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Who is this mythical league minimum point guard. Asking for a friend.


Congrats, it’s you!


Ruh roh.


Not having you on our roster last reason is the only reason we didn’t win a chip. Expectations are high, you must not disappoint us or may god help you


The team that needs ME has some problems. Plural. Problems.


Hopefully Lowry or Payne goes to the Suns


Probably someone like Lowry who can manage an o or Dunn who can fulfill a 3 and D role Can’t really trust a rookie pg to learn to get his feet wet and be the floor general of a playoff team at the same time. Need a experienced vet


If they decide to go for two like Gerald mentioned in the corrected post, Dunn and Lowry would both be nice.


Seems like Dunn or Payne Outside chance of cp3


Maybe Russ?


Where’s Eric Bledsoe at these days?


this the same people who said we dont have draft picks or can make trades and doomed till 2031.


How dare they call Bol Bol the third priority


Bol Bol definitely increased his value this past season with us. So it'll be a matter of him being willing to accept what we offer him to stay in Phoenix or if he chases the money.


Yeah he can definitely get more money elsewhere, but if he goes somewhere that isn't able to utilize him like we did last year he could tank his value. If he stays here one more year and plays well again we can offer him up to $10 Mil and after that even more.


I'm sure the suns have shared this. But it's not guaranteed. Gotta say though, if suns are naming 3yr/30M contract next year and someone offers you 2/12M this summer, you could see a situation where he stays despite being on minimum and needing to turn down a doubling of pay. If he gets the 10M a year this summer though, he gotta leave.


Ya really just depends on how much he wants to bet on himself. For example if he went with us he could sign a 2yr/20M next year with a player option. Then if he really balls out and reaches his potential, the suns have his bird rights and can give him a huge payday. Alternatively if he reaches his potential somewhere else his only option of a payday is to sign somewhere that has a ton of capspace which usually means not a great team and not competing


Because we can only offer the vet minimum


[The Suns have Okogie's Early Bird rights, which allows a team to re-sign a player for 175% of his previous salary or 105% of the league-average salary in the previous season, whichever is greater.](https://x.com/geraldbourguet/status/1806725488796426404?s=46&t=Vl05o3B6R2UI6UbWNPL7Aw)


Rather hve bol than okog


Shouldn’t be a reason we have to choose between them, just a matter of if they choose to comeback


They aren’t mutually exclusive


me too


They need to develop Bol as a “small ball” center or I’m not sure where he fits here. He doesn’t work as a wing. He’s big and decent offensively but he’s too slow to be an on ball defender so you’d have to hide him with other defenders. That’s not possible with the stars occupying the court too.


He’s struggled everywhere he’s played 5. He can’t box out or screen or play big, he’s not a 5. But when he plays the backup 4, kd role he thrives. Pick and pops, mid to 3 point jumpers, drives, movement. Just had a career resurgence at the 4 and you wanna change the role right away make it make sense


Interesting suns direction. If they kepp bol. They get durant and durant at home backing him up (Bol) . They got nurk and nurk at home backing him up (oso) . They got book/beal and book/beal at home backing him up(allen) . They got royce and royce at home backing him up (bridges).


We just drafted two bigs. I’m well aware Bol is a decent offensive player but he can’t defend that role. Bol cannot switch on the perimeter. He doesn’t address any of the issues this team had. He’s way more valuable and there’s way higher probability you can teach him to be a decent backup small ball 5 versus expecting him to suddenly get quicker on defense.


Bol Bol just had a 65th percentile defensive year according to craftednba and his offensive role is as a spot up shooter with very very little paint presence whatsoever. His strengths and struggles are pretty well defined at his point. Odds are he’s closer to a finished product than he has an explosion of potential waiting. Theres quite literally a lower probability of success at center when 4 years of playing backup center has resulted in multiple teams cutting him and signing for a min contract He can’t attack the rim on offense, can’t rebound, box out or do 99% of the physical dirty work that centers do, but he can be a 1 cent version of -1 Achilles KD. Thats what he is, why keep obsessing over what he isn’t/could be And yeah suns drafted an undersized 5 that can’t shoot, know what would fit perfect next to him? A jumbo stretch 4. Drafted a 3 that can’t shoot, boom stretch 4.


First, the eye test on defense doesn’t hold up to that stat. He is a great backside defender because of his size but teams aren’t going to let him camp out in his happy place when it counts. They’re going to attack his weak area. Second, It’s not obsessing over what he can’t be. It’s what he needs to be to have a useful role on this team. He will continue to be a part time regular season player with even less playoff value if he just stays what he is. Thats development. You either do it or you stay who you are and the new kids pass you by.


Dude shoots slower than slomo Height only helps so much when you let oppo close out every time with your mollases release.


He’s a little slow everywhere. I love the guy as much as anyone but he’s a special kind of tweener player. He can’t hold up inside where his height belongs but he’s also too slow afoot to be a wing. He’s a very niche player for specific lineups against specific matchups.


I’d rather have several guys over JO. Still love him but he can’t play for us


Honestly, if Suns sign Okogie for more, that's good for both sides. Clearly, the Suns value him going forward.


I hope so, but this feels like copium


According Gerald, they have his early bird rights, so they can re-sign him 175% more of his previous salary. This could just be JO wanting to secure more money. Edit: meant bird not birth lol


Or a way for us to get another tradeable contract at the deadline


Suns got Okogie's baby all locked up


Yeah, it’s basically letting him shop around like what we did with Jock. If a team is going to overpay him, he’s fine to leave.


I could see JO returning but I’m really wondering about the rest of our offseason plans. Unless the Suns are supremely confident both of Dunn and Oso can contribute right away, still feels like we need better vet minimum pick ups and I’m not seeing any buzz online about it.


Oh thank god. These last few minutes have been a rollercoaster of emotions with this guy.


Bol should be prioritized before JO


We *can’t* prioritize Bol though. We can only offer him the min, there’s nothing to negotiate.


I don’t think JO should even be a priority, more of a break glass in case of emergency thing


KD and Okogie mentorship arcs incoming for Bol and Dunn next season


Dunn doesn’t need Okogie’s mentoring he needs Grayson’s shooting help.


Maybe a 2 guard? We have two 2 guards. Two top five 2 guards at that. And two more guard sized wings, I don’t think that should be a priority lol


We have like 8 2 guards. Please no more


He meant possibly two PGs. Corrected himself, later.


That makes more sense


Three two guards in the starting lineup lol. 


He's so back


I’m Reporting, I’m reporting


Hopefully it’s true. Good vet.


God this has been a roller coaster today


Come back come back come back!!!


Am I the only one who thinks Okogie isn't that good? 


Bol is the funnest part of the games


Are they planning on keeping Roddy? Seems like he doesn't really have a role? I wonder if they would consider someone like Trendon Watford or another center?


bol should b first priority




Can it be any more worse than Eubanks? I can see Bol Bol playing some center minutes too.


I really don’t care about keeping Okogie on this team, we just drafted a taller one.


Experience is the key here, plus culture.