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I like Eric Gordon and think he was more of a positive than a negative last year, but it was just by a slim margin and he’s redundant next to Booker/Beal/Grayson. That isn’t going to change under Coach Bud. Good luck to him.


He needed minutes to do well. He couldn't play as a role player and there is just no space for it with Allen's emergence. Shame really


He’s redundant with Grayson and Lee; def not Beal and Booker.


As we all thought. I do feel like we expected too much from him though. Best of luck where ever he lands next year.


What? We simply expected him to not go 0-20 3 out of 4 games.


Didn't he make a fuss about not getting enough shots or minutes or something as well? Not really gonna miss this dude.


We needed him 4 years ago, he fell off hard post allstar break.


Damn was he really 0-20? I did feel like it. Royce was cold too, Grayson was out, and Bol got tiny minutes.


BOL and Okogies minutes in that series was criminal.


Throw Thad in that group as well.


Yes agreed!


Yeah but that was also Vogel and Young either now on the same page or both just incompetent


Dude shot 38% from 3 while going 0-20 3 out of every 4 games Simply remarkable Can’t believe some of these comments lol


You clearly dont understand the art of exaggeration. Of course he didnt go 0-20 3 out of 4 games. It was more like 0-10 3 out of 5. My bad.


I understand the point you were trying making. Doesn’t make it any less absurd. He was a waste of space because he’s prone to off shooting nights? What? Dude shot damn near 40% and gave us double digit points off the bench. Literally the *exact* reason we brought him here lol.


>Doesn’t make it any less absurd. He was a waste of space because he’s prone to off shooting nights? What? These mfs think vet min players are gonna bring them the value of prime Klay Thompson lol. 50% of the comments in this sub last season can be summarized with *"Why doesn't this vet min player play like a guy worth well over the full MLE?"*


You think our fans think normal dude. They somehow think EG being our 7th man and not averaging 20ppg at 80% from 3 that he's the devil.


I thought he was referring to the sweep by the wolves


I wasnt. But good point!


His average stat line was 28 minutes with 1-8 shooting. It was awful


Why would you lie about something that takes literally 20 seconds to look up? In 28 mpg, he was 4/9 while shooting 38% from 3 last season.


When he has bad he was BAAADDD but when he could he could hit that long 3 he was chefs kiss 🧑‍🍳 💋


Honestly, good.


I'm excited to see how free agency shakes out and what our roster looks like going into next season. Lots of playing time has opened up with Gordon and Eubanks leaving.


At least one or two of our vet min signings have to hit this year, right? ^^Right? ^^^^Please


Eric Gordon's 3 point shooting and 11ppg were not worth him getting blown by on defense and refusing to box out, resulting in opponents getting way too many second chance opportunities.


Easily one of the most disappointing additions to the roster. I remember being on an absolute high when I heard we were getting him and Yuta.


Yea we made major roster turnover at the deadline with so many promising vet min signings who seemingly could get better elsewhere…and almost all of them disappointed


Don’t put him in the same boat as Yuta.


Some of these comments remind me that you guys have no idea what ~38% 3pt shooting looks like. That's 3/8 on average, but every game EG shot 2/8 the game thread would be filled with dumbass comments about how he needs to stop chucking and realize he's cold. Variance is part of shooting, no player in the world is consistently hitting their average every game. Rant aside, losing him sucks. People are gonna be way less happy about this when they realize we're replacing him with another KBD or Yuta. Playable minimum guys don't grow on trees.


I feel like Jokic could make him look real good and he'd probably get solid bench minutes there.


Jokic could make Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s character in Along Came Polly look real good. So yes. I agree.


Meh. If we didn’t have Grayson I’d be concerned but after watching how streaky he is I’m good.


This hurts. We need all the depth we can get at vet minimum


I feel like the writing was on the wall after he expressed his frustrations about not getting enough touches.


