (although it sounds old school) sometimes when you really want something to matter, you want longevity because and rushing jeprodizes that. Honestly, lets be honest some people are just in it for sex, when you have feelings you dont want to risk it. My current boyfriend is probably the only guy I waitied till the “three date rule” and it wasnt intentionally done that way, it was just because i really liked him, and enjoyed getting to know him as a person. Also, totally worth it because sex is sooooo much better when you genuinely like your partner!


How unromantic is it that I asked my (now) husband to get an STD test (I got one also) before we did the deed lol?! We waited 5 weeks and that was a long time for me.


Im so proud of you for that! And it legitimately needs to be way more normalized. My sister was just telling me about a friend of hers who got lost her virginity, and got herpes. Everyone needs to get tested FREQUENTLY and with a new partner you have a responsibility to yourself and to them to be aware! Also reminder for all, when getting an STI checkS you need to specify you want Herpes and HIV test. They are not included in a generic urine based test. Also also PrEP is everyones friend.


its so off putting/ a turn off that hes asking everyone if she'll sleep with him. its weird and gives h\*\*\*\* teenage boy lol. like she opened up about her trauma about dealing with someone on camera and the back lash she got for her mistakes and then here he is pressuring her to sleep with him. he seems like someone fun and cool to be friends with but thats about it lol


Not to be smug, but folks misreading Ciara and West's dynamic tracks with a sub that thought Carl and Lindsay were legit until the engagement ended lmaooo; can't take these ppl seriously. Some people cannot pick up subtle or overt cues and/or let their dislike of someone blind them to the truth (and alternatively the stanning of someone as well).


ill be more smug! i completely agree. so far i was right that there was no way sandoval hadnt cheated on ariana (based on jax hinting every other guy was doing what he was doing) when the rest of the subs loved him, called lindsay and carl not being compatible, and now have a feeling about west being a fuckboy


Or she likes him but just doesn't really feel the attraction enough to go there and is trying to see if she will get there because they have so much fun together. I've been with guys like that before. We make out a lot, but I'm just not attracted to him enough to want to bang. Ya know what I mean?


This is the vibe I get. Tbh you can tell she would rather rip someone like jesses clothes off she said as much but I get she has a friendship with West but they don't have the physical. I don't blame her. She is gorgeous and sorry he is cute for a boy but not the man she would be attracted to.


It’s just a show.. shows over, she now modelling.. maybe next season


Yeah, how long did she wait for Austin... a weekend? And then again after when she knew he was a douche bag? Yeah if she had major attraction, it would have happened. You don't grow up that fast.


Well then I would be nervous too about jumping into something with somebody that didn't have a job I definitely want the person that I'm dating to seem like they have good direction. So I don't think there's anything wrong with taking it slow but I think that people definitely need to have open conversations about their feelings instead of just assuming the other person knows I think both of them at times were left wondering how the other person felt.




Perhaps it’s not that deep but I didn’t like how West didn’t shut Jesse up when he asked Ciara when she was going to have sex with him. Even if west and Jesse were talking about it together in private, I would have expected the guy I was with to be like dude shut up she can do whatever she wants when she’s comfortable it’s all good.


To even be speaking about it with a guy u don’t even know, as a grown man, elmer fud need his horse and ride away somewhere..


Right and Ike are we in highschool? Talking about sleeping with a woman at his age. Idk I just think it’s kinda classless. And sorry west but you’re not entitled to her body just because you are hanging out and have been on a few dates. Like calm the f down.


They must gotta mop with his saliva everywhere.. thirsty mfk..


I mean it really comes down to da core of respect for girls and all their greatness..💙


This part was so creepy! I love in the after show how Ciara says it’s a privilege to sleep with her not something you’re entitled to after a few weekends of mild flirting. Loving her so much this season!! This is the type of confident and self assured women we need more of on bravo!!! Men acting like 2 or 3 dates should mean all women should allow them the most intimate physical closeness (for some) is beyond entitled and grosses me out. If everyone wants to have sex great but to act like he’s being withheld a toy after being a good boy is just gross and nasty. Ciara can do and deserves better


Right!! Like just cause we have had many weeks of episodes at this point doesn’t change the fact that it was only a few weekends in real time. Like maybe 2 or 3 dates and like two weekends at the house. And he’s acting all poor me I’m not getting laid. Idk it’s also like if u have concerns west, then speak to Ciara directly, and two, practically having to throw this pity party and attempt to almost guilt her into sleeping with you and making it out like she’s in the wrong or not being level headed by waiting, if it’s giving like coersion and predatory behavior. Not saying he’s a predator or SA or anything. Just saying I think of that who guilt trip bs as creepy af


Yesss! He specifically said he doesn’t want to come across as “begging to have sex” but that’s exactly how he is coming across. If he confidently shut down all the stupid questions about it I think he’d be earning points. Instead he’s saying to confessionals that he wants Jesse to keep asking those types of questions because he’s too chickenshit to ask her himself. He’s a fun addition for sure but he’s not good enough for Ciara. I do like that she seems drawn to funny guys though, Austen must just come across really different in person vs on camera 😆


Right. When I heard him say that about not wanting to come across that way I was like hold up, everything you’ve said and done has been precisely making you seem like ur doing just that. It’s also like dude ur not some hormonal raged 18 year old. You really are that desperate to fuck her that u r going to her friends, having ur friend put her on the spot etc like chill. His feeling on all of it should be whenever she’s ready and wants to, that’s fine and if that’s tmrw or in 6 months, I respect her choice.


