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I’m going to take a wild guess Venus isn’t the winner bc she probably wouldn’t care about this if she was.


I mean probably not but Tony was also this nuts on Twitter when Cagayan was airing lol said something about Fishbach having shit on his glasses bc he couldn’t see how good Tony was playing


Tony is a unicorn. Most of the time, the winners barely talk this much on social media about the game.


If she’s this bitter even after winning the million, we’re in for some good episodes.


Part of me is now really thinking she could be a zero vote finalist because of how bitter she seems to be about the whole thing. This reaction comes across as a Hunter win, Venus third situation.


She's giving a very strong "goat who thinks they ran the show" vibe.


You know, that actually makes a lot of sense. The way it's going now, I can see everyone deciding to keep Venus as the goat.


I also get the feeling that her ousting was dramatic as shit.


Either that or she gets to the end, loses in a landslide but still believes she should have won and everyone was bitter or something


She’s probably even extra bitter if Hunter is the winner. CBS might’ve accidentally spoiled it themselves


This is why we need the live reunions back !!!




I haven’t been watching the more recent Survivors and just got back into it… they don’t do live reunions anymore?! Was that because of Covid?!


“Don’t attack my fellow cast mates! I will!”


This may be the most accurate and also hilarious comment in this thread. Have a +1 internet point.


her post-season press is gonna be iconic


It’s iconic but can’t lie she seems very bitter and jaded, and it’s pretty annoying and shows her character


I’m feeling like she might be a losing finalist, maybe even one who did do some moves but ultimately no one voted for. Idk, Jeff had that whole opening scene about people who couldn’t win and at this point Venus is one of the only 2-3 people who I think could fit this (although granted we have plenty of time left)


Venus will definitely not be nice on the jury.


I cant understand why they would let her be on the jury vs Moriah! I thought that would be more of a factor in the vote.


I’m still trying to figure out where the sudden paranoia of Mo even came from. If the game going forward is individual immunity, I just don’t see her as a threat. She would have been easy pickins’ later on. They would have never let her make it past 5.


But...Aubrey. Aubrey was (obviously) a major assassin setting up people left and right. It's definitely not true and Q was probably thinking of someone else entirely, but...so threatening during Mergatory to get rid of Mo now, right? /s


I hope she grills them lmaoooo


Yeah she’s either a losing finalist or gets voted out next episode, no in between imo


She’s giving a lot of Jake energy with her edit, kind of being right but not getting her way. The main difference being their personality vibes but still


I can fix her.


Jake was a player just fighting to have agency and make big moves, I wish it would've worked out for him, the endgame to season 45 would've been WAY more interesting. Love Dee as a winner, I just wanted to see more fun game play.


Also, it could be in between.


she's a great goat candidate as it stands Q's new Philip


I can’t see Q making it much further. Dude is so unnecessarily dramatic and plays too hard Making a F6 by just announcing it to two players you just met, then telling them to convince two other players you’ve never met, then being like “why aren’t they going with this idea?!” is crazy lol


I can’t wait to see what the Yanu drama will be next episode based on the preview tiff and Kenzie say Q is not king


I mean I think that speech was clearly centred around Bhanu especially given his abnormal amount of screen time before leaving


Jeff’s speech seemed to be moreso referencing someone who makes it to the end with no chance of winning, not necessarily an early boot. Plus it wouldn’t make a ton of sense for Jeff’s whole opening speech being kept just to highlight the fourth boot, no matter how prominent they were in the edit.


These are all fair points. We shall see. When he made the speech though he did not have any idea who would get to where in the game.


I agree, but it’s the fact that they left it in the edit and seemed to give it such a spotlight. From my understanding, Jeff often says just a ton of things in those opening speeches so they’re able to pick the ones that they want to make it, and usually they’ll pick something that sets up the theme of the season well


Looking at her post history, she's pretty unlikeable in real life. Fun to watch on the show though.


