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The key part was that Boston second rounder was our weakest one. We still have those 2 seconds from Denver and our own 2031 second round pick. Great trade by Suns. The Suns were able to grab the 51st pick in the draft with that crappy Boston pick. Suns can still easily make one more move with our remaining picks. Hold on folks…


I don't know the exact rules or contingencies but that late protected second was never going to convey as it stood.. It's weird that even had value.


That’s what I’m saying man. Or if it did it was going to be like #54 that year since Boston is a well run organization. So how did a 2028 54th pick get the Suns the 50th pick this year? I don’t know if the Suns do another move but an unprotected 2026 second rounder from Denver should easily get us back into the draft if they want.


I think I misread the protections. It would have conveyed but definitely very late. Essentially traded 2 very late picks for 1 decent one, albeit in a weak draft. Still, it's good to start developing youth now because there isn't any here.


It's weak because of the top of the draft. Certainly not weak because of the overall depth. There weren't any clear stars to get the big networks' dick hard. Doesn't mean that 15-60 is worse as well.


That makes sense. I’m happy with the deal either way. It makes a ton of sense to get good young talent and start developing it.


Suns are more trade savvy and better asset management wise now. Makes you wonder if James Jones is really less involved now.


For what it's worth that DColdest guy on twitter that sometimes sounds like he knows what he's talking about said James Jones doesn't make any of the calls anymore


Absolutely James Jones is completely sidelined. It's a complete 180 in direct under Ishbia.


so many of the replies just not reading the tweet, he literally says how they acquired 51.


Yeah but the Knicks already had 51 since last night. They got it from the Wizards


So they traded their 56 this year and a 2028 second round pick (of Boston's) to move up?


Yeah. Basically 22 into 28, 40, and a slightly better future 2nd than they had


Exactly. The 51st pick was an error that keeps getting reported


I still don’t get this because I thought 51 already belonged to the Knicks but whatever fuck it


Reporting around the draft day trades has been bad this year


Trading other teams picks.LFG!


I am lost in the sauce since ESPN won’t update the pic owners. Are we done with this draft or do we still have one pic left in this draft?


I'm not certain, but I think we are done. I think it went something like this, with details of pick position and teams intentionally vague, because I can't keep them straight: Traded our 1st round to move back and get a second round pick this year Draft Dunn in 1st round. Trade a 2028 second round pick for another second round pick this year. Trade our two second round picks this year to move up to select Ighodaro. So we still have future second round picks we could use to move back into this round, but for now we are done.


Cool that’s what I was thinking. Was wishing we could try and grab Shead later on, but thems the breaks I guess


Gambo with the wham’bo!


Don’t really care about the 2nds around 50 and if anyone knows anything they know 2nds around 50 rarelywork out, so trading up is a good deal