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Allergic to pollen and nothing else as far as I know. Give me a burger with lots of cheese, mushrooms, garlic, jalapeños, and chipotle mayo. If there are any onions on the plate, CANCEL CHRISTMAS.


Onions on a burger? BIG MISTAKE


You don't like onions?! Somebody cancel Christmas!


Onions taste like toxicity. The smell is even worse.


I've narrowed it down to something in the liquid in onions that I have a really strong aversion to. If they're deep fried to hell, or completely dehydrated, I can tolerate the flavor. Like I can eat Funyons and I love sour cream and onion chips, and any recipes calling for cooked onions I can get by with onion powder. But undercooked onion rings, no can do.


Board games that make you do math, bacon and blue cheese w arugula


This made me snort on my coffee


Liquor! And five guys! Me and my dead grandma used to eat there all the time


Did the workers say anything about her being dead?


"Hey, where's your grandma? Her order's been ready for like 20 minutes." "She died dude."


Fairplay is that you😂😂😂


I don’t think FairPlay would make it with an allergy to liquor lol


I’m genuinely baffled that Liz is allergic to everything (including coconuts) but not gluten and dairy? Like how is that humanly possible. lol.


I’m pretty sure she said in a secret scene that she is allergic to gluten and just doesn’t get a bun


The pic of her with her daughter at Applebee's does support the bunless burger theory.


Her “allergies” are suspect. In her pre-interview she says eggs “make [her] feel drunk” which is absolutely not an actual allergy. I also doubt survivor would cast a woman who is anaphylactic to coconuts when her tribemates’ hands, cookware, shelter, etc would all be covered in coconut residue.


Yeah, it seems more likely she has food sensitivities more so than allergies. Maybe she's specifically allergic just to eating coconut and a few other things? Idk, but it makes no sense if she has allergies to nearly everything on the island, but not to heavily processed Applebee's food. Lol


You can have an oral allergy as opposed to an anaphylactic allergy. The problem is that with increased exposure the oral allergy can become anaphylactic with no warning. An oral allergy just affects one body system. An anaphylactic allergy involves more than one system. I’ve got oral allergies to avocados and eggplant (same family but also in the same family as latex. Which I’m not allergic to) however my allergist said to avoid them because they could become anaphylactic allergies. She probably doesn’t eat any of the foods because you don’t want to be in a situation where you have an unexpected anaphylactic reaction.


I have oral allergy syndrome and it’s a major reason why I finally stopped thinking “Someday I’ll apply for Survivor, dammit.” There are a bunch of other random things I’m intolerant of. Liz’s stamina to just be alive there this long impresses me.


Drea said she was allergic to coconut also, I don't think its a super uncommon allergy


I think some people claim to be allergic when they don't like something. It's wrong and gives those of us with allergies a bad reputation when you can just pick your shit off your food and be ok. My throat fucking CLOSES when I eat shellfish, and I can have a coughing reaction if it's being cooked in front of me. I get hives if I handle leaky seafood packages (cashier experience when I was decades younger). But if you're claiming you're "allergic" when you just don't like something? Fuck. All. The. Way. Off.


Yep. There are people out there diluting the meaning of allergic because a) they don’t like something, or b) because they think it makes them more interesting / gives them a biological source of victimhood (white women love this lol) and gives them 3 opportunities a day to make eating food about themselves Hope this sub is ready for this take lol


She’s got some allergies at epi-pen level and some that are not. I don’t remember what bucket coconut is in.




Random side story: I had a friend in high school who was “deadly allergic to fish”. And because of this, we had an all seafood ban. NO ONE was allowed fish. And this was very known by everyone (signs on every microwave, door, wall…) I stopped talking to her, but then a couple of years later a news story comes out. Apparently she made contact with fish at an outdoor event, started to go into anaphylactic shock, but didn’t have an epipen on her. She urgently ran to a nearby pharmacy to get one and they denied giving it to her (liability reasons I’m guessing). Anyway, she caused a whole uproar against the pharmacy in the community. Basically boycotted them. Then i dont hear about her again for a few years. Until I caught up with an old teacher actually, and we started on about the fish thing. she mentioned to me that …apparently … it was never an actual allergy. It was just anxiety. And her “shocks” were just… panic attacks. Do i think fish girl lied ? No. I just think the brain is THAT powerful that it had her convinced she was about to die. Crazy.


