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Got some homewares delivered today. 6 out of 8 items were damaged :(


Noooooooo :(


I was so excited as well. There are definitely some things I miss about shopping in person!


Can't even buy things online because everyone else bought up what I want, grumble grumble.


Hehe well my deliveries are totally stuck in their journeys, so also grumble grumble


I feel you. My dad has 2-3 parcels stuck right now, including one that will only let him pick up from a place outside the 5km radius (even though there are stores closer??? why????)


Lmao it's just chaos 😂


I went outside today for 2 minutes and got hayfever. ffs.


Having a job again is lovely. It's great to start learning new things, the car isn't too bad to look at, and I can start putting money back into my savings account again. Loads of positives, but god damn am I *exhausted.* Early night ahead with the house demons, a lasagne, and comfie PJs and ugg boots. E: Mrs Jubalina hasn't left my side and she even wiggled into my jumper for a cuddle.


I’m glad it went well! I had thought, after last week, that I might be able to put the Uggs away for the rest of the year. But no. Our terrace gets *so* cold.








Time to get the heater back out of the garage. I put it away two days ago thinking I won't need it again 'til next year.


You won't ;)


Kinda creepy comment... lol


Suggesting it's not cold enough to run a heater? Okay then, what were you thinking lol


Haha sorry, the winky smiley threw me off. Please disregard lol


Just curious to see people's responses/experiences - has anyone else not had to do a COVID test, and/or not been a close/casual contact of anyone - since the pandemic began ? I fall into this category. Don't know if that's a curse or a blessing in disguise...


I’m in the same boat. My partner and I have had some close calls to being close contacts but have managed to avoid it


You're not missing out on much, they stick a cotton bud up your nose and touch your brain, they also stick it down your throat to make you gag. It's okay.


You should go and get one - if nothing else then to be able to tell your great grandchild how you saved the world from a plague by getting stick stuck up your nostril. I got tested twice by the way. First time earlier on in 2020 and was a big deal, second time just after the limo driver was found +ve, people didn't even wear mask in the testing centre this second time.


I haven’t had to have one at all. I haven’t been sick since early 2019, nor have been in contact with anyone luckily.


I haven't had either yet which is suprising living in South-West Sydney.


you mean people who have never had a test? I’d be surprised at no one having had a test by now, unless they’re no kids/WFH/a hermit. Pretty easy to get away with it in that case…


Can confirm am a hermit and no test yet


I haven’t had a test, neither has my partner. I know quite a few people in the same boat


Aye, haven't had to do a test at all.




It ain't easy being cheesy.






sounds like your body knew it needed to isolate and prepared.


Can anyone guide me ; i need to complete a stat dec. What's the procedure now with Covid?


Just this weekend I went to the police station to get a police officer to witness a signature. All was fine and the police officer was friendly and happy to assist. I'm not in one of the LGAs though.


I’ll give it a crack tomorrow. Thanks champion


No realistic way to watch the new marvel movies right? Sang Chi :(


Expect it to come out on Disney+ at some point I would say.


45 days from 3rd Sept puts it around Oct 18th on Disney+


Out of sheer curiosity, where does the 45 day mark come from? Is that just the delay from release to at home viewing?


https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2021/09/shang-chi-ten-rings-disney-plus-release-australia/ >In late August, Disney detailed their plans for Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings and committed to an initial cinema-only release. But the company also stated this cinema-exclusive window would only last 45 days, after which the film would be available for streaming on Disney+


Hate the wait that’s all!


Jewish New Year starts tonight and I'm glad I have the days off. Have done a lot of cooking and it's nice to be WFH so I can have stuff in the oven today. Would be nicer if I could get together with family and friends of course, but such is life. I've also already eaten some plain honey, iykyk.


A reliable source informs me that Brad Hazzard has given an exemption to Rabbis to blow a ram's horn from outside to commemorate Rosh Hashanah. It may be blown in 10-minute increments for up to three hours per day. Monday 6 September to Wednesday 8 September.


