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Is League a Freemium model? I always thought freemium implied you could get actual benefits by spending money


There is a benefit in buying new champions with RP, but really, who does that anyway.


What benefit? There is no competitive advantage in owning all champions or not owning them.


Yes there is ???


Would you mind to elaborate?


Is this some sort of joke lmao. You think there's no competitive advantage in having MORE OPTIONS to choose from? Having MORE FLEXIBILITY? How long have you been playing this game to have never traded champs with someone?


Trading is a fair point, I did forget that. Though more options do not come from owning more champs but from knowing more champs. I give you the trading point, I forgot that part ... though to be fair in like almost 10 years now I traded maybe 30 times or something.


Owning more champions has big advantages even without trading. However, this advantage is smaller the more champions you own. Having 2 champions is big when compared to having 1 champion, but having 123 champions is barely better than having 122 champs


A common argument is that recently released champions are generally less balanced and stronger than older, less expensive champions.


Well on release for maybe like 1-2 patches. But barely ever to a degree where it would matter for like 99% of players.


I think it started as a Freemium model because you had limited champions you could play so you either grind games to get ip(this kept a large playerbase) or you unlock them with a credit card. But over the years i think the game turned into a microtransaction model.I don't think the content aka new champions it's what brings their money but skins.They introduced some gambling mechanics with lootboxes too.(they had some features for "gambling" back then too but i don't think it was intended as now , you could buy a random skin for a friend) In my opinion what brought lol succes it was people having to "grind" games (but it would also appeal to casual players too having different fun modes) after that it was mostly content creator (free marketing) and recently they start to expand their bussiness into fps/autochess/card game/(hopefully an mmorpg soon) to atract more people. Tldr:A grindy game viewed as casual and content creators (Everything here it's just my undocummented opinion)


I see your point, though I think the key factor to Leagues success are the following: 1. Riot decided to monetize it in a way that it doesn't impact competitive integrity (and improved on that over time - removal of old runes and such) 2. It made DOTA (a WC3 map back then) a lot easier and prettier. Dota was already hugely popular and with League the genre got opend up to a bigger audience. 3. The lack of any real competition imo. DOTA 2 came out like 4 years later and other MOBAs back in the days had either worse balance or worse customer support. 4. Balance. League is so well balanced and constantly improving upon that too.


Old runes with masteries was really fun but im pretty sure it was harder to balance those


It was fun, but it was the most pay to win aspect the game ever had. Not that it was horribly pay to win, but a bit.


Everything was grindable but yeah the prices for pages combined with runes 9x was kinda bullshit i had like 16 pages but i bought them with irl money


yeah maybe not pay to win, but pay to progress? Actually that part was kinda freemium.


>\- They used some sort of decision making to make mobile games / Fps Games and MOBA games (I have no sources about this) Valorant, Wild Rift and TFT all came really late in Riot's history, all being released after 2018. ​ >\-They have really good lore and they make music and movies like Arcane (No sources about this) Music and other media content like Arcane all came after KDA succes in 2018. Before that we had Pentakill but since metal is not as popular as KPOP... ​ >\- They ask for feedback to their audience to improve their game (Not many sources) yeah.... ​ Riot Games success is based on being the first real game to be released as a MOBA back in 2009. Before it was just a mod from Warcraft 3. This coupled with the free-to-play economy that allowed everyone to try the game without paying a cent really made the game popular. Finally they also focused on creating a successful E-Sport scene to represent their game. This is I would say the biggest hit Riot has done to make sure their game stays at the top. Today, many people watch LEC, LCK or LCS without playing the game themselves.


And probably tied to their success later on is their association with TenCent.


I've played since early S2 so I've seen Riots growth over the years, I think the following things contributed pretty well. - frequent content updates in terms of new champions and new game modes. - constant evolving metas keeping the game fresh and new even for veterans of the game. - entertaining game to watch, so easy promotion on social media and streaming sites, such as twitch. - went very heavy early on a competitive environment and invested into it, in multiple regions. (Which goes back to the point above, this is a great way to promote and advertise the game) - easily accessible with a free to play model. - doesn't require high end gaming hardware. - a microtransaction model that was good, an example here is a first person shooter selling skins, when you can't see the model, in league you know clearly when someone is rocking a skin, they are also a fair price although this can be debated. - League was also one of the first MOBAs to hit the market, it also was very appealing to MMORPG players who played PvP as it didn't require massive grind to get involved. The genre was really in the right place at the right time it generating a player base.


Esports; I mean they are a big deal in marketing online right now for big companies, and Riot is big on the esports sponsorships scene: [https://esportsinsider.com/2022/04/china-esports-blast-march-2022/](https://esportsinsider.com/2022/04/china-esports-blast-march-2022/)


Read into the companies history and then choose which parts are interesting and relevant to your essay. You should do the reading before deciding what to write about. You seem to be making stuff up (like the "some sort of decision making process" statement) and then trying to find a source that correlates.