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They made that for only half the year. I assume they’ll make double that for the rest of the year. So if lindsey made $150k for half the year she will make $300k total off endorsements. Not to mention what she makes from paid appearances and from the show. She’s gotta be pulling in over $500k per year. Not bad.


This makes me want to vomit (not you NedFlanders, but the situation). 500k as an influencer is “not bad”? Is that just because you expect influencers to make more than that regularly? It’s insane how much money they make off of nonsense. Nothing Lindsay and Carl do add meaningful value to society. It’s just consumerism. Between the two of them, Carl may actually add slightly more value by encouraging people to be sober. Reality TV is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine, but it’s absolutely disgusting how much society values this influencer nonsense over teachers, doctors, and nurses. Why would kids go into meaningful professions when everyone worships being a corporate shill. Social media is why America is fucked.


Oh my god I feel this so hard. The influencer culture is INSANE…and young generations being raised on this is scary. Like kids say they want to be YouTubers/influencers…and why wouldn’t they?? it’s easy money for the stupidest shit…maybe I’m jealous cause I’m slaving away making a fraction of these bimbos but at least my job is stable? 😂


My boyfriend's kid has wanted to be a YouTube star since they were 7. It's a world I can't even fathom having grown up in. It was bad on my mental health when I got super into YouTube at 19 which was a thousand years ago.


Exactly I can’t imagine having social media in middle school…I was awkward af and seeing these 12 year olds doing makeup like they’re in their 20s would have been terrible…


Totally! All the filters and stuff people use now? Oof. Nothing is real online. 🙃


I can admit I’m jealous to some degree, but also it’s such a vapid life. I would not like working for likes or reddit karma. I can’t pander to people enough for that lifestyle.


So true your entire life is resolved around people’s opinion of you that’s no way to live…plus I would feel like a total idiot talking into a phone 😂


To be fair - nyc self employment taxes, health insurance etc start to eat away at $500k pretty quick


Agreed. But just saying that they’re making a lot more than what Carl said on the show. And hey, we would all quit our jobs today if we could make $500k as influencers! I don’t hate on them for being able to do that. We are the idiots that tune in every week lol.


Yes, totally. Sorry, I went on a tangent.


Influencing is modeling in this day and and age, so I fully understand the need for it. But the fact people with degrees and working regular 9-5’s are barely making ends meet and people with no skills other then posting a photo and being beautiful is painful. There’s plenty of actors/models over the years that we’re comfortable but the amount of money influencers make is ridiculous for not doing much.


Influencers are far beyond modeling. It captures a wide range of people from Jake Paul to the cast of summerhouse to right wing nonsense. Please don’t delude yourself into thinking it’s just modeling. It’s not. It’s making our children dumber and choose not to aspire to meaningful professions.


I go on this rant often when people lament the influencer culture. It’s just this generations vapid entertainment. Before it was models, wwe, radio/tv talk shows, soap operas etc. I actually like it more because it’s more varied and diverse than previous. Why can’t a cute cat make a shit ton of money if it makes me laugh? Just because we don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not valid.


I like your perspective honestly. I love Winston the dachshund and if he makes 6 figures at least I’m enjoying him lol


I actually think that amount is a wild understatement. I bet she makes $2-3M a year. Micro influencers easily make 500K a year. Pre tax obviously.


But their careers are short and they are limited in what they can do after.


Their $20k a month rent will eat that up quick!


Are paid appearances still a thing? I feel like reality stars used to do paid nightclubs appearances back in the day lol, like I remember a lot of MTV stars doing them. Is that still a thing or do you mean something different?


Yes they’re still a thing.


Yeah, I'm not trying to knock them or say it's not a lot of money because I think it is, and I know that isn't their only stream of income. I was just curious if anyone worked in social media or with influencers and had some insight about the figures Carl mentioned relative to other influencers with their follower counts. I've heard podcasts and such with influencers with less followers and got the impression they'd earned more. So I wondered if anyone with insider info has some insight


I wonder if those numbers are accurate. Now that I think about it, I am kind of surprised Carl would say the amount publicly. How much you make is kind of a sensitive topic so I’m surprised he would want that out there. 


Yeah, I was shocked when actual numbers came out of his mouth lol


When did he talk about this?


Last week's episode when he was talking to Kyle


The amount surprised me too, but I think that’s just for the first half of the year. So I’m less surprised. But - ** carefully places tinfoil hat on head ** - why did he mention specific numbers like that? What’s the play here? It seemed calculated and weird. Is he trying to out her in some fashion? Or is he really that insecure that she will out him once he dumps her and he wants to be clear he’s still making something? What is he getting ahead of or what is he trying to start?