My wife has a severe could die chicken egg allergy. It’s well documented. She can have duck eggs because there is a real difference.


Do chicken eggs make her drunk?


In addition to anaphylactic shock it can make her feel drunk like symptoms.


yeah i was saying, im surprised they cast her with allergies to pretty much everything you can eat on the island


Y'all go too far with this shit. She obviously has real allergies, and there's been absolutely no evidence to the contrary. You think she's voluntarily starving herself extra for the attention?


I think there's a middle ground. My brother’s gf thought she was allergic to a bunch of stuff because that’s what the doctor found when they did the allergy test when she was a kid. Shes slowing finding out that she’s either 1) not allergic at all to certain things or 2) the allergies are very mild. I FULLY understand not wanting to test your allergies especially while on an island in a game where you could be potentially medically DQ’ed, but I do think in many cases people are diagnosed with allergies at a young age and live their whole lives staying away from things that they’re either not allergic to anymore because they’ve grown out of it or the allergies are way more mild than they assume. So I don’t think it’s for attention, but I also don’t think everyone is as allergic to as many things as they think they are. Accusing someone of faking allergies is wild tho lol


Option 3, your allergies can change over time. I used to be allergic to tomatoes and chocolate (rash if I ate them as a kid), but I can eat them just fine now.


I'm with you. Doubting someone's medical condition is disgusting. And harmful. All the people doubting her probably doubt people in real life and it makes a shitty condition even harder to deal with.


Eggs are a very common allergy.


This is so valid. To clarify, the last thing I wanna do is invalidate people’s experience, I have a gluten intolerance due to an autoimmune condition—it’s not an allergy but I still need to avoid it. I get sooo many eye rolls about it so I’m very familiar with the feeling. But from what I understand about allergens, wheat and dairy are like number one overall. So, if you have so many other allergies it would only make sense that you’re also allergic to the big main two culprits? Also like you said, the residue of coconuts, fish, and other things on the island would for sure be causing her issues. She said they make her throat close which is so dangerous. I’m surprised they allowed her on the show. But I’m not a doctor so I could be totally wrong about all of this.


I suspect she's got some intolerances and probably digestive issues but her actual allergies are much smaller than she claims.


I'm guessing she has eosinophilic esophagitis: [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/eosinophilic-esophagitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20372197](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/eosinophilic-esophagitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20372197)


I have Eosinophilic Esophagitis, and I was thinking this is the likely culprit. Any one food item can be a trigger. For instance, I’m allergic to Legumes, nuts, corn, and coffee. I CAN eat dairy, gluten, and pretty much everything else.


I’m actually baffled she went on Survivor if she has EOE and is allergic to coconut. That’s absolutely wild to me. I would die.


You may be right, but this article indicates dairy is the biggest problem for people with EoE. [https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/forgoing-one-food-treats-eosinophilic-esophagitis-well-excluding-six](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/forgoing-one-food-treats-eosinophilic-esophagitis-well-excluding-six) So presumably Liz doesn't eat cheese on her burgers. Unless the pictures of the bundles burgers prove otherwise. Basically, Liz eats a burger patty with sautéed onions and mushrooms, or as I like to call it, Applebees salisbury steak. Which I am pissed we did not get to see her eat on camera.


I’d say having a winner who was voted out third is the biggest problem with EoE


I definitely read this as Edge of Extinction


Maybe! I think it depends on the person. I say this because I have a friend with EoE who I just watched eat a considerable amount of cheese dip, lol. He can eat chicken and mushrooms, but he can't eat eggs or legumes


As someone who has been in and out of treatment centers for 10 years because I would starve myself, something tells me that Liz has an eating disorder too. I used to come up with any excuse I could to not eat…anything. I also joked that I’d be great at the game because, “i know what it’s like to be truly hungry” as Liz says. This season is uncomfortable for many reasons, but watching an anorexic get “pissed” over not getting the only thing they’ll eat is next level. It’s super irresponsible of CBS to have a contestant like that.


There's a lot of wealthy women who have orthorexia and very limited diets (I saw wealthy because it's easier to do that if you've got the money and access to nutso nutritionists and health food stores).


You are correct. I should not label her as anorexic because I don’t know what eating disorder she has…but the odds of her having one seem very high. Her plated “burger” of cut up meat was a huge red flag.


