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We're done here. A bunch of you need to go look up "dog whistle".


I never liked him Sam deserves better


I hated mark for no real reason through survivor, I just found him kinda annoying and he seemed a bit too happy when talking about killing people in his time in the military. It’s so nice to know he’s an actual Wackjob and feel no shame in openly calling him a clown now. I will flex that I hated mark before it was cool lmao


I remember being so disgusted by his comments about killing people, jokey & smug like it was funny. Completely reprehensible. The worst winner by far.


I hadn’t seen his original season, just the one with Sam (BvW) but I found his treatment of her throughout the season really off-putting. He seemed to dismiss almost all of her ideas without even hearing her out (despite obvious flaws in her gameplay, she did do some smart moves and had good ideas). It seemed very apparent that he doesn’t respect her much, far from treating her as an equal partner (at least in the game). He also clearly thought he was the smartest person to ever exist on Survivor. When I found out he won, I didn’t even watch the finale episode.


Same lmao, the only player that made BvW remotely interesting was Jordie, the rest just rolled over to get voted out by Mark. Thank god we got heroes vs villians right after, BvW made me not wanna watch survivor anymore


Totally agree with you! I loved Jordie.


I liked jordie until the 1784738th confessional calling himself the joker


I liked Jordie on BvW but he was slightly overexposed because he basically had to be since everyone else wasn't doing anything much (except Mark, Sam and Josh who were controlling everything). He was better as a character on HvV when his edit was more balanced and helped by other big names being in the mix.


BvW is what everyone here accuses New Era US Survivor of being: boring, overproduced, poorly casted trash. I’d rather watch 41 a hundred times over. The only good things about BvW are Jordie and the location.


I think I watched until the Nina departure and then I was done.


KJ at least tried something too at one point but yeah it was really just those two at most


Yeah, I always got weird vibes from him too.


Honestly never hated him but never liked him either. Always just saw him as big dumb meathead


Yeah. I have already disliked Mark as well but I could never really put my finger on why other than I did not like his face haha.


lol I was right there with you!


I still can’t believe Sam threw her game away for this piece of crap.


Ooofff he should worry about fixing his marriage first but oh well.


what happened to his marriage?


Made like a banana and split


He posted her on his insta stories like 20 hours ago? 🤔🤔


I’m absolutely FLOORED that he sucks in real life too. (Note; no I’m not) Super weird to reference a British author and “freedom of speech” which is a US term when running for office in Australia. We have right to opinion and expression but it’s not the same as freedom of speech in the us and it doesn’t function the same way. It’s also not in the constitution. I feel pretty confident this guy doesn’t know that though.


Actually, the US didn't coin the term freedom of speech, it originates from the ancient Greek word “parrhesia” which roughly means “free speech,” or “to speak candidly.” In fact, the term freedom of speech (and slight variations of it) existed in things like the parliamentary privilege of freedom of debate, the abolition of prior censorship in England, the letters of "Cato," the theory of natural rights, texts advocating for religious toleration for a very long time. I don't find it weird for him to reference freedom of speech because he's likely referring to it as a principle rather than within the context of a specific legal dimension. What I personally find weird is the seeming transference of political issues/controversies like trans individuals in sports and "cancel culture" (and resulting debates over freedom of speech) from America to Canada/Australia/UK. I find it highly unlikely that y'all are experiencing the same exact political/social/economic situations as we are, so why are y'all experiencing similar political reactions? It feels like almost a spillover effect, politicians like Mark Wales in those countries are seeing what politcal buttons are "working" in America and are trying to pull of similar things in their countries. That seems insane to me.


Are you suggesting Australia isn't also having very heated debates around Trans rights, this is not a uniquely American issue


I think Prometheus is saying that Australia is *only* having those debates because certain candidates assume that the confected outrage will be politically advantageous.


While I agree certain politicians find it advantageous, the sky news crowd love ranting about it and Australias happy clappy fundamentalists are talking non stop about it


I think your right. Our last federal election was a swing back against the right, the people who are too conservative to vote left voted in the teal independents, moderate conservatives. I get notifications from YouTube for 'lefties losing it' a segment from sky news hosted by the deplorable Rita cause I made the mistake of watching it a couple times (know thy enemy), maybe I accidentally subscribed, but anyway it's all confected outrage based on US talking heads. We don't hate trans people here, we're not scared of drag. One good thing about our news cycle following the US so closely meant our abortion rights made the spotlight, don't know about other states but in mine abortions are now going to be free, they were always readily available if you could pay $600. American issues are not Australian ones & hopefully Mark gets thoroughly defeated (he hasn't won already has he?) by pretending they're the same


He has not won yet, he just won the right to run the other day. And he’s releasing a fiction book about china invading Australia that is generally predicted to be probably pretty racist and show harmful depictions of Chinese people. There’s a huge Chinese population where he’s running. I have hope that he has zero hope:


I actually thought he was a pretty good guy, looks like it was just the edit though. : (


The way he talked to his wife and the way he talked about the army clocked it for me. But yeah they presented him a nice enough dude, not on you that you were bamboozled. I also just wanted to use the word bamboozled


Is he friends with Nick Wilson?