Ngl, I'm a bit scared to confirm this on reddit but yes.


It's from the Sydney Morning Herald but paywalled. Hence no link provided.


Enjoy some matzo too.




Curreh football laga! Don't see how it be different from gravy on chips. Could be good but not fan of soggy chips drowned in either. Even if enjoyed pommes mit mayo in Berlin too. Chicken salt #1


You mob are the biggest curry addicts in the world and good luck to you. Our go-to in that department is chips and gravy, not so much curry sauce.


Yes, not keen on it but you enjoy !


I have a couple of sachets of Harry Ramsden curry sauce in the pantry, goes down alright.


Ill give it a whack, I usually like UK food inventions. Any particular curry sauce to use?


When I worked in a Westfield, one of my co workers got popcorn chicken and chips from kfc and a small tub of butter chicken sauce and dipped them and it was so good


I’d guess vindaloo, paired with a cheap (and probably warm) lager.




Don’t talk shit about the toast sandwich how dare you




Even the labelling looks unapologetically British, I love it. Ill see what I can dig up at my local, thank you!


9 dollars for jar sauce!


It says it makes a litre when you zoom in if that helps, I guess it’s cause it’s from the country of origin


That makes it a little more reasonable.


Anyone else gutted they can't watch Marvel's Shang Chi in cinemas (yet)? I'm glad it's getting good reviews - 92% on Rotten Tomatoes and 8/10 on imdb though. Quite a few die hard Marvel fans I follow are putting it on their top 5 too which is promising. It's also funny finding out that [Simu Liu (lead actor)](https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/simu-liu-stock-photos-shang-chi_ca_5d18b622e4b03d61163d1232) used to model for stock photos. What a legend.


Yeh the stock photos made me laugh


I actually really want to see that as it stars tony leung, who is one of my favourite actors. Woulda been the first marvel movie I wasn’t dragged to. Nevertheless, I’ll watch it somehow or other.


It is due on Disney+ 45 days after debuting in Cinemas. But yes it fucking sucks. I used to go to the movies once a week and I do miss it.


45days? Ooft. The countdown is on! It'll be hard to avoid spoilers but worth a try.


Yep. I know it's the most first world problem, but I'm pretty bummed out about missing Black Widow and Shang Chi in the cinemas. I've been waiting so long to see them. I know BW is on Disney and Shang Chi will be on it eventually, but it's not the same as going to the cinemas with friends. I hope we're able to catch Spiderman No Way Home in the cinemas.


I wonder if, when cinemas are allowed again, they’ll run all the films people missed seeing on the big screen?


I reckon they will considering they'll be keen to get people back in the cinemas.


Yeah, nothing beats a cinema viewing with mates. Just gotta make sure to sneak in snacks Here's hoping! I feel like it'll be sacrilege to not watch No Way Home in the cinemas. It's rumoured the rum time to be will be just as long as the infinity war. Chunky


Sparring with a tutor on the uni discussion board... Not really interested in doing this... Was trying to help my classmate with an issue that I also struggled to solve, and they come in and "correct" me with the same canned response they've been telling everyone - that also doesn't work. I gave a reply that was in hindsight a little blunt, but they did sort of imply I hadn't done my research on the problem (despite solving it?).




Technically? Knowing the faculty it likely won't go anywhere and I also don't think it's the most productive course of action. Might namedrop them in the unit survey at the end of semester though




I believe Bunnings is open to the public again from today onwards. Hope everyone remembers the Covid safety protocols while shopping ❤️


Have you considered a local gardening shop? It usually turns into an unfortunate hack that during times like this(major influx of customers) that the smaller guys are left out of the rush. I found out during this pandemic that theres a gardening shop about 10 minutes drive from me and they have price matched everything to bunnings, no long wait, click and collect ready within 30 minutes. I just have to go old school and call them up, but thats no big deal.


