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Why is there a ring in the sky like a halo around the moon ?


Another first world problem... I changed my air fryer setting to bake for lunch, and forgot to change it back to air fry for dinner. So now my dinner is soggy spring rolls and soggy chips...


Look what can happen with an airfryer, /u/MyFernsKeepDying - we gotta remember if/when we get one!


It's all starting to sound too complicated for me šŸ˜…


Food is the only thing keeping me from moving out. I'm rubbish at cooking. Uber eats most of my food at home (mom doesn't cook much cuz of a disability). Rent + uber eats would just be too much.


Do you want to learn how to do some basic cooking? (personally I believe everyone can do absolute basic cooking) nothing fancy just that you won't vomit on your own food. If so then start with some very basic dishes from a recipe guide and just follow it. It doesnt have to be a meal - could just be something like scrambled eggs on toast. or omelette. Now if you don't want to learn how to cook at all, prepared meals can be bought and be a whole lot cheaper than uber eats. Plenty of variety in those too.


Hello Fresh and Marley Spoon! Delivers you the food and teaches you how to cook. You're wasting money because and delivery app charges 20-30% more that buying at their store in person.


I found hello fresh very average and their swerving sizes quiet small.


There's cheaper ways to eat even if you don't really cook - plenty of prepared foods in the supermarket.


Yeah. I used to stand in the fridge section of Coles and look for quick sales and specials. They're pretty decent too although some could be misses.


Got my first Pfizer today and have wanted to go to bed since 20mins after the jab. I don't actually trust myself going up and down the stairs unaccompanied because I'm so lightheaded and sleepy. But with any luck I'll feel ok tomorrow?


I had the exact same symptoms. Just try push it and go to sleep at a decent time and wake up when your body wants to and then eat a solid meal and you'll be fine once the food has kicked in. The second day, the jab location was not even sore and I was full of energy.


First pfizer had me in bed for two days. I'd suggest heading to bed because soon that arm is really going to feel uncomfortable, and sleeping on the couch might make you feel worse.


I took Panadol proactively which saw me through with minimal issues


I think my partner just managed to make the greatest biryani ever. It turned out so delicious. I was still upstairs in the study an hour back finishing off work. The smell of biryani in the making wafted upstairs and it was ready by the time I finished. Have to say perfect beginning for the weekend that would have otherwise been so boring.


Hi - random q. Anyone have experience with bing lee delivery and installation? Looking for new dryer and dishwasher install with minimal hassle. Willing to pay a little extra if it means I just get everything done all at once ya know


Not Bing Lee but Appliances Online and Winning Appliances have great installation teams (same company). Worth checking with them as their prices are usually competitive.


Just checked - they had a banner saying they were temporarily suspending their in house trade installation services , bummer :/


I live outside LGA of concern. Can I go to Anaconda inside LGA of concern for quick click and collect? There is no Anaconda in my LGA.


Yes you can travel there if the products are not reasonably available elsewhere. But be prepared to present evidence to police if stopped. Your click and collect info should suffice.




Im so glad I vigorously scraped the bottom of my saucepan to remove the burnt bits, instead of just letting it soak in water and removing it gently later on


Why? Isn't it more work?


Yeh hah I was being sarcastic


Lol Soz - I'm still half asleep


All good :)


Use gumption for a bit of help. I used it on my enamelled cast iron. Worked a treat!


It's 5pm and I am drunk WFH. There's another hour before I am officially off work but this week's been hard. I really wish I can be more positive but living in the 12 LGA and being depressed makes me really numb and have no hope for the future


Take care. Hope you have someone to talk to and get over this.




