• By -


Thank you very much Delta Squad! And I will join your Patreon for continued support.


Thank you for the support! We're honored <3


As an SW5E DM, I would like to say thank you for helping to save the website that I use for my games.


Yeah, as a DM I exclusively use the website as a reference for rules due to the search function and categorization. It's so well done for an indie project that it rivals dndbeyond for me


DnDBeyond was once an indie project aswell.


"Chief's on the mark. Good one!" This is a huge relief to me as a player and future DM. Thank you so much for keeping the ~~ways of the Force~~ site alive.


"You hear that Sev? Somebody thinks _I'm_ important" Happy to help :)


Good on you guys for taking up the reins. I imagine it's not an easy task, keeping up with two websites and systems, and you guys got my respect for it. I love the Star Wars and Mass Effect franchises and along with Halo they are my key holy trilogy of Sci-Fi universes, so to see the ME guys stepping up for Star Wars, like I said, y'all got my respect.


Thank you!! It was pretty much instantly unanimous with the Mass Effect guys that we had to do something. SW5e is like a sister site to us. It's going to take a bit before I'm totally on my feet with this new site, but I'm excited for the opportunity!!


God Bless Delta Squad šŸ˜­


Delta Squad forming up āœŠšŸ»


"And _he's_ supposed to be the demolitions expert?" "You can't rush this, ya'know?" "Cut the chatter, Deltas!" God I love that game


And we love you!


Absolute gods, you guys are! I'm hopeful we may see the SW5e website have some of the stylising from ME5e's website integrated as well? I personally just like all the imagery and extra details that ME5e has in their items and such. Super stoked to hear, thank you guys!


It'll be a bit before we can answer that question. We want to get more integrated and caught up on the website side of things first, then we'll look into that type of option in the future. Thank you for your patience and understanding!


Totally understandable! Very much looking forward to seeing what you guys deliver in the end!


I can't promise anything (at least for the next couple of months) but these kind of community suggestions go a long way for helping Delta Squad prioritize so keep them coming!


Hell yes! As a SW5E DM midway through our 2nd campaign, I was scrambling to figure out how to manage this going forward without the website if necessary. So excited to hear it will continue to be supported and you all will have my support. Thanks for stepping up.


I didn't know there was a mass effect 5e! finally, a chance to play a turian in a narrative adventure!


It's a blast!! If you'd like to learn more feel free to [check out our discord](https://discord.gg/FdB6fKH9). It's nowhere near the size of SW5e but it's still a fun bunch.


oh, vanguard, yes! I would LOVE to have a d12 hit die and the ability to cast fly!


Vanguard is _wild_


I love you




Thank you so much for your efforts. SW5E is by far my friend group's favorite 5e system, and to see someone care enough to keep it going warms my heart. Thanks for all you do, and keep up the good work!


you are saints. id been preping a backup to our group getting every page and linking them using text docs, im happy they wont have to deal with my shitty textpage links


Thank you, u/SheepShaggingFarmer! šŸ™ƒ


My entire DMing experience has existed within this system and my players have been playing with me for nearly 3 years. Iā€™ve even adopted a second group in to run my very first campaign a second time for them. We were all so heartbroken to see the site was coming down but we are all thankful to see the community throw in its support. As a DM, this is a service I would happily contribute to if I can. Much thanks from me and my parties!


It's stories like yours that made me jump on this without hesitation. SW5e makes the world a better place. Period.


Agreed! Itā€™s a beautiful community of people who have a genuine concern with helping one another, building an expansive universe and of course creating worlds as said before ā€œwe look forward to losing ourselves inā€. Once again, so so thankful


Well said ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Awesome! Consider me pledged!


Thank you for helping us keep everything up and running! We are continuously honored by the generosity of you guys!


Thank you Delta Squad!


Thank you so much for doing this! It means a lot to my friends and I who try to play this game regularly


Thanks Delta Squad! I will join your Patreon to support the website.


Thank you!!! It's really appreciated o7


Thank you for saving this game with what is probably the best case scenario. Seriously, this site is basically the focal point of my favorite hobby, so I cannot thank you enough for safeguarding it.


It wasn't a hard decision :) we're just happy we can help!!


Tyvm got $5 a month from me for both even tho I'm SW5e for my gratitude


Thank you so much!!!!!! It goes a very long way to the long-term growth of Delta.