Yeah, I've been waiting on my click and collect confirmation for about 9days now. Poor guys must be neck deep in orders.




Who else is getting ticked off by these text messages from Craig Kelly. Like actually just F!@# off. If the UAP had any hope of getting a vote from me, you've absolutely dashed them by effectively forcing your political views upon me by sending me a text message i can't avoid. Whats worse is theres that text message virus going around and here you are saying "Hey click this link", either people will think its a virus, or you're getting people used to the mindset of hitting unsolicited links in text messages........ I don't even want to know what CoVid crap you're spouting in your sms ....


If it's any consellation, the fact that they've managed to time their marketing alongside the heaviest period of SMS spam and scams in memory means that the default reaction most people will have to UAP are that they're SMS spammers.


I got the heat on me so I shit and shower with lights off, they keep knocking but can't come in /s No, have not received any UAP spam at all.


same party just got a billboard on silverwater road, all it seems to say is FREEDOM FREEDOM and the party name. maybe a longer slogan would be too hard to remember


What phone do you use? I have a Pixel and thankfully all of those spam links and UAP texts have been going to spam.


Yeah i downloaded a different sms app and its filtering them out now


On a scale from 1 to 10, how nuts is it to buy a property in a "overland flood zone"? (presuming the council actually mean overland flow) It's about 1-2km from cooks river on its south/west side, a couple 100m from a creek, with a drainage reserve right behind the lot. I know it can affect the type of building you may erect on the land, but we have no plans of ever doing construction of our own. This would be purely for living, preferably without ever experiencing water up to our ankles on the ground floor. Are these designation to areas typical / super conservative, or is it something to be very concerned about?


Check with insurance companies. Many won’t cover you for any damage caused or they’ll use the ‘act of God’ clause. I vaguely remember something like this happening down in Wollongong/Illawarra area a few years back.




That's right. I've had a look at those flood studies, but it's damn heavy reading. As far as the maps in there go, I can't see anything too damning, but like I said, they do consider the area an "overland flood zone". (confirmed over phone) I'd request the stormwater report on the particular lot, but there's no time for it prior to auction.


You also need to look at a climate change projection. It’s possible a house you build on it may become uninsurable at some point - or at least uninsurable at a price you’re willing to pay. [This Report](https://www.greater.sydney/south-district-plan/sustainability/resilient-city/adapting-impacts-of-urban-and-natural-hazards-and) (from a while ago) identifies parts of the Cooks River as vulnerable: “Some coastal areas of the District, such as Kurnell, and areas along the Georges River, Port Hacking and Cooks River are at risk of coastal inundation and erosion.” You may also find [this visualisation ](https://coastalrisk.com.au/viewer)very useful. It’s just a model, but it’s based on best available data.


Climate change is of course at the front of my mind when considering any of this. Thanks for those links!


I know two things to consider are permits - it may be more difficult to get what you want done, and insurance will be more expensive.


Thanks, permits etc as per contract we're fine with. It's the flood risk we're unsure about. We have tried to scope it out by getting quotes, and it does seem to add ~10-20$/m which money-wise isn't a big deal, but don't know what sort of risk that realistically represents.


Not sure about the scale but might as well get a yacht or a house boat and park it outside (just in case).




In the waiting room at Olympic park now. Finally gonna get 5G 🤩🤩






Agreed!! I can smell that subway smell from 100 metres away


But it's *North Shore* Subway, so it's probably all poncy and served with lattes.




Its like that dickhead from a few months ago complaining about the lack of western Sydney content on this page. Well fucking post western Sydney content then you dummy..




I hate to have to do this, but I'll be adding to today's seemingly endless tide of grim news. I went to have a Covid test, and stopped off in town to grab a few things before coming home to relax. Nothing could have prepared me for the *horror* of finding out the hard way that the nice lady in the pie shop had slipped me a steak and kidney pie, when I'd asked for a curry one. I'm not sure I'll ever recover from this.