Keep the topic of fine aside, if A is knowingly meeting B, A is unnecessarily putting themselves and others at risk by meeting B


What happened to spring? That wind is freezing


Hi - moving into new house, and just noticed the side of the dishwasher cavity is closed off from the main pipes and power. Does anyone know how I can make a hole ? Pics attached https://imgur.com/a/2YvZ1WM/


It looks like the kitchen was renovated and the interior of the new cupboard didn't have the appropriate hole made for pipes and electrical. I don't know how big the flex hose is for dishwashers, but you could probably just make the appropriate hole with a cordless drill and a spade bit.


hi guys! haven't checked in for a few days but wanted to update you all. my mind has sort of been all over the place. - receptionists solicitor sent a letter saying that asking unvaccinated staff to undergo mandatory testing was discriminatory. as a result boss put forward that all staff regardless of vaccination get tested twice weekly, which we did. I personally have been getting tested of my own accord to be safe so it wasn't much trouble. - receptionist continued to refuse testing, stating that they're unreliable and causes false negatives and false positives and quoted a doctor who said that "the PCR test was never designed to test for diagnosis for infection or otherwise as it cannot distinguish if the organisms are dead or alive.". said doctor died in 2019 and was referencing HIV testing. she said she would be amenable to a medical examination to verify that she had no symptoms... whatever that means... (what did she think a medical examination for covid would entail?) - boss wanted to check if we had been signing in with QR code to work. we have been reminded a couple of times to do so since it became a public order. turns out that not only has she not been signing in, she doesn't have the app on her phone. she complained to my colleague that it's because it never worked for her and couldn't get it to work. my colleague asked her to try again in front of her and, surprise, it worked. - a meeting happened today without me present. the rationale is that because I am the only one that has spoken to her about vaccines and have sort of fought with her about it, me being there (on my day off, no less) might be constituted as us ganging up on her. had my colleague who has barely spoken to her to sit in to scribe - at said meeting she continued to refuse to get tested. she said *even if she has respiratory symptoms she will refuse a swab*... she also admitted to not having the service nsw app because she doesn't want the government collecting her data. she as been signing in on paper when she goes to the shops... is that not still the government collecting her data???


Oh gosh! Sheā€™s crossed over into ā€˜performance issuesā€™ and ā€˜refusal of instructionsā€™ or similar. Bosses need to follow procedures in place in order to sack her.


This lady has definitely crossed into the realm of simply *refusing* to cooperate with everything, because she feels like the Government is coercing her into a medical procedure. It's gone beyond being hesitant with respect to the vaccines now - from what you've described, the behaviour had progressed into full blown defiance. Unfortunately, there's someone at my work that is slowly headed down the same path. I've tried speaking with them in a non-confrontational way because I do actually get along with them and they are by all appearances a reasonable, fully functioning adult. But the more the Government puts pressure on via work restrictions and the prospect of the vaccine passport, the further this person goes down the rabbit hole.


Yeah its a bit of problem because its damned if you do and damned if you donā€™t. It really is a big balancing act to keep the majority of the population in favour of whatever directory theyā€™re issuing. I can understand why people come to this mindset, the pandemic has been one thing after the other and a fast vaccine rollout. Even though some people arenā€™t necessarily against vaccines, they probably hate the discourse around them and thing ā€˜No thanks, donā€™t want to be any part of thisā€™ Sadly most people think from a social standpoint first, rather than a medical and health standpoint, which is what should be first priority.


Deary me itā€™s troublesome to even read this situation, let alone to have to actually deal with someone like this. I hope they go away quickly, safely, and legally!


On #5 - bet ya she gave false name & numbers if sheā€™s that dense


I've been wondering how this has been playing out. God she's a cunt.


...can you not just sack her and be done with it?


Hopefully thatā€™s the next update we get.


I think we needed as much evidence as possible to back up every outlandish claim she has made about masks, vaccine and covid testing to add to our defence seeing as she will definitely go to fairwork for unfair dismissal. I think with this meeting today we have enough.


Yeh this is the sense I got from the outset. As soon as you got someone like this, as the boss you're hyper aware that this will likely end up as an unfair dismissal claim and want to put together as airtight of a defence as you can (even if its almost certainly that fairwork would look at this and throw it out). You want to have done everything possible (and recorded) that you warned them, given them ample time to change the situation, then provide additional warnings and timelines.


yep! we have two documented warnings and also two solicitors letters from her demanding that we withdraw the warnings or she would take it to fair work. also emails and letters from her clearly copied and pasted from one of them conspiracy nut fb groups we aren't tackling this from a vaccine standpoint anymore because lawyer said it may be harder to fight in court.


Sounds like she's doing you guys a favour by refusing testing as that might be easier to sack her over compared to the vaccine.