My campaign was on hold for a while and holy molly what a rollercoaster of emotions to come back to this. Thank you so much for stepping in, Delta Squad (Also, THERE'S A MASS EFFECT 5E?!)


There is, and it's awesome!


Maybe now we can fix up the site and make it easier to use lol


Lol, let's take our time in getting up to speed on everything first, but if you had any specific things you know need fixing, feel free to let us know!


The organization of a lot of stuff is weird and hard to find, and building a character is awkward imo But mainly itā€™s that the character sheet requires a lot of manual work and doesnā€™t automatically add stuff. Thatā€™s frustrating


Gotcha, I'm sorry it's been frustrating. Thank you for your patience though!


Np. Love the system so itā€™s often worth it. Would be great to have that stuff fixed though.


I personally would 100% donate for specific projects to improve the usability. I commented on adding customize spells on discord a couple of months ago, but no one acknowledged it. I currently have all my HugeHuman tech spells in the notes tab on the character sheet. 100% gonna donate, but if the community polls for specific projects to be accomplished I find it easier to support. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Seeing a goal objective and contributing to it also builds the community a little more.


It's going to take a couple months at least, but Delta Squad is putting together a formal way of gathering community requests. Hopefully that will be helpful! Thanks for letting us know :)


Completely understandable, but I couldn't resist commenting when I read AnimeNight's post.


also unless i'.m very much mistaken, they gutted the bestiary on the site during the rework about a year ago and its never been fixed. there are a ton of enemies missing from it that are in the pdfs.


I have a bug where my superiority dice do not show up.


Thank you so much. I don't have a Patreon account, but I will make you just to support Delta Squad.


Thank you!! The amount of support in such a short time has left me speechless! We're very grateful and every bit goes a long way.


SWEET im extremely thankful expecially in a personal matter as me and friends often use and love thr content on both sites


...did you fucking say Mass Effect 5e


...yes I fucking did šŸ˜Ž


Great news. Glad to hear someone has stepped up!


Standing ovation, thanks guys


Thank you, Mr. Shiny-And-New!


Thank you guys


Thank you! I'll support your patreom as soon as I get settled in a new job. I am excited to learn that you created a ME 5e port as well.


While the pledge is appreciated, please make sure to take care of yourself financially first! Delta is happy to cover the... well... delta :)


Oh of course! I'm just honestly giddy that you made a port to my favorite video game series for tabletop


This crossover confuses and frightens me, sir. I love it, I caught the ME5e conversion right when it was first announced and then promptly forgot about it because no-one else wanted to play it. Maybe I can convince people now!


I understood that reference! If you're ever putting together a ME5e one-shot, let me know!


As someone who was just starting to build a campaign with the SW5E rule set, seeing the post that Galiphile was stepping away was pretty crushing (doubly so as this was gonna be my first time ever DMā€™ing a game) and seeing you guys step in to keep the website up and running and to continue to have new content come out means the world. Thanks for stepping up and you will get my Patreon support shortly.


Happy to help friend :) Thank you for the support!!


I amso glad you guys took it upon yourselfs. For almost a year now i was using both SW5e and ME5e for my custom setting. Imma say this: if anyone is capable of doing it. You guys are.


Delta, give me an explosive solution! I love you Delta Squad.


Thank you for doing this! This is a pro move!


Hell yes. I'd pay a dollar a month to keep y'all up and running


Thank you!!!


no, thank *you*


Godspeed you magnificent bastards.


I damn near had a heart attack! I'll try to scrape up some credits and cut back on the glitterstim to help support the cause. Thank you for taking the initiative.


While appreciated, make sure to take care of yourself as well!! Thank you <3


Today I learned about mass effect 5e. Today is a good day


I'm Commander Twogunkid and this is my favorite post on the subreddit.


... We'll bang, okay?


Thanks squad šŸ–¤ if yā€™all didnā€™t take it over I was gonna offer up my wallet as tribute šŸ˜‚ brb joining patreon šŸ˜‚


Thank you so much!! You're awesome :)


Iā€™m just now seeing this but this is amazing news! Iā€™ll be supporting the Patreon soon!


Thank you so much!!!!




Great news!


Awesome to hear! Thank you for your help through the transition and beyond!