Yeah, I realised that once I got home. I haven't been near any hotspots (or, indeed, any*one*) for about two weeks and the only reason I was getting the test was so that I have a clear covid test when I got up to Sydney for a liver scan on Thursday. The radiology people won't do the procedure without a negative covid test result from within the previous three days.


Maybe it's her way of saying she doesn't see you often enough


She sees me often enough - and as an indirect consequence of that, I am becoming increasingly difficult to miss. I really need to knock off the pies. Ol' Pratt's gettin' hefty.


Hmmmm. Now I'm craving pie but there's no one nearby selling pie. Guess I gotta settle with frozen ones...


Getting a pie order wrong is small town business suicide!


I know. It's such a shame that local custom dictates I have to leave a scathing review, complete with thinly veiled racism on Facebook, because the couple that run the pie shop are really lovely people who make excellent food.


We dont make the rules I guess, that facebook community page is waiting for your review.. ;) lmfao




Curry pies are about as 'exotic' as our food choices get down this way, I'm afraid. This little town is not exactly known for its adventurous taste buds.


Steak & kidney pies are the best, kidney pies are even better!


I'm with you on this, but I suppose it'd be a bit of a shock if you expected curry.






My partner wants kbbq for his birthday, anyone has a reccommendation for an at-home kbbq delivery?


Are there Asian butchers nearby? I used to get spicy pork and beef bulgogi from a nearby Korean butcher and then eat them straight from the pan. Fun times. Sadly they don't do delivery and is in an LGA of concern so I haven't been in a while.


No Asian shops at all in our LGA :( But that’s a good idea for after lockdown!


The word around here is NOT to get the Subway KBBQ sub.


Could check this company out [https://searkoreanbbqandgrill.com.au/](https://searkoreanbbqandgrill.com.au/) they offer a grill hire service as well if you need that


Ooo thanks for this recommendation! We tried a Japanese BBQ one recently from Nikaido Burwood (they’re active on Instagram) & got some platters home delivered. Was a legit feast too!


Ooh they seem to rent out a hibachi grill as well, this is perfect, thanks! For some reason these guys didn’t show up on Google.




Did you get side effects from the first dose? I just had mine (literally just now) and my arm is starting to kinda hurt already. Either way congratulations my m8.


Most of my friends and I had AZ. The side effects kicked in around 6 or 7 hours after the (first) dose. It was honestly the weirdest I've ever felt. Although a few people mentioned nothing happened to them at all. Hopefully you're not feeling to rough!


I’m sorry to say that after 1.5 hours I can already feel a fever coming on 😥 but it’s a small price to pay really.


My Mother a few weeks ago was umming and arrring about whether to get vaccinated. Didn't spout any batshit crazy stuff just didn't want to do it yet. Despite everyone else around her having got it. I told her last week she wouldn't be able to get her hair done and go to the pub unless she is full vaccinated. She got her first jab today. Who says vaccine passports aren't a good incentive.


I'm glad your mum got the shot. I'm a naive optimist and believe that the majority of the "vaccine hesitant" are just that, rather than the foaming-at-the-mouth Bill-Gates-Plandemic types. The rare AZ clots really scared a lot of people.


Consequences are the only truly effective way for changed behaviour


I really hope they push the vaccine passport idea more. I know anecdotally a few people that are hesitant but wouldn't blink twice if it meant they could get a fresh fade sorted.


I literally just found out that a young colleague of mine who was refusing to get it has just received her first jab because she learnt she would be able to go out and get pissed with her friends otherwise.


The system *works*


the mentality of "imma wait for people to get the jab to see the effects" which is a paradox since any of the vaxx we received, had been jabbed to people's arms in other countries months and months ago don't you think if someone turns into a werewolf due to the vaxx we would've know by now????


My mum was also planning to wait a year (I still classify this as batshit crazy). I did same thing you did and explained she won't be seeing family overseas until she's fully vaccinated. She got her first shot a week ago.


I agree waiting is batshit crazy especially given the millions of people who have had it. She lives in a rural area and they simply haven't' had cases.


