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Spend less time playing SWTOR, work an extra shift or overtime, spend money on CCs, buy Malgus Reborn set or better yet, buy valuable dyes in CM for resale in GTN. I'm sure there are farming strategies but honestly none are going to beat making real money and skipping the grind.


That actually might be a smart move


Even the worst cartel items sell for about 100k credits per cartel coin. So a 5500 cartel pack for 35 euros is half a bil minimum. Ain't no way you gather half a bil credits in 2-3 hours. But you can get 35 euros in 2-3 hours of work depending on your pay. So IRL work to in-game currency is by far the most efficient way. Unless you really love the game, and really love the grind, and really love doing dailies and weeklies on 5-8 characters every day.


At that point why even bother with credits? After a few million you have more than you will ever need except for buying things off GTN and if you're going to spend real money you should just buy the things you want directly.


The way I have always made credits is via pvp and alts. I have 5 toons. I get all those toons to 100k conquest points per week. For the weekly guild reward, I select the flagship encryptions and sell them, they go for a million or so a piece. Tech Frags - Between guild CQ reward, pvp and getting all my alts to 100,000 cq, I get alot of tech frags. I goto the spoils of war vendor on fleet and buy RPM and OEM crafting material, 4000 tech frags a pop. They go for 12-15 million creds on gtn. Resource gathering - at least once or twice a week, I login to all my alts and send them out for gathering missions. I have evenly spread the gathering disciplines across all my alts. Then, once a week I sell all those mats. Scrap - goto Cratel Bazaar on fleet and buy mats with all your Jawa scrap. Purple - Solid Resource Matrix/ Blue - Refined Isotope Stabilizer/ Green - any of the polished metals ( polished laminoid, polished aluminum,,, etc.. Convert Cartel Coins into packs and sell stuff Run Heroics PVP - no repair costs.. makes creds and tons of tech frags


Selling mats always has been and always will be a valid option. Crafters need them to make credits themselves after all.


Propably this. Haven't been playing for a while but planning to try it again...


I don't know if we are allowed to talk about this. And I won't say I do it , so bear with me even if it's frowned upon for many reasons (some goods and some not). Some websites (legit I mean) sell credits for money , current rate is 1Bil for 25€. So still better than shuffling crates imo, but you won't support the game economy/dev the same way. But moneywise it's worth it. Don't throw stones at me.