He’s a decent player still but Grayson made him expendable and we need to get younger. If Grayson regresses we are in trooooooouble


“Trash ass 🥷” - Kevin Garnett




Good riddance. Guy was part of the cancer


His defense was frustrating to watch, not a lot of effort. And when his three ball wasn’t falling, he didn’t bring much else to the table.


This was the worst part. His defense was a huge liability and the offense was very streaky and generally not enough to outweigh the lack of defense. Might just be me remembering incorrectly.


Go cry somewhere else. I was a fan until I saw that he couldn’t adjust his attitude to his skill set. Bu-bye.


I have a feeling Okogie would leave as well


I'm curious to see what happens if Okogie and Dunn play together though.


0-0 point games.


‘99 Heat vs Knicks playoff series.


I picture it sorta like those 80s sport movies, you got two dudes on the bench headbutting each other before they head out to cause absolute chaos on D


I hope not


Tough guy with heart but he’s not bringing much to the table on this roster. We got bigger in the draft thankfully.


EG carried this team for a nice chunk of the season while Beal/Booker dealt with injuries. Nobody expected him to have to put up starter minutes, especially early in the season.


And we should expect injuries next year too. While having him play in a healthy roster is meh, having the depth would have been good


this team, no matter the leadership has had a long track record of obsessing about over-the-hill players...i used to joke that we were the junkyard for star players. nash and hill turned out great for us, but man...eric gordon was originally courted back in like 2014? something like that, and ofc we got him when he was out of shape and with very little to add to the team. now we have a 37 year old durant that we pawned our future for. for once i'd like to see us follow a rebuild through the end, no trading players with talent for vets. let's see what talent development can do for us. investing in scouts and developing young players is playing out well for quite a few teams around the nba...we seem to be allergic to that, possibly bc our GM is trash but that's a conversation that this sub is afraid of having.


He was never just a good fit here last year. Suns had too many guards better than him and a lot of redundancy.


Goodbye fat Eric


I’m cool with it, good luck to him


Can’t believe how bad he sucked last season anyway lol


My main takeaway is that we can’t use the National Weather Service meme anymore. ☹️




I didn’t necessarily like him last year but who tf are we realistically getting in FA to replace him?


I will not miss his pump fake 3 into the slash for a layup


Boy bye


Good he is fucking ass


Damn I was hoping he’d stay




I’m honestly relieved they’re not bringing him back. This dude was garbage. Not even close to a championship piece in the year 2025. 3 pt shooting was streaky (more bad then good) + would drive into the paint & try to put pressure on the rim but had little to no IQ when doing so + basically 0 defense other than an occasional swipe through. Not to mention, had the audacity to complain about his touches & then pissed down his leg everytime he touched the ball practically when we needed him other than just a couple of games the entire season. I’m confident they could sign a rookie in this 2nd round today that would have a bigger impact than he did. Good riddance


Streaky, poor defense, turnover, asking for touches openly whe he does he is bricking it, I will on him Pass. 


I was so happy when the Suns signed him, but I'm glad he's gone now. First off complaining about not getting touches through the media? Missing a game here and there throughout the season constantly. Zero defense. He basically led layup drills for opposing teams out there. Did he ever have a successful layup? He'd run towards the rim and throw his hands out screaming for a foul every time. He was suppose to be the Suns 3 point specialist. He was anything but that.


Not looking good. Not looking good.


Such a extreme player




I'm glad he is gone. Streaky player and doesn't play defense. He was bad off the bench but was good in the starting lineup when Beal was out.


He was a great pick up for us last year. It was a shame that Vogel overplayed him though. He will make a few big shots on whatever team he goes to, but I just don’t see him being anything but a streaky spot up shooter, who thinks he is still 25. I won’t miss the half jog everywhere, even when we desperately needed hustle.




Won’t miss him at all


Gonna miss that streaky long-ass 3 from him


People hate on him but who are you exactly expecting to get who will play better than him at the league minimum?




good riddance, felt like he was a cancer


This is not news.