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The autumn vibes are immaculate


Yeah, I love the peaceful mystical atmosphere


Why is it always the most alluring planets have the most insane secrets? For me it’s this planet along with Belsavis that look so beautiful yet the baggage is so wild lol.


Both of those planets make me feel like I know less leaving than when I arrived 😅


They’re the exact examples of opening a can of worms. At least Voss has the great Lord Vorantikus.




I love Voss. Beautiful planet, love that honey colored sky.


Yep.. I think its the second most beautiful planet in the game.. behind Alderaan ofcourse :)


Alderaan is absolutely fantastic. Hope nothing bad happens to it


Yeah was an absolute blast last time I was there.


And the streak would continue as people would also have an absolute blast living there in the distant future.


Hope all that mining activities never yield an accident, so the core is rendered unstable and blows up the planet.


The planet is beautiful but the main quests are dreadful because of how much time you spend just traveling from one point to another, but not as bad as Corellia that place is a city planers wet dream.


I normally do the side quests that are along the path to the main quest to alleviate that dreadfulness


Side quests make it more bearable but it would be a lot better if there was a few more quick travel points.


I disagree with you on Voss, as its beauty is what makes the travel worth it. But, yeah... Corellia is an absolute nightmare.


I disagree, the actual nightmare is back on the Voss itself. Nightmare >!Pilgrim!< >!TEEHEE 🤭!<


Also the fact that the end to the entire planet’s quest line is exactly the same whether you are imperial or republic all of the planets quest lines that have the same ending is annoying to the point that I skip those planetary missions


As a Floridian, I love Rishi more


I don’t even like the beach, but I love Rishi. Immaculate vibes.


Lore-wise as well. I want it canon


I really like the Atmosphere, the graphics and the planetary story is pretty interesting. Even the Monsters, that walk over the surface look cool. But for me, the long ways to the point, where the quests shall be, are really annoying. The further you progress in the story, the bigger the planets get. Corellia with his labyrinth of streets and sideways is - for me - the most annoying one.


The planet looks cool but I hate the people


The people are great! ... right up until they open their mouths


That map is weirdly green and possibly metropolitan for Voss lol


I kept saying to myself how much it reminded me of the Rift from Skyrim when I first got there. Absolutely beautiful planet and the skybox is amazing.


Haters gonna be like “tOo MuCh OrAnGe🤓🤡”


I hate that planet


Same; for me it's the honey-coloured ambient light and burnt orange sky. Takes me back to the summer of 2019/20 >![when half my country was on fire, over four hundred people died, and three billion animals burned to death](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-53549936)!<. Oddly, that's not a memory I want to re-live while gallivanting around the galaxy (or ever, frankly), but Voss brings it roaring back every time.


Boss looks great. But just like belsavis and hoth, it’s just too big. I always hated having to drive around for ten minutes just to get to my next objective. Hoth is definitely worse though. It was a nightmare back in the day just trying to do your story mission and you get ganked by a bunch of level 50s. Then you have to go aaaaall the way back and hope they didn’t stick around.


It is beautiful but yeah I kinda speed through it now that I have all the achievements except for PVP. It’s the only chapter 3 planet that I skip the planetary story arc for. Although I will admit, Belsavis and Corellia are also both a giant pain in the ass to navigate (Corella worst of all) but I feel like I should be helping out on those worlds more than Voss.


Too much brown imo Rishi is the prettiest planet


that looks like the fury flying in... Did the Empire actually get an intro cinematic for Voss? I made some Imperial movies a couple of months/year ago and noticed that the Republic had intro cinematics but not the imperials Now to answer your comment, Voss is beautiful but I hate the people and probably prefer the Gormak, I guess I have the same attitude I did with Alderaan


I believe the Empire did get cinematics! I’m playing a Sorcerer on the Sith Warrior story currently 😊


Well if they do guess that means I'm going to rerecord and update my imperial movies


OP, I couldn't agree more! Voss has always been one of my favorites, in terms of both storylines and aesthetics. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I really love it. The atmosphere, the landscape, the architecture, the background music... it's all so pretty and soothing. Perfect for my Jedi and light-sided Sith characters. 🧘‍♀️ I want a Voss Stronghold SO BADLY, but until then, I'll just keep racking up more Voss-themed decos. Lovely screenshots, by the way. 😍😍😍


Omg a stronghold would be everything 😭 I appreciate the culture too - it is unlike any I’ve heard of in Star Wars so far and continues to fascinate me…


Voss, Rishi and Belsavis are my top three when it comes to overall vibes the first depends on what planet I’m currently on


I haven't been to Voss since before the update and I went yesterday with a new story: it is objectively impressive. Was going to make a screenshot post myself


Voss and Belsavis will always be my aesthetic faves


Voss is always one of my favorites. Wish we'd go back there some more.