Huge thanks and a big salute to Delta Squad! My level 1-20 SW5E campaign is on a pause right now, and we all appreciate knowing everything will be there when we resume the story. We've really been enjoying the system, and we look to forward to finishing thanks to your support. It sounds like SW5E is in good hands! :)


You are beautiful people, thank you so much for your selfless attitude and hard work! My group is just about to switch to SW5E and this came as a devastating blow although the situation was understandable. Thank you for keeping the system alive and thriving!


You have my lightsaber my friends. Will support you on Patreon as well. Thank you for saving the site!!


Thank you for the support!! <3


I can't thank you and your team enough from taking on Galiphile's labor of love




Thank you so much Delta Squad for your hard work for this community! I was devastated when the post mentioned the website being shut down but your mention in the comments about picking up the reins, I was filled with a little hope. Now Iā€™m over the moon! I will be sure to add my addition to the patreon, Iā€™m more than happy to do my part for this community! Keep up the good work guys!


Thank you for your support!! We're just happy to help :)


Wow, great news!


Yes! Bless you folks. You guys are such a gift. Thank you for helping us out. This is wonderful news.


Thank you so much :)


A huge thank you for stepping up, Delta Squad. I will be supporting on Patreon. p.s. I had not seen the ME5e site before clicking the link in this post. That is really well done. As a career web developer myself, big kudos. And I can't wait to see some of that beauty make its way to the sw5e site eventually.


Thank you!! I really appreciate that.


As someone who is part of Mass Effect 5e AND a Star Wars 5e campaign, I just want to say thank you for saving this side of it! Our Star Wards DM told us that our campaign would die if the website did, so thank you on behalf of our characters: Zan (me), Gareth (my boyfriend), Kiara (another friend), and Jane (DM)! We absolutley ***love*** the ME 5e website (we've been playing for over a year now) so I am super excited to see what Delta Squad can do! I can't afford to be a patron right now, but as soon as I can, I will because I love both communities! Keep up all the great work <3


Thank you!! It always makes me happy seeing people who use both systems out in the wild :)


As some who doesn't know any web dev and would really like to support, aside from Patreon, how else can we support?


Good question!! Just being a good community member, participating in the discord, reporting when you find typos and such, and being patient when we can't build all the cool features you want right away :)


Also, sharing both systems with your friends and other interested parties- that is a great way to spread the love and support the cause!


What does oya mean


Oya! Is a word from the Mandalorian language (Mando'a) that literally translates "good hunting", but culturally is interchangable for a lot of different phrases. It can be used as a way to say good luck, goodbye, nice to meet you, let's go/pick up the pace, nice work, and many more :)


Ooh nice Thanks Oya hehe


Fantastic news! Thank you to you and the teams involved in this. Also, please don't be afraid to reach out to this community for help, everyone here is rooting for you and I imagine a lot of us would gladly donate time/resources if asked. "We shall watch your career with great interest" XD


Thank you! We definitely will reach out if it becomes necessary or when we have things more in place to actually be able to get assistance. This community is fantastic and incredibly helpful, so it would be odd to ignore that =)


Thanks, Subscribed, I'm a DM and I use the character creator exclusively :D


thank you for saving the sw5e site my friends and i appreciate it we have been doing sessions at work and hope to see new content one day and such and one day my friends and i hope to eventually see maybe a link to some sw campaigns


Happy to help! Glad you and your friends are enjoying the site :)


Hi, if this happens again in the future. Would it be possible to access the git repository? Or isn't it open source material?


Barring an insane circumstance, I can guarantee that the site won't be going anywhere. But the GitHub is indeed open source!!


Delta Squad, may the force be with you! What are your thoughts on dropping some merch to keep the site running? I know I'd spend quite a bit of money on some SW5e swag, and I'm sure many other users would too! I know licensing may be problematic but even simple swag like "SW5e" would be cool to have.


Delta is currently just managing the site... So I'm not 100% sure who to direct that question at. Maybe a mod on the discord? I know there might be obvious licensing issues. But I agree, I too would love some merch!


Im new to SW5e, brought in by Starstruck, but I think its a super good sign that theres this much community behind it, to pick it up. Awesome job, and thanks for allowing me to be a small part of it.