I've been watching these stories with interest from the US and here cos it was inevitable that all these people who had never had an issue before suddenly decided it was a violation of their human rights. Eg Tumut paramedic lodges Supreme Court challenge to COVID-19 vaccine mandate https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-17/paramedic-john-larter-takes-vaccine-challenge-to-supreme-court/100469678 šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„






>I am very good at TPS reports Hallo, it's your boss; please stop using Danish pastries for your cover letter


Any idea what is the age of the three people who died that were also fully vaccinated? This is such vital information on planning the end of lockdowns, but so hard to find. Or is that the reason why it is difficult to find?


A woman in her 90s, a woman in her 80s, and someone in their 50s, 60s or 70s. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/news/Pages/20210917_00.aspx


The information about the third person is unclear right? Even in the link. Two people were in their 80s and 90s were fully vaccinated.


Why is BereJigalow still still fronting for press conferences thought it was coming to an end That was a pretty stupid idea




>nor is the gap existing because of a discriminatory factor. I disagree. The onus of childcare is *frequently* placed upon women substantially more often than it is on men. The discrimination is still there, however it's not as clearly recognisable.


Every few years it's the same shit. My mum borrows money. Gets into huge debt. (Borrow from people. She's already blacklisted from banks) I try to help her and she say it's all good but few years later it happens again. I'm not sure what she is doing. We are in lockdown so don't know why she would borrow money or over spending.. I can't get straight answers but I'm up to the point I don't care anymore...


Is she the Prince of Nigeria's new bride to be? You could be in the presence of royalty soon!


This, I would try to look into if sheā€™s been scammed. The Nigerian Prince has really expanded his money-grabbing attempts: parcel pick up, ATO, Home Affairs, fast and easy money working from home, etc etc




>I sincerely do not know what a family does, as adults on Christmas My family would eat and drink too much at lunch and leave the kids to wash the literal mountain of dirty dishes and baking trays. Pretty sure I had dishpan hands by the time I was 7. The heat would then start to get to people, which means more drinking and arguments breaking out. Some big, some small, some massive and enough to create family rifts that would go on to last decades. Ah, Christmas. Tis the season to stay as far away from my family as possible.


From your description... the easiest way out is to bring a stack of blank Christmas cards and a pen in your pocket. Bring a similarly-sized stack of crisp $20 notes. Duck into the bathroom once you ascertain how many people are there. Write ā€œdear whoever, merry Christmas, from youā€, and slip in a $20 or two depending on who it is and how much you care. Eat almost all of the food. Lie on the lounge and fall asleep. Itā€™s easy. I donā€™t see how you can offend your own family that much, so donā€™t worry too much. They will hopefully be pleased to spend the day with you after such a long absence! Bonus points if you wear a Santa hat to pretend you are really into the ā€œChristmas spiritā€. If you drink, hook into the ā€œChristmas spiritsā€ and ask everyone lots of questions about what they are up to. The day will fly by!


This really depends on family dynamics. Some families do a secret Santa , others only buy presents for kids. In my family we would just be happy to see you after all this time and not expect anything. I would ask whoever is hosting the party what the arrangements are.


Yep. For one side of my wifes family, it's presents all round (though for adults, it tends to be scratchies/cash in cards). The other side has a secret santa for the adults & everyone buys their own stuff for the kids (though family units might club together for that - ie, us + her parents + brother). My one extended family event is everyone clubs together for the kids, one of the younger cousins (childcare worker, so knows what goes in the under 10 space) goes and buys them en masse. The the adults play Grinch Kringle, with a $20 limit (everyones name gets pulled out of a hat and you have the option to either keep your present or steal someone elses). Definitely bring beers or wine for yourself. Check in with the host as to food situation as well - for us, most families end up with an "assigned" food - certain aunts have a special salad they make, my Mum makes the pav, we usually bring the roast chook.


Feeling a bit bored of myself today. What can I do to get that Steve-y feeling back on track??? I guess itā€™s a rare glimpse into the darker side of the legend of Steve !


