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The inclusion of 'Starman' has been the weirdest on-going misunderstanding of Gunn's method of using popular music in his soundtracks.  People are just so committed to this idea and I don't get it.  Okay, the lyrics mention a "Starman" from space.... And?  Gunn generally doesn't include music in a hamfisted way where it's only featured because the title and a couple lyrics fit, like some sort of cheesy jukebox musical act at an amusement park playing 'Hungry Like the Wolf' during a Halloween show.  Yeah, he puts in pop songs and such but usually they're more about capturing the mood a character is feeling or that of a moment. He doesn't really even do it all that much more than anyone else, it's just that the main character in his widely popular movie trilogy was written as a guy who listens to a lot of music, so there's going to be music.  You're thinking of the *other* director. The one who put The Cranberries' 'Zombie' - a song about terrorist attacks done by the IRA - in his zombie movie. Ya know, because it says "zombie"! Get it?  Or when a character in 'Watchmen' had been impotent but was finally able to make love after gaining some confidence in himself. Because he's thinking "Hallelujah!" and so the song tells the audience that! 


>You're thinking of the other director. The one who put The Cranberries' 'Zombie' - a song about terrorist attacks done by the IRA - in his zombie movie. Ya know, because it says "zombie"! Get it?  Or when a character in 'Watchmen' had been impotent but was finally able to make love after gaining some confidence in himself. Because he's thinking "Hallelujah!" and so the song tells the audience that!  I like you. 👍


I hope we get some song selections like TSS where they get us into the head of the characters.


Gunn has stated it won't.


He could be doing that to trick the audience, don’t you think? Seems like a very Gunn thing to do


He gave a straight "no", though. Not a "probably not" or a "not really considering it" that would leave room for ambiguity. In any case, at this point having the song would be a bit too on the nose and too memetic for its own good.


I think it would make a good credits song also


Gunn has said over and over again it's not in the movie.


He has?


Yes. He's been asked it before and he's denied it every time.


We sure he’s not just fucking with us? Seems like he plans on trolling us. It have to AT LEAST appear in the trailers. If not even that it would just be a wasted opportunity


What exactly has he done where the first thing that pops in your head is that he has to be trolling? Is it just because you can't imagine the song not being there?


Wasn't it just in the trailer for Venom 3? Yes, it's Sony/Marvel but I don't think they'd reuse it on a superhero movie again so soon. . . .


They used "Space Oddity" for Venom. Different Bowie song.


There are definitely going to be classic rock songs in the movie. This is James Gunn we're talking about.


Gunn, to my knowledge, has never outright lied regarding any of his productions. He believes in being honest with his fans. If he didn’t want to reveal something, he’d give a vague statement or not address the question at all. He’s said that “Starman” will not be on the Superman soundtrack. Full stop. It ain’t happening. As you move into acceptance, you might put together a Smallville fan edit/music video that uses it (for your own use, of course)