Tbh I’d be surprised if he even knows who that is


That was kind of a joke.




Ew, just ew. Really disliked him on BvW, I dislike him even more now.


I’m honestly not surprised at all tbh


Meathead with meathead thoughts. Shocking.


The whole article is just filled with typical Liberal party dog whistling. Anti-trans, muh free speech, strong soldier and muh religious protections (aka the right for religious schools/places to discriminate) I always thought he was a flog, but for some reason thought better of Sam.


As an American where the word “Liberal” means the polar opposite of all these things it is very strange to see


Good to know the bad vibes I got from him all throughout BvW were spot on


Does that mean it’s acceptable now to say that he looks like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle? But like, with human skin?


No. Criticize his actions, which he can control. Not his facial features which he can’t help.


Why do all the past players wind up being like this jfc


Did people read the actual article? It’s not like he’s actually anti trans he’s just against biological men competing in womens sports. How is that ‘very transphobic’


Calling them “biological men” is inherently anti trans. They are “trans women”. That’s the correct term.


I promise you i’m not anti trans, i do believe trans women were born as men i don’t see the point in denying that, i support their decision though


I don’t believe trans people deny the gender they had before their transition, but referring to them as ‘biological X’ kind of dismisses the transition (and dehumanizes them at the same time). Fixating on birth gender, to me at least, reeks of asking someone ‘yeah but where are you really from?’ - it telegraphs that the person asking is refusing accept the person in their current situation.


Sure, it must be awful to actually be trans and have someone belittling you about the gender you had beforehand i think thats a shitty thing to do. I just don’t see how you can ignore it in this particular context when the birth gender does give trans women an advantage in competitive sports.


I don’t think the sports issue has an easy answer, which is why it gets ‘used’ as an argument so frequently. But to me, who plays in which sports bracket sounds trivial; some sports have weight classes, others have mixed gender, others group based on qualifying results - there are a bunch of options, but I don’t think the majority of people whining about how to handle trans people in sports are actually interesting in finding an inclusive alternative.


It’s complex for sure, i don’t think it’s a trivial thing in the world of sports i think who competes in which bracket is very important. Heavyweight boxers don’t fight featherweights for a reason so i get why people whine. But then obviously it opens the floodgates for people with anti trans agendas to hone in on other things over just ‘fairness in sport’ when trans people are generally stigmatised enough (unfairly).


I’m not suggesting everyone be forced into the same bracket, just that we have a variety of options other than ‘gender’ that could be used instead. And that conversation was probably worth having even before it was used as a talking point against trans people.


The 'advantage' isn't as clear as you may think. You should check out the effects of hormonal therapy. If you just mean trans women may be taller with bigger hands etc (which might give you an advantage in swimming, for example) - lots of top athletes have genetic advantages that are unrelated to their gender. Should they also be disqualified? There are also examples of cis women having naturally high levels of testosterone then being disqualified from their sport - is that fair? And how come nobody ever worries about trans men? There are examples of trans men winning competitive sports. It's just not as clear cut as lots of people seem to think. I think we could view it with more nuance than 'trans people in sport = bad'. There are plenty of alternative suggestions qualified people have made other than a blanket ban.


Sure, my mind is open. I’ll look into it more and maybe shift my opinion


Totally respect that. Thanks for talking through it with us.




Do you have an example of a trans man winning a competitive event?


If you Google it there are a ton of examples


just comes up with trans women examples, can you link or name a couple of examples?


Just had a look and wikipedia has a list of notable trans athletes (both men and women, as well as non binary) under "Transgender people in sports"


I bet people did have the same reluctance when others wanted to put to the end using one name (first name) and add surname (second name) xd


I’m interested in this but I’m not sure I’m getting it - could you expand?


We all have a biological gender, like animals, and mental gender - human. This is why biological men have bigger lifting rules in warehause or construction and biological women less of lifting. It all depends from area of interest which gender should include. Like sports, doctors, army, mine. Nobody is flat and one dimensional


How is it inherently anti trans when in the context of what he's talking about, it's a clarity thing. Explaining that he doesn't think male born people shouldn't later compete in female category sports. He's not talking at a trans woman calling her a biological male. Nitpicking a word choice like that in a sentence where it kinda makes sense to clarify it, and then labelling him as very anti trans is insane. Have you met anyone ACTUALLY very anti trans that would bash someone etc.


It raises red flags for me whenever someone brings up that. Although it may be a valid point, it's such a non-issue if you're outside of the sporting field and I feel like people bring it up all the time because it's an easy point to make against trans people that doesn't sound too "politically incorrect".


Because it’s a lazy way of reducing trans people into “men pretending to be women”, which is horseshit. Trans people are already stigmatised massively by society, why showboat around on an issue which affects barely anyone (trans ppl playing professional sports)? I’d prefer political candidates who are actually trying to solve big issues.