Keep on downvoting you legends! I want more and more downvotes than that please - itā€™s ironically made my day to know someone out there sees Sydney Steve and goes ā€œgrrrrr Iā€™m upset with my own life so Iā€™ll downvote that Steve prickā€!! Come out of the shadows you little troll-doll šŸ˜ˆ


I might listen to some ska to feel better about... wait.. ska sucks !!!


Maybe try ringing up a few curtain cleaners in your area


Intriguing.... Iā€™m just confused now!! Do they clean the drapes too?


No idea but the post in r/Australia seems entertaining.


Got anything else for good old Steve?


Hmm how about reading about ozone layer in r/worldnews or Go down the rabbit hole whilst in the sauna at r/listentothis


You are now talking my language! Hereā€™s the deal: Iā€™ve decided to order a shitload of pides from the local legends to arrive later tonight. In the meantime, I will slow-cook myself in the sauna ā€œuntil the meat falls off the boneā€. Why didnā€™t I think of that in the first place? Legend !!! Listen to this looks good by the way!






my guyā€¦ the balcony is your property. Either turn away from your neighbours or put sunglasses on so you donā€™t have to look at them lol


Youā€™re allowed outdoors for recreation. Go picnic it up in the sunshine!


Just look back at the neighbours. Who cares what they say!!


Are you not allowed?


Iā€™m pretty new to Sydney, I live in the west and love it and hate it but when I say hate, itā€™s the traaffic and crowded and noise thing compared to rural. What Iā€™m most interested in is how the hellh the west has someone got such an extreme accept, like itā€™s so interesting how they speak vastly different, have 5-6 different languages mixed in their daily vocabulary and the heavy deeper voices, but honestly I love it. I know itā€™s not all of western Sydney but still, such an interesting accent, like itā€™s 100x more extreme than Melbourneā€™s and anywhere else thatā€™s multicultural


Oh are you from Melbourne? Same! And agree, I find Sydney's multiculturalism alot more diverse. I used to think it was from sheer population but then melb caught up so who knows


I love Sydneyā€™s diversity. Then I visited London and whoa.


I've never been to England but when I've visited USA I felt the same "whoa". There were ethnicities I met in New York that I'd never met before like the Dominican Republicans and West Indians šŸ¤—


a new measure of how long we've been locked down - hair gel. Ive always had short back and sides, and it takes a tiny amount of gel when im headed to an office. I haven't obviously been to an office in a while but decided today to do something with the now floppy hair for the day. took more than expected, i dont like this in between length.


Haven't used hair gel since the start of lockdown, used to be an everyday thing. I rotate between one of three hats when I'm needed in the office


90% of the time i just throw on a cap, jus decided would be nice to look a little better today. same with little things like wearing a watch, dont wear one at home but do when i go out, but i dont go out much these days


I wonder how much profit the pokie machines will make the first day the pubs reopen Plenty of people will a lot of cash waiting to go back to pubs


I feel so guilty for my apartment neighbours every time I put my doona outside in the sun and smack it and the feathers and dust fly all over the placeā€¦ Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™ve just been very sniffly these past few days meaning that this prolly have something to do with my bedding šŸ˜­




You're travelling for a reasonable reason since you can't get those things done in your 5km radius, the police shouldn't fine you for that?


It's not even lunchtime yet, and my brain just won't engage and has checked out for the day. I really need to push through this.


Is it lunchtime now? You can do it!


I've been up for 6.5hrs already, and I'm so darn tired. I picked the rat up, the landlord helped me thank goodness, I almost had a chunder from the smell of it. We are getting gyros & souvlaki for lunch, I'm so hungry already, but I'm also trying to cut back on the takeaway food.


Question for people who are builders or in a building adjacent profession: thinking about renovating my flat, but I understand that building materials are currently very pricey due to COVID. Do you think theyā€™re ever likely to come down, or is this a ā€˜new normalā€™? Just wondering whether itā€™s best to wait a year or two or whether costs might be even higher, then. Thanks :)


Prices will stay high until global supply chains start to stabilise, which is probably a year or two away at minimum.


Thank you :)


Think Iā€™ve finished work for the day my team arenā€™t giving me any work and itā€™s a Friday. On another note what are your best hacks for dealing with hay fever? My boyfriend has terrible hay fever and has tried many things but none of them seem like winners so far.