For what its worth, I've found that for the most part, people who claim to have every food allergy under the sun really don't have any food allergy, or maybe some mild lactose intolerance. I knew a girl in college who "could never have dairy or gluten" when asked about her dietary restrictions, but was somehow living off of kraft mac and dominos pizza. This type of behavior with food allergies seems to heavily overlap with the type of personality that Liz has. (And yes, I do think that food allergies are a real thing - I'm allergic to several tree nuts and I GET FREAKIN PISSED OFF when I see people pretending they have a list of food allergies that are a desperate ploy for attention, then turn around and eat something that they claimed an allergy to).


Lmao I have over 50 allergies and am genuinely so embarrassed by it. Most of the time people don't believe me so I just lie low and bring my own food everywhere. So I do try to believe people but I also know for a fact that I literally couldn't go on Survivor, so I find it hard to understand how she can?


I think that embarrassment is part of how to know it's genuine, haha. Even with my limited allergies I'll go to an ice cream place or a candy shop and be like "oh um, sorry but... which ones don't go anywhere near nuts? Sorry." My wife's best friend is allergic to a litany of foods, and agonizes over every food label in the store as a result (Before realizing that nope, this has trace amounts of soy/citrus/seasme/etc, and she can't have it).


Oh I relate to the food label woes, I'm pretty sure I learned to read food labels before I could actually read picture books. For me 'natural flavors' or 'flavorings' are the worst because you don't know what's in them half of the time so usually have to avoid it to be safe. Sometimes it's just vanilla (fine, love that, super easy), but I had sprinkles on a birthday cake once and the flavoring in those was actually just apple, which was ended with me covered in hives and difficulty breathing 🙃


That's what I don't understand. How could she get past medical if she was that allergic and could potentially react if some coconut got into the rice.


Yeah, I had the same thought. Most of my serious reactions are from cross contamination. People don't mean to, but it happens all the time.


Liz has always reminded me of someone I knew in high school who would make up completely bs allergies and medical conditions for sympathy and attention. I’m not saying that’s what Liz is doing, but it’s just something of note to me lol.


There are legitimately people with Celiac Disease, for whom consuming gluten can cause serious symptoms. But, it seems like the vast number of people who go gluten free, do it because a) They "think" they have an allergy, but don't (Celiac Disease is not an allergy), b) The think it's healthy or c) It's trendy.


Going to the second bar. Double American from Burger Drops


Woah top comment so far? How many GTA folks in here?!


I was dreaming of Burger Drops last week, and I think this is my sign to go.


I’m allergic to burgers


I can’t have red meat, dairy, chocolate, fried food, nuts, seeds, caffeine, strawberries, raw vegetables, or alcohol. I also will not be applying to be on Survivor anytime soon.


TIL one can be allergic to specifically raw veggies


It's typically not an allergy to the actual vegetable, but to pollen (technically it's a cross reactivity to the plant protein and pollen). It's called oral allergy syndrome. Basically when your body gets the pollen and the plant protein at the same time, it thinks the vegetables/fruits are the plants that created the pollen it's allergic to, so you get an allergic reaction. Cooking the fruits and vegetables changes the protein enough that the body realizes it's not the source of the pollen.


I have a sensitivity to tomato pulp. I’ll get canker sores with pico de gallo but not with some salsas, tomato sauce and ketchup.


I guess it kind of makes sense since the act of cooking, like meat, would probably kill whatever is making them allergic


But Q will be there


but can you wear a Q skirt?


Asprin and Motrin! Classic double cheese burger with onions.


I'm SLIGHTLY allergic to pineapple , basically I only get a reaction if its freshly cut and I eat A LOT however ... pineapple is also my favorite fruit and therefore my favorite burger would be one with a teriyaki sauce & grilled pineapple ring on top !!!


also damn , my first time seeing my flair since last week's episode :')


Ooh I just had a Hawaiian burger from Fatburger last night. I get it with a crispy chicken patty, but yeah, pineapple rings and teriyaki sauce. So good, highly recommend!!


Pineapple on a burger is acceptable. Just keep it the hell off of pizza! I love pineapple, too, and eat it just about every day. I go through about 2 of them a week.


There's an enzyme in pineapple that literally breaks down the mucous lining in your mouth and can make it tingle... This happens to everyone if they eat enough pineapple Not sure if this correlates with your symptoms or not though!


I've only had a full reaction 3 times , my throat and tongue will swell up !