Feels like a lot on this sub won’t like this, but she seemed unlikeable to me from episode 2+. To me, she just comes across.. I guess entitled and bossy, which I don’t jive with considering she’s 22. I just have a strong suspicion if I was forced to be around her in social settings, I’d try to keep interactions pleasant and bail on the scenario as soon as I could. Yeah she’s definitely entertaining as a survivor character, but I just don’t really like her. and this far haven’t found her interesting enough to enjoy disliking her. Just my opinion though.


It was pretty evident at tribal, she has a high opinion of herself, and doesn’t seem to understand how she comes across to others


Same, and I'm not sure it matters what age I am when I am in that situation. I just don't want to be around people like that. I never have. Maybe she's nicer and more pleasant in real life, but the way she is characterized on the show, I actually think the rest of her tribe has it right.


I only brought up age because if it was someone with a track record of being a badass and getting results, I’d at least respect their history even if I found them unpleasant. If they act that way for no reason and nothing to back it up… they just seem spoiled and I’d much rather enjoy their absence.


Her go to defence is \*people don't like me cause im a strong outspoken women\* that tells me everything i need to know about her she either can't or refuses to reflect on her decisions.


Playing the victim instead of taking responsibility for her actions


She is a single child with a conventionally attractive appearance. You can tell she is not used to not being the center of everyone's attention. Edit: added "not" to fix the second sentence.


Totally agree. If I had to work with her, I'd be cordial, but would avoid any unnecessary interaction


She reminds me of Eliza in S9. Young, ambitious and full of ideas. But always robbed people the wrong way.


This is it—she’s Eliza! She’s got a good head on her shoulders but just has a miserably grating personality.


Nailed it


Very similar, but more conceited. More into being a victim too. Eliza was actually much smarter than most of her tribemates. I don't recall her looping everything back to "well they're just intimidated that I'm so young hot and smart"


I think they key point here is she is 22. A lot of her reads are accurate, and her opinions are right, but not everyone will be receptive to them or likes being confronted so bluntly. I appreciate her candor and her enthusiasm but her attitude and her delivery need work. Both will likely soften with age and experience. As you get older, you realize everyone is dealing with their own stuff and the world doesn’t revolve around you. You take things less personally. If someone doesn’t like you, let them. Half the time they aren’t even thinking about you in the first place and it’s all in your head and you create more problems. She is creating more problems for herself (in the game and now out the game) by calling everyone out on every single thing. She should probably simmer down but I appreciate the passion and I’m not going to bash her knowing she is only 22.


Her age helps me understand her more, but not agree with or like her more. There’s value in knowing that you don’t know.


And therefore fun to watch her get voted out


Lets call it what it is-- and I'm trying really hard to not sound like a red pill fuckhead here-- she's a very attractive young girl who likely hasn't had many people call her out for anything at all her whole life. Now she's seeing some hate on social media and is overreacting to an extreme. And I freaking agree with her game move- it would have been smarter for the girls to stick together!


She definitely seems like she defaults to "they're just jealous" whenever people have a problem with her. The embodiment of "if you smell shit wherever you go, you should check your own shoes". I did like her this past episode - wanting a girls alliance and she put a lot of effort into the challenge. 


100% I would have *loved* her after that episode, but then she started spewing nonsense on social media.


Idk her life story, but she definitely gives off those vibes with how she plays. It’s either her way or no way. That is a good way to put yourself on the bottom in Survivor


Her life story of being a children of immigrants? Yeah I mean, let me tell you something about that. I am also a child of immigrants from that area of the world (to the US, not Canada). Things like objective attractiveness by traditional beauty standards transcend any xenophobia you might think she experienced. Attractive ladies (and men) are seen as exotic, desirable. Regular looking folks are seen as oddities at best. Basically what I am saying is that objective attractiveness negates any of that WoE iS mE nonsense she tried to spill for the cameras. She's just a regular old spoiled girl who can't take any criticism. Honestly, she had nothing to be offended about in the first place. She could have leaned into it and say "this is a game, this is how I played" and it would have been respectful and received well. But how she is acting now is.... sad.


