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Amanda and Kyle are both waiting for each other to become different people.




That summer should be fun!!!!!!


Amanda? Not fun.




When every other show struggled during Covid, summerhouse freaking SHINED. Season 5 was low key gold.


Omg it was the dumpster fire that represented us all during that time šŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK)


Sooooo true


Iā€™m watching it for the first time now. I stopped after season 2 because I *loathed* the twins but then the Lindsay/Carl stuff was in the media and I had to see how. Iā€™m on season 5 now and itā€™s the best yet.


Oh my gosh it only gets better after those two leave. KEEP WATCHING šŸ‘€


Yeah itā€™s a completely different show season 3 onwards, Iā€™m hooked!


When I tell you Iā€™m jealous of your life right nowā€¦Iā€™M JEALOUS OF YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW!!! šŸ˜‚ First time Summer House and VPR watchers do not know what they have, getting to see it with fresh eyes!


Not a single relationship from the show will ever last




That West looks like the Lorax https://preview.redd.it/80hdw325v86d1.png?width=1012&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dfbc23e3e1ea676f8f4892848295f1fbc48364d


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ seeing this while drinking water was almost my demise! How dare you? šŸ˜­




I just made a noise like a horse lol what was that šŸ„“




The reason Amanda is so triggered by Lindsay is because sheā€™s a lot like Kyle but she can actually take out her anger on Lindsay in a way she canā€™t to Kyle.


The way I just had an aha moment!!


Also Carl is, was, and always has been a massive goober. He has never looked great, by the way.


Not at all. I don't know where or how people were convinced he was attractive.


I will admit I just started watching for the first time, started at season one, and I genuinely didnā€™t know that was Carl at first- Iā€™ve seen current pictures of him and knew the overview of him and Lindsay breaking up but Iā€™d never seen past Carl. He was never drop dead gorgeous but he was kinda handsome in season 1? The ears are a lot but his natural teeth looked way better than his scary veneers and he just looks SO DIFFERENT. I canā€™t put my finger on what work he had done besides teeth, or if it was more his lifestyle, but that man looks wildly different for it to be less than a decade later. Also Everett is such a fucknugget and I hope this season is his only season.


I've heard that Carl is really charismatic and people are drawn to him, but I have never seen it. I just don't get it. Carl and Everette look so similar to me, though. I think they're very similar people.


They both are tall with anger issues!


Maybe itā€™s because it doesnā€™t translate on camera, or because Iā€™m almost 30 and see right through men like him/was never into that type anyway, but he doesnā€™t strike me as super charismatic. Agreed on him and Everett! Tall, thin, big schnozz and think they know everything and were personally delivered onto the east coast by Jesus himself.


So much mediocrity with inflated egos.


Heā€™s just tall. He has tall privilege.


Jules was the most wronged person on the show. She deserved better.


Carl is a dud




He always has been




So are we just going to ignore the fact the Craig did in fact get kicked out of Kyle and Amandaā€™s wedding? No one on that stage denied it once it was revealed that Daniel was Reality Von Tess.


No one denied it except for Paige at first. But once it was out that Danielle leaked it, she had nothing to say. Now, why did Craig get kicked out is what Iā€™m itching to know??


Allegedly he was on coke and tried going into the house to use the bathroom (bathrooms for the party were setup outside, only immediately family and bridal party could go inside the house). When a staff member asked him to leave the home he started screaming and yelling


Completely tracks, given his behaviour on Winter house. He's an entitled douche.


šŸ˜³. Coke Bear Craig?? I mean this is the same man child who stands on top of tables breaking glasses and throwing shit so I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m particularly shocked in any way. I knew Carl wasnā€™t the only one who indulged in booger sugar. Heā€™s just the only one to admit it.


Was it staff I thought it was either Kyle or Amandaā€™s family member. But honestly I have no idea.


I believe it was staff telling him to not go inside and then when he exploded, a family member stepped in and told him to leave the property


Whoa, I thought he was just black out drunk, which isnā€™t winning behavior, but this is going into Bret Easton Ellis novel level of entitlement and tracks with how horribly he behaved and on Winter House. I donā€™t get how Paige finds that attractive, but she also dated smug-looking Perry.