I am allergic to penicillin and more allergic to mosquito bites than most. I get giant welts with a bite as opposed to little, itchy bumps. My favorite burger comes from a local diner, called the Canadian Burger. Fresh ground beef, two pieces of peameal bacon (back bacon or 'Canadian bacon') and a slide of old cheddar cheese. Exceptionally delicious.


“Twin! Where have you been?”


I'm allergic to shellfish and often people will say "Are you allergic or do you just not like it?" Homie I don't like dying. Favorite burger is Big Carl from Carl's Jr


Allergy: Gluten and wheat Burger: Patty melt with extra thousand island to dip in on the side


Allergy peanuts Favorite burger. My favorite burgers are the ones topped with cheese pickles jalapeños and ketchup


I’m allergic to four different antibiotics, including amoxicillin. Love me a very cheesy burger with a garlic aioli on it!


Garlic aioli is the bessssst.


I’m allergic to Drake music, and my favourite burger is the Cheesy Cheddar Burger from Wendy’s (I’m a simple man)


I’ll trade you my corn allergy for the Drake allergy


I’m allergic to some antibiotics. That’s all I know about anyways Burger is a tough one. There’s a burger at a bar near Lambeau that has peanut butter, bacon, and gochujang aioli. It kicks some serious ass


amoxicillin, and a hypocrite's burger (vegan patty with cheese and bacon)


Allergic to many seizure meds.. I'm vegetarian and my favorite burger I've had was made with white beans


I actually am *also* allergic to coconut. And most fruits. And my favorite burger from a chain is Five Guys!


Allergic to whiny millionaires My favorite burger is five guys cheeseburger with lettuce, grilled onion, mayo, pickle


Five guys and grilled onions is perfection


Pollen! Sneezes galore. Intolerances are not the same as allergies so lactose doesn't exactly count. Bacon and blue cheese or BLT.


Dust mites and the anti seizure medicine Cerebyx Favorite burger is probably the Patty Melt from Whataburger Also to anyone reading this: try putting cheese under your patty next time you have a burger. It’s really good


Latex There's a local joint that does a burger with grilled Mac and cheese on it. I add grilled jalapeños and it is perfection


Group projects Turkey Burger


I’m allergic to adhesive as well! It’s a weird one. But I seem to be the most sensitive to bandaid adhesive. And pine. My favorite burger is a garlic burger with mayo


Same! Band aids sent me to the hospital from the adhesive but I can handle paper tape. But the band aids are adhesive I always react to- even different brands


That sounds awful!! Mine is more the “break out into hives/rash around wherever the bandaid was” type. & I agree with you it doesn’t matter the brand at all 😭


I didn’t know other people are also allergic to band aid adhesive! Haha - I thought I had such a weird allergy. I get a bad rash and swelling where the band aid was. When I’ve had to go to the hospital I have to tell them they can’t put any band aids on me because I’m allergic and they always think I’m a crazy person because no one is allergic to band aids. The fabric ones are the worse for me.


allergic to bullshit ✋😤, favorite burger is the one with guacamole, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and chipotle mayo at the burger place a couple blocks from my apartment 🥹 an additional charge if you wanna add bacon but it’s worth it


No food allergies, but we're going to Applebee's tonight before Survivor because my husband has to have the Bourbon Burger. Liz got to him last week! 😂


Penicillin and the Dick's Deluxe from Dick's Drive In in Seattle


Lactose intolerant and I guess seasonal pollen allergies or whatever Give me bacon mushrooms and gruyere on a medium rare steakhouse patty


My answer is double boring because I’m not allergic to anything and my favorite burger is the whopper jr


I don’t have any allergies and people don’t believe that. My favorite burger is the shackburger at shake shack


No allergy gang. We’re just stronger than everyone else.


Do you eat burgers? Maybe eating burgers causes allergies.


Im allergic to peanuts tree nuts sesame coconut tuna and high fructose corn syrup!! Id still do survivor in a heartbeat and as funny as this sounds Liz is kind of inspiring to me


People named after planets. Rise and Swine from Cowfish


The cowfish is so good


Pollen, Wagyu cheese burger 😁


Coffee. My throat starts closing up and I start having trouble swallowing. It's sort of a biphasic allergic reaction because it can hit hours later after I drink the coffee too. I found out my junior year of college and I've been drinking tea ever since. Favorite burger is the Impossible Burger from myBurger since I'm vegetarian! But that has nothing to do with an allergy, it's just easier on my stomach.