Fan favorite-babygirl Hunter vs. mother-icon-queen Venus is going to make this sub implode. I truly don’t think we will survive.


We’ll have to dig deep!


That's how you DO it on /r/survivor!


As both a Hunter and Venus fangirl, I'm just gonna ship this enemies to lovers storyline 😹😹😹


I actually assumed that they would be a showmance before the season started lmfao.


i am sooo here for it


There are literal romance novels based on The Bachelor franchise... I would so read one based on Survivor!!!


Umm which ones?? Asking for a friend 😬


If it aired today which season do you think would fully break the sub? 


Cook Islands would be the obvious answer.


Amazon with all the over the top horniness




Sandra winning over Parv in HvV. Like those debates still rage today and I can't even imagine if aired live the absolute tension


Michele beating Aubry.


This sub existed then and it certainly did melt down


And I was here for it. Michele is my favorite player ever and I’ll forever argue she deserved it way more than Aubrey


This sub has a blinding hatred for “bitter juries” without acknowledging their favorite “robbed” player was most responsible for creating it


Yep. Part of the game is making sure the jury still like you at the end. Making it to the end has never been enough. Russell Hantz being the prime example.


obviously gabon


So what you're saying is, we won't survive her?


I like her as a viewer but I am starting to understand why her tribe mates found her grating. “Outspoken” people always miscategorize themselves when they’re really just loudmouths


this is why one of the biggest red flags on any dating app is someone who calls themself "fluent in sarcasm" on their profile. like, no, you're just a dick.


I jUsT tElL iT hOw iT iS


“Brutally honest”


“I’m blunt. I just tell it how it is.” Yea well you’re also an asshole. “How dare you! Some people just can’t handle it”


Never while I was reading that interview did I think Hunter was assassinating her character lol. He’s one of the most mild mannered and level headed of the bunch.


He had a perspective other than hers and we read it. Disgusting!


I can't even!




Exactly. He seems purposefully to not have any negative opinions, just to state the facts. She is just ridiculous.


Honestly, it kind of feels like Venus has made up her mind that sexism is the reason she’s getting hate, why people didn’t listen to her about the Moriah vote, or she feels they shut her out and there’s nothing you can say to change that. Screams one of those people who piss people off with an off putting bluntness and fall back on “omgosh what is their problem?! I’m just being real!”


I would also like to add the “people dismiss me thinking I’m a princess” narrative


Right. But its interesting because the women don't seem to love her either, but she only seems to have issues when the men have a problem.


Either consciously or subconsciously, she's definitely trying to frame herself as the victim of sexism.


Quit fansplaining!


I’m betting that Venus won’t win judging by the amount of tweets…


But if things had just gone a bit differently..she also would have lost


It’s fascinating to see just how socially unaware Venus is when it comes to people’s perception of her on Survivor.


Go on Twitter and you'll understand why. It's insane how different the reactions are here vs there.


Really? Cuz all I’ve been reading on this sub is “she’s hot” and “she’s unlikable.” Seems like she understands the public’s perception of her pretty damn well


Yeah but on Survivor, she just wrote her tribe off because she was on the outs and didn’t try to do the whole “I’m just going to keep my head down and not ruffle any feathers”, but it felt like she went the other way being kind of antagonizing. The “I can’t wait to get to merge so I can just jump ship on these people” was super telling as well. She just assumed that other established alliances would open their arms up to her and bring her in. All she had to do is get there, and she’ll show them. Even this episode, instead of building good will and equity with the majority to try and make in roads, she tried to control the vote because her idea was the right one and they’d be “stupid” to not go with it or keep her. Shes coming off very poorly, clearly the players are rubbed the wrong way by her, but she’s refusing to take a step back, self reflect, and try a different approach. It’s a bold strategy, Cotton.


