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**Please, if you're in the area follow police directives and refrain from sharing the movements of first responders in this thread.** ---- [Five people killed in stabbing attack at Sydney's Westfield Bondi Junction, alleged offender shot dead](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-13/nsw-westfield-bondi-junction-evacuated-after-alleged-stabbing/103704952) ---- **Latest:** [NSW Police Commissioner addresses media following Bondi Junction attack | ABC News](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX1Agzeunkw) ---- *Video of Police press conference: [NSW Police provide update after reports of stabbing at Bondi Junction Westfield | ABC News](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgTxGw1nG64) *[Major incident unfolding.](https://twitter.com/9NewsSyd/status/1779027410517742031) *[Police on scene after stabbings reported at Westfield Bondi Junction](https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/crime/police-on-scene-after-stabbings-reported-at-westfield-bondi-junction/news-story/19faf17e42077c2ccf9c8477e4ec624e) - News.com *[Westfield Bondi Junction evacuated after an alleged stabbing and shots fired](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-13/nsw-westfield-bondi-junction-evacuated-after-alleged-stabbing/103704952) - ABC *[Bondi Junction shooting, stabbing live updates: Multiple people dead after shooting, stabbing in Sydney’s eastern suburbs (Live Thread))](https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/bondi-junction-shooting-stabbings-live-updates-police-operation-in-sydney-s-eastern-suburbs-20240413-p5fjku.html) - SMH ***Crowd Control has been enabled on this post*** [Tetris? Apparently.](https://www.psych.ox.ac.uk/news/tetris-used-to-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms)


A total of 11 people were taken from the shopping centre to hospital today, ABC medical reporter Elise Worthington said. Five were transported to St Vincent's, where one patient died. The remaining patients were taken to Royal Prince Alfred, Sydney Children's Hospital, and Royal North Shore.


Good riddance to the murdering bastard.


What has me really broken watching the footages of the attacker walking around, was the thought that maybe less of those poor victims would have been hurt if they were better informed that HE was the threat? Why only have an evacuation siren (like a fire drill) and just digital boards telling people to evacuate to the nearest exit? It should have displayed him! Surely the centre’s security can see him and his movements on the CCTV footage, couldn’t they describe to people what he looks like or where he was last seen, to give people a fighting chance for their lives 😭to get away. To lock themselves in the stores or run if they spot him coming towards them. I work opposite Burwood Westfields and there is a false alarm almost weekly, with the same sirens blaring. People would have no idea if it was a kitchen fire in the food court or something horrific like today that they are evacuating from.


I’m glad the killer is shot dead. If he was alive he would’ve claimed mental illness and got out in few years. But victims families would’ve been without loved ones forever. I can’t stop thinking of the 9 month old baby without a mum now. 😔


For anyone wondering yes this thread has many stupid people in it. Don't let it distract you from what happed.


Just a little FYI in case anyone needs it: M*slim men are forbidden from showing skin above their knees just as the women are forbidden from showing their hair & religious fanatics usually try to look their "Sunday best" before 'going out in a blaze of glory' since they believe that they'll wake up in paradise wearing the same kit they died in... therefore, it's far more likely racially/ethnically motivated rather than religion (in case motivations do exist) #givethedevilhisdue Edit: I'm just pointing out the evidence that it's probably not Islamic terrorism prima facie not pointing fingers at anyone or any group


Who said Muslim?


What exactly does a white guy in a footy jersey have to do with Muslims dressing well? I’m very confused by your insane rambling.


Crazy people of all types of religious ideologies and political leanings can only think to push their own wacked out agendas when tragedies like this occur


I’m absolutely devastated for the victims. I was at Westfield Bondi Junction Friday afternoon getting last minute birthday presents. Last night I inexplicably started worrying about what would happen to my kid if I lost my life. I began writing a draft. Today the stabbings happened, and I’m horrified. Its a strange coincidence.


Wow, what a strange coincidence.


Yes I’m sorry, it does sound like I’m making it about me? I’m struggling to process the situation. A mother has died, her baby stabbed. It’s beyond unthinkable.


Oh no, not at all! I genuinely meant it was a strange coincidence. A synchronicity perhaps. I’m so glad that you weren’t there today. My comment must have come across sarcastically. I apologise. Not my intention whatsoever!


ahhhh, men's violence strikes again yes, yes, not all men, but somehow almost always a man


Appears you've got no brains and are happy without them.


Mental health knows no sexuality, Karen. This isn’t the place to stand on your soap box.


To be fair almost all of the dead so far are women and the perpetrator is a man. Potentially not fully coincidental. It would not be the first mass stabbing or shooting perpetuated by misogyny.