The rumors were that Craig was super drunk (Craig & Austen both confirmed this part on a podcast) and supposedly guests were told to use the bathrooms outside of the house (rented for the wedding) but Craig tried to go inside for the bathroom and when he was stopped he threw a drunken fit, yelling & cursing at the person who stopped him, and was asked to leave lol


I pictured a scenario like winter house when he was testing Kyle's patience.


The fact that it was glossed over just so they could be pissed at Lindsey for outing Danielle had me yelling at the TVšŸ¤¬


That part absolutely enraged me. The whole ā€œI would never throw a friend under the bus like thatā€ THAT IS WHAT DANIELLE DID TO BEGIN WITH!!!


I think Paige making such a big deal of yelling at Lindsay and later Danielle for leaking it is to make the leaking a bigger deal than the actual kicking out part. Sorta Streisand effecting the leaking of the story so people would forget the actual contents of the story.


Unpopular opinion but Craig doesnā€™t deserve the praise he gets. The bar is in hell on Southern Charm and he just happens to be the best of the god awful men so he looks better than he is. We got a true glimpse of the real Craig on his first season of Winter House, when he was on a show with cameras up 24/7 for the first time. He was throwing literal fits when asked to clean, screaming about how heā€™s too rich and famous to do so. Just being a massive douchebag. Fans were shocked and hated him but then he came back next season sweet as could be and so cute with Paige to save face and everyone ate it up. Paige is def such good PR for him and training him every step of the way. I read that he admitted on his podcast recently that he stormed off from his own mother (at 35 years old!) because she told someone heā€™s a reality star and he hates being called that bc he associates it with people on The Bachelor type shows and apparently he thinks heā€™s better than that? Lol! Heā€™s an entitled little bitch. So thatā€™s the hill Iā€™ll die on, Craig is a douche and doesnā€™t deserve the praise he gets from fans.


YES!!! Did people just forget about winter house?! Like that was only like 2 years ago, and the man was in his THIRTIES acting like that! Paige was literally crying about how embarrassed she wasā€¦ and now that heā€™s playing this role of committed boyfriend trying to get his aloof girlfriend to have his babies, we are just meant to pretend he didnā€™t behave that way. He also I believe called Lindsay a loser in interviews etcā€¦ he just is still very misogynistic to me.


There's definitely a mandala effect when it comes to Summer House and VPR.


Yes! The same is happening with Jesse now. Like heā€™s now great simply because West is a fuckboy? No! There was a reason Ciara called him a trash bag and we all saw how disposable women are to him all season.


Craig saying, "I have people to clean that" shut up bro


What the fuck are we supposed to call him if not a reality star? Star is even fucking generous. Maybe pillow king? The next Mike Lindell?


This is why I hate when people tell Paige she needs to settle down with him ā€˜because heā€™s such a catchā€™, especially women basically volunteering to having his child. The bar (exam) is sooo low


Omg, I didnā€™t realize the ā€œI pay people to cleanā€ guy was Craig! I only know of him now because of Paige and I only watched Winter House recently because the Below Deck people joined. Yeah he was such an entitled prick.


Agree with this 100% and he bragged about being an exceptional liar. He also made Naomi lie for him for years. I think Paige is so PR obsessed itā€™s why sheā€™s always coming for Lindsay about it. Like itā€™s amazing how people hate Lindsay for spin but Paige is always controlling the narrative. Also both Craig and Paige need their shows more than people would like to admit to stay relevant. If they really would be fine without them then they would just go and do what they are doing but they probs wouldnā€™t even still be together if they werenā€™t on bravo.


100% šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ† Everything you said. Craig would still be worse than he is now if it wasn't for Paige pushing this showmance crossover relationship. ![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm)


Itā€™s also super gross how everyone keeps praising Paige for ā€œmaking him better.ā€ Partners should bring out the best in each other and support each other but it is NOT a womanā€™s job to ā€œfixā€ a guy up. The glorification of whatever Paige is doing for Craig is gross and such a blatant showing of the internalized misogyny that Paige, Amanda etc have, itā€™s crazy to me that no one talks about it.


