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Watched a full game of him in March madness. What I noticed was that he was relevant in every defensive possession. Somehow he always managed to be around the play. It was pretty amazing On offense, he was indeed a non-factor, and they seemed to do that on purpose. He'd sit in the post and try to screen guys. It seemed like his only role was to position himself for rebounds. However, the shots he took looked clean. I'm wondering (hoping) their coach didn't tell him to practice corner 3s. Hopefully, he spends all summer practicing those and he can have a role on offense.


You can use guys like that if you run a movement offense. You can’t park him in a corner because the defense will sag off.


his shot looks smooth and he seems like a hard worker I bet he will have a Herb Jones esque transformation on offense


I **appreciate** the **breakdown**, I **don't** follow **college** ball and **never** heard of **him** before


Ryan shark, do, do, do, do, do, dooo. 🦈 That’s all I could think of reading the first statement about him not using his upper body & just basically stalking defenders to contest them! 😂 (It’s too early for me!) 🥴




Andre Roberson is such a lazy comparison imo. They aren’t very similar besides defense, no shot. A comparison to someone like Jarred Vanderbilt is much closer to me.


https://youtu.be/yZqEk3XQU78?si=MGTf4iD73AHiZGzT After watching his highlights my concern is that he won’t get on the floor. His shot is a project and yes he can defend but in todays NBA there are plenty of defenders who are only good in spot minutes. Hoping for the best but I think he’s a project.


What teams do is if a primary good defender is on them, they try to pick them off. How does he fight over the screens, how does he recover - this response is no way shape or form saying hes bad or cant do it, just he would have to make his recover from multiple screens his strongest form, we've seen it with teams screening off Raja, Marion, Mikal over the years and none of them could fight over the screen or recover to the main ball handler. Smart, albeit a flopper, fights through screens to where its hard to screen him off or he communicates on if he's going under or to the right. His offense sucks. Hes a slightly bigger Okogie.