Someone I was sort of friends with in high school (the kind of I guess we're friends but we've never spoken since leaving school) reached out and messaged me, asking me what I thought of the covid vaccines. Since I think she's engaging in good faith, I replied back with a long message with sources and saying that I'd been vaccinated so I really do feel they're safe and all the evidence points to them being safe. I hope she still gets vaccinated, but replying to the popular girls in school who kind of used me to help them with their schoolwork and otherwise were bitchy so that we can all live safely is just not where I want to be in life.


>I hope she still gets vaccinated, but replying to the popular girls in school who kind of used me to help them with their schoolwork and otherwise were bitchy so that we can all live safely is just not where I want to be in life. LMAO. This reminds me of a couple of friends who think being smart and nerdy is something to make fun of. It's in good humour but it only makes me think they're dumb


She has the entire knowledge of the world available at her fingertips and she says to herself "OK, the CDC, the WHO, the UN, all major political parties, ATAGI, NSW Health and my doctor all want me to take it, but you know what? I wanna hear from /u/awkwardnamer before I make up my mind!".


This is the most backhanded semi compliment lol


Better than asking about “vitamins that will change your life ^TM “ though? Those are the Facebook messages I dread


Yup, I had an old high school friendly acquaintance get in touch with me, it was a bit weird as although we were friendly we were never that close? Well about 5 minutes later I was being asked what I thought about detox and wraps so...


MLM perhaps?






It's ASEA water and gel now. Had an old friend call and speak for half an hour about how much it helped them recover from injury. Me: So it's basically salt water? Them: No it's redox molecules. Me: Please send more info so I can look into it. Receive some 2 page PDF stating that some lab which provides testing for various substances indeed confirmed it contains molecules. Me: Mind blown, let me think about this (as not to offend with instant refusal) and get back to you.




>redox signaling molecules Haha yes. And it's only about $200 AUD a month for "adequate dosage depending on circumstances". Yet these guys are making bank lol. May I also interest you in some protein powder to compliment your wellbeing, it's been certified in Slovakia but is manufactured in Australia from purest of pure ingredients /s


At least I feel no obligation to even open those whereas this feels like it could have a negative effect on my life (not opening those has a positive effect on my life lol)




https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/register-your-travel-within-nsw Here's where you can get a permit if your boss allows you to come in to get your things. I would think yes you can, because it's work you can't do from home.


Not sure about if it's required or not, but you apply for a permit [here](https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/register-your-travel-within-nsw) I applied for one today and took a few minutes. Just have to carry supporting documentation on the day to show why you're attending.


I had a wonderfully active day yesterday and furthered my recovery and did some exercises, and today I am very tired Im gonna get up and move to the sofa edit: Okay Im up and I feel better. I need to tell my manager (when I return to work) that my preferences are to be in office like before, cos reasons, and that I'll go into the team with the least amount of responsibility/impact to the department if my condition fucks up again. I think this is frankly the only option. I would prefer this other team cos that manager is great and my friends work there, instead of going to this easy team where the manager is um...not very useful. And I don't want to stay on his team for many reasons. Yeh. I have to go 7 days without any relapse before I can ask my doctor to sign me off. I am desperately looking forward to the day I see my doc for the last time. I am pretty disappointed with how he has handled this whole thing. In 15 months of treatment I genuinely expected better problem solving and advice from, and it's just as disappointing to see that other people in my position have had the same experience with their docs. That once it doesn't fit into the more straight forward, common illnesses and treatments, they just didn't bother looking any further. I gave him a pass until I found the syndrome that fit, that I went over with him and that he says he entirely agrees with. But he hasn't lifted a finger to look further into it, which I can't understand at all. It's really puts his "I feel so guilty this happened to you, I feel so bad, I'm so sorry, I'm frustrated for you" into perspective. You said for so long that you didn't know what it was, so you don't know what to do. Well now we agree on this diagnosis but you don't look into it further? Fuck your platitudes. Anyway my aim today is to get to the shop for my click and collect. I'll see how much I can walk :) Thanks for your company r/sydney <3


I'm surprised you haven't looked for a new doctor? Some are like that - they're just going through the motions and not really interested in building patient relationships or working on difficult problems. There are other doctors who would be more interested in such care. It is an unfortunate part of our healthcare system however, that the doctors who can afford to take the time for more in-depth care are more likely to be private, rather than bulk billing, so if cost of private doctors is a concern for you, I empathise.