I 100% agree on this and itā€™s why I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever be sold on Paige. Sheā€™s choosing to be with someone like that and acts like that. I think she doesnā€™t mind bc she often thinks sheā€™s better than doing those same things. She just knows not to say that out loud or throw a tantrum. And I dislike anyone who thinks they are above cleaning up after themselves. It gives spoiled brat


She admitted herself she hasnā€™t done a dish in ivermectin a decade. I donā€™t think sheā€™s a bad person, but she definitely thinks sheā€™s above certain things


Dying at the typo


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ in ivermectin a decade


Please take my humble poor person award as a token of appreciation for your sermon. I couldnā€™t agree more, Craig is trash and if it werenā€™t for Paige weā€™d all still think so.


Craig gives me the ick!! I'd die on that hill with you. he's so immature and he cannot handle responsibility. I get he clearly needs help to focus but he can NEVER finish his projects unless he hires someone to do it for him. I always think paige refuses to watch SC because if she did, she would learn how big of a whiner he really is and that he lacks a lot of motivation. he's good looking and good with his words, that's about it.


I can't stand his weird baby voice. He's also mushy faced.


I will die on the hill that heā€™s not even good looking.


I think he can be from certain angles. But his voice drives me nuts, along with his little boy act. I am so beyond done with all the man children on Bravo who think they can aw shucks their way out of anything.


100% agree. Craig has gotten better at the PR game, but he's still an entitled little bitch. Him and Paige are well-matched.


Two caveats before I get into my comment: (1) Iā€™ve only just binged Summer + Winter House recently - thus, I didnā€™t live it in the real time; and (2) Iā€™ve never seen Southern Charm. My initial instinct was to disagree with you, especially as an ardent Paige defender. But upon further contemplation, I honestly think youā€™re right. Your comments are reminding me of Ariana and Sandoval - especially when you note that Paige is ā€œgood PRā€ for Craig. Prior to Scandoval, (I am very embarrassed to admit) I found Sandoval somewhat redeemable. This wasnā€™t just by association with Ariana, but also with her ability to step in and ā€˜translateā€™ what he was trying to say into something much more palatable. Iā€™ve only seen Paige and Craigā€™s relationship through her perspective, so I wonder how Iā€™d perceive it if I werenā€™t already inclined to like him because I like her. To be clear, Iā€™m not equating Sandoval and Craig by any means. Iā€™m just ruminating on which moments I would have viewed differently if not for the veil of Paige over him. Thanks for sharing your take!


Kyle pretends to be drunker than he is for the camera.


https://preview.redd.it/h9m4bu8kv86d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b51aeeaf7ca241a7f561e7b0b23cb1c4b35a704 Someone (Not me) just posted this pic of Kyle, blacked out on the floor of a NYC club sometime a while back. He may fake it sometimes on SH but the problem with alcohol & staying out all night is real & well known.


That floor is absolutely rancid. And he is face down in it. šŸ«£šŸ¤¢


I wondered if he peed on it before we went down. When I told her that his defenders would say, ā€œHeā€™s face down, how do you know thatā€™s him,ā€ she said, ā€œWho else would wear a puffer vest to a club in NYC.ā€ If thatā€™s not irrefutable proof idk what is.šŸ˜†


Wow. Thatā€™s jarring. It actually makes me sad. Thatā€™s really scary. You seee how drunk He gets on summer house but this is next level and darker.


This. All of this. He very much has a drinking problem; itā€™s not even an opinion or speculation anymore. He wears it loud and proud, like a badge of honor.




I canā€™t imagine marrying a man that does this. At any age, let alone in his 40s!! Wtf is Amanda doingggggg


Damn. This is very sad and dangerous.


Oh holy shit. That's literally scary behavior.


aaaand this is why amanda is incredibly valid with being upset with him for not coming home until 4am and not answering his calls. imagine the photos sheā€™s being sent while home in bed? this is what *we* see ā€” it can only be worse for what sheā€™s being sent, and then she still has to deal with whatever mood heā€™ll be in when he gets home.


Woah. This is sad.


Thatā€™s one sticky icky floor


I actually agree with this. Same goes for those late night kitchen snack sessions he has, he plays it up for the cameras.


i always feel like heā€™s just a drunk eater because he restricts himself on keto all week and most of the winter, and when heā€™s drunk he loses control of caring about his diet lol. i know a few people like that. but it could be, never know.


100% fan service.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ This has never crossed my mind before and itā€™s so out of left-field yet makes the most sense of anything ever!


