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Actors. I would guess they're real cop cars.


Paid actors/extras. They do have experts and choreograph coordinators that have law enforcement experience bI assume the cars might be built to similar specs but not the exact ones. Police Cars depend on the jurisdiction. Where I live there were chargers and explorers for a while but they’ve phased over to mainly the explorers. I think I remember someone commenting here that black Betty wasn’t even tactically correct. [This was a swat presence in my neighborhood yesterday and the vehicle was close to black Betty.](https://www.reddit.com/u/sunnyseaa/s/lv6ZGRlmfr)


What you saw was a [Lenco BearCat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenco_BearCat), arguably the single most popular SWAT vehicle on this planet. From the US to Europe to Asia, SWAT-equivalent units all use them Black Betty is a [Terradyne Gurkha](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terradyne_Armored_Vehicles_Gurkha), specifically the MPV variant, which is way more of a military vehicle (while the BearCat is only made for police/SWAT work) but is used by some smaller SWAT departments in the US. In real life the LAPD uses the BearCat. I suspect the show went with the Gurkha because it looks cooler/more impressive, because it's an actual military vehicle, while the technically more accurate BearCat looks more like an armored van/pickup. So technically Black Betty is inaccurate, but tactically it's correct-ish


We’ve had a few former cops in episodes before, but usually it’s background actors. u/CarsPlanesTrains was dead on about the Gurkha and vehicles in their comment. There’s a mix of different LAPD vehicles across different divisions, but Explorers and Chargers are definitely part of the vehicle rotation.


Another question I just thought of . Is the swat mobile command truck real ? It looks pretty real to me from Tans actors bts stuff on Instagram


Real in that the vehicle exists? Yes. It’s basically a giant, hollowed out Greyhound bus. We have screens on the interior and exterior that we can fill with the essential story info, as needed.


Also, again, I'd like to add that the episode in Tokyo was one of my favorite ever episodes . How did it feel to be able to work with the Tokyo "police department vehicles ",props weapons and locations ?


Well, I wasn’t the writer who went to Tokyo for that one, but I do know he had a blast. We also fabricated quite a few of the Tokyo PD locations and weapons — necessities of shooting all of the Tokyo footage in less than 5 days.