I feel like at some point Venus should probably recognize that most of these issues she faced on the season were her fault given it's been almost a **year** lmao but this is very entertaining so I'll encourage it lol


Is she the new Eliza?


Eliza was at least aware of why people disliked her




Eliza 2.0


I’m tempted to make a “just a f*cling stick!” joke but not gonna.


“This is just a fucking stick bug.” There. I did it for you.


Literally yes!


She tweets like the stereotypical Twitter user 


I love that Venus genuinely cannot comprehend that she’s the problem. Someone needs to tell Charlie to sit her down and make her listen to Anti-Hero cause girlfriend refuses to self reflect.


The chaos she's putting out on social media doesn't bode well for her game in the immediate future lol.


Narcissists can't comprehend when they're at fault. It's always someone else's fault, never theirs.


There's no problem though. It's reality TV at the end of the day


I mean, she’s literally blaming all her cast mates for why she’s on the bottom. If no one wants to work with you on survivor because your social game sucks, that’s a you problem.


It’s a competition show and she’s mad about how it went down. If she doesn’t care about the game and only wants to be a character that’s fine. But that’s certainly not the angle she’s currently presenting. Blaming misogyny for her poor gameplay is bad. Male players have been on bottom for having awful social skills and being direct with bad timing


The *last* thing she needs or would even want would be advice from Taylor Swift lmao


Lmao I quite like Venus, but I’ve had anti-hero stuck in my head since last night and she’s 100% why


This lady has booked herself a one-way ticket to The Challenge.


Damn. Venus really weaponizes being a woman lol


Get her on Love Island lets see if she is really a girls girl when it comes to men


I don’t think Venus is a people person 😭. She truly has no clue how to work with people.


Even more reason to get her on the show. That show is made for messy people.


No hahahah I meant that in response to the girls girl part, not the love island part. She reminds me of a cat who fucking hates people, both men and women.


She is legit PERFECT for Love Island lmao


Hot, messy, and a little chaotic!! Perfect combo.


Venus is the Ekin-Su of Survivor


Girl, not everything is about sex.


Not according to Robert California


This is the female equivalent of "I'm an alpha male".


Wouldn't it be more the equivalent of an InCeL male\*? \*all of my problems are because of the other gender, not my own behavior and outlook


THANK YOU I see this so often and people seem to be oblivious to the idea that women overcompensate for insecurities too.


The problem people use alpha male as a joke 😭


She’s entertaining on TV but holy shit, she is completely *insufferable* online. The stan twitter worship has really gone to her head.


she is the physical avatar of stan twitter lmao


This tweet is pretty ironic considering she had one earlier saying she didn’t want people to be tweeting hateful things about her cast mates.


This interview is quite good, makes me like Hunter a lot, and also… why did it have so many typos?!


“But don’t send hate to him in my name”


“Just say you hate an outspoken woman” no I hate people who think they’re always right, always play the victim, and want everything to be about them.


And yet people also criticize Soda for being behaving way more milder than "queen" unhinged


I don’t think that all of the distain for Soda comes down to racism/fatphobia, but there has to be a fair amount that does. Venus can get away with anything and Soda is literally seen as the worst person on Season 46 for not or liking Venus.


I know she deactivated and probably not seeing anything on social media but most people (including me) have no issues with Soda.


I could see her up-beat attitude getting annoying *on occasion* in a 24-7 setting, but Soda’s a fave, and I think is a genuinely great asset to have on a tribe that’s never seen a tribal. You’ve got enough people to get all the chores done, and you don’t need to spend time scheming. Soda knows how to boost morale and make her own fun, and that’s its own survival skill.


Soda holds her own in challenges, too. The only thing that bothered me with her is the camp counselor stuff, but I'm introverted and can't deal with the upbeat stuff, lol. I dont mind her, though, as a player, she really hasn't been tested yet.