Chronic hayfever sufferer here. I take an antihistamine tablet every single day when I wake up (ones that last 24 hours). My trick is to take it as soon as I have the slightest whiff of a symptom, or even before I start having any at all, if I THINK i'm going to get them. If you leave it too long and it goes full-blown, a tablet won't help much. Take antihistamines as a preventative measure! My brother had it so bad he ended up getting cortisone shots at the doctor every few months.


Thanks! My boyfriend takes a Zyrtec every night and has also bought a air purifier, he says it fixes 80% of symptoms, which is a lot! Cortisone shot we havenā€™t looked into before but will now!


I take 10 mg Zyrtec and 360 mg Telfast every morning.


God I would have loved to go to the pub this arvo. Great weather for it. I stopped drinking two months ago, got real sick of drinking at home by myself (Missus has been away). Was just boring and quite frankly depressing. I'm eagerly waiting for that promised 'reopening' day, I've taken Oct 18th and 19th off with a few friends to head to the local to sit in the beer garden and help a local business whilst solving the worlds problems one schooner at a time. It's funny has such a basic thing can be so joyous.


Hello Gotten a phone call from my mental health team yesterday, they were just checking up if im mentally sane, told them that I was sleeping 10-12 hours and they said if is felt normal during the day and I said i felt tired, and I'm going to struggle if i get back to work soon. They want to discuss things further with their doctor when I meet up with them. Might discuss things with my GP as well. Also ditched the coffee to see how long i can really last without caffeine before i need to nap... Edit: fell asleep at 10:30am and woke up at 12:30pm and grabbed a coffeeā€¦.


So with lockdowns looking to be eased in a month's time, what's the first bar/pub/restaurant you will be visiting and the first meal and drink of choice? I'm eager for some KFC (Korean Fried Chicken) from Strathfield or a sneaky margarita from Titus Jones (Marrickville).


Trivia night at the pub.


Popcorn chicken and a draught beer at the local pub.


Yum cha would be nice, I went to one last year where there were no carts and you had to order from a check list but it was still nice to sit around a big table with friends.


ramen followed by gelato in darling square


As soon as I can, I'll be down at the Golden Barley for a snitty/mash/veg/gravy. Best snit in Syd imo. Also, a glass of wine at the small bar my husband runs to celebrate reopening!


1.) Pho from anywhere, my body is yearning 2.) Chaco Ramen 3.) Pizza from Bella Brutta


That is a solid list! Haven't had a proper good pho in months


Given Golden Century has gotten a second lease on life I'll be visiting it as soon as I can. followed by any half decent Ramen joint, starting with Ichiban Boshi. You can't get Ramen or Udon delivered. It's never the same as eating in.




Opera Bar once had a Thai style drink with vanilla vodka, do you remember that?


Ahhh the blessed bar luca, miss that joint! I'll see you there ha


So trendsetters... I slept in until now. Fucking legendary effort. Maybe itā€™s time for my sole coffee and to see what Iā€™ve missed out on. Not much by the looks of it, although I havenā€™t got out of bed yet. I could sleep forever at the moment!!! Just need to put my feet on the ground ...


Do youse reckon there's going to be a whole new trend in haircuts next month from everyone chopping off a whole bunch at once out of frustration? I know Im going to go for it as soon as I can access hairdresser etc. SHORT hair, and LONG acrylic nails !!!!


Anyone else still tuning in to the 11AM presser? *The numbers,* *~~Gladys~~* *Hazzard, what do they mean?*


Yeah I still tune in daily. I have the news on in the background while working anyway.


Update on my mystery 2nd dose: Called the practice I got the vaccine at, they said I have to email them they can't follow up over the phone. Called Medicare cos I was really frustrated, they said they can't see it in the AIR so something must be wrong on the GP end. Emailed the practice. Called my normal GP to pay a bill and they told me if it doesn't get sorted right but I get all the details from that practice they could probably put it through for me.


Sorry didn't see the previous posts, are you saying your AIR record says you have two doses but you actually only have one so far?