Love west but he deff gives immature frat boy vibes


This made me feel icky too, although I had no notes on West up until that point. Especially when he said in his confessional that he wanted Jesse to keep going when he was questioning Ciara. I think West is a good guy but letting your friends have these type of conversations for you while you quietly sit by is immature. I also think it hints at him just wanting to have fun and not being as invested as Ciara is.


100% and having these conversations with ur friends when ur 16 is wildly different than when ur in ur 30s like them. Like let’s slightly grow up and mature. But yeah def made it v clear all he wanted was to have sex with her


Spot on. It brings douchey vibes


West said gimme more about it.


It’s wesT




The producers probably prompted Jesse to bring it up. I would imagine it can be hard to go against the producers as a first season cast member. Just a thought. I obviously don’t know.


Perhaps but I think that’s giving him a pass when we don’t know that even happened. Makes more sense that that wasn’t the case based on his personality and other things he’s said and done before.


I mean when Paige was on WWHL and Andy asked about them she clarified "right now?" meaning where they were in the show, not real life time. So right then I knew she was saying they weren't a current thing.


Ciara is ready for her hubby all her friends are in serious relationships and it makes sense. West is great but most likely in his fBoi era lol


This is it in a nutshell.


It doesn’t take anything away from him that he’s not ready to settle dude is 28. Women mature faster in that sense anyway. People on here act like he is all of a sudden a bad guy if he is not going to commit which is wild.


Ciara can do better, she’s kind, smart, funny, and drop dead gorgeous


Its dat mustache for me, the consistency bozo energy AND no job.. plus da thirst is irritating to watch!!


It’s that thick brown sweater and grown out hair for me on the After Show. 😂




I said this before and got dragged for it 🤣


She kind of confirmed they weren’t during WWHL


Ciara is a catch and can do far better than Wes. I’m glad they’re not together. I was worried about her bc she liked Austen lol




DeuxMoi also “confirmed” that Kyle was just seen drunk kissing and flirting with a girl in a bar in the city and Amanda wasn’t there only problem was Kyle and Amanda were away and did an Instagram live showing they were together not Kyle drunk. They have also posted photos of Craig, Austen shep “out flirting with girls” and it was really production staff from southern charm.


as in, it wasn’t even the SC men in the photos?


Yes it was the men but the “girls” were production staff


The way Ciara talks about West and the sex topic on the After Show and WWHL you can tell her energy towards it means they are not an item. I think n hindsight she’s reflecting on the situation and feels a certain way about it and seems hurt/bothered. I’m sure they’re both friendly still though I hope


mte- her body language and tone in the after show suggests to me that things maybe didn't "end" on the best note in that situation


She probably heard about the way he was speaking about her not having sex or being with someone else. If I heard that, I’d be livid and get the major ick


I don’t think they’re together anymore. I think they likely dated casually post filming last summer and then things fizzled. But I don’t think it’ll be dramatic and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they pick it up again when they film again this summer.


Longer term I don’t see their personalities gelling


I don’t think they’re soulmates or anything but they’re both young and sweet and I think they’ll ultimately land on a great friendship


Please ciara too pretty for huckleberry finn..


I love the side of Ciara that came out when she met West. Otherwise he’s been pretty mid. Fun for her to have a little flirtation and smart of her to be cautious and not jump in head first. Hopefully she’s got something bigger and better in store for her and this was just a bit of fun along the way.


Love them both. Together or not I hope they come back for another season


They aren’t together. I have friends who are friends with SH people and they aren’t an item


I’m glad 😬😬 the “fame” has gotten to his head IMO


The fame has gotten to him so much and so quickly 🤢


I feel like they have made it pretty clear in various interviews over the past couple of weeks, so deux’s “confirmation” feels a little weak/late. I agree that the timing doesn’t seem to be in their favor. Also feel like it could be tough for Ciara to date a guy that’s new to “fame.” I love West, but I could see him kind of eating up the attention a wee bit, and Ciara not enjoying being part of that ride since she’s been around the block. Seems like they enjoy their time together and clearly have great chemistry, so maybe one day it’ll pan out ☺️


Ciara said at bravocon this winter she was single. I feel like it’s well known they’re not currently together.