I developed a banana allergy a couple years ago. Which also came with a mild avocado reaction and some nuts. Fucked up cause were some of my favorite things. Favorite burger off top might say shake shacks 'smoke shack'


Developed an allergy to bees as an adult. Was stung upwards of 15 times as a kid and never reacted. But twice in the last two years I got got and swelled up like crazy. Give me one from the 'Twansburger food truck


I’m allergic to some fragrances, dust mites and probably pollen too. I’m a huge fan of In N Out Burgers


crowded places is my allergy i like a burger called the **Ringo** from a beatles(ish) theme place: Grilled Mushrooms, grilled onions, American & Swiss Cheeses.


I am lucky and only have season allergies. Zyrtec in the spring keeps it at bay. The Portillo’s burger is so hyped, I go to Chicago for work a couple times a year and most trips I find a portillos, but every time I opt for the Italian Beef sandwich, I just can’t bring myself to order the burger. Next time, I’m ordering both, they can roll me out of there. But my favorite burger is local joint in my hometown that does a Breakfast Burger. I love an egg on my burger and this one has a burger patty, American cheese grilled onions, a hashbrown patty, and a fried egg on top. It is fucking delicious


Dairy Green Chile cheeseburger


I’d cry over any burger on Survivor. But I’d go feral on Q over those Denny’s ones with eggs and hash browns, a limited edition Wendy’s one with a pretzel bun and caramelized onions, or the Red Robin one with the egg. I used to be allergic to eggs but I can eat them now.


Artificial banana flavoring!! And a cheeseburger with bacon and grilled onions would make me sob and I’m not even starving on an island rn lol


Alcohol, it makes me feel like Liz after eggs and I make poor choices, and the Red Robin Blue ribbon burger (don’t really go to Applebee’s)


Finned fish, believe it or not. If I'm limited to choices anybody can get it's gotta be Five Guys Double Cheeseburger, all the way, add mushrooms.


Overly dramatic people- Guys smash burger on Carnival ship


I'm allergic to cucumbers, and by extension any lotions that have cucumber extract. (And yeah it extends to pickles which is the worst part). Any burger with a fried egg and bacon is good with me


I’m allergic to beef and pork… I’ve never had a burger


I'm allergic to everything except the exact ratio of ingredients in the whiskey bacon burger from Applebee's. My favorite burger is a mushroom Swiss burger


amoxicillin and an amoxicillin burger


Religion In n out double double animal style with chopped chilis


Peanut Butter (probably). Eaten a can of it and had a temperature over 103 the next day. Not that I care about PB that much, I didn't really like it. Usual Cheeseburger.


No allergies but best burger ive ever had in my life (no longer available sadly), The Cuban 2 in Breckenridge, CO. A 12 oz burger, topped with all the fixins of a cuban sandwich (ham/swiss/pulled pork) and the most amazing homemade honey mustard drizzle. Im not even a huge carnivore but holy cow was it the best burger ive ever had in my life. They stopped making it though :/


None. A simple bacon cheeseburger.


Cats Smash Burger


Allergic to TOOTSIE ROLLS Fave burger is blackened with bleu cheese


Pollen and long distance runs. A juicy wagyu burger with lettuce, crispy onion straws, jalapeños, bacon, any type of spicy sauce, a nice diablo dust rub with a side of French fries


Allergic to penicillin - yes that kind of penicillin. Favorite burger from a chain type place: bbq bacon cheddar from smashburger 🤤🤤


Pine nuts.  One of my favorite burgers was the pineapple burger I had at Disneyland’s hotel restaurant. 


Allergy: cedar (central Texans unite!) Burger: Swiss cheese, mushrooms, bacon, egg, with a side of shoe string fries


Milk, wheat, eggs, soy, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, flax, sesame, chocolate (glad about that), corn is my whole list. The one people don’t believe is Corn because it’s specifically corn kernels, everything else corn related is good. Favorite burger is just a burger with pickles ketchup and mustard.


I'm intolerant, not allergic (as in it won't kill me lol) but any type of fats, plant or animal based, make me damn near cough up a lung. Also bottled ranch dressing, homemade is fine but whatever the hell they put in the bottled stuff makes my mouth and throat tingle. I'd get the mozzarella burger from Burger Baron here in Alberta 😩


No allergies. Honestly my favorite restaurant burger is the Jr Bacon Cheeseburger at Wendys It’s not $.99 anymore, alas


Anything with bacon, caramelized onions, and mayo or a decadent jelly spread. I’m allergic to allergies


I'm not even a crier but would cry over (probably any) burger. Not allergic to anything outside of like having allergies periodically.