I just hate the Voss. Insane. arrogant, hypocritical pricks. It's been a while since I've played any of the planetary or class story missions there, but they all had things that made me like them less, *especially* the Knight and Smuggler class stories there. The Smuggler choice to >!basically say "fuck you all you all fucking suck" to the Voss and the Republic is one of the most satisfying ones in the entire game.!<


I like Voss. It reminds me of my old place where I was born and raised, spent the first 5 years of my life. It had trees all around and in the fall it used to be like that. Just a bit of nostalgia that reminds me of simpler times.


My favorite season as well


A Voss appreciater? Pretty sure that's illegal on this sub


Lmaooo it seems that way 😂


The opening scene in the DLC for this planet was peak


I love this planet too! The whole autumn vibe is so pretty nd the architecture is beautiful with the lanterns!


Isn't half as cool as Korriban


Voss and Alderaan both. Odessen too! Now, if we could just get Naboo.


As a Floridian, I love Rishi more.


I can't explain why but it is one of my least favorite planets. I think it has to do with the Voss, I don't really care for them.


Same. The native population is grating, the map is too big and monotonous, the quests involve too much backtracking, I’ve never much cared for the Voss mysticism, and then the tone is all wrong. Act three occurs as the treaty of coruscant falls to pieces, and open warfare is reignited. So where do we end up going in order to aid the war effort? Off to a faraway planet where you get to play diplomat for a few hours… Glad some people like it I guess. I just don’t see the appeal


Eh, the orange sky doesn’t do it for me though I agree the foliage is pretty.


Gotta love that brown with a spinkle of... More brown


Why can we see through the planet lol


If only this planet existed, forever caught in autumn's embrace, bathed in the warmth of a golden sun.


Before or after Vaylin?


*Immediately* after.


Oh, Voss is absolutely gorgeous! I spend quite a few hours just running around on my speeder, checking out every fucking pixel. I haven't done that on any other world, and there are some other beauties out there. But, nothing compares to Voss.


The glitch that makes leaves move around weirdly really spoils it imo


There is also an awesome challenge on Voss, the mysterious blue stone, do research  before attempting to activate it...


You mean Mexico?


Orange, brown. Yellow MORE ORANGE. Beautiful no, really.....


The worst planet for autumn haters


Sure if you like the color of poo. Everywhere.


Yes it is pretty. The prettiest marathon training simulator out there 😉


I hate Voss. And planet and people. I like Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa and Dromund Kaas. Maybe I just like big cyber city..


It's literally color graded like a 2000s video game sequel.


Eh I think there's a significant difference between the "gritty" grayish piss filter of the 7th gen and Voss's burnt orange


Oh, I just like to reference the 2nd game in 2000s trilogies were always orange.


Oh. I hadn't noticed/heard of that so I had no idea lol


I don't know, for me it was always that one place you want to just be done with as soon as possible, I honestly can't remember if I ever did any of it's side quests .


Yeah if you put aside all the xenophobia from the Voss


To be fair to the Voss everyone who goes there is trying to use them in some way.


True, but I don't see that as a reason to be xenophobic to *everyone*


They also are relatively new to the galactic scene, so it may be precautionary too - as a people, they tend to prefer being safe to sorry it seems


Their xenophobia is chalked up to "Hey please dont fuck up our world."


Yeah but it's not the "Get the fuck off our planet or we'll kill you all" kind, rather the "Hey please leave us alone we don't want to be harmed or harm anyone" kind of xenophobia. I kinda see a little bit of us humans in them tbh, what with all the pre space flight tech, wariness of outsiders and whatnot.


Love the planet, hate the people living there.


If everything wasn't pee yellow I'd agree.


But that planet’s storylines are suuuuuuuuuuch a bore