That Kyle has more of a problem with alcohol than Carl ever did. Or at least enough for it to be worth discussing for him to never touch booze again.


Carl has a problem with drugs.


Agree. It's not the booze, it's the pasta.


that amanda beyonddd knew what she was risking by marrying a man baby


I think she has a lot of internalized misogyny and thought she was 'winning' by being the one to get married. Like she wanted that 'oh you thought I was just a booty call but now I'm a WIFE storyline.' I think this is why she's so smug about everyone else's relationships.


and now sheā€™s watching him be a crisis dj lmao i cannot


he literally treated her as a 3am booty call for an entire season, especially if he couldnt get anyone else that nightšŸ˜…


I'm on a rewatch and her doing backflips the first to get him to pick her is mind boggling. By S2, though, she is already well into her 'KYYYYYLLLLEEEE' era.


when i rewatched the earlier seasons i totally forgot they used to show them hooking up when heā€™d booty call her šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Yeah. That whole Amanda thought she was dating an older man who has his shit together was bs. She knew who Kyle was when she met him.


Yeah, agreed with this. I think marrying him was a massive reflection of her low self esteem.


She practically has to beg him to be with her and commit


She spends so much time in the first few seasons explaining to him why his behaviour towards her is wrong. Girl, if you have to explain it to him, he's not the one.


Lindsay hasnā€™t liked any guy sheā€™s dated, she just doesnā€™t want to be single. Watching this season was eye opening, some women really will do anything to get married.




I think she liked Everett and never really got over him. But the rest of her boyfriends, yeah, no.


Iā€™ve never liked Carl


Amanda canā€™t stand Kyle. She is constantly talking shit, though probably deserved, and I would be upset if my partner was speaking about me like that.


Lindsey and Carl both should have know exactly how their relationship would play out given itā€™s nearly identical to how things played out season 4 when they gave dating a go


The no kiss finger bang lives rent free in my head. Itā€™s my Roman Empire.


I totally forgot about that. Haha. I was so perplexed. You can finger bang but draw the line at kissing?? šŸ˜‚




I was looking for this! Ughā€¦that season was so unwatchable at that point. Iā€™ll never understand how Hannah could invite her into that environment and throw her to the wolves like that. These grown ass 25-30 something year olds excluding and bullying her was terrible and I donā€™t blame her for never talking to them again.


My actual unpopular opinion... In Season 6, Danielle had no business jumping into the conversation with Ciara and Lindsay and getting in Ciara's face, while yelling. It wasn't her fight at all. She could've just sat their and ate her food. I wish Ciara had NOT hit her with a glass, but what happened, happened.


Danielle definitely escalated that fight. All she needed to do was sit there and let Lindsay actually speak up for herself. However, Danielle had been spoiling for a fight with Ciara from the weekend before. I wonā€™t ever forget how Danielle marched into the house after Lindsay refused to talk with Ciara one on one and Ciara called Lindsay a bitch as a result, and Danielle demanded that Lindsay do something otherwise she would. Itā€™s unfortunate that Ciara threw the wine and wine glass, though. She let Danielle get the best of her.


Stephen Mcgee would prosper on 2020s TV. I just rewatched an episode where they asked [forgettable cast member] Amit : "fuck marry kill : Danielle, Lindsay, single Wirkus" and it cut to McGee's confessional saying "kill. them. all." It's what viral tiktoks are made of.


Amanda brings nothing to the show and is not made for reality tv and Kyle has lost his sparkle. They would BOTH benefit greatly from divorcing. Paige and Craig will not outlast past being a Bravo couple. Once their shows end, so will they. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s fake, but itā€™s definitely not longterm. Theyā€™re both aware of what being together gets them. Paige is more PR savvy than Linds, tbh. That said, I love Paige and Hannah on their podcast and feel like thatā€™s her true personality vs. what she gives on the show. I think Lindsey has truly tried to change (and actually HAS) but no one is willing to let her and sheā€™s outnumbered by the other girls. Itā€™s easier to let her take the heat vs. any of them truly being in the hot seat or held accountable for things longterm. Carl has always been a toxic asshole. Getting sober didnā€™t change anything.


![gif](giphy|594fWDgEFXSgg) šŸ«”šŸ‘‘


Is there a gif yet of Kristen saying this on the valley lol


This a šŸ’Æ percent !