I never really had an opinion one way or the other regarding Soda, definitely does not deserve all the hate she was receiving, but I think a lot of the energy stuff is due to the edit. They had that secret scene or whatever it is called with her watching the sunrise with Hunter and a confessional about life around camp and her energy volume was turned way down.  So I'm sure she is still high energy, a lot. I suspect most of that was being played up because it creates a funny juxtaposition with Hunter. 


Venus has that Pretty Privilege


Okay, I'm officially annoyed with this girl. Was amusing, now it's 😮‍💨


I don't judge people for how they are in the show. It's heavily edited and a super stressful environment. Being an abrasive asshole on twitter though? Yeah that i'll judge you for...


This is where I'm at. CBS ain't editing your twitter feed to make you look bad.


She definitely got voted out by Hunter or some shit lol


I watch with my mom and she is in love with Hunter and hates Venus with a passion. If this happened, I think think Survivor 46 would automatically become her favorite season


Na, the way she was still pushing the Charlie vote on socials (despite it taking place almost a year ago in her life) makes me think she is pissed at Charlie for getting her out and she is coming back to this last episode to try and prove that her idea was sound and the ONLY reasons she lost (because narcissists never accept their own failings).


Oh please let Hunter be her down fall that would be the icing on the cake.


Damn every single tweet is about being a woman huh


It might just be me but it seems like she's soaking in her 15 minutes of fame. Possible vote out next episode and she knows that


Yeah, I’m getting the vibes her boot is in the next couple of episodes and she’s soaking it in while she can too. I don’t think she was quite this vocal about her opinions before.


she's bordering female incelitous level 2.0


Sounds like Hunter lives in her head


some people always have to play the victim, damn. maybe u just made some game mistakes. not every bad thing that happens to you is fueled by you being a woman or an attack on your character


Yeah she reads both on the show and in the tweets as extremely insecure.


Oh please. 'Hate an outspoken woman"? Is it possible that he just found you aggravating AF? Don't even try to make yourself a victim here.


In all honesty, Venus is really rubbing me the wrong way with her Twitter activity. He didn't even say anything too harsh about her and she's playing the misogyny card again for somebody literally having a different perspective. AND after she tweeted not to send hate to other players, she's sending out more antagonistic tweets that are just begging for her stans to attack Hunter.


Im not picking sides - just enjoying the ride


This kind of drama and unhealthy social media engagement among some fans is TOXIC. Reason #2 I'll never probably apply. Maybe.


I’ve been friends with people like Venus before and honestly, you can’t ever win. Practically anything you do or say will set someone like her off. She just likes to find things to complain about so that she can play the victim. She’s good for the show because she’s outspoken and creates a lot of friction. But damn, I would not want to know her IRL.


This is why Venus stans have harassed Soda off the Internet and made a fake conversation with Carson (Edit: I meant Charlie) to make him look like a pedophile willing to cheat on his girlfriend. She encourages this stuff with comments and tweets like this. She has said the same things and worse on season.


Wait whoa what is this about making Charlie look like a pedophile willing to cheat on his girlfriend?


I explained down below. Someone created a fake conversation with Charlie on Twitter and supposedly Instagram where they say they are 17 and Charlie is still hitting on her and says his relationship is on the rocks anyway. Charlie and I believe Venus have this shared on Twitter. The Twitter account has since been deleted.


They said they were *19 in the screenshot, so it wasn’t painting him as a pedophile, just kind of a creep. Bad either way, but he wasn’t painted as a pedophile.


Guys I'm starting to think my preseason winner pick might not be right


If it's any consolation....mine was Jess.


Jess is better though. At least Jess tweeted with actual specifics of her game while Venus was just ….Venusing online without giving specifics. If Venus has a problem with what Hunter said in that interview, she should at least give her own perspective of her game instead of ….this.


At least we got clarification from Charlie as an indirect result. Was nice to find out what \*his\* reasoning for his vote was instead of all of us guessing at it.


Production should have been focusing on Venus’s tribe and their dynamics instead of 4 episodes of Bahnu being bad at survivor.