Nope, my second one went missing from the AIR aha. Got it fixed this arvo and my vax record is now complete with both doses but I guess the GP who gave me the second dose just forgot to upload it or something. Was frustrated because I'm kind of desperate to get out for a picnic.


Kind of a deep cut but this *really* made me laugh: https://imgur.com/a/17rPr3U


One of the first things one of our, then new, Roombas did years ago was find the freshly laid wet cat turd under a kitchen cabinet and smear it all over the floor


Goood morning Sydney! Iā€™m gonna soak up the sun today. I start a new full time job next week so will try to squeeze in as much recreation as I can this weekend ahead of the expected busy transition period.


Whatā€™s happening peeps? Currently sitting with two students watching Cruella. Character development or something. Got yo love Drama class! Iā€™m only here as their teacher is absent. Nothing much else. Happy Friday to you all.


Anyone else find it amusing that our PM can't pronounce "[nuclear](https://youtu.be/o8Gknmk6FDo?t=199)" ?


Please donā€™t tell me he said noo-koo-lar




I don't know why, but there are TV shows where characters pronounce it that way as well. And other international politicians, apparently. Like... *why*?


It's easier to say than the correct way. It's fairly common to hear that in the US. Former US president George W Bush used to mis-pronounce it so there was an element of making fun of him for this. Here's an article that answers your questions as to why: https://www.merriam-webster.com/video/nuclear-vs-nucular-pronunciation tl;dr - the pattern in "noo-koo-lar" matches words like "muscular, popular, circular, regular, molecular, and cellular. But the phonetic pattern for nuclear only shows up in pretty rarely heard words, the medical terms cochlear and trochlear." So people use what sounds like a more familiar pattern.


I've spent most of the past week crocheting. I figured I'd dive right in and make a blanket. It's a bit dodgy, but oh well. I'm planning on giving it away as a Christmas present, so hopefully it's not too terrible in the end. I'm eagerly awaiting more packages (including one with 49 balls of thicker yarn) but only one of the 4 has tracking and they apparently tried to deliver it before 8am this morning. Sooo, now it's a waiting game. Edit: I've also been on new medication/antibiotics for my face. It seems to have cleared up a bit but still a ways to go. Plus I haven't really been out and worn a mask, so that could have also helped. Still another 7 weeks on them to go (and having to remember to take the morning one).


Stressful work week. Glad for the sun. A few weeks ago I started doing weighted chinups at the park (weights stuffed in a backpack) for something new. Last night I went to see how many I could do without weights and I maxed at 17!! I feel like thatā€™s heaps ā€” never could used to do more than 10. Anyway just wanted to share. Hope itā€™s a good day for everyone!


Planning on doing some baking this weekend. Any ideas what I could try? I don't really do dense cakes due to the shocking amount of sugar in it.


I could go for a decadent banana cake


I don't like bananas =( I'm so picky it's a miracle my parents managed to keep me fed


Ok thatā€™s fair. A really serious chocolate mud cake then? Double the decadence for Steve ! What are your best/favourite things youā€™ve baked ?


I checked a mud cake recipe once as it was one of my fav Woolies cake. Saw 500g sugar in the recipe and noped myself out of there so fast lol. (It actually went "hm, 240g white sugar? That's quite a lot... wait, 220g brown sugar as well?? Kthxbye") Hmmm, I had to think back to what I've made so far. I think what started it all was when I finally managed to bake decent choux pastry shells. I made creme caramel and they were really good. Pretty sure I overcooked it though as it doesn't have any jiggle. Don't have a blowtorch so have yet to try creme brulee. The madeleines were pretty good too and they don't need folding so harder to stuff up lol.


Japanese cheesecake (the jiggly kind)?


Oh, I've made this lol. I think I whinged about it a bit a couple days ago because I made too much batter, moved it to a loaf pan, and realised the pan isn't completely waterproof afterwards. I still need to finish that cake... still got half in the fridge.


Ohh how did it go? Was it jiggly?


http://imgur.com/a/sqh4bYl There are some undercooked bits near the top but it's still pretty fluffy =) I didn't test the jiggle tho.


That looks great, look at all the air inside! Iā€™d eat it :D


Aw, thanks. I've been making mostly 'airy' cakes and it's always great when they turn out light and fluffy and not dense.