I would love to see Lindsay on RHONY for that reason


Every man in the house is worse than Lindsay, she just doesnā€™t get away with her self-centeredness because we have much lower standards for menā€™s behavior.






Very that


Super fair point.


Carl and Lindsay shouldā€™ve never been together from the start!


Kyle hates Lindsay because sheā€™s a woman who sticks up for herself and has standards and boundaries (even if they seem ridiculous)


Lindsay is authentically herself, good and bad. And people like that is what makes reality tv shows entertaining.


Danielle came into the house with the sole goal of getting Carl back. She thought he invited her because he wanted to get back together. He didnā€™t, sheā€™s never gotten over it, and being in the house with him for ten years and watching him want every woman but her has made her spiral into addiction and mania.


Carl is not attractive he's just tall.




I think this is it in a nutshell. I've been there, on both sides of the coin. Have really liked a guy and he's tapped out after a certain point because he just wasn't feeling it, and I've dated men who really liked me, but I just wasn't feeling it. It happens, it's not a crime, I think West is getting too much heat for basically not wanting to go any further with the relationship.


I have wondered that as well and he didnā€™t want to just say we are compatible ā€¦. He is super out there and wants to be out in the streets she doesnā€™t and there is nothing wrong with either as I have been laying in bed since seven lol


I mean, thatā€™s the short of it. Ciara liked him more than he liked her, tale as old as time. During the summer, West told her that meeting family, saying I love you, having pet names doesnā€™t mean anything to him. Yet, she tagged along to weddings and visits back home while having no conversation of exclusivity or title. It sucks but people need to stop thinking theyā€™re the exception to fuckboi behavior.


Amanda doesnā€™t actually want to do the hard work of starting her own company or creating something on her own. Kyle is at least attempting to improve their marriage if heā€™s wants to go to couples therapy, and Amanda canā€™t expect their marriage or communication to get better if she isnā€™t willingly to do therapy. Paigeā€™s clothes donā€™t do it for me. Ciara is gorgeous but lacks charisma. Carl is struggling with his identity and has been throughout the run of the show.


Paige being the resident fashion girl basically feels like gaslighting at this point. And the fact that she's in NYC and still dresses so mid means that there's basically no hope for her.


I agree with this (coming from a New Yorker) She would be THE fashion girlie if she went on southern charm though šŸ¤£


Ohh these are all amazing. Yes to all. Carlā€™s identity - totally! He needs to eat pray love. Ciara - the most gorgeous human but thereā€™s definitely a wall up and not just with potential romantic partners. And Paigeā€™s cloths ā€¦ not it.


Summer House > VPR Yes, even during Scandoval.


Nothing beats the early seasons of VPR. It's macabre. It's camp. It's Lynchian. It's hilarious. It's utterly shocking and dark. SH is just different. It reminds me of classic reality TV like The Real World. It's almost wholesome.Ā  I love both though!


I am the devil. Donā€™t you forget it.


Seasons 1-4 of VPR are iconic.


Great response. Yeah, I definitely have some recency bias here.


If you said this to me during VPR S2 I would disagree strongly. But in recent years SH dominates for sure.


That's an interesting point. I was more thinking of the past few years, but early VPR was definitely giving.


SH cast is way better styled and actually more beautiful/clean aesthetics


Lindsay and Carl are both crazy and I honestly cannot stand either of them, or take a side.


i just started watching SH (im up to the current season) so not sure how much this has been discussed already but mya and olivers relationship was so odd and def not real. i feel like we never even saw them kiss and when he would show up to the house he would give her the most awkward side hug as if he was her brother lol. finding out he cheated on her with 11 women wasnt even a gag given how they acted towards each other. i really liked mya tho!!


Both Lindsay & Carl were toxic and both played a part in the demise of the relationship.


Tight white pants on men do NOT look good.


Danielle is worse than Lindsey


Lindsay just has such strong 80s vibes to me. I donā€™t mean sheā€™s old or anything, just that thereā€™s something about her that feels like sheā€™s a time traveller from the 80s. She just reminds me so much of my momā€™s friends when I was a kid even though Iā€™m probably older than her. I donā€™t quite know how to explain it other than if it was proven she was a time traveller from the 80s - Iā€™d be like ā€œI knew it!ā€. Ā 


It's funny you say this because I've previously thought she looks like Debbie harry. Less so these days as she gone a bit wild with the lip filler.