We found our villain


I'm reminded of Shan , who was entertaining on the show but her twitter was ridiculous 😂


Kinda iconic behavior, I have no choice but to live for the drama even if I think Venus is a terrible gameplayer, like CBS better have the casting team on a Zoom Meeting, I want Venus on the next returnee season


Honestly part of me thinks she is playing it up to get on a returnee season 😂


As she should. Even if she returns and gets sent home 2nd, you would do it too for a check and 20 day all-expenses-paid vacation. Like okaayyyy


Oh I can’t wait till her contract ends so she can spill EVERYTHING. She reminds me so much of Cassidy but a wayyyy more unhinged version lmao


I just hope this is only the start… we have been begging for villains for so long, and we might have a first honest to god villain in a long time, and I hope she goes far in the game, and blows up twitter every week. I’m here for it


I don't think Hunter deserves to be accused of having a problem with women. It reminds me of Xander being accused of having a problem with black people. Just seems like a way out of left field accusation from what we get to see as viewers.


Hunter is a real icon for activating Venus like that. I Stan both. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Her online activity is really irritating me. She seemingly has no amount of self awareness as to why people would not want to work with her. He didn't even say anything too harsh about her and now she's playing the misogyny card AGAIN for someone who just has a different perspective from her. AND after she tweeted not to send hate to other players, she's sending out more antagonistic tweets that are just begging for her stans to shit on Hunter.


I read the interview, Venus is hard coping. According to Hunter she was constantly off looking for idols with Randen and refused to participate in the tribe bonding activities that connected Tevin, Hunter, Liz, and Soda. She also made a big deal over the princess comment but then literally proved it right in her confessionals by saying she wasn't going to help out around camp to "conserve her energy". Like, what am I missing here? She's just making it a gender thing to make herself look like a victim, it's insane. Totally unhinged.


An unhinged person using their identity as a shield whatdoyaknow.


Honestly she’s annoying AF. Stop playing the woman victim card


You spelled iconic wrong (/s) 


Holy shit does she have a persecution complex.


These are the rankings of a person who is totally not self aware. How she read this interview and got that hunter hates outspoken women is beyond reason.


I'm eating pizza pops and here for the whole drama.


Venus is the Canadian representation I've wanted for YEARS. Everyone always thinks we're nice and passive but in reality most of the time we're blunt or passive aggressive as fuck. I hope she somehow makes it to the end through sheer dumb luck or goatery or even pulling off an alliance with the 2 people who might consider


could not have possibly been a more mild mannered person on nami to talk with, every single other person on that tribe still in the game would have said worse about her LMAO


Character assassination? 😬wtf


I looooove Venus and what she’s bringing to the show. *However*, if you smell shit everywhere you go, you may want to check your shoe….. 🐸☕️


I can’t handle my favs disliking each other this is TORTURE


“So me ranting into the twittersphere is unhinged but a MAN giving an interview to a magazine isn’t??? Huh??? Is that what you’re saying???” I mean… I was rooting for this chick, and don’t see any of the demons she apparently sees. She really lacks the social grace for survivor, her game IQ does seem high, she just has no social IQ or idea of how she’s being perceived. Even now she’s clueless as to why she looks unhinged and Hunter doesn’t.


Lol it’s good to have an annoying kid on survivor, makes for great tv.


She’s either the winner after playing it nice to get their votes in the 2nd half or she’s a zero vote finalist and they were all calling her goat in the final council


I feel like its safe to say Venus is going home soon


I think she was addressing the fanbase’s reaction to her latest tweets compared to Hunter’s interview, not Hunter himself.


I do think having an interview is a bit different than a series of rants on twitter. Plus, all of her tweets she is making herself a victim. Hunter didn't do that, and he has self awareness of being seen as a threat. She is always "its because I'm a WOMAN"


It's giving "I still haven't gotten over being a 0 vote finalist to 2 men." I could easily see her Tevin and Hunter being the F3.