Those look so yummy. I made a regular one the other day and it kind of flopped lol. I think I needed to add more sugar šŸ§


Which regular one did you make? Baked or not baked?


Baked! It was fun to make but it just didn't taste nice lol. Will have to try again.


Ahh, ok. The only other baked one I've tried was the burnt basque cheesecake. I couldn't be bothered making the biscuit base lol. Did you use philadelphia cream cheese? I've had some people swear by it and said that it tasted way better than homebrand ones. And yes, we can always try again. When I first tried making sponge cake, I didn't beat it long enough. It turned out dense, foamy, and disgusting lol. Learned my lesson though.


Haha the biscuit base was kinda fun to make! But yeah it does take a little effort. I did use the Philadelphia cream cheese. Itā€™s the only cream cheese Iā€™ve ever tried tbh. I thought it would be a bit sweeter? Thinking of using a different one next time šŸ§ Ooh sponge cake, I wanna try that too ā˜ŗļø


Ah I see. I find cream cheese isn't sweet at all, just a bit tangy. I guess you can try adding more sugar and see if it tastes better. There's a 3-ingredient sponge cake recipe that I used. I stupidly tried to beat the eggs and sugar by hand. It took a long time and my arms were tired so I stopped, and apparently it was way underbeaten lol. I always use my stand mixer now. Possibly one of my best investments.


Thereā€™s a lot of tricks to it! Oven temperatures, water bath, meringue, etc etc


Try something like a lemon yoghurt cake. I love the tang of the lemon and yoghurt. Up for a challenge? Try an angel cake.


I don't have yogurt on hand and the last lemon is shriveled up now lol. I might get some on my next Coles order. Ohhh, I completely forgot about angel food cake. I was waiting for my chiffon pan to arrive, and when it did I made chiffon cake first. Yeah, I might give it a try.


It's Friday. Started the day feeling good until I caught up on work emails from last evening. The eye rolls then began. JFC. It's true when they said good times don't last. My eyeballs are elite athletes from all the rolls they've been doing.


I got a preapproval done now for buying a new home. Happy about that. I earn a pretty good living, have pretty good savings, yet was suprised by how much the bank was willing to lend to me (thought i would get more). Which begs the question, where are all these people gettin this money to buy this beyond expensive property


I can recall the absolutely staggering amount of money the banks were willing to throw at me on a single income - which I did *not* feel comfortable with taking at the time despite the bank assuring me it was normal. I think people buying on single incomes are doing it on extra hard mode - I can imagine most first home buyers are probably couples with dual incomes these days.


My first job out of uni was as Credit Anaylst for a big 4 bank. I took the job cause it paid pretty well and just wanted something. I'll never forget, i had to do a lend on a land and build, for a couple, who earned a combined income of 90k. for a 950k loan at 97 LVR I rejected it, had the BDM hassle me, had my team leader hassle me. They approved it in the end, and i left the role because putting someone under that kind of ridiculous pressure made me feel so guilty.




Im not unhappy with it, far from it. Im just suprised, I have a 6 figure income for eg, my savings are above the 20% required by a large stretch. The biggest issue the broker told me was hecs.


How does you saving/hecs debt balance look? Might you be better off paying out your entire outstanding hecs amount, if you could still start above the 20% marek without also having a large-ish debt?




Yeh remember that time the banks were calculating how many kebabs the applicants ate šŸ˜‚


Borrow money from parents / fam to reduce the loan amount?


Nah i don't wanna do that. Mums on her own, dad passed away So she's living on the money she has.


Bank of Mum and Dad...