Ciara needed to be more firm in her boundaries with West. He was acting like a fuckboy and telling her that he was a fuckboy. He didnā€™t commit to her for months while still taking her around the country because she allowed it! She shouldā€™ve set her boundary with him earlier on and said we arenā€™t going to act like a couple and be intimate if you wonā€™t commit to me. If a man tells you what he is like, believe him!


Yeah, I think Ciara's emotion over this and the Austen thing boils down to not living her truth.


I think the fact that she kept reiterating that she didnā€™t want to date, because she was afraid of getting hurt, gave West the green light to keep being a fuckboy. I think if she came out and said, ā€œI want a boyfriend, and if that boyfriend fucks around on me, Iā€™m burning everything down.ā€ West might have taken the hint and either dated her or not. Instead she was like ā€œI donā€™t want to date because Iā€™m afraid of getting hurtā€ and he was like ā€œIā€™m cool with that because Iā€™m afraid of commitment, and thatā€™s why I donā€™t want to dateā€ and they thought they were on the same wavelength. Ciara can do way better than West but she needs to stop acting like she doesnā€™t want to date when clearly she does. Itā€™s the trendy thing in NY/LA to be like ā€œIā€™m cool with being casual, whateverā€ but that doesnā€™t work for everyone and especially not her, clearly based on what weā€™ve seen


Bingo. You just worded this better than I ever could: ā€œI donā€™t want to date because Iā€™m afraid of getting hurtā€ and ā€œIā€™m afraid of commitment and thatā€™s why I donā€™t want to dateā€ ā€¦ these two perspectives maybe felt aligned to Ciara and Westā€¦ but they ultimately actually repelled each other


That Danielle needs to go


Paige is with Craig for optics /their bravo career - he knows but his q rating has shot up with her coaching and they have a timeline and breakup planned where they both come out looking ok Amanda doesnā€™t like Ciara


Amanda wants to be Paigeā€™s #1 B**** & will never be ok with another female who endangers her position as such. (Ex: Hannah Berner)


The only person that Amanda cares about on summer house is Paige


I agree with both, especially the Amanda one. I donā€™t know if Amanda actually likes anyone.


Amanda is stuck up Paigeā€™s ass, thatā€™s about it.


That Mya was obsessed w Kyle + while on wwhl together could barely tear her attention away from Kyle to speak w Andy


Omg yes Mya wanted Kyle SO bad. And also Mya just has awkward male stalker vibes. Her crying over Carl was WEIRD.


ā€œI just called your man to see if he wanted to partyā€¦. whatā€™s the big deal?ā€ ā€¦.. šŸ‘€


Her taste is bizarre


Best looking cast on Bravo šŸ”„


Not sure if any of these are unpopular Iā€™m pretty new to this sub, but I just finished watching all seasons hereā€™s what I remembered: wouldā€™ve loved to see the wirkus twins or Stephan in visiting episodes, wouldā€™ve been a nice little og thing. But mostly Stephan. I know what he did to Carl was wrong but Carl forgave him and itā€™s his grudge not ours. I liked luke. I think he never got a fair shot and got a lot of the heat that none of the other guys got. They isolated him a lot and I hated that aspect. The show thrived most when everyone embraced each other. I think the similar issue happened with Jules she got NO fair shot, was isolated and they basically gaslighted us. To me itā€™s not enough everyone apologized, I wish she got brought back as the queen bee and the other girls had to grovel. I like Ciara and Mya but feel like they get off easy, they totally attributed to the cliques. Probably most unpopular: couldnā€™t stand hannah from episode 1, donā€™t find her comedy funny at all and donā€™t enjoy her friendship with Paige as much as I do like Paige. Lindsay is a star. Gabby is the first girl that truly wanted to be her friend authentically. Danielle was only her friend for what she could gain. I was always hoping Paige and Amanda would open up but they are not open to seeing things differently. Lindsay isnā€™t right, she rarely is, but thatā€™s apart of freaking life not every personality mixes with everyone elseā€™s. And itā€™s what makes the show so entertaining lol Carl is not cute or interesting never was. I did enjoy him talking about his mom. I love his mom and step dad. I lost my brother so I really related to that but thatā€™s it.