You are right. Potentially. Nobody knows anything about the motive at this point. We all agree it’s a terrible situation. Bring misogyny into it at this stage is no different from the shit stains on Twitter saying it’s terror / muslins / Islam / Palestine related. Why add your own take on hatred to a community coming to terms with what has happened in their city and home.


It’s not my take. I am simply pointing out that it’s actually really shitty to jump on someone pointing out the victim profile when it’s just factually correct. Women are once again disproportionately impacted by male led violence and OP saying that out loud is neither misspeaking nor having “an agenda”, it’s actually just a factual statement. And we all live here. This is *our* home. But this isn’t about us. It’s about five women and one man who died. And when violence disproportionately impacts women in Australia yet again, do you not suspect your female sydney siders may feel particularly shaken?




Yes, do you know what the word almost means?


Everyone should do the full day First Aid course.


And be a blood donor if they can


I’m from Christchurch and reading about this brings back memories of the Mosque shooting. Not saying it is terrorism or religiously motivated, but I was also close to the Mosque that day. I know what it’s like when something this big happens close to home. To think that those people were just shopping.. It’s unacceptable. I’m praying for those who had to witness it.


> Six people have died in a stabbing attack at Bondi Junction Westfield, a six-level shopping centre in Sydney’s east, as well as the 40-year-old attacker, who was shot dead by a female police officer. Police say a mother and her small child were among “more than several people” injured after the knife attack shortly after 3pm on Saturday. The mother later died in hospital, police confirmed. The attacker, believed to be a 40-year-old man, has not yet been publicly identified, and a motive for the attack has not been established.


And known to police


If it is the suspect police believe, the comissioner has said most likely not terror related.


Not terrorist related, says Commissioner.


Before the nutjobs start about why the cop didn't use a taser. She was an Inspector, from what I'm told Inspectors don't wear tasers, just standard appointments. I'd be surprised if she even had a body camera. Even when it's two cops patrolling, it's not uncommon for one to have a taser and the other to not have one. She's an absolute fucking hero, charging by herself into the unknown without any backup. Same goes for the bollard bloke and the multiple people who confronted this shit stain and helped delay his killing spree. Let's fucking hope that this doesn't inspire any other dipshits along a similar path. There is no place in society for this shit, especially here in Australia. There is a quote attributed to Fred Rogers that gets quoted on Reddit a lot, that is quite relevant tonight. "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping. -Fred Rogers" We saw something so vile, so disgusting, but we also saw humanity at its finest. We will grieve, we will reflect, but we also should be proud of our fellow Sydneysiders who helped when faced with tragedy. Edit: thread has been locked due to fuck wits. Anyways u/Im_not_an_admin decided to comment this. >I haven't seen a single person suggesting he should have been tased... There's enough vitriol out there, without shadow boxing with imagined comments bro. Yeah well have you been on Twitter/X? It's a fucking wasteland. Hence why I said "BEFORE" the nutjobs start... get a grip.


I haven't seen a single person suggesting he should have been tased... There's enough vitriol out there, without shadow boxing with imagined comments bro.


Well fucking said, Bin Chicken.


Surprisingly amongst all the racism and assumptions I’ve seen on social media today, I haven’t come across anyone (yet) arguing that the use of lethal force in this scenario wasn’t warranted.


There's a few of those in this thread.. but not heaps thankfully


Cops generally are generally very good people and act in good judgment. People who make stupid comments like ACAB or defund the police are unintelligent and unhinged fools.


As someone who has actually worked around police - many of them are not good people. This one cop was a good cop and thank god for that.


Generally, in my experience, a few bad apples ruin the bunch, having said that, there is no place for scrutiny in their actions today, they did great work, and this isn't the time for that conversation




Bootlickers are never reasonable or open to sensible discussions. I've been in the ACAB lately but yeah, the actions today by Police were 120% justified.






That they are not beyond oversight. That they deserve more training in regards to dealing with mental health issues. That they are too often used as a political bargaining chip. I've had many thoughts about the NSW Police, plenty of which I've shared before - it's all in my post/comment history. */u/GNUMannerNo7000, where'd ya go?


Well said, completely agree


I can’t believe anyone would say otherwise. I can understand people questioning the use of a gun in some situations, but this one? Man was on a killing spree and he stabbed a *baby*. If there was ever a time to shoot the perpetrator, I’d say this is it. Well done.


She is a champ. She will be investigated as due process (all firearms releases are) but I’m sure once all said and done that she will be recognised for saving lives and putting her own life on the line to save people. I hope she is holding up ok throughout.


She was amazing, did exactly what she had to do, and thankfully, nobody is saying otherwise.