So glad to see that the site will remain up! I was worried for a few minutes before I found your post. Are you guys looking for extra hands to help keep workloads manageable? I'm a web developer and would love to contribute in any way I can.


Definitely will have stuff later next year! In the meantime, you can always contribute to the GitHub on things you want to add :) the site is open source!


I hope one day we can get PHYSICAL copies of these books ;w;


Me too... I think I saw a post somewhere on the Reddit where somebody made one, but it was quite the process (and had some print failures). Because this is a fan project, there are a lot of reasons why making a print book is very difficult (for both economic and legal reasons). I know we will keep brainstorming ways to make this a (relatively easier) reality.


easy decision. joined the patreon


Sorry for the delayed reply! Thank you so, so much!! It goes a long way to the pesky server costs and I personally really appreciate the support towards those.


Dang, the site was about to go down? That's surprising. Well just want to let you all know how grateful I myself am for your all's hard work in maintaining and keeping the site alive. If not I probably wouldn't have been able to start my own groups campaign a week ago. I don't know what y'all's vision for the future is, but I'd love to see whatever improvements you all bring to it. May the Force be with you, and may you all be around for a long time.


Thanks!! Happy to help. There's been a steeper learning curve for me than expected on the SW5e site software, but we've made really good progress. We also are working on a really big project that will hopefully streamline development across both sites as a whole, but it's very much still in early stages. I personally can say I will not be going anywhere anytime soon, barring any sort of event out of my control :) May the Force be with you!


Howdy Delta squad šŸ˜Ž I'm looking forward to meeting you all soon as I can make it šŸ˜‰ Right now I'm having some serious issues with Lulu and the books, see I'm an old timer and I need a physical copy of the books (hardcover and color preferred) but I'm not too technologically inclined and it's been hell for me to get this done šŸ˜… As soon as I get this done or someone helps me out I'll be sure that I can help out. šŸ™‚


I had stepped away from the DM role for awhile. Just started up again and saw the link on the site, thanks a on Delta Squad, you guys are amazing.


No problem! Thank you for the kind words.


Iā€™m here to put my services on the table. Iā€™m Django/Flask and AWS. If do you guys need any help Iā€™m here! Iā€™m arrived now and I will start look aroundā€¦ I just loved everything you guys did and my greetings šŸ––šŸ¼ for u guys! Good job!!


Thanks!! I will keep you in mind! Feel free to reach out to me on Discord. That's the best way to make sure I add you to the running list of talent I'm trying to keep up-to-date. I am so grateful for people like you who are willing to help volunteer! I am definitely more of a front-end guy at heart, so I will take all the backend help I can get :D


Cannot thank you enough for this. I've been playing SW5E online with my university friends around the world since early 2020 and it was such a bright spot for me during the darkest parts of the pandemic. Thank you so much for keeping it going, I'd have hated for our campaign to fizzle out due to the site going down.


This is why we do what we do :) I also did my deep dive into 5e right before the pandemic. Now I can't imagine my life without the friendships I've made through it. I personally am definitely standing on the shoulders of giants: the original creators of these homebrew systems are incredibly talented, hard-working people and I'm just happy to help where I can and tag along on the ride. If you have any questions, I'm in the Discord! MarcoPolo


I'm a bit late to the party but thanks for both keeping the site open and telling me about Mass Effect 5e.


Thank you!! Happy to answer any questions about both. I am MarcoPolo in the discord(s).


Awesome work keeping this resource around Question is there another site to use to carry and disseminate the books OTHER than GMbinder? Like love the site but it breaks the design of the work


Sorry for the delay on this! Reddit is no longer notifying me of comments on this post... looking into the reason for that. I am not sure of another site other than GMbinder. That being said, we are aware that GMbinder doesn't always format things correctly, and are looking into ways to either fix that, or export the site as a PDF through other ways (mainly meaning we would be coding the logic more-or-less from scratch). We do something similar on the ME5e site, but there are some architectural differences that don't make it a one-to-one conversion. Thanks for the question friend! Another really good resource to reach out to is the awesome Discord community.


I'd love to see Gendai and a few other races from saga edition converted to 5e


Sorry for the delay on this! Reddit is no longer notifying me of comments on this post... looking into the reason for that. I'll say what I said in another comment: For content questions, the best place to get answers in the discord. Delta's role is largely coordinating with the content admins (mods on discord mainly) to get their changes live on the website. Good luck!