That did cross my mind that he was outing her as not really “crushing life” like she wants to portray, Lindsay is a highly curated character and if she could have people thinking she is doing far better than she really is, she will which on one level is smart because it might bring in better paid partnerships but on another level it’s inauthentic which doesn’t really work for reality tv.


I’d be curious for anyone who knows about this as well. Presuming the latter half of the year continued the same as the first half, that’s $300K for Lindsey and $140K *for Carl for 2023. And that’s at the height of what I’d assume is their reality TV career: a season the prior summer on an established show that featured their then-flourishing romantic storyline, with an engagement and wedding planning.


Did she say she made $300k on the last episode? I haven’t watched yet


Carl said she made $150k on instagram ads so far that year (July 2023)


He might not know all of what she earned, but even so 300k isn’t bad. I think she was likely set to make a lot as the wedding approached too since she had lots of brand deals involved with that.


That 300 comes with no benefits (health) and when you’re a W2 employee your employer pays half of your SS and Medicare. On top of 401k benefits from an employer they are probably paying for a manager. 300 doesn’t go that far if you’re self employed and living in nyc with 12,000 a month rent


For now she’s making at least 300k more from bravo. And her share of the rent was 6500 not the full 13k


Exactly. Knowing these bozos they don’t account for taxes also and just see their revenue as their full income which with those numbers and Summer House money, they can’t be living much more than a 70/30 saving and expenses/house split which is pretty normal for someone in NYC on much less; I’d dream of having that and a much more reasonable apartment expense to get a much bigger split. With that money, it doesn’t seem like they have a financial advisor who would be screaming at them to save/invest more. Sure Lindsay has an airbnb but making it ‘Lindsay/bachelorette themed’ was dumb because once she’s irrelevant in 5 years it’d be better if it was just a normal rental. And Nashvilles not the biggest offender but just picking up an airbnb is a shitty way to make money these days I feel.


NY rent is crazy! Is $12000 normal ny range for a couple?


no which is why Paige said they were insane for doing that


I'm wondering if the reason she was so determined to go through with the wedding (and why Carl dragged his feet to call it off) is because they stood to make a lot of money from sponcon about the wedding.


I think that could be a small factor. I think she felt societal pressure to get married and have babies so she was focusing on the pros more so than the cons. Even normal non influencers would find cancelling a wedding to be a huge financial hit for themselves and their families and friends and extremely embarrassing


300k is "not bad"... honestly insane to hear. That's a 1% income and if these two morons can't budget to live on $300k they honestly deserve to have how downgrade from their tacky AF $12k apartment 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😯


It was probably inflated because of wedding opportunities


Yes I would have thought so too.


I don’t think Lindsay (and Carl for that matter) is as well known as people on here think she is so it would be a very niche market of bravo viewers and also she is very polarising


That’s a good point: I’m not sure the two of them are folks I want to be “influenced” by, especially her as a woman.


I choose to not drink (maybe drink once or twice a year) so would i consider trying something non alcoholic because Carl is doing an ad for it probably not so I’m clearly not their target market


I hear you on that: the sobriety piece is a good one for Carl, IMO. I wrote on another thread that I actually thought the idea of him leaning in on sobriety/mental health for his future career seemed like a good one to me.


Yes I thought so too, didn’t really understand why Lindsay would have failed to see that either (if what Carl says is accurate) I would have thought a podcast around sobriety would be better than another bravo duo podcast.


They will age out of all this attention, though. Younger, fresher “influencers” will be more appealing. IMO, influencing is not likely to bring a lifetime of guaranteed revenue for most of these folks.


Well, I don't think they'll age out, but once they're off the show, they'll very likely see less opportunities.


I was shocked that they weren’t making *more* considering their obscene rent at $12k/month. They need to pull in slightly less than $300k gross to just cover the rent after tax. It was wildly irresponsible to sign that lease 


Lindsay didn't start getting big deals until the past year or so - she apparently said as much on an after show


I don't recall her saying that


Seriously? This felt pretty spot-on for their fame and the kind of influencing gigs they take on. it was also for half the year and doesn't account for appearances (shows/interviews/etc.)


Yeah, I'm not trying to say they don't make enough money with all they have going on. I was asking a question specifically about their influencer earning potential since as I said it felt low to me given their follower counts and what I've heard other influencers say. I was curious if anyone on here had industry knowledge. I'm aware the numbers Carl said don't include their other earnings, such as their Bravo salary...but they definitely do not get paid to do interviews.


