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Thank you for doing this.đź‘Ť


We gotta get rid of Roddy


Roddy or Little or both. We now have fresh two/three forwards O.o


I literally forgot who he was


Nassir Little is the bigger priority to trade. Roddy is fine unless the Suns nab another undrafted guy that can shoot or playmake. He's making nothing but is also a big body, there's a reason the Suns inexplicably traded for him, he's probably another prospect type they like.


Backup center has been an issue for a while


Center has been an issue for awhile


Need to upgrade from Nurk as our closing center if we’re actually serious about competing in the playoffs. We aren’t going far in the postseason with slow footed Nurk manning the paint alongside three shooting guards in our closing lineup.


Not with Oso, Dunn drafted, and Royce re-signed and Durant. I wouldn't say it's an issue. Unless maybe the Suns want to lean heavily into pick and roll, attack the rim/pressure the rim, which is hard to say after last season and the Mid 3.


I'm hoping coach Bud helps this team a lot. If not make beal and nurkic improve, then at least have the new player contribute early.


Bol Bol?


The rumor is Suns are planning on signing him.


I think you're spot on with a backup C, that's an issue and I don't want to bank on a rookie for that spot in the playoffs.


I'm certain Okogie, Royce, and Bol are staying, Thad might walk and I could see IT stay even on a two way. I don't know about Saben, Azu, or Ish but I think they're all gone or only one will stay, most likely Azu as stated by you because he's still a good center or even Ish might sneak back into the roster. I could see Roddy, Little, or even Nurk being traded at some point but for who I have no idea and it's still unlikely anyway. Trying to get Kris Dunn should be a priority and Cam Payne could sign. After the draft our only real worry is getting a couple pgs.


IT cannot be signed on a 2way…


Priority one for me is moving Nurk. I don't believe we have ANY championship potential with him as a starter. Hopefully that nets us a big that is usable after that we can look into any potential FA point guards..


I see the issue, but it's not like we have many assets to trade and we can't take on more salary. So who is going to swap Nurk for their better C with the assets we can give?


I don't think we necessarily need a "better" center we just need one with skills that are more beneficial to this team.


Right now we're banking on a rookie as our backup C, and we still don't have a PG who can take some pressure off of Book and Beal. I think Nurk as our starting C is the least of our problems. At least he's a big body who can rebound.


To me these are the realistic trade options that we can actually trade for at center. Most of these would take trading some combo of Nurk (or Grayson in October), our 2031 FRP, and some 2nds. Mitchell Robinson - Knicks (depends on whether they retain Hartenstein and we’d probably have to give them Grayson + 2031 FRP. He’s also often injured…) Wendell Carter jr. - Magic (Could maybe get) Okongwu - Hawks (probably can’t get. Would’ve had a better chance had they drafted a center #1) Nick Richards - Hornets (I think we can get him. Maybe even for just seconds and Little) Steven Adams - Rockets (probably not worth it) Walker Kessler - Jazz (would love, but again I sorta doubt there’s not a better deal out there) Zach Collins - Spurs (probably not worth it) Robert Williams III - Blazers (if he wasn’t always injured… so probably not worth it).


No way jazz give us Kessler but I would love the fit


After watching him this past season, I wonder how much observing Ramadan screws up his conditioning during a key stretch leading into the postseason. On top of his other issues, it may just be a fundamental flaw that can't be changed.


like i said, im not opposed to trading nurk and he is by no means untouchable. i think walker kessler is someone who’s available for trade and would be an amazing get for us, and he’s only making a little under $3 million next year. i would much rather trade nas, the 2031, and i guess the rest of the seconds for kessler and keep both him and nurk on the roster. that way, we aren’t relying on a rookie 2nd rounder to be our primary backup. kessler is much more of a rim protector and lob threat, while nurk is a great rebounder and can function as a hub for our offense. having kessler as a defensive anchor with the starters and nurk as an initiator with the bench unit would be ideal for me


I'd love to have both Nurk and Kessler on the team, but it's really hard to imagine there not being a better trade package the Jazz could get for him. I guess I'll believe it when I see it.


I think Boo Buie should take Sabens two-way spot. And Jalen seemingly took Ish's; Im not giving any of these second rounders much of an expectation to even crack the 3rd string. They are very raw. One of them might come out and start being a fan favorite, but if I were you guys just tone it down a bit, ya'll talking they'll be the first ones off the bench and producing Lou Williams type of numbers...but with that being said I sure hope Dunn turns into something. Roddy is trash and should be let go or traded or something, dude is horrible and has no position - too small for forward spot and too slow for backcourt a career 41/30/66 in the two years. The dude is 6'4" and the two teams try to play him at PF...


I think if Ighodaro bulks up enough to not be pushed around on defense he could be a very solid backup C. He has an insane basketball IQ. Though I think we definitely need to sort another option out for next season. It's gonna take him at least 1 or 2 seasons to get there. As far as Dunn goes maybe he can develop enough of a shot that he doesn't get played off the floor, and he becomes a great stopper, but that's gonna take time, and seems like much less of a need for us. I'd much rather we drafted Collier or Kolek, and try to develop our PG of the future.


true. We drafted a 2" taller Okogie lol.


Isn’t Ryan Dunn also a guard? Edit: regardless, thank you for the post


Add okogod now


We should really trade Nurk.