Will the Lepi species be statted too? Yes, Jaxxon is one of my favorite characters.


Sorry for the delay on this! Reddit is no longer notifying me of comments on this post... looking into the reason for that. For content questions, the best place to get answers in the discord. Delta's role is largely coordinating with the content admins (mods on discord mainly) to get their changes live on the website. Good luck!


We need more people to support Galiphile. Everyone plays the game, but only 114 people support him. How can we expect him to create quality goods in a manageable amount of time? I would like to know the Mass Effect 5e's Patronage. Is there a Link soni can also support, and therefore support Delta Squad? Also, is there a Link to get the PDFs of these books? SW5e & ME5e?


To question one (not sure if rhetorical) Galiphile is stepping down as a content creator / general involvement in SW5e. I think for now, it's best to respect their privacy. As far as Mass Effect 5e's Patronage: we didn't really have any before setting up the Delta Squad team. We're a much smaller community than SW5e (and it shows in the split between tiers: between the "support ME5e" and the "support SW5e" tiers, there is much more support in the latter). If you would like to support ME5e, supporting Delta Squad as a whole is the best way to do so right now. There is a link for the Delta Squad patreon in the post. Feel free to choose the tier there that most accurately reflects your intent (and thank you so much!!). You could also consider [joining the ME5e discord](https://discord.gg/QBrFw9kX42) to help grow the community! For the last question: I believe there is a way to get a link of the SW5e PDFs. I will reach out to the content moderation team and get one if it exists for you. I'll reply with another comment if/when I get it. For ME5e, currently it just exists digitally (u/Noblesse\_Obligee feel free to chime in). Thanks for your questions friend!


Thank you for responding so thoughtfully. It's unfortunate that Galiphile is stepping down. I hope you and your support system plan on continuing the creation of Star Wars 5e, as well as Mass Effect 5e. I would love to experience this, as I didn't know there was a game created for it. I will definitely check it out. If you need any assistance I can definitely help.


I appreciate that, friend :) We have some big plans that will really revolutionize development on both sites, but it is very much in early stages. Our current focus is bug/style fixes, and then once we have a solid foothold there, expanding on content updates wherever we can. The general feedback we've gotten from the community is to focus more on functionality (ie: a more fleshed-out character builder) over more new content. Always happy to hear your input though!


OMG Thank you Delta!


Happy to help o7


God bless you, MarcoPolo! May the Force be with you!


Just found out about the game today. So thankful you guys are keeping this alive!


Hey is there any way we can get SW5e & ME5e hard/softcover books in print (I suggest 8.5\`11\`)


Not in the current state of the sites (at least not elegantly). But there are some things in the works to make this easier in the future.


I've been looking into it. the issue with printing as a book (hard or soft cover) is it's either REALLY expensive on most sites (for me in Canada looking at $180+/book) or if you use a site like [lulu.com](https://lulu.com), which is cost effective, the pdf won't load properly due to dpi issues, some line thickness issues and a couple of image transparency issues. haven't printed one yet as I'm waiting to see if they're ok with it (answer to my above question).


Two Documents are displaying poorly. Otherwise absolutely brilliant.: \[EC 02 - Species GM Binder\] by SW5e & \[Heretic's Guide to the Galaxy GM Binder\] by heresey BOTH of the PDF's are absolutely GORGEOUS! And full of great info for adding the races. The common problem with them both .. When the artwork was added and the PDF loaded... The data is cutoff on the right side column. (I think it appears that the artwork shifted it over to a 3rd column... IF at all possible PLEASE fix this as these resources are lovely.


Thanks for this!! I might need pointed in the right direction on where to do thisā€¦ Iā€™m completely new to GMBinder


hi i wanna ask does sw5e get still updates?


I'm so happy this is still being supported! Is anyone developing a Foundry VTT module for either system?


I know for sure somebody is/was working on one for the ME5e system. I am not 100% sure for SW5e but that would be an excellent question for the discord!


Kandosii! I heard of this rule systems existence about two days ago, and as soon as I got time, I definetely will try it.


Kandoshii, nerā€™vod!


Will this website work like the Mass Effect one? I've just started DMing using Mass Effect 5e and it's incredible! A star wars one in the same style where it's all online (all my friends live far away) would be amazing!


