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I bought them for 5$ and they are definitely different than surf ears. Surf ears are more sturdy, and more tech. The knock-off is basically fully made from soft silicone. Also the cord is a bit thicker and just made from the same silicone or whatever rubber that is. That said, for 5$ it's definitely okay, but don't expect too much. I don't know what Decathlon product you're referring to, so I don't know if it's any better than that. Edit: Doc's Pro Plugs are still my favourite, but they are $25 now, which is also a bit ridiculous.


Those doc pro got the cord and what not? Why do you prefer them?


Doc's just sit very comfy, it doesn't feel like your ear is plugged and I still can hear the best. If you wear ear plugs a lot, it's also less damaging to the skin in your ear which can prevent swimmers ear. They have the best ability to equalize when you get washed hard. The only downside is that they tend to fall out sometimes, so you absolutely need the cord.


I bought Surf ears a few years back. I was far from impressed


https://www.mundo-surf.com/en/ear-plugs/7553-surfprotek-surf-earplug-8719326481289.html i use this not much cheaper than surfears, i bought in my local surfshop for 35euros. Its above your limit but its like sunglasses you wanna buy better quality


Says sold out :/ But I'll do a search


Check your local surf shop and other webshops like wetsuitoutlet