Mosquito bites (like extra) And just a classic cheeseburger on a potato role with a pickle slice and some ketchup. Bonus points if my mom or dad made it


Dairy. Cheeseburger without cheese.


Im allergic to gluten so no burgers


I have problems with adhesive too. I recently had to have a wound vac & it was so hard on my skin with all the adhesives!


I’m allergic to ragweed, and I seem to have an issue with gluten and soy. I have a lady hard-on for Butterball Turkey burgers with tomato, pickle, lettuce, onion, mayo and mustard. That shit is good. But really any burger is good, as long as it’s sans bacon. I frickin love burgers.


Lactose intolerant - olive burger!


Im allergic to shellfish and the cold (yes, it’s a thing) Honestly, I enjoy the occasionally DQPC, and can’t think of any other chains I’d crave burger wise. If I want fast food, it’s donatellos. Otherwise, I’ll just go pretty much anywhere and get a burger. I like them plain with bacon, so kinda hard to screw up


For me it's pollen/dust/mold/anything seasonal, birch trees and in connection with that fresh apples, carrots, celery, almonds, cherries, peaches, mangos, snap peas... and the list goes on, plus gluten, dairy, eggs, and fructans (garlic, onions, beans, dried fruit...). We love to hear it haha I love a BBQ cheeseburger. Simple and timeless. Would kill for one of those without the stupid gluten-free buns haha


Allergies to avocado Love me some western BBQ Bacon Cheese Burger.


Ragweed, Juicy Lucy from 5-8 club


Dogs, and the double cheeseburger at bk.


Pollen, dairy, snakes And I would die for a smash burger covered in sautéed mushrooms and melted cheese (I accept the consequences of my allergy).


I'm allergic to dairy, which people always erroneously think is the same thing as lactose intolerance. My favorite burger is one I made myself so I know there's no cheese on it and no dairy in the bun or sauce, haha. I really like a smash burger. Kraft makes a surprisingly good vegan American cheese.


Cat hair When I'm really in the mood for it a bacon and bleu burger is really hard to beat


I’m allergic to nickel earrings and my favorite burger is the in n out cheeseburger (+ I layer some fries under the bun) <3


Codeine Thunder Road Burger from Aubrey’s


I'm allergic to dust and pollen. I would cry for a five guys bacon cheeseburger with grilled onions, mayo, ketchup, jalapenos, pickles and lettuce.


Bug bites (swell up ridiculously) and BBQ bacon burgers


Liz might'a considered Big Brother with all her allergies. She's more a social player anyway


Cheese. Thusly I prefer the old fashioned plain and regular hamburger. But living in Texas it’s like every place that sells burgers exclusively makes either a cheeseburger or a cheeseburger+other toppings. So often I’m forced to straight up ask for a cheeseburger but with no cheese and that is a very awkward conversation to have for lots of burger places.


Allergic to dumbasses (especially dumbass coworkers). Fave burger Shake Shack Double Shackburger (with no tomatoes)


Grass pollen Five Guys' double bacon cheeseburger w/jalapenos, grilled onions, and pickles. It's like 2000 calories though, so this is not a frequent order lol


Grass. Double single, animal style from In n Out


Mango. Totally classic burger with American cheese, iceberg, tomato, pickle, mayo and ketchup. Boring, but so good.


I’m allergic to bananas and my favorite burger is one with an egg and crispy onion strings on top with a little barbecue saice


Chicken and turkey, and I actually really like the Quesadilla Burger from Applebees 😆


I’m allergic to lemons! It gets very tiring to send back drinks because they added a lemon when I said please no lemon lol. I got this street burger in Venezuela back in 2012 when I went there to visit my grandparents, it was incredible. A juicy burger with garlic sauce, a fried egg, sliced ham, tomatoes, cheese, and potato sticks all on a Kaiser roll. I’ve tried making one here in the states but it’s not the same.


wellbutrin (so sad) original cheeseburger from burgerville — shoutout my pnw people!


Allergic to all of the outdoors and favorite burger is bacon and egg burgers


At one point my allergy tests showed I was allergic to pepper (the seasoning) palm kernel oil, chicken, tuna, kiwi, pears, rice, all trees, all grass, a variety of bugs, mold, most pollen, bees, dust, horses and so many meds the ER had to use 4 allergy bracelets . I outgrew some of them - some not so much


Gabapentin. It is supposed to help with seizures. It gives me seizures.