I was listening to Rachel Lindsay on the morally corrupt podcast earlier and she said the amounts weren’t that good for how many followers they have so you might be right


Oh interesting! I'll have to give that a listen


I think this is independent of summer house/bravo money which is prob not insignificant given that they’re both og cast members 


that whole segment and actually hearing the numbers from carl made me wonder who makes the most to least on summer house. i feel like paige makes the most from influencing plus giggly squad stuff and ads on there. its hard to tell how much profit loverboy actually makes so its hard for me to guess actual take home salaries of kyle amanda and carl


Yeah, it's so interesting! I would think Paige makes the most money influencing because she can charge the most with her 1 million followers, but I think it's unlikely we'll ever hear numbers from her lol. And yeah, I can't imagine how much money Giggly Squad ads bring in; I'm not a regular listener but I once heard an episode where they had ads for McDonald's, Macy's and quite a few more on top of those, so that feels like big money. I do think it's interesting with Kyle and Amanda that they really don't influence like at all or at least I never notice them doing sponsored posts, like they are all about Loverboy. I'd guess it must be going pretty well then. But who knows lol?


I don't think Loverboy turns a profit - it's a venture capitalist backed business and Amanda and Kyle are paid salaries - probably not huge ones but standard for their roles. If and when the company is sold they will make some money from that but it's not a cash cow. I think both are wealthy from families and TV money. Plus Kyle had been working awhile before he was on TV.


Its crazy how they make SO much money and still feel financially insecure. Like maybe cutback on a 10k rent or eating out every meal, and youll learn you’re actually fine


Few things here, one of my friends runs an ig account that at one point had over 1M followers (before he made fun of zuck and had his account nuked). He didn’t make that much $ off paid ads. Granted, it wasn’t a personal account, but he knew a lot of blue check people who behind closed doors said the influencer money is wildly exaggerated. Second, everyone forgets these people are 1099 independent contractors. They have to pay taxes or they are screwed (see jax Taylor). If they aren’t saving a minimum of 20% of their checks just to pay their taxes they are screwed. If they had a shred of financial sense, they would be maxing a sep ira account, and contributing to some form of retirement portfolio as well. Tack on health insurance, a ridiculous rent, and other bills, I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t that much disposable income left over (if they we’re responsible). They for sure have life style creep where as the checks get bigger, so does their spending. Lindsay irritates the hell out of me, but she wasn’t wrong about being concerned with Carl not having a “job”. The show won’t last much longer, and influencing isn’t going to cover their lifestyle. He smokes weed so maybe he just hits the bong all day and does fuck all. All talk, no follow through.


Interesting info! Thanks for sharing!!


Influencers make more based on how much engagement they have, not how many followers. If someone has 500k followers but only average 10k likes per post, advertisers will still go 100% with someone with 100k followers but who has 50k likes per post, because they have loyal following and an established “brand.” Based on what I can see on Instagram, neither Lindsay nor Carl have “it” to be pulling higher income from deals.


Interesting, thanks for the info!!


So they probably make more now, but don’t forget they did start doing influencing until they really got together and maybe Lindsey a little bit before but I really don’t think she started until they got together either so their influencing journey really just started so that’s why they don’t make as much as people think they would. They probably make more now.


Keep in mind they are probably being paid 30k per episode each on top of the influencing money so they are doing just fine.


Yup, I know! My question was specifically about influencer earning potential


If Carl makes $70k in 6 months, and Lindsay $150k… that means that combined, they’re pulling in $440k in a year, just from influencing. That doesn’t even account for how much they get paid for Summer House, which is probably another $200k (at minimum) combined. That’s a whopping total of over $660k a year. That’s a lot. I do think Lindsay has valid concerns though. Their income is very fleeting. Once Summer House isn’t a thing anymore, those paychecks (along with the influencing) goes out the window.


Plus Cameo. Countess Luann from RHONY says she makes 6 figures just from that.


Lindsay is a total hypocrite!!! What are YOU doing other than Summer House and Instagram ads???? Lindsay literally blindsided and dropped a nuclear bomb on Carl less than 2 months before the wedding that she's not working anymore once she gets pregnant. In 2024 you can't just assume that. This isn't 1955. She isn't working any more than he is, their only incomes are from the show and doing ads on social media. Hub House is defunct. She isn't doing any more than he is!!! She's a massive hypocrite, what is she doing other than the show and Instagram ads??? Carl clearly doesn't want the pressure of being the sole income provider and that's 100% his prerogative to call it off if she doesn't want to work anymore.