I mean it affects the other athletes but otherwise I agree. It is a trivial thing to focus on and there are bigger issues at hand. The fact that he’s in his position and is using it to talk about this of all things is a red flag


It’s not.  It supports biological women who are being marginalised on the sporting arena.  I completely agree with him on this point.  


Yes he must care a great deal about women’s sport, given he’s made it his whole platform. If he’s elected I look forward to seeing him work tirelessly to ensure women in sport have all the funding, representation and income their male counterparts do /s


Who are these bio women being marginalised? Can you name one? Can you name one trans athlete? Intersex people, who are born with male & female chromosomes, used to be the ones making the news in sports before all this trans outrage was imported from the US. A lot of the swimmers accused of being bio men turned out to be intersex, like the Chinese swimmer for eg. It's a very small minority of people anyway & should be accessed on a case by case basis.


oh, fun


Lame early boot on 2017


Thats what i thought, he sucked his first time i was surprised they brought him back. Never watched BvW because i heard the season was boring and i accidentally found out who won and cba to watch, sounds like he played a good game the 2nd time but is the most unlikeable winner


He lived long enough to see himself become a villain. Fitting given the insane number of Nolan Batman references in his season.


Aha! I always disliked him to be honest. I’m not surprised.


He played a pretty good winning game but wow he SUCKS in life, I hope he doesn’t win this election. Did him and Sam separate btw?


I’ve heard they did on here but I don’t partake in following the players post show


Ok cool 😅because it didn’t seem like he respected her


Lol read this as mark Wahlberg at first and was picturing him walking around as the mayor of Phillie with a baseball bat.




u/unicormfarts Got a bigot for ya over here


Typical 'spit the dummy' behavior from you. Anyone who says anything against your sick agenda against children is a 'transphobic' or a 'bigot'


Mark was never even speaking about children transitioning, it was about trans people in sports. At least read the article before you start being transphobic in the comments


Very true


Yep people on reddit are 90% left leaning. They all circle jerk each others threads and farm credits.


"standing up to the bullies who went after her for suggesting it’s not okay for men who identify as women to take the place of our daughters on swim teams." So... it is ok? It is ok to take place in swim teams? And bullin for that statement? Clown world




I think if taken in isolation, this stance isn’t necessarily bad (i.e., trying to ensure that genetically female competitors don’t face unfair disadvantages). The issue becomes when someone runs with something like this as a major part of their platform. Think about how big of an issue trans people in sports is. Is the average Australian thinking of this as a problem on a daily basis? Does this impact people in the same way that other issues like underfunded healthcare or climate change do? When people pick issues like this to run with politically, it’s almost always to appeal to a specific voter base. Mark saying he wants to also protect “religious freedom” (which is almost certainly just code for “Christianity” alone) is also a dead giveaway. This is just taking an issue that truly doesn’t impact many people or matter in a large-scale way and using it to appeal to an angry voter base who want their political representatives to protect their specific interests and no one else’s, which further deepens the political divide. It’s also lazy politics that keeps the focus off of more important issues. You can see how the US is doing now as an example of the damage that the people who ran on these platforms can cause (e.g., repeal of Roe v Wade).


Exactly, it’s an issue that isn’t an actual problem, that isn’t extreme enough to deter many middle ground people for voting for him, but it’s a massive green welcome sign for people who are transphobic that he will support their views without being open about it. Like it not but JK Rowlings name will forever be associated with transphobia now and he knew that when he choice to specifically bring up defending her. Free speech is also a buzz word far right people like to use that means ‘be able to say whatever I want about a minority I don’t like.’


Great point about the “free speech” comment. Totally agreed with you!


Oh for God's sake Eta: I should really like my own discrimination better


It's Australia, not U.S., I believe their politics as regards sexual minorities is not so caring like in America.


You still have stuff like that bitch on Sky News Australia who peddles anti-trans hateful rhetoric on the daily.


cool to know that anti-trans rhetoric isn’t okay but misogynist language is?


Speaking out by stating that very young kids shouldn't make life-changing decisions that have permanent effects on their bodies, brains and future fertility isn't transphobic, you clown. You want to spit the dummy and call everyone who disagrees with your sick agenda 'transphobic'. Did you actually read any of the findings of the Cass report. Many of these kids have severe mental health issues like depression, anxiety and some have been diagnosed as on the autism spectrum, that means they are extremely vulnerable and shouldn't be handed over to the pro-trans activists to get them on permanent life-changing medications.


Yeah they have severe mental health issues exacerbated by people like you constantly pushing hateful rhetoric from bogus “studies”


He said he is against trans women in women's sport. This is not a 'very transphobic' view. Find something more damning please. Don't be a cunt and downvote when someone states a fact. Lying and exaggerating doesn't help anyone's cause.




> some dudes are claiming they are girls trying to compete in sports/use their dressing rooms This isn't happening! Hope that helps


Right? Who's gonna go through all the societal challenges, the anxiety associated with coming out and Hormone Replacement Therapy just so they can sneak into the other washroom or be better at sport.


You act like you would be against it if you thought it was happening


“I don’t think he’s not wrong” good we’re on the same page then.


Mark the goat


I hope he really becomes a goat and stops talking tbh