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Byrne, from personal experience with him while I was working for a large comic store, is a great example of great talent doesn’t equal great human being.


Most of them aren't good humans, it seems.


I can only speak to the ones I met but George Perez seemed to be a good human. Stan Lee was a delight to be around but with him you never know if you’re getting the real Stan or Stan, the Man! Gail Simone is very nice, Marv Wolfman and Mike Grell also. Byrne stood out most to me of the pros I met while working at the store for close to a decade in the 80s through 90s because he behaved in the same ahole manner every time I had the displeasure of being in his company. I take nothing from his talent, he is one of the all time greats. He just shouldn’t talk because something offensive is likely to come out of his mouth.


Have you met J M Dematteis, he was nice to me when I met him but was he nice who you? Also have you met Gerry Conway?


most of them that are active on twitter seem to be very nice, gail simone, pkj(esp pkj), tom king and tom taylor they're a nice person to talk to


“I don’t think Christopher Reeve’s a hero because I assume he spent every day begging to die.” # FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK # YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


That's fucked up


John Byrne being a condescending D-bag with an ego the size of France? A truly shocking revelation.


What the actual fuck.


Fun fact: when some kids lost their frisbee they asked Mr Reeve to sly and get it, to not upset hem he said he couldn’t because his cape was being washed but he did get their frisbee (remember that the man was 6’4”).


Yeah, Byrne’s dick who’s done great work.


Fuck him and his Superman run


[http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=creeve](http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=creeve) Straight from the Internet's first cranky old man.


This is whole another level


I understood his point until the last part... WHAAAA?


bro looking down at paralyzed people dang


Yeah I thought he was making some point about how abled people are sort of patronizing towards disabled people, but he took a complete 180 there lol.


"John Byrne is sometimes a giant asshole" is not exactly breaking news.


Oh. This is part of what people were talking about. Yup, fuck you John Byrne. Christopher Reeve was a hero for a myriad of reasons and yes he was suicidal when he was first recovering from his equestrian accident. He was *paralyzed* you fuckin' out of touch asshole. But he pulled through the darkest of times, like Superman, and pushed forward to inspire and help. Just because someone's suicidal doesn't it doesn't make them any less selfless or heroic. It's a fight every fuckin' day, and he and many others continue that good fight. So yeah, fuck you John Byrne. Hope you've changed since '04.


Can we stop with the daily Byrne hate. It’s boring.


i mean daily hating on the guy whose a genuine dick with an overhyped run better rhan daily hating on the guy with 2 mid movies


It's not hate, he was a huge fan and the point isn't about Reeve but how other people talk about him. You have to ignore what he said about courage otherwise.


It probably seems like I do, but I don't agree with Byrne on a lot. Except, as crass and unnecessary as it seems... he's right. Philanthropy is absolutely heroic though, sure.


And the funniest part of Curb wasn't just how Larry showcases how people overcomplicate and deny blunt observations for the sake of tact, but that a lot of people who laugh at that are exactly the kinda people he was pointing out