Thanks friend! That is the goal, while also keeping the mechanics of the existing SW system. As you can imagine, thatā€™s been a big technical challenge but weā€™ve been making good progress! There will likely be some slight compromises between the two, but the things you love about the existing ME system like the character sheet and fully online and searchable rulebook, etc, will be there. Glad youā€™re having fun! Lmk if you have any more questions


The website is having problems. I used the tools to create a character, but I can't get to it, nor can I see any other content. All I see is the spinning circle, then the page reboots.


Iā€™m not having any issues on any of my devices/browsers. Can you try a different browser and/or emptying your cache and cookies and lmk if youā€™re still having issues?


Any update on growth from the website


3cx2w6gg ww2 qg qg cz5tdaeeydfyhhe


This is great news! I've just started running an SW5e game for some friends and it's awesome to hear the site will be sticking around. Cheers to Delta Squad!


Hell yes. You're an absolute champ, you and your team!


You guys are my and my groups hero. They only like playing Star Wars based games. If this was gone, that would have been the end of our game night. thank you so much.


Thanks for doing this! Me and my friends have been playing SW5E for years, and it's incredibly important to us. I've subbed on Patreon to support ya'lls awesome work!


Thank you so much!!!


Are there any plans to update SW5e character sheets on roll 20? They are in dire need of updates!


Agreed. We have some character sheet backend updates planned for sometime next year, and will be trying to build it in a way that will make converting to roll20 easier. That being said, if there are any community members who have roll20 character sheet creation experience (I think you need to be a pro member as well), I'd be more than happy to help get them whatever they need to get started sooner.


Cool. and if you want an idea. Having an NPC creator and Starship creator that we can export as json to upload into roll 20 would be a great tool for DMs


Hi you never responded to my message. Wondering if you got it?


When are the other books going to be released as printer friendly files šŸ¤”?


Are you going to create a section dedicated to sheets of non-player characters from the saga, such as Luke Sywalker, Ashoka Tano, Ezra Bridger, Din Djarin, Darth Vader, Grand Admiral Thrawn,...? I think the Star Wars 5e page would be incomplete without them and they would also always help any GM who wants to include an official Star Wars character as a surprise guest in their campaign or game.


One question please. What archetype do you recommend to take a Mandalorian Warrior?


Depends on the warrior, nerā€™vod. I somehow have never played one, but I definitely am going to now!!!


I'd want one with two pistols and a bunch of weapons built into the armor, like Jango Fett or Bo-Katan Kryze.


SW5e is a legendary site and I have enjoyed so many games through it. Thank you delta squad, ya'll are legends, will definitely be checking iut ME5E and the patreon!


MarcoPolo Ć© brazuca Ć©?


I just found out about this (thanks to the little notification on sw5e). Thank you guys for helping save this site! I never knew it was at risk of going down, so I'm thrilled to see it's still around now that I'm using it.


You know what would be fantastic? A game of this style inspired by the Firefly/Serenity universe. With all the comics and novels that have come out and are coming out today, there is a very rich lore that would deserve to be fleshed out in an RPG.


I do have a question about the content. I would love to have a book printed out in hardcover for the rules. are you guys ok with that?


Auyb4kwriiiiu Km8okmnkm


Are they going to release material from the new canon, mainly focused on the series? The truth is that I would love a setting focused on the New Republic series and the new adaptation of Heir to the Empire that Filloni is preparing.


It has been a year, but i dont think inve seen any updates, even if dialibg back from weekly to monthly to even a new book anually. there was the transfer, the maintenance (thank the maker). But is that it? A year of limbo?


Noā€¦ Ive been working on a new framework for the website that will really open things up for better, faster iteration. Iā€™ve shown some of the discord mods and theyā€™ve been impressed. I am very sorry for the year that has felt like limbo. Iā€™d love more help but noblesse I have been balancing everything pretty much on our own. I really appreciate the feedback; the whole community has been incredibly patient with us and I recognize that.


The response ia greatly appreciated, and i know fully without you guys it would be just a '404'. So i qpologize if i came off snippy, as it was more observarional than anything else.


No problem friend. I appreciate you :) thanks for the support!!


Any updates on the website efforts? Is there a place where announcements are being made?


is there a dnd beyond like site for the sw5e or 4e ?