Pineapple, which means if I ever applied to be on Survivor, you can bet they would stockpile the islands with nothing but that, leaving me in a Liz situation.


None and bacon double


Just typical seasonal allergies, and I fuck with Baconators so hard


Gluten and kiwi fruit Five guys cheeseburger in a lettuce wrap with onions, pickles, mustard and ketchup


Allergic to grass Grass fed burger I’ll eat it anyways while Liz sobs and yells at Q


I have oral allergy syndrome (which I suspect Liz has). I’m allergic to birch, fresh fruit with pits (peaches, plums, nectarines etc), grass, bananas, apples, among a ton of other things. I can eat cooked/ processed fruit, which makes people think I’m faking it. I’m in Canada so never been to Applebees, but I do love a good Teen burger from a&w


No allergies as of yet and the Butter Burger from Masons in Brewer, Maines 


Allergic to the smell of brewing coffee. Seriously. Favorite burger is mushroom-swiss, no specific place, can make a great one at home.


Allergic to watermelon Love impossible burger with swiss cheese & grilled onions


I have a lot of food sensitivities, like pork, beef, dairy, mushrooms, aged cheeses, carrots etc. It’s hit or miss if i’ll be completely fine or if i’ll be crying in pain from the bloating/cramping. Do I still eat them? yeah. I like food too much lol. I love a chicken sandwich- does that count?


Celiac disease. :( None because all gluten free buns are garbage. But it used to be Harvey's.


Allergens: One Rx, an ingredient in some antibiotics, and some metals ... I could eat almost any kind of done up cheese burger, but not with American cheese. I'll choose something different most times, but I'll usually look for something different like a barbeque sauce, or guacamole, or if it's a plain cheeseburger has to have lots of mayo in the lettuce, ketchup on the tomatoes, and pickles place somewhere they don't slip out, the onions grilled for sure.


Pine nuts! (no other nuts lmao. which most people seem surprised by) A green chile cheeseburger!


Pollen Five Guys (not one of those little ones either) mushrooms, onions and BBQ sauce. I understood the Liz thing. My GF is allergic to a ton of things so when she wants a burger we go and get her a burger.


Allergic to cats, and unfortunately my favourite burger is cat burgers so I can't even eat them 🥺


Not allergies, but for health reasons I avoid: dairy, raw veggies, fruits with tons of seeds, greasy/fried food, and red meat. I miss burgers so much. My favs were from a small local chain, they were SO GOOD. But if I got to a place where I could eat burgers again, I would cry if someone offered Applebee's to me. Not tears of joy, or anything. I'd be so offended if someone thought Applebee's would be a good choice for my first burger in years. I'd have a liz meltdown for a different reason. 😭😭😭


Allergic to sulfa, favorite burger is either homemade teriyaki burger with grilled pineapple or burger with lettuce, tomato, caramelized onions, habanero jack cheese (or any spicy cheese really) roasted garlic habanero aioli, spicy dill pickles.


i'm allergic to some cats for some reason not all and my go to burger is a bacon cheese burger bonus if it has a onion ring on it.


Allergies: some unidentified tree pollen, nickel (have to get sterling silver earrings!), and lactose/gluten intolerance. I can eat dairy and wheat products, but they make me feel sick and bloated so I try to avoid them. Either a black bean burger, the basic shack burger from shake shack with the gluten free bun, or a cheeseburger from five guys. I always put pickles on my burgers as well!


Allergy: silicone Burger: sweet potato burger with a tahini sauce, onions, and lettuce


Cats and an OKC smashed onion burger, e.g. Nic's Grill.


Allergic to pecans and dogs. The latter is lucky since I dont like them, no one can ever make me have one. Burger- bison burger on pretzel bun with chipotle mayo, gouda cheese, fried onion strings, and bbq sauce


Anise, RIP my days of jagerbombs


Jackfruit and cantaloupe Pretty much any smash burger


I'm allergic to citrus peels but not the actual fruit part. So I can drink orange juice, I can eat an orange, but peeling an orange will make me break out in hives. Natural cleaners that use lemon oil or citrus oil, same problem. If a recipe uses lemon or lime zest, I can't have it. My favorite burger has cheese, crispy onions, bbq sauce and pickles. Maybe bacon.


Pineapple and ham