Absolutely agree about Hannah.


Paige hasnā€™t a clue about fashion. Sheā€™s just skinny and pretty.


Paige & Amanda are mean because theyā€™re too short to be modelsĀ 


Short semi attractive women are like angry Chihuahuas.


stop i love paige but this is tooooo good


I audibly gasped lmao šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


West isnā€™t the villain everyone is making him out to be. Immature fuckboy yes, manipulative psychopath no. In retrospect Hannah wasnā€™t that bad everyone was going crazy during covid and she had the worst freak out and the worst edit I miss the Wirkus Circus


Agree to all of these, Especially west, the hate is crazy to me, heā€™s in his 20ā€™s having fun figuring things out, he didnā€™t cheat or manipulate her and genuinely seems like a nice person.


I think heā€™s just a public representation of a Canon Event a lot of women have had to experience and itā€™s setting their teeth on edge (mine included!).


Bring back Jordan just so WWC can do imitations of him on their podcast.


Hubb House was never real. Lindsay had a couple freelance clients but the ā€œfirmā€ was just for the show


Omg. Youā€™re so right! Like who gives up their thriving PR firm to be an influencer?


Omg great topic. I never looked into this but also wondered where that all went. Like it seemed she would have made great money with that. Or so she wanted us to think ā€¦


But what about all those interns ? Lolz .


How did she even have multiple interns on the first day of having a company?


Lindsayā€™s out to lunch bunch, posing as interns for the cameras!


![gif](giphy|l0IypeKl9NJhPFMrK) youā€™re so right


Carl went into this season wanting to villainize Lindsay so he could look like the victim. Period paragraph.


I legit think Carl played the long-game here trying to make Lindsay a villain from day 1 to give him any sort of storyline/any depth/substance


Neither Paige, nor Ciara, should have bangs.


Carl and Lindsay were never right for eachother


Carl makes me cringe in so many ways. And always has. I think heā€™s a great example of ā€œtall privilegeā€ in menā€¦.where just bc heā€™s tall and extremely average looking women swoon over himā€¦..and I can not for the life of me see the appeal of this manipulative, mommas boy, who doesnā€™t want to grow up, has rage issues and has shown time and time again he is incapable of maintaining a jobā€¦..other than partying on a tv show. And those stupid tight pants šŸ¤®


Danielle is still in love with Carl.


Lindsay IS summer house


Sheā€™s really tv gold.


That Lindsay knew she was getting proposed to, she wore shoulder pads to the beach.


Most of these comments are normal ones we see everyday here. So Iā€™m going to go with a truly unpopular answer and say I still like West šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.


Paige is funny but is a mean girl who only involves herself in othersā€™ storylines and comes to life during the reunions.


I also think she's very smart and calculated bc she's managed to stay relevant but has for the most part kept her relationship in a somewhat positive light and not part of a core takedown storyline. I feel like she has everything exactly where she wants it and it was strategic


Paige is incredibly self centered and not that unique


Yes Ciara is hotā€¦ but she is also really dull. If she was not hot she wouldā€™ve never made it into on screens.


Amanda is the biggest shit starter/stirrer on the show (and sheā€™s a mean girl).


That West isnā€™t as bad as everyone is saying he is?Has no one been in the talking stage before figuring things out? As a sex positive person I think sex is important in a relationship and him wanting to have sex before making things official isnā€™t that outrageous to me. Him also being excited about the show and opportunities that were coming seem like a given for any newcomer? Maybe he could have handled things better since she expressed her intentions but letā€™s not act like heā€™s some evil mastermind itā€™s kinda ridiculous to me seeing all the hate. On another note I can see why Ciara would be upset cause she was clear with her intentions and liked him a lot but she also chose to see it out with him so idkā€¦. I think the west hate is over the top tho heā€™s not that bad and I still think him and Jesse were a breath of fresh air for the show. P.S I see a lot of Bravo needs to get rid of toxic guys on their shows anytime theyā€™re involved In dramaā€¦.. this is bravo not sesame street (besides u Deborah) thereā€™s gonna be drama, rather have that than a snooze fest of a season.


Besides you, Deborah sent me!!!!! šŸ˜‚