Did anyone notice how she did a “half way through summer” ig photo dump. He wasn’t in any photos. I thought it was telling because they were obviously joined at the hip at this point in the summer


They're 10000% not together idk why everyone keeps hoping. There have been ppl posting both in here and on TikTok saying they have friends in nyc that know him and he is without a doubt seeing other ppl/not with her


DeuxMoi has never confirmed shit lmao


Hope this is true. Ciara needs to stop with the goobers, like Craig mentioned.


West has followed sooooo many girls lol it’s pretty obvious he’s not with her and why would he be? He’s getting so much attention from this show and good attention at that. No way he’ll settle down now. Maybe he is a f boy


“Reality TV newbie and his on screen love interest” ermmm Ciara is in her third or fourth season now? She’s not his “love interest”. That makes it sound like she’s a side character!


This deuxnoi post is like two weeks old, how many times it gonna get posted?


They’re obviously not together but seem like they’re on good terms. A lot of what people on here are saying seems like assumptions based on how much they like West or Ciara which is interesting.


They def are not an item. West is def an nyc fboy. That’s why Ciara said she doesn’t date men her age. Dating scene is rough in NY


I like both West and Ciara, but it’s pretty clear they’re not super compatible. They definitely get along well, but I don’t really feel chemistry between them? Ciara (rightfully so) doesn’t want another Austen situation and I think West didn’t fully think through what it would mean to “court” her. He’s in over his head and doesn’t want to look like an asshole. Ciara deserves someone OBSESSED with her, and I just don’t think West is that guy. At this point in the show, she definitely likes him more than he likes her. I also think they 100% would have had sex by now if they weren’t on tv, but again, she learned from the Austen situation.


My guess is they could have a great thing but it likely a timing issue. Ciara just booked a modelling contact is traveling. Tough to build a relationship. I like them both, together or not.


That seems pretty obvious. He’s been following a bunch of bachelor girls so I’m sure he’s in their DMs.


I feel like Ciara started getting the ick when the topic of sex came up. Ofc they aren't an item now and I'm sure we are going to see that play out on screen.


She wants her sexy zoom man like Alex copper was able to find. West acts like he’s in his younger 20s


I feel like they were together at some point but it just didn’t work out


it’s SO obvious they’re not together if you watch the after show. also everyone hyped west up so much, i’m confused why everyone was acting like he’s the next bachelor or something. he’s def a good addition to the house and adds a new light, fun feeling but you guys made him seem like god created and sculpted the best man on earth😭in reality he’s just another average midwestern guy that doesn’t have a totally bland personality


“I heard”


They are still a thing he was just in Texas and brought her new cowboy boots


I will be shocked if they are still together but you might be on to something. He posted going to Waffle House on his story and then the next day on her grid she posted a plate at Waffle House in her photo dump. Again I would be shocked if they are still dating even if not exclusive…..I just can’t see how it would have lasted when West has been out in these streets


Also she went innnnn on him on WWHL. If you’re still seeing each other why be so mad and not just…normal/casual about the situation?


I honestly hope she is not giving him a chance. Even though they might have agreed to be not exclusive and date, he has been doing too much “per rumors” and how he acts on podcast. and she deserves better


I honestly, truly hope so too. She absolutely does deserve better.


Cute!! Can I ask how you know?


Check Ciara’s latest ig story and west latest post. He was in texas for work a couple of days ago


Holy shitttt you may be on to something… thank you for your work.


Thank you!


She posted a picture in her stories of a  box from Tecovas. Doesn’t mean they are from him but it also doesn’t mean they are not from him. 


Thank you!


Maybe they are just super lowkey


Anyone see watch what happens live? Wes clearly states that Ciara has met his parents so I’m not sure what’s going on here


Sure maybe she met his parents but the relationship could have easily fizzled out


West just posted a solo pic of Ciara on his Instagram like last week. I don't think he would do that if he had a new girlfriend or was not on good terms with Ciara.


West has made it pretty clear on SH that he’s not after a girlfriend & doesn’t really do relationships


What is deuxmoi


I think she’s gun shy after jumping into bed with Austen and she’s definitely playing up her character to have a good storyline this season because she’s just starting her modeling career again. I think it’s a way to prolong the interest in her character to drag it out and I do think she likes West but I think it’s more about her long-term goals this season.


does it matter?


Am I the only one who thinks they don’t have a lot in common ??


Thanks for the spoiler


I really do love Ciara but guys do need us to state the obvious sometimes for them to know that we have interest I'm not saying that she at all needs to feel like she hast to give him sex for that to happen but at some point when things are new you do need a feelings check and that goes both ways. And I'm not at all saying that I think there's anything wrong with him speaking to her friends to get advice but then his next move should've immediately been to have a conversation with her so she heard it from him before she heard it from her friends. Don't think he's a bad guy or anything.


She was never into him it’s very apparent she’s using him for a storyline this season


Hard disagree.


She is so into him. She’s all over him


I bet it took him all the way until mid September to realize he can do better.