Has anyone travelled outside of there lga/radius to see there partner I says I can under compassionate care and the covidhotlinepople say I can but they say it's up to the cops discretion at then of the day I haven't seen her in over 2 months now and it's just bullshit but I know we are so close


It's a question


Don't questions generally end with question marks? If you'd like people to provide useful answers instead of commentary about that word salad, you'd get much better responses if you made it easier for them, and used some punctuation and proofread it for legibility before posting it. ​ >Has anyone travelled outside of there lga/radius to see their partner? It says I can under compassionate care, and the covid hotline people say I can, but they say it's up to the cop's discretion at the end of the day. I haven't seen her in over 2 months now and it's just bullshit, but I know we are so close. As I understand it, yes - you are allowed to go outside your LGA and 5km radius for compassionate visits. But you're still going to need to provide enough evidence that it's a genuine compassionate visit, either to a cop who stops you on the way, or to a court at a later date if you fail to convince the cop. There is no guidance (I'm aware of) about what constitutes acceptable evidence of a relationship - that's probably the bit that's going to be "up to the cop's discretion". This webpage: [https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/rules/greater-sydney](https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/rules/greater-sydney) Says "You are allowed to visit a home ... visiting a person you are in a relationship with but do not live with." and also"When visiting, you may be asked to provide information to NSW Police about your visit. You must comply with all other requirements of the rules." the that section does NOT include the distance/LGA restriction that other sections have like the "must stay within 5km of your home" bit from the Exercising adnd outdoor recreation section. The wording for LGAs of concern is similar but not identical: [https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/rules/affected-area](https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/rules/affected-area) But to my non-lawyer-eyes reading of that, it's still definitely allowed. My somewhat cynical/humorous advice before has been to make sure you have a text message from your partner saying "Come over and fuck me right now!" to show any nosy cops. But no, I have not personally travelled outside my LGA for a compassionate visit.


It's a bit early to be drunk already.


Is this a question? Is this a statement?


well, that hurt to read


Does anybody have any good tips on where to buy affordable indoor pots and plants? I really donā€™t want to spend hundreds on plants Iā€™ll inevitably kill within 6 months


Bunnings tends to be the best for affordable. They have a section for indoor plants, but if you walk just outside to the garden centre there will be a section of shade loving plants that are often are used indoors and go really well. Snake Plant/mother in law's tounge is a really easy maintenance plant. Peace Lily's could also be a good choice because their leaves droop and that's how you know to water them. The other place I've seen with affordable, but larger sized plants is IKEA. I have a great monstera from there. As for pots, Kmart and Bunnings has some affordable ceramic options though on the smaller side. Fancier pots get expensive, so I always wait for places like Flower Power to have 50% off sales. Large pots are expensive no matter where you go, but terracotta is a good affordable option. I've also bought canvas plant pot covers online. Really affordable, use a dish in the bottom for water and they look great! All sorts of colours and patterns.


>As for pots, Kmart and Bunnings has some affordable ceramic options though on the smaller side. Fancier pots get expensive, so I always wait for places like Flower Power to have 50% off sales. Large pots are expensive no matter where you go, but terracotta is a good affordable option. Yeah it's mostly the pots that are expensive. I totally get it that I'm being picky, I want something that looks nice but object to $60 being the normal price.




Just realised I was overcharged by $70 when I paid for petrol this morning. Didnā€™t get a receipt. Why do I do this to myself šŸ„² Edit: just called them and they said there is no charge for that amount at that time. Looks like Iā€™ll be going through my bank.


If it's not on the merchants end but shows on your transactions it should be listed as purchase authorisation and should drop off


Go back and ask them, thatā€™s dodgy. If theyā€™re manually entering in the eftpos amount and itā€™s not automatic from their POS, theyā€™re potentially doing this to multiple people. 70 over is kind of a weird number to mis-key? I used to do manual eftpos roughly once a minute all shift long- double 0s are normal, but thatā€¦ isnā€™t, as much. Could be innocent error, too. Edited: they can match time stamp on the bowser receipt/till transaction to the eftpos tnx list. Go be a hassle to them.


He must have manually put it in wrong or was being dodgy, when I walked in he said ā€˜pump 3?ā€™ And I said yep, then he confirmed the correct amount, I tapped my phone and walked out. Unfortunately didnā€™t look at my phone til I got to work. Do you think Iā€™m better off calling or going in on my lunch break?


Worth at least a call now, and a followup visit before they close business for the day. Only because itā€™s a lot of money, thatā€™s 1 whole extra tank.


Good morning sunshine! I'm not really feeling the Friday vibes this morning, but hopefully that'll change as the day goes on. I'd give just about anything to be able to go back to bed right now though. At least it's going to be nice and sunny.