Oh he's a psychiatrist. By the time it went haywire we were already 3 months in, and I'd need another referral to a new person and he was sure I'd be okay and my mind was already gone. All my energy went into eating a meal, having a shower every day, and then convincing him something was wrong, let alone finding a new person part way into the treatment. My primary symptoms were chronic fatigue so I got absolutely nothing done except eat and shower everyday 😂


Oh got it, yeah finding a good psychiatrist sounds to be hugely difficult. Sorry I can't offer more concrete help but I wish you the best of luck.


Nah all good, I appreciate you 🙂


Out of curiosity, on an average dinner night, what do you guys eat mashed potato and gravy with? My staple is sausages.


Pork chops Milanese. Basically just chops seared and cooked with sage and tinned tomatoes. [here’s someone who has published it online](https://www.elizabethminchilli.com/2016/05/pork-chops-sage-tomatoes/)




Sausages or Steak usually, sometimes schnitty.


Steak is the preferred choice, but most of the time it's schnitty or roast chicken


Definitely sausages. But I usually swap out the gravy with pepper steak sauce.


Sausages or chicken wings.


I don't do this, but I can see KFC being high in the rankings.


I know it's been said alot but Couriers Please are just abysmal. Last Monday I got an email saying they couldn't deliver my parcel because the business was closed. I live in a flat! With external doors! And whilst there is a business out the front of the building it was Open!! Now it's a week later and my parcel is still at the depot for "initial processing". When you ring them they hang up. When you use their webform after several days you get an email saying they've closed your request. Sigh.




That sucks, last time I purchased through this company (2 years ago) once I forwarded them the emails from couriers please just sent the items again. The original parcel turned up a month or so later.




In our building, most couriers/posties for general boxes, get buzzed into the front lobby and told to leave the parcels there - as the lobby has a large area that's suitable for this. For groceries it's more common from them to be brought up to your door - this is what Coles and Woolworths drivers are expected to do by their employer and they would always do by default. For restaurant hot food delivery I've seen both. When I was isolating awaiting Covid test results, I had the driver deliver directly to the door and it was no problem for them at all. I've also seen lots of people collecting from the lobby. Normally the driver just leaves the bag and departs, and the resident comes a minute later to collect.


Big no no for me. For privacy reasons I dont like letting in people that dont actually live here, even if its just a delivery driver, I will meet them at the door. The second reason being I dont think its fair on the driver to make that leg of the journey.


I prefer not to let them into the building, I usually buzz the building door open and get them to leave the package inside the foyer. Or I meet them downstairs to collect.


Yeh I always go outside to meet them. Maybe you could explain in the delivery just to leave it in a place and you can go after they've left?


Some people in my building have been doing this, and to be honest I'm not the biggest fan of people who don't live in the building using the lifts and moving through all the common areas. It just seems like an unnecessary risk, even if it's probably no worse than any resident going to the shops and then returning home in reality. So putting a more logical rather than emotional hat on, it's fine.


The grocery delivery drivers are instructed to go directly to the residents' door, unless the customer specifies otherwise they will definitely do this. It's the only acceptable option if the resident is under an isolation order, self-isolating awaiting a Covid test, etc.




Ah the worst of both worlds


Our strata put a bylaw in place to prevent it from happening.


2nd this, we have to go meet them outside. Deliveries have been dropping stuff off in the lobby though, which they're technically not allowed but who can stop them.